Michael! The things you describe are related in the Bible. Whether this is That Time or just another travail I leave to you. We can stay at our farm for 5 years or so and except for AA and AAA batteries we need no contact with "civilization." I know that I will go into the jungle to help, and my wife is resigned to it. She will stay and feed the animals. And yes, we plan to have no feed available. We have arranged for that. God's help and blessing to you because this really looks like "IT." Hope we're wrong.

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Actually "if" this is "IT" my desire is that we are not wrong. If this is it, Jesus is coming back really soon, who does not want that? I love what John responded to Jesus after seeing everything in great detail of the end of the age and Armageddon and billions die and all that, and what does John say to the last words of Christ? Be hold I come quickly (not soon) and John says AMEN come Lord Jesus (lets get it on, lets do this). Why do we want to put this off?

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Hope you have children to help your wife as well ?

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They have lives too. We are not young. Just blessed.

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The 800 lb gorilla in the room is fiat money, and the fact that fiat money is worthless, buying less and less. and $270 trillion in debt. The administration (Bidenomics) is not working and they are issuing $1 trillion of new credit (QE) every 100 days, unprecedented spending. And Harris wants that and more to be paid by a massive tax increase means the economy will implode in months after the election if she wins.

The Fed will have no choice but pull the trigger on the dollar and all it's bonds and default. If Trump wins we buy more time, but in either case this only ends badly either right away or down the road some. So is it the plan of the FED to have Harris win and crash this and the banks, wall street and the major corporations can blame politics (all of them) and default on the dollar and out of the civil violence as both sides blame each other, usher in a call for a whole new system in line with the NWO and just sit back and watch us kill each other as WW III explodes in Israel, Europe and the Pacific.

We will know in the next 70-90 days.

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Get into the Word of God so that the Word of God can get into you! Then and only then will you have prepared all you are able because the war we are about to enter is a spiritual one! Those who truly accepted Christ as their Lord will be rewarded with eternal life because they have accepted through Christ’s atoning blood shed on the cross for our sins! Listen up everyone! Accept the Lord’s offer now while there is still time! This is NOT about religion it is about a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ! Now is the day of your salvation!

See John 3:16-21

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Go read Tierney news. All is not lost. It just hangs on a knifes edge

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OH, with Bazingaeconomic?

Go read the Bible, God hates unbalanced scales. Prov 11:1 The entire banking and finance system is based on fiat money, never in the history of man has this happened globally. My B of A Sr. VP has told me directly, the entire global system in one big Ponzi Scheme that they are managing into the ground on purpose. The politics won't change that. They can't.

The dollar will die, it has to and it will be replaced by global new currency that won't be the dollar.

All is lost, it appears on a knife edge, I have been at a conference at the St Louis Fed. Trust me they even know it's over, they will default, they said it, it's just a matter of time and it is not far off. the election will have an impact when that happens because the default is event driven not time, it could actually happen tomorrow.

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We are in a Depression. The numbers/percentages then are even higher now. This is no recession. This is a depression worse than the Great Depression of 1929. It took WW2 to completely get us out of that one. What will it take this time? We need to pray to God!

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This time it may be "One Big Boom" ? Which will also solve Ze Depression.

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You have to give them credit. They're coming for us all a little at a time. As the old adage goes, " and then when they came for me, there was no one left to stand up."

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Excellent article - thanks for sharing your thoughts and observations.

From my vantage point - high above the lowest basement level - over the past decade, the mainstream media has progressed from being liars to being utterly shameless liars. I am occasionally shocked by the whoppers they are willing to, not merely spout, but repeatedly loudly trumpet, live, on national TV. They have become as soulless and without a conscience as your average serial killer.

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No doubt we are in a recession. Little doubt we are about to plunge into a depression. And yet, the Demonratic Party has nominated a Marxist/Communist pair as Vice President and President (Walz-Harris). What is even more surreal, the stupid voters might give them the victory. Then, things will get even worse, as hard as this is to comprehend. Time to arm up and say a prayer or two.

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Howdy Y'all,

I remind you ehst the Hopi prophecised about eons ago...

"Therr will come a Time when those in 'High Places will be HUNTED. They will turn upon thier pursuers and 'Things will get Out of Hand'."

The last line is Hopi-speak for Armageddon.

Be Well, know when to DUCK and be BLESSED...


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#2- Dollar General customers have always run out of money. I should know; I'm one of them. That's why we go there.

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Same with Big Lots. I used to do my grocery shopping there, back in the day.

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It's so amazing that so many seem to think and act like all is well.

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Michael..how the hell do we get people to turn off the damn tv?

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