I have no issues fully understand the evolving (or should I say revealing of new technology and weapons as with everything else are like (birth pangs)

.I love the comment when the dust clears, LOL LOL LOL

We don't have to intervene, just let God do it (or should I say the man of sin)?

My money is on Israel for sure, clearly scripture has made what happens forward starkly real.

My questions are Russia/Putin not in a good position, (what happens if Belarus invades and tries to take Kiev)? My bet it wont go nuclear but we could have our first major ground war since WW II involving possibly up to a total of a million troops on all sides.

Iran is in a mess as well. Look t God's hand and His timing of these events.

The worse off is China

Youth, massive unemployment (civil unrest real)

Family's one child policy lots of 18-25 yr olds who can't die to keep the family going (won't fight well).

A military with zero combat experience.

Promotions are by bribe or party loyalty not ability

China's weapons are crap, they only export to about 4-5 countries and sales are going down, no one wants their cloned western weapons.

Xi just cleaned house in the Govt and the military to protect his rule. One china defector said even at the lower ranks the will to fight is low, they complain of a lack of supplies of all kinds.

Nixon and Kissinger introduced China to the good life of capitalism and there may now be very few who want to lay their life down for old style communism.

It will be interesting how all this plays out in the next 90-100 days.

All I can do is watch and pray

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I should laugh about something this serious, but if wars really start, our Woke generation vs China's mommy spoiled Laid-Down Flat generation, will be quite interesting.


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Howdy my Friend,

Certainly the sheer NUMBER of possibilites relative to the current geo-political landscape is 'daunting', such is simply evident and incalculable, for the nonce.

Starting with Russia here...

The Russians easily have monitoring capabilities the equal of anything existent AND are NOT 'fools'.

So...WHY did Zelensky 'seemingly' catch Putin with his pants down?

An interesting 'take' on that cropped up this morning.

To wit: Supppose that the Russians ALLOWED Zelensky to seemingly 'take' Russian territory?



Simple...Russia CAN detonate Tactical Nuclear weapons on IT'S OWN SOIL utterly without fear of condemnation by the Global Community OR reprisals from NATO-STAN.


In one Fell Swoop Ukraine is denuded of it's entire operational Army...and the 'War' IS over.

Game, Set and MATCH; advantage, RUSSIA.

To be sure, Iran appears now - for ALL it's bluster - as wholly Impotent. That is a BIG THING in Arabic culture, almost as bad as 'Losing FACE' is in Oriental Culture. Iran has a wishy-washy President whose support is eroding more and more with each passing hour...but, HOW LONG will the Iranian people continue to tolerate thier entire NATION being reduced to a laughing-stock?

Not long, I think.

China, 'the Middle Kingdom'...where to even begin? Youth employment is reaching stratospheric levels right now, the Chinese economy is not far from directly IMPLODING owing to the most EPIC malinvestment of Capital ever seen in modern history AND the consequences of the CCP's 'One Child policy' are proving to be UTTERLY catastrophic, demographically speaking.

In little more than 15 years China WILL have more Seniors in Depends diappers than even Japan does TODAY. Not exactly a recipe for 'Conquering the WORLD' is it?

Like yourself, I am awaiting one - perhaps two - CLEAR signs from Scripture that can be interpreted as corresponding to real-world events, THUS allowing a 'timeline' to emerge from all this CHAOS we are seeing currently...

Oh yes, it's getting to be 'Popcorn and Weeny time' while we WAIT for 'Clarity', God knows that THAT is wholly absent at present.

Be well Brother, SAFE!!!! and Blessed,


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absolutely, all agendas here are very possible. One thing we both forgot to mention, the IMF and the FED have their finger on the biggest trigger of them all, the great reset, the deliberate and purposeful default on the dollar and all it's bonds. They are waiting for the right event to blame the default on. Everyone knows that. Could that be the great restrainer of all, no one wants to be the Judas Goat that brings down the world?

This very complex, like a very advanced high tech car, it could take some real digging to find out why the car stopped working. Not like my first car, a 1959 Hillman Station Wagon.

One point about saving face as a motive to do the stupid. Japan to save face would have fought to the last man and woman to save Japan from an American invasion. Why, there was always a glimmer or possibility of winning or dying in glory. But after Nagasaki, and Japan realized we had the power to kill them all with no hope of victory, and no glory in dying, saving face went out the window, they capitulated. We did allow the emperor to stay and we gave them some grace. But when confronted with total annihilation and humiliation, the common Human instinct to survive takes over, (Biblically man will do anything to just survive) that is what happened to Iran. Now if circumstances change that could, and we know Biblically it will happen, but not yet, but not yet, it's all about God's timing

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Here we go again, just when it appears something massive is about to happen (Iran is about to attack Israel and US Assets directly) and the biggest armada formed since WW II threatens Iran with total annihilation. AH Teddy Roosevelt, pure gunboat diplomacy Teddy is smiling from the grave "Bully Bully! It's like a robber entering a cop bar to rob it, Iran was told that would not be a good idea. Did anybody see Iran backing down? Nope!

Did anyone see Ukraine brazenly attack Russia? Nope and now Moscow is being attacked.

And now Israel somehow knew exactly when, what and where what Hezbollah was about to do and preemptively, stopped it. Say thank you Space Force! (If I know exactly what my enemy is going to do, I will vanquish my enemies).

Did anyone see that coming? This is a huge blow to Hezbollah. This has to give them cause to pause.

Does all of this have to do with timing of things? Is it God's timing, is God's plan different than ours for now?

Is it God's timing and plan on the outcome of this election? He already knows exactly what will happen and it will all be for His glory, His purposes and His good and perfect will.

Did anyone see RFK Jr joining Trump? Nope! Will this solidify the outcome of the election for Trump.

Where are all the modern day prophets? These are earth changing events? Why is God silent?

Could peace be actually ready to break out?

Lets just say for kicks, Trump wins the election (maybe in a land slide) minor disruptions but Trump handles it. (no real civil war).

Putin will not pull the nuclear trigger and is forced to capitulate. Trump makes a deal, or Putin is removed and Russia is just tired of the war and does an American Vietnam, Afghanistan exit?

Iran, w/o Russia backing capitulates and eases tension in the middle east. Trump makes a deal. Or we ferment a revolution in Iran and the Ayatollahs are deposed?

China now Isolated, the west is free to focus all assets on China and China forced to capitulate? Their economy collapses due to Trumps further sanctions and China finally revolts and over throws Xi.?

(notice, all three country leaders are facing massive resistance, Putin had to clean house and well as Xi all because in both countries the people are fed up. Iran has been facing massive protests as well in the past year, the people are fed up as well.

Again I'm no prophet and I'm constantly surprised on what God does, I'm just musing, just musing,

or it's just a bad dream because it does not happen LOL.

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It's been an AMAZING week, hasn't it Daniel?


As you note, SO much of what has recently transpired was WHOLLY unexpected and counter-intuitive.

It leaves one to ask, "Hmm...I WONDER what the Hell comes NEXT?"

We'll see soon enough I suppose...

Adios mi Amigo


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God knows the beginning from the end. I know this second I'm in.

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Most of this Islamic insanity would be demolished and demoralized by now if that senile fool in the White House and its State Dept. would keep their noses out of Israel's business. "They would respond with overwhelming force, and Beirut, Damascus and Tehran would be flattened." Good, Israel will do the world a big favor by destroying these centers of Islamic terrorism. The Israeli Air Force pilots have more in-the-air time than any other. Let's sell them some F-35s, then sit back and watch the show.

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Oh don't worry FF that will happen, it's all about the timing. Remember Biden is not in control, Jesus Christ is. What we have here is God doing things, moving leaders to do His will in His timing. Proverbs 21:1-13.

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Howdy Y'all,

Israel would be WELL-SERVED to acquire about 15 Massive Ordinance Penetrator units from the US and employ then in southern Lebanon judiciously.

The subterranean CARNAGE that would create would set Hezbollah back 10 years in lost ordinance and tunnels collapsed.


Simple, the MOP is EXACTLY engineered to penetrate through 85 FEET of reinforced Concrete ere detonating.

Can you say 'Obliteration'?

Isn't it time to just pull out ALL the stops and just 'SORT it ALL OUT' once and for all?

Israel didn't START this...but I'm fairly SURE that they WILL FINISH IT.


Be Well, be SAFE (!!!!) and be Blessed,


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Just a thought no proof, or have we al ready done that or do they have access to somehting out of the black that makes that not needed? No proof just thinking outloud.

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Hello Daniel,


Unfortunately, THAT realm is still ruled by plain ol' Chemistry hearkening WAY back to Tri-Nitro Toluene...

TNT, anyone?

'Plastique', aka C-4 is both delightfully potent AND insanely stable, but has been recently supplanted with "Octo", a nitroamine compound also called 'Octagen'.

Certainly, various attempts to use nuclear subterranean explosive charges have been researched...but most of those revolve around the delivery vehicle, not the Warhead.

The SOLE potential 'outlier' not so far mentioned is Jerry Pournelle's 'Rod's of God'. However, you HAVE to drop those from ORBIT...

I've long thought that the entire 'dust-up' in the Middle East being a 'Family Matter' (Isaac and Ismael...) is one that SHOULD be straight up 'Mano e Mano'; get 'em whatever they WANT and come back when the DUST clears...to see who's standing.

My money is on the Israeli's, hands-DOWN.

Be Well Brother...watch your 6 likr your life depends on it - it DOES hereafter - and be Blessed,


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I was fascinated by your comment about the threat of Russia using a tactical nuke (artillery shell of less than 1 kilo-ton) inside it's own border and city (Kursk). I have to admit I did not find any hint of that except a threat to demonstrate the use in a (safe Place). I kind of thought the risk of the Russian people being upset about that was high and make some higher ups opposed to Putin more upset and the risk of bringing not a nuclear response from NATO but a full all out invasion with a great cover story to respond to Putin's nuking his own people and liberate them from his tyranny. That would hand NATO a perfect excuse on a silver platter.

But this morning from several sources articles appeared that the General Director of the IAEA Rafael Grossi warned about a "nuclear incident" could happen in the Kursk region involving the the nuclear power plant and a planned visit next week.

This really gets nasty now. For both sides have per-emtively accused the other side of a false flag event at the Nuclear power plant. Grossi (who is a long time UN wonk) wants to go there to set up somehting to prevent either side from using the power plant possible incident to benefit either side. Again this is in line with the UN's goal to bring this war to a negotiated end now. Grossi is a long time diplomat from Agentina and I'm sure from his background he is there for more than just making sure the nuke plant is safe, he will be there to promote peace now and if either side trys to use an incident as a false flag will be exposed or stopped with IAEA people on the ground. So here we see this very complicated war with all these different parties playing different roles to end this. Again how this plays out I have no real idea for sure, but boy this is another huge event that could effect the out come of this war.



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It’s classic shit fund iran fund israel sanction Russia but buy processed uranium and oil from them fund Ukraine our bankster and laundromats love funding both sides to keep the cash flowing

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I agree with the author: Matters are moving in the direction of the apocalyptical. And how did this develope. This miserable situatoin developed becasue in 2000,. Israel withdrew its forces from Southern Lebanon. As a life-long leftist, I hate to admit it, BUT THE FAULT RESIDES WITH THE DOVES IN ISRAEL AND AMERICA


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Michael, you'll get your apocalypse soon enough. Will you stop writing then?

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I will be writing for as long as I can...

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That's like saying your Jesus said he will come back to bring wrath and judgement on the earth (the Apocalypse) and it's time to repent now, and you say stop writing about it and stop warning people? Then why are you on this site?

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I like doom porn

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Blinders off!!! How silly, like he wants an apocalypse....

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He does not want the apocalypse, He wants what God want's to bring Justice and true righteousness to His creation and judgement for Satan and all his minions. Michael has the same attitude of John who after seeing everything about the Lord's return and setting up of the eternal kingdom, John said "Amen come Lord Jesus."

In a real sense, Yes Lord Jesus do this, and lets get it on!

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Ding-Ding-Ding...we HAVE a WINNER FOLKS!

Good Job Daniel! Have a great week my Friend,


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OMGoodness, we agree again? Jesus must be coming back tomorrow LOL LOL, thanks for the grace and kind words

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