The entire thing is being held together with paper clips and duct tape. It's limping into the election. Will it make it? That's the part that oughta have you on the edge of your seat.
Lots of people want to see Trump finally pay for some of his decades worth of crimes, but experts are saying what they've said all along: Trump is wealthy, white, and the epitome of privilege. He won't see one minute behind bars for his felonies, his misdemeanors, or any of his other crimes.
The best we can hope for is that his few remaining cult members keep proving how awesome the Bidenomics economy is by sending Trump their paychecks to pay the fines he'll be given instead of prison.
I guess you’ll be voting for Biden, along with the millions and millions of illegals he has welcomed into this country. At this point Biden and his DOJ have shredded what remained of our constitution. We are a hollowed out country. No matter who is voted in, it’s going to be ugly. The democrats are hell-bent on jailing Trump. I bet they get it done. No one believes that the recent Trump trial was legitimate. Not even the Democrats. It’s all about power and control—the Democrats are terrified of Trump. If they can’t jail him, I believe they will try to assassinate him—it’s the only option left for the twisted left. Obviously, the Democrats’ Machiavellian machinations have failed miserably to stop Trump.
Come on now, you don’t REALLY expect someone with a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome to actually produce proof of the crimes they claim President Trump has committed. They just want to talk shit like their masters have commanded!
A recession is defined as two straight quarters of economic decline. In May the Dallas Fed Services Sector survey was in contraction territory for the 24th month in a row.
Upon reaching 8 straight quarters of decline, are we nearing the end, or is this just the beginning of Biden’s depression?
II think that the economy is more of a smoke and mirrors phenomenon
I heard last night that we won't make it to the election. The arrest and jailing of Trump will set off a firestorm of events, which will lead to the military stepping in to arrest the Biden administration.
Of course, no one knows for sure, but that scenario sounds good to me.
Putting aside how the Biden Administration had/has nothing to do with the criminal prosecution of a run-of-the-mill CRIMINAL, the military cannot participate in arrests. You're telling yourself these comforting but ludicrous fantasies where your guy is great and didn't commit a slew of felonies and he's a valid Christian who loves his latest wife, etc., but it's all crap.
I'll put what *I* heard against what you claim YOU heard. I heard and believe that Trump is too white, too wealthy, and too privileged to see even ONE second of well-deserved prison time for his crimes. Not for the 34 felonies he's 100% guilty of, and not for any of the other crimes he's getting prosecuted for later. If there's one thing the US thrives on, it's kissing the trumps of wealthy white privileged men.
I diagnose you with a terminal case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The cause is clear - too much left wing media and absolutely no facts to back up your ludicrous claims. For instance, did you know that in 1998, Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money? Perhaps we should indict him and try him in a conservative state like Florida. We could make sure to get a prejudiced judge who would only allow conservative jurors and wouldn't let Bill say a word in his defense. We could call witnesses to testify (I'm thinking Juanita Broderick) that had nothing to do with the actual charges, but could make Clinton look bad. Then we'd tell the jurors that they didn't have to agree on which charges they found him guilty of, and made sure they knew their lives would be ruined unless they convicted him. What do you mean that it's not fair to try a federal charge in a state court as a felony when it's really a misdemeanor? Just ignore that statute of limitations rule while your at it. Then, just imagine that Bill was running for president against the current administration while all this was happening. Oh wait! You never heard any of this on CNN or MSNBC?
Imagine that!
I pity you over the next couple of months. Your world is about to be turned upside down and not in a good way. In the words of SpongeBob Squarepants, "Well, good luck with that".
Please state the NY criminal code of the crime that President Trump was found guilty of committing. Biden supporter and esteemed legal scholar Alan Dershowitz was at the trial and doesn’t know.
I’m not sure if me and my wife are blessed, or if our daughter, her husband, their two kids(<1 & 3), and our son in laws step mother and half sister are the ones that are blessed. We live in Texas to care for my aging father with dementia. They all live in our 6 bedroom home in Utah, where we still pay all of the bills. They’ll never be homeless as long as we have any way to prevent it, but three years into Bidenomics our savings is gone. Daddy’s house is paid for, so that’s a huge plus. My VA compensation and Social Security are ‘permanent’, and my wife’s will be once she retires in another 5 years. But when will we start catching up again?
The storm this past week knocked our power out for 5 days. So earlier today we had to empty out the refrigerator and freezer and throw everything away. That was 4 kitchen bags of refrigerated food, and 11 bags of frozen foods. None of that will be replaced anytime in the near future. Hell, there was over half of a butchered lamb, half a dozen whole chickens, and 10 frozen steaks. Plus all of the chicken breasts, fish, shrimp, and lots of frozen fruits and vegetables.
We held out hope and didn’t open the refrigerator and freezer until everything was back on in the hope of salvaging some of the food. After 5 days it was too late.
In case you are still unsure, the depression is here. It’s been here in the low income communities since last year, but it’s gaining ground now that a fresh class of high school and college graduates are out looking for the jobs. By the time the excitement of graduating starts to fade, the reality of what’s really happening might dawn on them this fall. By then, they’ll wish they had taken the first job offered.
Thank you for the prayers Teri, please don’t get me wrong. I’m the one that’s blessed. I’ve got my girlfriend and beautiful young bride that’s been with me since 1980, and actually married me in 87 after dating for 7 years. I’m the luckiest man alive!
The challenges we have are mere stepping stones compared to so many. I’m glad that we are able to care for my dad, and I’m even happier that we’re able to help our daughter’s family. She’s a surgical technician helping people every day in the operating room while studying for her bachelor’s degree in nursing.
I’ll pray for you, and our great nation. I know that we’ll be fine, but I sure worry about the future for my grandchildren and their children.
Homelessness exploded under TRUMP, y'all. I know it's the unwritten law that sites like this have to pretend all things bad only come from democrats. But homelessness and lots of other fiscal emergencies happened not just UNDER Trump, but BECAUSE of Trump.
Stop reading biased "news", because it isn't news. It's lies. Or at least read from more than one side of the political spectrum because there's no bigger purveyor of dishonest views than far right websites. Facts don't factor into their reporting.
I think the commie-inspired malcontents that created the 60's and 70's are now employed as public screwl influencers (oops, I meant "teachers") and low-to middle level gubmint cartel members. Hence our current troubles.
Bill Ayers and his ilk are at the top of that org chart, along with the ever-evil O'BloMe.
You are 100% right. Most of the free love, pot head sheeple did not know that the Marxists were controlling the movement behind the scenes. Some never became enlightened-- they became "woke" and lined up for the bioweapon shots. They should have remembered not to trust the "establishment."
1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
“[a]Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher,
“[b]Vanity of vanities! All is [c]vanity.”
What advantage does man have in all his work
Which he does under the sun?
A generation goes and a generation comes,
But the earth [d]remains forever.
Also, the sun rises and the sun sets;
And [e]hastening to its place it rises there again.
[f]Blowing toward the south,
Then turning toward the north,
The wind continues [g]swirling along;
And on its circular courses the wind returns.
All the rivers [h]flow into the sea,
Yet the sea is not full.
To the place where the rivers [i]flow,
There they [j]flow again.
All things are wearisome;
Man is not able to tell it.
The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
Nor is the ear filled with hearing.
That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one might say,
“See this, it is new”?
Already it has existed for ages
Which were before us.
There is no remembrance of [k]earlier things;
And also of the [l]later things which will occur,
There will be for them no remembrance
Among those who will come [m]later still.
The Futility of Wisdom
12 I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 And I set my [n]mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven. It is [o]a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with. 14 I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is [p]vanity and striving after wind. 15 What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I [q]said to myself, “Behold, I have magnified and increased wisdom more than all who were over Jerusalem before me; and my [r]mind has observed [s]a wealth of wisdom and knowledge.” 17 And I set my [t]mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly; I realized that this also is striving after wind. 18 Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain.
"criminals in Washington setting up their illegal invaders with paid for 4 Star ⭐ hotels free phones, $ thousands of dollars a month free medical and first in line for jobs and everything else."
This has been debunked SO many times. SOOOO many times. But you'd need to be an honest person who actually seeks out facts in order to care about that. Instead, you just like to utilize common lies to keep others in the dark so they can believe you and hate the same people that you want them to hate.
Tucker also is the person with millions of followers who continues to talk about PresidentTrump being killed before the election. How nice of Tucker to put that little seed into some maniac's brain.
Google "Tucker Carlson text messages despises Trump".
Tucker and a few of his fellow Foxxers had their text messages made public during the Dominion trial that Fox had to pay out nearly ONE BILLION dollars over. Tucker couldn't shut up about how much he despised Trump and how much he couldn't wait for the day when they'd never need to say his name again. He really laid it on THICK about what a genuinely awful, nasty human being Trump was. Of course he makes millions of dollars saying what his easily-fooled viewers want to hear, so he struck a great balance by saying he thinks Trump can get killed: he gets to tell his mouth-breathers that Trump is the victim and that democrats are evil, AND if Tucker's lucky, he'll even manage to get someone to kill Trump and he truly WILL never have to worry about Trump being president again.
You're really committed to telling falsehoods, aren't you?
The Secret Service wasn't created to protect the president or anyone else. I know you can't be dumb enough not to know that, UNLESS you're Russian or Moldovan or whatever the bot farms are paying these days. Because ALL Americans were taught why the Secret Service was created.
The entire thing is being held together with paper clips and duct tape. It's limping into the election. Will it make it? That's the part that oughta have you on the edge of your seat.
So true! And when they try to jail Trump in July, buckle up!
Lots of people want to see Trump finally pay for some of his decades worth of crimes, but experts are saying what they've said all along: Trump is wealthy, white, and the epitome of privilege. He won't see one minute behind bars for his felonies, his misdemeanors, or any of his other crimes.
The best we can hope for is that his few remaining cult members keep proving how awesome the Bidenomics economy is by sending Trump their paychecks to pay the fines he'll be given instead of prison.
I guess you’ll be voting for Biden, along with the millions and millions of illegals he has welcomed into this country. At this point Biden and his DOJ have shredded what remained of our constitution. We are a hollowed out country. No matter who is voted in, it’s going to be ugly. The democrats are hell-bent on jailing Trump. I bet they get it done. No one believes that the recent Trump trial was legitimate. Not even the Democrats. It’s all about power and control—the Democrats are terrified of Trump. If they can’t jail him, I believe they will try to assassinate him—it’s the only option left for the twisted left. Obviously, the Democrats’ Machiavellian machinations have failed miserably to stop Trump.
What decades of crimes? Please list some.
Come on now, you don’t REALLY expect someone with a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome to actually produce proof of the crimes they claim President Trump has committed. They just want to talk shit like their masters have commanded!
About that great Biden economy…
A recession is defined as two straight quarters of economic decline. In May the Dallas Fed Services Sector survey was in contraction territory for the 24th month in a row.
Upon reaching 8 straight quarters of decline, are we nearing the end, or is this just the beginning of Biden’s depression?
II think that the economy is more of a smoke and mirrors phenomenon
I heard last night that we won't make it to the election. The arrest and jailing of Trump will set off a firestorm of events, which will lead to the military stepping in to arrest the Biden administration.
Of course, no one knows for sure, but that scenario sounds good to me.
Really? You think you heard that last night?
Putting aside how the Biden Administration had/has nothing to do with the criminal prosecution of a run-of-the-mill CRIMINAL, the military cannot participate in arrests. You're telling yourself these comforting but ludicrous fantasies where your guy is great and didn't commit a slew of felonies and he's a valid Christian who loves his latest wife, etc., but it's all crap.
I'll put what *I* heard against what you claim YOU heard. I heard and believe that Trump is too white, too wealthy, and too privileged to see even ONE second of well-deserved prison time for his crimes. Not for the 34 felonies he's 100% guilty of, and not for any of the other crimes he's getting prosecuted for later. If there's one thing the US thrives on, it's kissing the trumps of wealthy white privileged men.
I diagnose you with a terminal case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The cause is clear - too much left wing media and absolutely no facts to back up your ludicrous claims. For instance, did you know that in 1998, Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money? Perhaps we should indict him and try him in a conservative state like Florida. We could make sure to get a prejudiced judge who would only allow conservative jurors and wouldn't let Bill say a word in his defense. We could call witnesses to testify (I'm thinking Juanita Broderick) that had nothing to do with the actual charges, but could make Clinton look bad. Then we'd tell the jurors that they didn't have to agree on which charges they found him guilty of, and made sure they knew their lives would be ruined unless they convicted him. What do you mean that it's not fair to try a federal charge in a state court as a felony when it's really a misdemeanor? Just ignore that statute of limitations rule while your at it. Then, just imagine that Bill was running for president against the current administration while all this was happening. Oh wait! You never heard any of this on CNN or MSNBC?
Imagine that!
I pity you over the next couple of months. Your world is about to be turned upside down and not in a good way. In the words of SpongeBob Squarepants, "Well, good luck with that".
Biden is not a wealthy white privileged man?
How also "too white, too wealthy, and too privileged" Biden Made Millions in Public Service?
2020 news: How The Bidens Earned $16.7 Million After Vice Presidency?
5 Members of the Biden Family Got Rich Through His Connections
Rabid much, Dougs?
The contemporary concept of “White Privilege” —now that’s crap.
Please state the NY criminal code of the crime that President Trump was found guilty of committing. Biden supporter and esteemed legal scholar Alan Dershowitz was at the trial and doesn’t know.
I’m not sure if me and my wife are blessed, or if our daughter, her husband, their two kids(<1 & 3), and our son in laws step mother and half sister are the ones that are blessed. We live in Texas to care for my aging father with dementia. They all live in our 6 bedroom home in Utah, where we still pay all of the bills. They’ll never be homeless as long as we have any way to prevent it, but three years into Bidenomics our savings is gone. Daddy’s house is paid for, so that’s a huge plus. My VA compensation and Social Security are ‘permanent’, and my wife’s will be once she retires in another 5 years. But when will we start catching up again?
The storm this past week knocked our power out for 5 days. So earlier today we had to empty out the refrigerator and freezer and throw everything away. That was 4 kitchen bags of refrigerated food, and 11 bags of frozen foods. None of that will be replaced anytime in the near future. Hell, there was over half of a butchered lamb, half a dozen whole chickens, and 10 frozen steaks. Plus all of the chicken breasts, fish, shrimp, and lots of frozen fruits and vegetables.
We held out hope and didn’t open the refrigerator and freezer until everything was back on in the hope of salvaging some of the food. After 5 days it was too late.
In case you are still unsure, the depression is here. It’s been here in the low income communities since last year, but it’s gaining ground now that a fresh class of high school and college graduates are out looking for the jobs. By the time the excitement of graduating starts to fade, the reality of what’s really happening might dawn on them this fall. By then, they’ll wish they had taken the first job offered.
I’m so sorry to read what you are going through. We need to be praying for each other.
As the apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:1. “Know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come.”
We are at the tip of the spear.
I will remember your family in my prayers this evening.
May God bless you and keep you.
Thank you for the prayers Teri, please don’t get me wrong. I’m the one that’s blessed. I’ve got my girlfriend and beautiful young bride that’s been with me since 1980, and actually married me in 87 after dating for 7 years. I’m the luckiest man alive!
The challenges we have are mere stepping stones compared to so many. I’m glad that we are able to care for my dad, and I’m even happier that we’re able to help our daughter’s family. She’s a surgical technician helping people every day in the operating room while studying for her bachelor’s degree in nursing.
I’ll pray for you, and our great nation. I know that we’ll be fine, but I sure worry about the future for my grandchildren and their children.
Homelessness exploded under TRUMP, y'all. I know it's the unwritten law that sites like this have to pretend all things bad only come from democrats. But homelessness and lots of other fiscal emergencies happened not just UNDER Trump, but BECAUSE of Trump.
Stop reading biased "news", because it isn't news. It's lies. Or at least read from more than one side of the political spectrum because there's no bigger purveyor of dishonest views than far right websites. Facts don't factor into their reporting.
"When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose. You're invisible now. You got no secrets to conceal." -B. Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone.
Seems like the discontent of the 60's rolled over to the 20's.
I think the commie-inspired malcontents that created the 60's and 70's are now employed as public screwl influencers (oops, I meant "teachers") and low-to middle level gubmint cartel members. Hence our current troubles.
Bill Ayers and his ilk are at the top of that org chart, along with the ever-evil O'BloMe.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
You are 100% right. Most of the free love, pot head sheeple did not know that the Marxists were controlling the movement behind the scenes. Some never became enlightened-- they became "woke" and lined up for the bioweapon shots. They should have remembered not to trust the "establishment."
Ecclesiastes 1
The Futility of All Endeavor
1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
“[a]Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher,
“[b]Vanity of vanities! All is [c]vanity.”
What advantage does man have in all his work
Which he does under the sun?
A generation goes and a generation comes,
But the earth [d]remains forever.
Also, the sun rises and the sun sets;
And [e]hastening to its place it rises there again.
[f]Blowing toward the south,
Then turning toward the north,
The wind continues [g]swirling along;
And on its circular courses the wind returns.
All the rivers [h]flow into the sea,
Yet the sea is not full.
To the place where the rivers [i]flow,
There they [j]flow again.
All things are wearisome;
Man is not able to tell it.
The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
Nor is the ear filled with hearing.
That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one might say,
“See this, it is new”?
Already it has existed for ages
Which were before us.
There is no remembrance of [k]earlier things;
And also of the [l]later things which will occur,
There will be for them no remembrance
Among those who will come [m]later still.
The Futility of Wisdom
12 I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 And I set my [n]mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven. It is [o]a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with. 14 I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is [p]vanity and striving after wind. 15 What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I [q]said to myself, “Behold, I have magnified and increased wisdom more than all who were over Jerusalem before me; and my [r]mind has observed [s]a wealth of wisdom and knowledge.” 17 And I set my [t]mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly; I realized that this also is striving after wind. 18 Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain.
Bidenvilles have been around for the last 50 years. Dems and repubs have been destroying the country at least that long.
Reported, upwards of two million people (roughly 1.5 percent of the total population) were homeless during the Great Depression. (about 1.85 million)
Reports that there are about 666,000 Americans experienced homelessness in 2023
I don't even want to thinks what the next 12 months will look like.
"criminals in Washington setting up their illegal invaders with paid for 4 Star ⭐ hotels free phones, $ thousands of dollars a month free medical and first in line for jobs and everything else."
This has been debunked SO many times. SOOOO many times. But you'd need to be an honest person who actually seeks out facts in order to care about that. Instead, you just like to utilize common lies to keep others in the dark so they can believe you and hate the same people that you want them to hate.
Tucker also is the person with millions of followers who continues to talk about PresidentTrump being killed before the election. How nice of Tucker to put that little seed into some maniac's brain.
Google "Tucker Carlson text messages despises Trump".
Tucker and a few of his fellow Foxxers had their text messages made public during the Dominion trial that Fox had to pay out nearly ONE BILLION dollars over. Tucker couldn't shut up about how much he despised Trump and how much he couldn't wait for the day when they'd never need to say his name again. He really laid it on THICK about what a genuinely awful, nasty human being Trump was. Of course he makes millions of dollars saying what his easily-fooled viewers want to hear, so he struck a great balance by saying he thinks Trump can get killed: he gets to tell his mouth-breathers that Trump is the victim and that democrats are evil, AND if Tucker's lucky, he'll even manage to get someone to kill Trump and he truly WILL never have to worry about Trump being president again.
You're really committed to telling falsehoods, aren't you?
The Secret Service wasn't created to protect the president or anyone else. I know you can't be dumb enough not to know that, UNLESS you're Russian or Moldovan or whatever the bot farms are paying these days. Because ALL Americans were taught why the Secret Service was created.