The Keynesian economic system is designed to create new debt faster than the economic players can produce new money. In 2001, 17 million people were on food stamps. Today, more than 42 million people are on food stamps…

Beyond that, Fed-watchers have raised concerns about unexplained adjustments and missing funds within the Federal Reserve System and other government agencies. There are credible "Fed-Watchers" who claim there are $2Trillion of $4Trillion "repo-markets" funds are missing from the Federal Reserve System.

Furthermore, a notable example of government employee theft is the Pentagon’s and HUD's reported adjustments, which have been criticized for lacking transparency and accountability.

According to Mark Skidmore, a professor of economics at Michigan State University, the Defense and Housing and Urban Development departments made unsupported adjustments totaling $21 trillion between 1998 and 2015. This figure is staggering, equivalent to approximately 100% of the US GDP during that period.

Meanwhile, the bottom 20% of US households are in default on their credit cards and at the same time, the federal government is being looted from within.

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Rule No. 1: Don't use a credit card if you can't pay the entire balance when the bill comes in.

Rule No. 2: If you have an existing balance being paid monthly, don't use the credit card again until you pay off the balance, then, use Rule No. 1

Using a credit card when you pay off the balance when the bill arrives means you are borrowing their money at no cost to you. When you use a credit card without paying the bill in full on arrival means the credit card company is stealing your money.

If you don't understand this, throw your card away.

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It is really hard in America not to have that brand new car every couple years, not to have brand new furniture every year, not to have the best of everything. I know because I rejected that mentality and the consequences of that are facing down those in America , within social circles and at work, who will look down on you because you drive a used rigged, don't pay a couple hundred a month to have your nails and hair done, don't wear the most expensive clothing and shoes on the market. This is most difficult when you are young, but, thru the grace of our good God and listening to His wisdom, I have made it thru several recessions without losing all that I had worked for. Had I allowed myself to indulge during those times, including thru my 30's I would have lost everything. If you are young, stay out of debt, don't try to keep up with the Joneses , today they may appear to have everything and want for nothing but tomorrow they may very well end up living on the streets. Do not go into debt for anything except a mortgage and make a huge down payment! Be frugal when buying a home! Don't buy the best home, buy the home that will meet your needs and work on making that home what it could be. America's economic situation appears to be in grave trouble, that means lost jobs, jobs that many won't be able to replace and if you are in debt you have no hope of pulling thru it. Many of us have already been thru several economic downturns , 2008 was the worst I experienced , had I been in debt on anything other then my mortgage I would have lost every thing I had worked so hard for.

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Pastors are telling their congregants that Donald Trump will wash away their credit card debt like Jesus wipes away sin, which is great primarily because the people with the most debt are the dummies who admitted that they went without food so that they could buy Trump NFTs (without even knowing what an NFT is). Ditto for his colognes and various other useless trinkets he extracts dumb people’s money with.

I’ve spoken to some supporters who said that bankruptcy must be a noble thing since You Know Who did it so many times.

The financial illiteracy is overboard in the grand old USA. How did we skip over Idiocracy and jump wayyyy over to this crap?

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What pastors are you talking about? The pastor at my church is so afraid to mention anything political from the pulpit that he barely can speak. I think you're making generalizations and you really have no idea what you're talking about.

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My pastors don't get into politics for the sake of politics , they do however get into topics that reject the depravity of marxist dems. For example, Christ stands against the torture and murder of infants, sexual depravity, child sex grooming, allowing predators to prey on the innocent. Politics impacts society, a continual good vs evil, it can't be ignored.

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Pastors are afraid to mention politics??? WHAT!?

I miss those days. I have watched congregants groan when the pastor rhapsodizes in favor of Jeff Epstein’s former wingman and it doesn’t stop the pro-Trump talk. We see fellow congregants walk out mid-sermon and the mouthpiece behind the pulpit has someone go have “his sheep” return to the flock after he’s finished violating his tax exempt status.

I’ve been looking for the video of the one who was all over TV after he said the words, “I endorse President Donald J Trump for president… oops I can’t say that from behind the pulpit…” so he sashays to the FRONT of his pulpit and repeated himself and his congregation applauded. I live in a country where our pastors openly state that God and the First Amendment are bigger than the devil’s separation of church and state.

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Oh......you're talking about TV pastors. I see. You're not talking about the pastors in the local churches. I hold to my earlier position.

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No, I’m talking about local, regular little churches. Many people start filming their pastors once they start misbehaving like the above one(s).

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Maybe you need to find another church.

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People are going to turn on MAGA when they realize that Trump isn’t going to fix this mess, either. It is ridiculous that credit card companies make what they make when they literally do nothing to do so. Some people will say that 401k and pensions are invested in some of these companies, so it is more than just some greedy individuals who are benefitting, but I seriously doubt Joe Average is going to reap anything of value from this whole mess. It isn’t sustainable and I get the feeling that it is going to be very ugly when it does. The only problem is that whatever comes after is going to be born of anger and frustration and will be just as bad, if not worse. People celebrated the death of that CEO. How will they act when the dam on the financial system finally bursts? Khmer Rouge style, maybe? I don’t know. It won’t be the super rich who suffer, because they can go anywhere they want, but it will be all the mid and upper level management who have been enablers for this whole s—- show. It can only go on for so long.

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Millions won't turn on MAGA, Millions are fully aware that the path ahead is probably not going to be easy . Pres Trump cannot turn this around on a dime, not going to happen, it will take his term and a few more terms of others continuing on with the MAGA agenda. biden has created a disaster, world wide , personally I have reason to believe he did it for the highest bidder. Breaking things is incredibly easy, fixing them not so much. There is no magic solution here, there is a long term solution but we have to be willing to stay the course if the US is to survive as a constitutional republic.

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Winter is coming, Trump is our winter coat. We have a lot of snow to shovel. MAGA can also mean Many Against Godless Agendas

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People aren't going to turn on MAGA because there is no alternative. We aren't stupid.

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God is the alternative.

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Credit card companies are the enablers. Because they charge such high rates is one of the main reasons so many consumers are in trouble. Where can you put your money to earn even 15-20% to balance the high cost of credit cards without taking on serious risk? Nowhere.

Credit companies can easily afford several hundred billion in defaults. They just find new customers and keep rates high on those that do pay on time. If you have an 800 credit rating, you still get the interest rate shaft...I know from experience. There are sources where you can borrow to pay down debt with loans that are nearly half the interest rate of credit cards.

Then again, our education system teaches nothing about money/credit management and the endless marketing of the population to death as in we have to keep spending and spending is a real part of the problem.

Credit cards should only be used in an emergency or for short term expenses. The system is designed to ensnare as many as possible and balance out the risk of non-payments with extreme interest rates. It's debtors prison without the bars. What's in your wallet? A money grabbing whore is what.

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I like the way at the end of your substack, you post a number of sites where us poor lower income people can be enticed to CHARGE what you think we might need to survive when the SHTF. I know you're just trying to make living.

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I'm older now so not struggling financially as once I did. Just so we are clear on how much I have struggled despite working, I once collected pop bottles (ages me without a doubt) to buy groceries for my kids. No kidding. I had 2 whole carts of pop bottles , took those into the store, got the money from them and bought my groceries. Reason that's important? I know what it is like to struggle. There are some things you can do to prepare for hard times, really hard times. First and foremost stay out of debt. Outside of that, buying even a few extra preserved goods each time you grocery shop to start a stock pile. One extra tube of toothpaste or soap or shampoo, things like that. Should an opportunity arise , a solar powered radio, if you have little ones children's Tylenol , lanterns , even a small one, buy a generator preferably solar(I know they are expensive) , do what you can to prep for bad times, don't go into debt to do it. A little at a time, it's not too late.

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Question: how do you know credit card debts are at an all time high?

Answer: is it tomorrow yet?

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The whole thing is bound to come crashing down! Flexsolar vs. Sunjack: A Decision Between Extra Power and Built-In Power Banks – Which Solar Charger Option Is Right for You? https://ss40006f7d51ab75.wordpress.com/2024/12/28/flexsolar-vs-sunjack-a-decision-between-extra-power-and-built-in-power-banks-which-solar-charger-option-is-right-for-you/

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the money is so worthless they have no choice but to go into debt. And the borrower is the slave to the lender. All about getting just about as many as they can to be set up for the great reset and get on board to the global cashless system just to survive, and the vast majority of people will do just that. We are being set up.

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of corse. pocketsareempty

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