First thing first!

What's the definition of a woman or man?

Rishi Sunak (UK PM) doesn't know,

US supreme court judges don't know!!!

The USSR last days were not that pathetic!

When empires are dying, up becomes down and down becomes up. Red becomes green and green becomes red. Truth is lie and lie is truth................................

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In my universe, women have eggs and men have sperm. Those that can’t or won’t admit reality are just useful idiots of the globalists. They want to reduce the population of the planet and what better way to do it than to confuse the sexes so they can promote sexual relationships that can’t reproduce; legalize abortion up to 28 days after they’re born and implement federally funded suicide programs? All at taxpayer expense, of course…

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We also have mammary glands, different skeletal structure designed to accommodate pregnancy and child birth, specifically, different physical brain structures, etc. It's not just the gonads and predominant hormones! Yhwh God knew what He was doing when He built us different than males who designed for different tasks! Too bad humans are too arrogant and ignorant to GET that!

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The list of differences is a long one! Our Father knew what He was doing. AND He doesn’t make mistakes!

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Oh you got THAT one Right Sir/Ma'am, either.


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How about...politicians and they're families first? You want to vote for a war? Then you and your family have to be on the front lines

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Stop with the "front lines" crap! 1st, there are no "front lines" or rear areas anymore; that went out during Vietnam. Second, they would not be assigned to "front lines" type duties, because they aren't built for it! They have not been assigned such for over a century, why assume "draft" means that? Men drafted in the '40s -'70s did not all go to "front lines either!

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Leave me alone. You go to war.

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You remind me of my younger brothers! I did serve, in fact!

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Well, thanks for your service. My plans are to stay here when everybody is sent to Ukraine. I'll fight the real war for America, the war against all the invaders that will be deployed when there is nobody left. Hope you'll join me

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In spirit, I'm past my "use by" date for the physical aspect of war; that's more an young person's task, and at my age, 50 is still young.

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There isn't gonna be a "use by" date. It's all just gonna happen

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To all Feminist,

Be CAREFUL what you Wish for...you MIGHT get it.

Nuff said...


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Women serve in the military in Israel, and I suspect other countries require them to serve as well. Given the mindset that a good portion share, it will be good for them.

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Absolutely brilliant! Tiktok influencers drafted. Imagine the battlefield updates: “Hey guys, just dodged a bullet, literally! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more survival tips!”

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Women seem to be the supporters on Biden. If Biden gets elected , war is a sure thing. Women should be drafted and live with what they voted for.

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Yes. Equal rights. Equal responsibilities

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Um... "Our daughters" have been "going to war" officially, as part of the military forces, since the 1st decade of the 20th century! Before that , it was kind of unofficial, even a bit clandestine, but happening none the less! Did you know in1945,a bill was before Congress to draft nurses, mostly females back then, that only halted due to VE Day; again in the spring of1969, that same bill was before Congress, and failed by 1 vote! (I had a lot of very nervous classmates that spring, as our graduation approached!). It made no difference to me, as I was already planning to volunteer, as had my mother before me.

The feminazis have been clamoring for equality with men for most of the past century; I think it's time they line up and "put their lives where their mouths are" too! Now, before y'all freak out take a breath! There are MA Y jobs women can indeed do as well as men, some even better, that DO NOT involve toting a rifle and sleeping in a foxhole. My Aunt served as a Marine during WW II, performing clerical duties, which freed a male to go serve on the front lines. Mom and I served as RNs. Women can be vehicle maintenance personnel,some served as "ferry" pilots to move aircraft around without engaging in combat, they can perform administrative duties, be drone pilots, etc. So why should they NOT also be subject to the draft? Are they not also American citizens? Why should they not also give back to their homeland?

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My mother also served as a nurse in the Army during World War Two. And my son enlisted in the Army in 2009 and served his four and a half years. He doesn’t believe in the draft for men or women and neither do. You want to go fight? Then go fight. My son told me he would never encourage a person to join the military, he did because it was hard to find a job after the Great Recession in 2008. And thank you Dear Jesus, he was in the Honor Guard, he never deployed oversees. I don’t think we should be fighting these wars all over the world when we have hungry, homeless Americans, living on our streets. But the Dems are warmongers, makes $$$$$ for all their weapons manufacturing pals.

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Today's military are not what our mothers encountered during WW II, nor even that in which I served during the Vietnam/Cold War era. in '73, I was in favor or going all volunteer too. Unfortunately, that, combined with leftist policies, has now left us with an understaffed, underqualified, and increasingly undeployable "military", no longer capable of fulfilling their proper mission!

I agree the wars fought over the past 55-60 yrs have been inappropriate engagements. Thing is, we are about to face a war much more akin to WW II, both in scope and nature,in that it will be a war we either fight to win, and do so, or face enslavement, or mass slaughter, because that is the nature of the enemies we will be facing. We have long been warned about this war coming.

I'm glad your son served his time safely, but we are going to need a military both physically and mentally ready and able to FIGHT a war, and right now we don't have that! Many who are volunteering are doing so for wrong, even dangerous to America, reasons, mainly to dump the burden of their life choices onto taxpayers. George Washington warned about such enlisted during the Revolution, just as Ike warned about the military industrial complex in '61, but bother have been ignored for the past half century or so!

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We do not need any military.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

It’s not that we don’t need a military, we do. A country needs to have the capability to defend itself. What we don’t need is the military industrial complex that serves only to make weapons manufacturers and others rich by looking for wars to start or engage in around every corner that will reap riches for all of their selfish and greedy purposes.

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Right you are! That was why the constitution was written on the basis of minute man armies, with standing Navy and Coast Guard, only.

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No, women are not physically nor mentally structured to be in combat.

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The bigger issue is that we are definitely preparing for war. And this is just a symptom of that. It won’t really matter if women are on the front lines or not. Nuclear war will not discriminate. My best info says the west is preparing for a 10 year war. But Russia says they will use nukes. Either way, our young people get killed. Trump would have prevented this.

I don’t agree that women should be drafted just because certain people voted for Biden because that causes others to suffer as well.

But we are going to war, folks.

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I remember reading about a female sharp shooter in the Army, if memory serves me, who held the distance record for a kill shot. Some women are very valuable in combat, but they should enlist. They should not be denied the opportunity to serve. Typically women are better at support. Drafting women requires them to fulfill an unnatural role. Aren't the women and children who the soldiers fight to protect?

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I would ensure that all congress members are NOT allowed to have family members escape the draft, and must also do hard training and have exposure to conflict. No more sending OTHER family's members into conflict. If they're willing to sacrifice their own flesh and blood, then it darn well ought to be for a righteous cause.

But get us out of purposeful conflicts to enrich the banks, and special interests, including their own. One reason both sides were against Trump is that he didn't go into conflict and stopped the gravy trains of graft for elected leaders on both sides.

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Woman was created as a help mate for Adam, a woman leaves her family to unite with her husband, and they become one and treat each other as equals but with different roles in marriage and the family. One is the man is the protector and the woman is the nurturer. This is the foundation of family and culture.

Already where men and women serve together the incidents of sexual harassment and worse, and the stress and fog of war, it's just not good.

In a perfect world, a draft is not good or needed, but it come to the point at times, as a citizen it may be needed.

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Maybe if drafted female are separated from male soldiers, and female groups are put into supportive functions, for example: delivery, transportation, medical services, ....

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