This shouldn’t be a surprise to much of anyone. You squander your wealth, you don’t have any more wealth. When you are living on credit, you eventually run out of credit. For a long long time, people have been warning about that. The love of material things means you need more of those material things to be satisfied. We can’t ever reuse or fix anything. We can’t accept a blemish or dent on something. Everything has to be all about conspicuous consumption. It is like an eating or drinking contest. People have placed their faith in material things, but those are going away. Maybe that was what us not being a Christian country anymore means, we don’t have any source of inner wealth to fall back in, that true wealth being Christ.
I don’t know where this all ends up, but the hard truth is that there are a lot of people who are non-essential. What do you do with people who don’t have a job any longer and aren’t ever going to get another one. Give them welfare? How does that work when our debt is beginning to eat itself? Everyone warned about monetizing debt and yet here we are. The system has been broken for a while, but it just is taking to catch up. What happens when people don’t have jobs and can’t afford their rent or mortgage and aren’t going to leave without a fight? Want to see real civil unrest, not a bunch of Antifa larpers? That’ll be when it happens. This is going to be such a massive mess soon.
Right now, it is like that calm before a thunderstorm, when there is just the faintest breeze and you can hear rumbles of thunder very far away. But it is going to get closer and closer, no matter what people wish. Trump getting elected might let us have a little softer landing. Kamala getting elected will be the foot in the gas all the way over the cliff. Things are accelerating and we are headed for a reset, along the lines of “oh hey, the lamps of the world are going out and they will not be on again in our lifetimes, if ever.”
Take care of your health, too. Don’t think that hospitals and doctors will be in business like they are now, or that you’ll be able to get medicine. And get used to walking a lot. Be able to think on your feet, have some real skills doing real things. If you have some skills, know how to fix or do something, you’re going to be a lot more able to provide for yourself and your family when everything falls apart.
EXCELLENT EXCELLENT spot on comment. Drives me bonkers how for instance so many have to have new furniture just because!!!!! You are spot on. And without Jesus we have nothing.
God has prophesied this woman will come (Mystery Babylon) the world's global religion that will make war with the saints. Donald Trump winning the election will not stop biblical prophecy. The precursor is the apostasy of Christianity morphing into a global universal Gospel of Jesus, that is happening now. True Christianity will be isolated by this false gospel with it's false messiah and he will be part of the persecution of the true saints.
We have not lived by capitalism since 1970 when Nixon took us off the gold standard and the world followed, by printing more dollars than we had gold to back. This led to inflation and to keep up with it we issued credit, that would seem to help in the short term but in the end as with the Govt. It has gotten to the point of no return and we will default and welcome the NWO.
What drives capitalism is the consumer, the buyer. You can and produce all the goods and services you want and nobody buys it, nothing works. It would be stupid to start a horse carriage company now because there world be almost zero buys and the company can not make a prophet. Electric cars are the same nobody wants these things at a level of profitability for the companies so they need Govt subsidies. This is an example of the Govt interfering with the market place causing inflation.
But what we have now are plenty of buyers, but they can't afford the things they need because the medium for capitalism is the currency. When that medium (the dollar) loses it's value producers need to charge more because what they produce will cost more dollars then prices go up, Consumer dollars lose value so they can't buy enough to live since wages have not kept up with inflation. Keynesian Economics model is the Govt pumping money into the market place on economic down turns to keep the buying and selling cycle going and even use govt. money to stimulate growth. This would require more money than taken in, so you just borrow it using bonds that buyers can buy and you have money to deal wit the current issue. But when those bonds are due you sell more bonds because you don't have enough money to meet your new obligations and the debt just gets high and higher. All this create debt and at one point it just spins out of control and here we are in a debt/inflation spiral that will only end in default.
Keynes said this would cause inflation but believed wages would always keep up with the inflation and the debt/inflation spiral would not happen. Obviously Keynes was wrong and now we have to default and go back to real money, but we won't the NWO will. And we will become the salve of real economics that we have no control over. Whoever controls the money controls the nation.
Just sit tight Michael. You're gonna get that rate cut that you've been whining about. And then you'll really see things spin outta control. Everything will begin unwinding very soon.
all the rate cut will do will make it easier for those who are in debt to borrow even more, just to keep this going. Eat drink and be marry for tomorrow we die. They have to, they are waiting for the trigger event to blame the default on. So we can't be far off.
Actually in real capitalism debt (borrowing money should be expensive. The more risk youare to the bank the more interest you need to pay. Before the 2008 crash prime rate was around 10%. I clearly remember people bragging about getting a great rate for their mortgage and it was under 9% what a deal.
Are you acting self righteous? The article was about finance. Michael has whined before about rate cuts. There are two camps...those who think rate cuts would be good, and those that think rate cuts would destroy the economy. I'm in the latter camp.
This shouldn’t be a surprise to much of anyone. You squander your wealth, you don’t have any more wealth. When you are living on credit, you eventually run out of credit. For a long long time, people have been warning about that. The love of material things means you need more of those material things to be satisfied. We can’t ever reuse or fix anything. We can’t accept a blemish or dent on something. Everything has to be all about conspicuous consumption. It is like an eating or drinking contest. People have placed their faith in material things, but those are going away. Maybe that was what us not being a Christian country anymore means, we don’t have any source of inner wealth to fall back in, that true wealth being Christ.
I don’t know where this all ends up, but the hard truth is that there are a lot of people who are non-essential. What do you do with people who don’t have a job any longer and aren’t ever going to get another one. Give them welfare? How does that work when our debt is beginning to eat itself? Everyone warned about monetizing debt and yet here we are. The system has been broken for a while, but it just is taking to catch up. What happens when people don’t have jobs and can’t afford their rent or mortgage and aren’t going to leave without a fight? Want to see real civil unrest, not a bunch of Antifa larpers? That’ll be when it happens. This is going to be such a massive mess soon.
Right now, it is like that calm before a thunderstorm, when there is just the faintest breeze and you can hear rumbles of thunder very far away. But it is going to get closer and closer, no matter what people wish. Trump getting elected might let us have a little softer landing. Kamala getting elected will be the foot in the gas all the way over the cliff. Things are accelerating and we are headed for a reset, along the lines of “oh hey, the lamps of the world are going out and they will not be on again in our lifetimes, if ever.”
Take care of your health, too. Don’t think that hospitals and doctors will be in business like they are now, or that you’ll be able to get medicine. And get used to walking a lot. Be able to think on your feet, have some real skills doing real things. If you have some skills, know how to fix or do something, you’re going to be a lot more able to provide for yourself and your family when everything falls apart.
EXCELLENT EXCELLENT spot on comment. Drives me bonkers how for instance so many have to have new furniture just because!!!!! You are spot on. And without Jesus we have nothing.
Is it possible Kamala getting elected POTUS will be a precursor to fulfilling Revelation 17: 6?
God has prophesied this woman will come (Mystery Babylon) the world's global religion that will make war with the saints. Donald Trump winning the election will not stop biblical prophecy. The precursor is the apostasy of Christianity morphing into a global universal Gospel of Jesus, that is happening now. True Christianity will be isolated by this false gospel with it's false messiah and he will be part of the persecution of the true saints.
We have not lived by capitalism since 1970 when Nixon took us off the gold standard and the world followed, by printing more dollars than we had gold to back. This led to inflation and to keep up with it we issued credit, that would seem to help in the short term but in the end as with the Govt. It has gotten to the point of no return and we will default and welcome the NWO.
What drives capitalism is the consumer, the buyer. You can and produce all the goods and services you want and nobody buys it, nothing works. It would be stupid to start a horse carriage company now because there world be almost zero buys and the company can not make a prophet. Electric cars are the same nobody wants these things at a level of profitability for the companies so they need Govt subsidies. This is an example of the Govt interfering with the market place causing inflation.
But what we have now are plenty of buyers, but they can't afford the things they need because the medium for capitalism is the currency. When that medium (the dollar) loses it's value producers need to charge more because what they produce will cost more dollars then prices go up, Consumer dollars lose value so they can't buy enough to live since wages have not kept up with inflation. Keynesian Economics model is the Govt pumping money into the market place on economic down turns to keep the buying and selling cycle going and even use govt. money to stimulate growth. This would require more money than taken in, so you just borrow it using bonds that buyers can buy and you have money to deal wit the current issue. But when those bonds are due you sell more bonds because you don't have enough money to meet your new obligations and the debt just gets high and higher. All this create debt and at one point it just spins out of control and here we are in a debt/inflation spiral that will only end in default.
Keynes said this would cause inflation but believed wages would always keep up with the inflation and the debt/inflation spiral would not happen. Obviously Keynes was wrong and now we have to default and go back to real money, but we won't the NWO will. And we will become the salve of real economics that we have no control over. Whoever controls the money controls the nation.
This can not be far off.
What has happened to Jobs under the Biden Harris Green new deal economy? Or no it was the Inflation reduction act LOL LOL,
Great Replacement Job Shock: 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 Immigrants
Just sit tight Michael. You're gonna get that rate cut that you've been whining about. And then you'll really see things spin outta control. Everything will begin unwinding very soon.
all the rate cut will do will make it easier for those who are in debt to borrow even more, just to keep this going. Eat drink and be marry for tomorrow we die. They have to, they are waiting for the trigger event to blame the default on. So we can't be far off.
Actually in real capitalism debt (borrowing money should be expensive. The more risk youare to the bank the more interest you need to pay. Before the 2008 crash prime rate was around 10%. I clearly remember people bragging about getting a great rate for their mortgage and it was under 9% what a deal.
Whining? Enjoy your head in the sand.
Yes, people who want rate cuts are cry babies. Are you one of them? I like getting interest, I'm a saver
No I'm not, what an odd thing to ask. Do you mean you save lives by showing people the way to Salvation?
Are you acting self righteous? The article was about finance. Michael has whined before about rate cuts. There are two camps...those who think rate cuts would be good, and those that think rate cuts would destroy the economy. I'm in the latter camp.