We need to see proof that Biden is still alive.

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Too easy to fake it, AI and all....

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Uggh, sadly Snyder’s literary efforts have deteriorated further , now totally off the rails.

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I am chilled to the bone.

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They are like the Russians, they don't take a dump without a plan.

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Agree Crix however they are no where near as intelligent as the Russians!!! Not even remotely, close!

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Barack killed biden just ask Barack’s chef!

Where are you Joe?

Wheres Jill?

The stolen election power grab is imploding!!

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If you mis Pro Nounce Kamala, you are now

🌽sidered a racist. As she “stands up for Democracy in Delaware”, after destroying it for Democrats with her Primary Coup. After being destroyed in her last primary debate by Tulsi (Tulsi is the Holy Basil plant with many great medicinal benefits including detoxifying from Cannabis) Gabbard.

Now about Jussie Smollett, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, and the just passed “Lynching is a hate crime” to spring board Kabuki Theater. Which was added to the Charlottesville Hoax to help the Canadian Anchor Baby Kamala Harris and her family of former slave owners in Jamaica pretend to be an oppressed black for her race card identity entry. And as a smoke screen for her record of putting black street drug users in jail. While protecting her donor class drug dealers.

Kamala who along with AzeroC now wants to legalize prostitution. Perhaps to restore the child sacrifice cult Prostitutes to the Planned unParenthood Temples to Moloch and the Baals.

For the record, Kah Mah Lah- Kamala, is Sanskrit for “Lotus blossom”,

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Absolutely no doubt we are witnessing a screenplay reviewed by the elite and committed/performed by a huge horde of commies.

We're not accustomed to our "fellow 'Muricans" (used loosely) being assassinated just out of governmental convenience, but we better get used to it. Shit be gettin' real when the royals can't command everything all the time.

I propose 9/12 as Ashli Babbitt Memorial Day. She should not be forgotten in all the stink we're dealing with. Now more collateral damage in PA.

Just a thought.......

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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So Kamala the Kackeler had ZERO votes in her pres run in 2020, but then got scooped up by Obiden, and now MSM expects those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear to believe she is ahead of Trump in the polls??????........what kinda of a circus clown show is this???

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NOOOOOOOOO...............Please Dear God in Heaven....

Say it Ain't So........ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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It worked for Robert "The Retard" Mueller didn't it?

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Michael, your thinking is too linear and constrained, IMHO. Let's noodle things a bit deeper, and consider some alternatives. Starting with the idea that the entire election Charade's primary purpose is to polarize the country into two extreme camps, red vs blue. It has little to do with Electing a candidate. Those decisions and backup plans were made long ago. Backup plans to justify Martial Law & Civil War...

Squint your eyes just so and look at it from this angle: The entire DJT Assassination plot was orchestrated by the same blathering idiots who control Biden. Furthermore, they all work for a single Entity that I wouldn't classify as Human. (The Fallen Angel we know as Lucifer).

My thinking is that the DJT event was a distraction and yet another polarizing event, as the Lawfare tactics have by this time run dry. Consequently, while DJT was grabbing ALL the media attention, emotions, sympathy, votes, funding, etc., Biden was the one actually assassinated (quietly) when he was in Las Vegas. Just another routine bait & switch, with a side of Fear and Uncertainty.

VP Kamala is just a placemat, because she can keep the Campaign Donations. She will step down at the right time, shortly after accepting the title of the First Woman/Black/etc POTUS. AND (and!) appointing the Cabal's next To-Be-Selected POTUS as her VP appointment once she is officially (temporarily) promoted to the top spot. Then she steps down or is removed after appointing a replacement VP. By the way, the news articles I saw today indicated that Obama did not endorse Harris. Can anyone verify?

This scenario allows for MUCH acceptance, sympathy, relief, sense of justice & fairness, and so on. By both parties! Which allows several months of media coverage and non-stop attention while the other chess pieces & wars around the planet are correctly positioned to be ready for the coming Global Government transition in January-March 2025.

Likewise, it allows the Cabal to APPOINT exactly who they want as VP to replace Harris, who like I mentioned above will soon become POTUS as soon as Harris/POTUS is removed. Then he/she (new POTUS) will appoint a new VP, and we'll have both positions filled by appointments instead of elections.

I couldn't think of a more effective way to APPOINT the soon to be recognized (2025) Anti-Christ! All by deception, which of course is Satan's most powerful and often used weapon.

But wait, there's more! We will still most likely have the elections via the consensus between both parties, and it won't matter if we vote in person (with ID), mail in ballots, or whatever. There will be enough chaos and orchestrated events that the results won't/can't be certified for several months. Actually, with just the right Emergency Declaration, the new Global Government will be able to take shape with/without the election results ever becoming final and certified.

The bottom line - and my best guess: The two appointed candidates will be Obama and Hillary. Sigh... and it could be either Obama!

By early 2025 we'll have the election certification in limbo, an appointed POTUS and VP, a new form of global government taking shape, an electronic currency to replace the dollar, and of course an appointed public official that critical thinkers will realize is the Anti-Christ coming to power. Don't forget about the Wars, Cyber Attacks, Plandemics, and other Kinetic & Chaotic events that will shape the chessboard and keep the Fear & Uncertainty levels ramped up while the Global Government is formed. Which will operate on the Electronic Currency, and squeeze out ALL other fiat currencies and cryptos (and precious metals, etc).

Just look out the window and you can see this taking shape. It is actionable information that allows you to sidestep the carnage and position yourself and your loved ones to survive & thrive during this coming period. And indeed, with a good action plan you can thrive!

For the truly and fully informed (critical thinkers), the Cabal's final plans will be set in stone and in motion by Oct 2nd this year. Likewise, it will be absolute proof that there is no Rapture, and never was. It was another Deception put on by Lucifer. Unfortunately, way too many people bought into that Narrative. Almost the same percentage as the COVID Jab.

"Actionable Information" includes the idea that you can hang up such Rapture theories, and get busy preparing for the Tribulation. Hint: It's manifesting now, so you are way behind if you haven't given it much thought. LoL, you might think of it as "Left Behind!"

Let's try and focus on Actionable Information, and do what we can to help each other on this phase of the journey. The Cabal's stated goal is to reduced the US Population by 88% in about 12-18 months from now. On the other hand if you KNOW the enemy's Plans, you have the Power to Sidestep & defeat him! Personally, I think we've got the Cabal on the ropes, which is why I think this is an incredible time to be alive.

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Yes something has happened to Biden, this makes things happening at the White House even more crazy as we get nothing from Dem. but lies. All the Dem saying they are lining up behind Harris is the Dem. just aping what the Rep. did with Trump. They think the key to victory is pretending unity.

Still, everyone knows Harris can't win, she will not be a good president and this is another situation they are lying about to just find time to figure things out. On top of that, if Biden is truly incapacitated, we have a constitutional issue, they have to say what's going on. They are just digging themselves into a deeper hole for the election.

I don't think this was the plan, it's so screwed up, why would you plan events that really doom you for the election. Really? What a ship of fools.

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Mr. Snyder, in my personal opinion, you are correct, this was all premeditated. The entire world knew for the past year Biden was not capable of running for re-election and yet there was never any talk of a replacement?!? People knew back in 2018 he was in poor health. There is one blindingly obvious fact no one is mentioning. For the past year if not more we were told under no circumstanced would there ever be ANY debates. None whatsoever! And then out of the clear blue it was the Biden camp that invited Trump to not one but two debates. It was all deliberate and intentional because there was no reason why he would offer to debate Trump after saying there would be NO debates for the past year! This solidified they threw him under the bus but why now? That's the 64 thousand dollar question? Were there deals that still needed to be made a signed before getting rid of him, who knows?

To ask a question is to answer it. You go on and on how bad Harris's poll numbers are but then talk about her being elected? There's only one way she wins and that's if she makes Michelle Obama her VP. Michelle said she had no desire to be POTUS she never said the same about VP. We all know VP is nothing more than a glorified position but it would certainly give Michelle the power she needs to implement her white supremacy crap. And her husband would be back in the WH running the show for Kamala.

Not one but two BLACK - WOMAN would decimate Trumps black vote and a large percentage of the female vote. Throw in another huge dosage of voter fraud - blame RFK Jr. for being a spoiler and guess who loses, yet again?

This is why I also believe it was a deliberate failed assassination attempt (unbeknownst to Trump) to make his lead so insurmountable no amount of chicanery (again) would beat HIM, also again. The court cases were the same as you saw how they all just magically just fell apart one by one. The common denominator they both shared was - his popularity and donation soared solidifying there was no way in hell it was the DNC but rather the RNC. If you think none of this is possible, they killed both Kennedy's didn't they?

The problem with my theory is that Hillary Clinton would never sit idly by while another woman stole what she has felt entitled to for what 20 years? First she got pushed aside for Obama and then Trump beat her. That woman harbors so much anger and resentment there is no way she is not coming back to replace Biden. My gut says Kamala will be forced to bow out gracefully under the auspice that she cannot beat Trump or they will slander her with a scandal.

How ironic is it that Hillary's new book comes out seven weeks prior to the election? There are no coincidences in politics - this has her pawprints all over it! You could tell by who was calling for Biden to withdraw versus those who wanted him to remain (herself included) until she supported Kamala 24 hours later! Clinton lies like people breathe.

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Barring severe illness and or worse . . . I think it would be safe to say the man is undoubtedly and rightfully furious, to be stabbed in the back by people he thought were his friends. Especially Obama. Keep in mind there were reports today alleging that if he didn't withdraw from the campaign they would have him removed instead.

I think that's pretty hard to swallow no matter how much you like or dislike the man. To be embarrassed and humiliated to the degree they did on the world stage mind you and THEN, to have the unmitigated gall and audacity to then praise him once he complied and withdrew.

How many favors do you think he doled out during his 47 year career? Granted how many did he and or his family profit from but that's not the point. He spent his entire life desperately wanting to be POTUS and then once he became the POTUS look how it ended.

I personally do not vote and am neither a democrat nor republican but I think the way this was handled was despicable. Especially his own wife, siblings and children. Yes they exploited his health since 2016 - when THEY needed HIM - but to treat him like this now when he is in a diminished capacity is just wrong, IN MY OPINION. But this also personifies that all politicians are, have and will always be, the scum of the earth. Hence why I refuse to vote and support or enable any of them.

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Whoever is Kamala' asset has been very patient and conniving. They tried in 2020 to get her elected via the primaries and failed miserably so they settled on VP. Now they use Joe to ensure she does not need to be in the primaries. Something smells very bad.

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Good analysis. And yeah, I believe this was the plan from the moment Clyburn and Obummer intervened to prevent Bernie from getting the nod. Joe was always going to be a one term wrecking ball. Taking orders, just as he has for 50 years. All the pieces will eventually fit. The debate. The attempt to kill Trump. The Crowdstrike thing (destroying evidence). Joe with Covid. There’s more coming. That is one thing we know for sure.

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