Isaiah 5:120-23

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;

Who [a]substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;

Who [b] substitutes bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight! Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine And valiant men in mixing strong drink, Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away the [c]rights of the ones who are in the right!

The world is being set up (even Christians) to follow after the Man of Sin. Satan is not after the world because he already has deceived them, an example is the Olympic Games opening.

He is after Christians, the goal is to get them to abandon their faith for another, to get Christians to not persevere in the faith and follow another. He will do it in a way that is not obvious, thus what the Olympic Games did will not look like the Anti-Christ when he comes. He will look like the real second coming. In fact, Jesus gave us a warning in Matt 24. The only way to separate this imitation substitute Christ from the real thing when he comes will be that the Son Of Man cones in the clouds from the East to the West this imposter will just show up. Again this is just another deep fake by the Anti-Christ

for the bigger deception to come.

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I so agree with every word you have written here and so well crafted too; many thanks.

Of course- you are correct- satan already has the world....it is as always, the Christians he is after.

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Well, the National Eucharistic Congress is over the Target. Hit a real nerve in the Evil One.

Look at their C(on)spire Broken Monstrance Logo. Remember also Joe is still pretending to be a Catholic. So the mocking by Trans and Drag Queens in Paris of Jesus in the Host in the Monstrance (which celebrates and continues the presence of Jesus from the last supper all the way through linear time at Mass every day) is yet another ‘In Your Face Joe’. As well as All Christians world wide. From the back stabbing Cult of Death sterilization/mutilation of children ObamaNation-Kamalas. As Kamala conspired with minions in Paris to start her presidential campaign with Drag Queens at the same time Paris mocked Jesus on the river of sin where Notre Dame butned.

Because nothing mocks God is the God of Life like sterilizing young children for life. And mutilating them and brain washing them into believing magically they are now a different Chromosome Sex than how God sent them to be born.

God Always Wins. God Bless and Protect you all. Pray or be prey. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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I didn’t watch either but get all this from social media X and here. The Bull has no reason to be there !!??? Glad people pushed back and slammed

The mocking of Christ with drag queen disciples

And some very flamboyant cleavage and flesh.

Some community celebration when the freaks are about 1% of the worlds population as they insult we

The people.

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The irony here is that the pale horse as described in Revelation is bringing death and destruction to the godless… they are unaware they are foretelling their own demise!

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That may well be true I’ll need to go back review the chapter of Revelation


The riders name was death and hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and and famine and pestilence and by wild beast.

I did not watch but saw pictures of a Bull that had no reason to be there.

Baal symbolism.

The last supper they said was the celebration of community tolerance

Me think they crossed the tolerance line.

This falls under give ‘em an inch they take a mile. They were in glee shocking people and it seems like it backfired.

I sincerely think they did their cause more damage than good suicide

They can’t just accept the fact that

There’s only 1% of people that are transvestites, drag queens, voyeurs, pedophiles

They want to normalize their sinful


On national TV AND the push back is impressive.

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I didn’t watch the opening so I don’t know if there was a white horse but I do know from social media that the pale horse was there. I seen the pictures. This is also in Revelations.

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“I have been aware for some time of the evils of Marxist-Leninist communism but was unaware of the direct connection between Marxism until I was made aware of an early poem of Karl Marx, the Piper in which he wrote:

"How so! I plunge, plunge wihout fail

My blood-black sabre into your soul.

    That art God neither wants nor wists,

    It leaps to the brain from Hell's black mists.

"Till heart's bewitched, till senses reel:

With Satan I have struck my deal.

    He chalks the signs, beats time for me,

    I play the death march fast and free.”

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Why did they lie to cover their abominations? They did it, on purpose, so what were they worried about? Oh........money? I didn't watch. Father please convict every single heart that did this, that enjoyed this. Last call everyone?

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Amen to that

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Every day we are closer to going home. This spectacle in France is no surprise. I found the display of the gold bull telling.

Remember the Strong Bulls of Bashan?

The "bulls of Bashan" represent the demonic spiritual forces that want to invalidate, the CROSS and all it is meant to be, related to the complete work of Christ.

The symbolism of the bulls surrounding the cross, with Christ in the center is a figure of the mark of the beast.

The King is Coming!


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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

BREAKING NEWS: Easily Offended Christians Easily Offended!

There was no Christian mockery. The drag queens were depicting an Ancient Greek bacchanal. The figure on the horse was Sequana, Goddess of the Seine. Not everything's about Christians. The drag bacchanal looked just about NOTHING like The Last Supper. And only by some dumb little Twitter troll making a joke about it did anyone else see the similarity (of which there was LITTLE).

As for the bull's head, it also had nothing to do with the desperate-to-be-offended: It is not a golden calf, but a bull, erected on top of one of the Trocadero fountains during the 1937 World Expo organized in the French capital. The bull can be recognized by its horns, and is accompanied by a “leaping deer”. The sculpture was created by the French artist Paul Jouvre, and is actually called “Bull’s head and leaping deer”.

The bull’s head can be found on Google Street View in front of the Chaillot Palace. It is not now, nor has it ever been, associated with Baal or the devil or mockery of anyone, let alone Christians with overactive imaginations. The headless woman routine was a Marie Antoinette reference, who in France is a huge cultural icon.

P.S. I just looked up the horse thing and it was a SILVER-colored horse made of metal. How dishonest do you have to be? And the Olympics doesn't release live doves anymore due to animal cruelty concerns, but as the metal-silver horse is galloping down the river, symbols of doves are shown as a hope for peace. WHY IS NO ONE PRAISING THE JESUS-Y BIT WITH THE PEACE DOVES?

Mr Snyder, you're an outrage salesman.

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In 136 AD Roman Emperor built a temple on the Temple Mount dedicated, To Titus Aelius Hadrianus, (himself) for the worship of the God Jupiter. And he also rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. The rebuilt city was to be named Colonia Aelia Capitolina. This is in reference to the Roman cult worship of Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva). (the Roman trinity).

According to Roman historian Cassius Dio,

a Temple of Jupiter built on the site of the former Jewish Temple, the Temple Mount.”

At Jerusalem Hadrian founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the temple of the true god he raised a new temple to Jupiter. This brought on a war of no slight importance nor of brief duration, for the Jews deemed it intolerable that foreign races should be settled in their city and foreign religious rites planted there.” Cassius Dio, Roman History, 69.12.

This temple was an exact copy of the Temple to Jupiter in the city Baalbek Syaria. when the architecture of the temple complex of Jupiter in Baalbek is overlaid on the Temple Mount, it matches the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock exactly.


Saint Jerome wrote,

So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation: or to the statue of the mounted Hadrian, which stands to this very day on the site of the Holy of Holies.” Jerome, Commentaries on Isaiah 2.8: Matthew 24.15

One author says, Therefore it is reasonable to assume that there was an equestrian statue on the Temple Mount Of the god Jupiter mounted on a horse.

A God Jupiter riding in on a white horse dedicated and worshiped on the temple mount.

This was the type and shadow of what was to come in the last days and is reflecting what is happening now in Jerusalem.

The Temple Mount Faithful want to make Jerusalem a city of prayer for all nations and religions where the 3trd Temple will be a place where all can come and worship God freely (Freedom of Religion) right out of our Declaration of Independence. They will be the new Champions of "human Freedom/ religious freedom." This is what will bring the world together in peace (a love that brings inclusiveness grace and forgiveness for all. A false world peace.

This reflects the movement of the Abraham Accords that is backed by the Catholic church, liberal protestants, Muslims and Rabies. They are building their first unified trinity worship center in Dubai.

Notice, that even the Jerusalem Post talks about this in positive terms, to bring peace (a false peace) to the Middle East. (so When you pray for peace in Jeruselum, this is waht is going to come first (deception/ false peace)


The Rabies are waiting for their messiah to come (not the real Jesus). All this means to me is prophecy is coming true and the first seal is the Anti-Christ coming on a White horse as the second coming of Jesus. The real Jesus will come on a white horse with a sword of Justice and righteousness, and Jesus comes in the clouds from the East to the West. The imitation substitute Jesus will come on a white horse but with flaming arrows of lies and deception and he will not come in the clouds from the east to the west. In fact Jesus says in Matt 24. that this will be the only clue this guy will not be the real Jesus, everything will look like what we imagine the real second coming will look like. Remember all of this is to deceive Christians to abandon the real gospel and the real Jesus for a substitute Jesus that at first will taste like honey from the comb (God's truth) but in the stomach it turns to poison, a massive deception.

And at the same time as Paul prophecized in Romans 11 all the known believers in the gentile church would have come in and the Spirit would come home to Jerusalem Israel and the Gospel will explode as it has been doing now for over a decade in Israel. A church is raised up in its own root (Jewish not gentile) So allof true Israel (spiritual) Israel will come in Jew and Gentile each from its own separate root. The power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel come home to where it started, Jerusalem the center of the universe, a place God is preparing for the return of His Son, Where? Jerusalem the Mount of Olives. COME LORD JESUS!

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All you sittin' in high places, the rain's gonna fall on you

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For people who don’t know the the last supper the way the world explains it is completely pagan, study the word of God.

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