“Our politicians can’t reverse what is happening to our society.

We are descending into chaos and they are powerless to stop it”.

They have no desire to stop it. It’s all part of the plan to reinstate lockdowns and ultimately declare martial law. It’s just a matter of time. And time is running short.

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Soros is and was Famous for Changes!?! Such as you see going on in many [places] countries?

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On track with the globalist plan.

I am for defunding the cops if they are going to be soros pawns, or else bring back the big city cops of the early 1900s and the problems will be resolved..

This is just the warm up. Wait until after the election no matter what the outcome.

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Lots of stagnation in the land Now ! They’ are watching and trying to identify whom They Will dispatch and who they might Not ! That will be Both Sides’ of whatever you think and whoever IS’. Keep True to the Faith ! and be Guided by Righteousness ! And Always Vigilant !

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“ bring back the big city cops of the early 1900s …” and you have machine politics and lot of corruption. So maybe not too much difference.

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“Machine Politics” are those whove been sidelined and demeaned all of their days , have become Demographic no one can ignore and alas’ ABSORBED INTO THE Body Politic!! Consider just what you are seeing with abomas’ [plan?] and the deluded/fearful demz !

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Out here on the west coast the street takeovers are called sideshows, and they are nothing new. I’ve been hearing about them since at least 2018. And yes of course they are disruptive and dangerous but the main reason they hold them is to show off their cars and driving skills and impress their friends. I’ve read about them being held on the Bay Bridge (main transit route between San Francisco and the east bay) at Market and Van Ness (a major city intersection), in the Mission district and in Oakland. In Los Angeles there was a sideshow held on the newly reconstructed 6th Street bridge, shutting off traffic and causing the city to have to deploy fire and rescue and many police officers. Of course the migration situation doesn’t make it better but the truth is that native born blacks and some Hispanics feel emboldened to hold their sideshows just for the hell of it, they think it’s fun! Theft may be a part of it but it’s not the primary motive.

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"Police refused to intervene and not a single arrest was made"

When I worked for other people and I refused to do what they paid me for, I was fired. Fire these lazy bitches too if they think the only reason to go to work every day is just to kill blacks and rape hookers.

And sure, try really hard not to pay taxes until they hire grownups for cops.

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Their bosses are the politicians and they don't want them to do anything. The pols are afraid of the Sorosite NGOs and FBI/DOJ.

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Consider Who through the Years were Slotted In Place !!

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The “orders” come from up on TOP! 😉

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Pray Tell ! who is on Top ?

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The 1st Criteria for the hiring of (police) cadre should be Medical Training ! and many aspects of that training. . Now who can know the (hearts) of those trainees ?

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People have always done what was needed to Survive ! Those living (the life) Rarely knew of those [Others] Butt’ Like Me there are Them who’ve seen and shared the knowledge and Life Experience’ to have Compassion & Care !!! “The chickens are coming home to Roost” & Roust !

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Just as no country can exist without borders, no country, no civilized society, can exist without law and order. Law enforcement either can't (low manpower) or won't (stand down orders) respond to situations of lawlessness. This is part of the plan. Elected officials, in the blue states mostly, will not intervene because they are captured by the deep state and UN/WEF totalitarians. The longer lawlessness is allowed to flourish, the worst it will become. When those whose job is the serve and protect no longer do their jobs, it becomes incumbent on the citizens to stop the criminals and take back control of their communities. There is no alternative.

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You have No Argument from me !

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As a former cop, it is mind-boggling these agencies let this happen. It could be a liability, or lack of manpower, in any case, it is clear we are going insane, God's hand of judgment on the nations is here

PS 79:6-7 Pour out Your wrath upon the nations which do not know You, And upon the kingdoms which do not call upon Your name. 7 For they have devoured Jacob And laid waste his [b]habitation.

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That’s ‘Sayin it’ !

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Their plans are working, they don't want to stop what is happening and they won't stop it. They think that they will be the rulers, what they are, are the stepping stones for the coming ruler.

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The Beast has already declared his’self and Few have recognised him. The Plan has been proffered in the lodges and the facilities of Power have been Commandeered !!

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The mad max films are amongst my favorites. "Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come." Haruki Murakami

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Watch "Ready: Player One" and see if that's not a more realistic future. At least for the near future anyway.

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I’ve been thinking about that scenario for a few weeks now. It really seems like where things are heading right now.

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I'll try it

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Jesus told his’People the World will Not End ! It is The Age which is coming to ending… so pray fervently and true and Be Confidant in “the Holy Spirit” which Is the Sacred Cord which keeps the Faithful from being severed and left to Outer Darkness. !

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You and them may get your Living Fantasy ! It won’t be (heroic) but Heaven Knows ! It may be necessary !!

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The folks who think it is fun to run amok, riot, and tear things up might want to look up “Ken McElroy.” Eventually, people will get tired of this and, after some examples are made, things will probably quiet down for a while again.

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A few “Hypersonics” Might do That but the supply lines unto the People’ All (people) will have Us in a misery that no one can predict .

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Jun 11
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Marcel 4 Zion

RE: Wrong, it's going to get much, much worse. It's led by destroying demons.

Psalm 9:17 tells us Hell is coming to America.

Psalms 9:15-17 The re-United Nations of Neo-Babel’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village have fallen into the eugenic-genocidal pit of their Social Justice Gospel’s anti-Christ making; their digitally-marked (SS#) souls are caught in the hidden net of the Marxist Beast’s abominable Socialistic Security System. The LORD Christ Jesus is known by the righteous theocratic justice He brings; the wicked digitally-marked souls who are enslaved within the Beast’s global Socialistic Security System are ensnared by the idolatrous work of their hands.

The wicked will return to Hell—

all the nations who forget God.

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According to Deuteronomy 28:43-53, a people from the ends of the earth, whose language you do not know, will invade your nation. This prophecy is a warning to the Covenant People of YHVH - the consequences of disobeying God’s laws and commands. The invading nation will be a foreign one, with a language unknown to the people and will swoop down on them like an eagle.

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This is a ‘Possible’ , however ! We may be Living In ‘the thou’sand years’ when satan&his cohorts must have Their Way ! Find Your Faith and be “of Good Cheer …”

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Demons are those spirits who’ve Occupied the Many Derelicts ! Empty shells of despaired humans who’ve given themselves over to debauchery licentiousness greed&corruption ! Do Not Sit in Judgement but Be Weary as We were Told !!

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Thank You Michael ! Some of Us Know what You have Revealed and even see the ‘seeding’ going on in Places where one would never suspect it “Coming to America” !! This is Why the Chief Justice Scalia. Did Not Do what the libs’ wanted ! Abut Did do what America Needed !

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Godlessness on display.. what happens when you throw God out of our culture. Evil will manifest itself in every way imaginable.

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