If Zelenskyy and the European leaders want to go to war with Russia, let them go to war. The United States will have no part in this. President Trump is not stupid. A war with Russia is not winnable - everyone loses. I believe President Zelenskyy is the one who is, I hate to say, stupid. Dear God, we pray that you would pour your grace over those who seek war and not peace, so they may be converted and become agents of peace.

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Putin is doing the same as Hitler and with the same arguments. How would you have found peace with Hitler? Look it up; they tried and were trampled. Exactly the same with Putin; they tried and he just carried on.

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Learn some history moron. Putin has struggled to take Ukraine, he is not taking Europe. So stupid.

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Gosh! Almost as polite as Vance.

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I believe so Michael... Little Z is a player.. Maybe President Trump should immediately pull us out of NATO...

Even so, Lord GOD Almighty, Have Your Way🔥

Be strong in Him, precious Saints! Armor on!! {Eph.6}🙏🏼🛡️

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Yes, remove the USA from NATO and the United Nations.

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You believe so. Except the article at the beginning states the US has contributed the most by far to Ukraine. It hasn’t either absolutely or in percentage of GDP terms. So do you just stick to your ‘belief’ or do facts have even a tiny bit of relevance to you?

When you say ‘everyone’ loses you do grasp that Russia started all this using exactly the same arguments as Hitler and that whenever anyone tried to reason with him he just saw it as ‘weakness’?

How do you negotiate with someone like that?

If someone walks into your house and decides they want half of it and threatens you do you believe in peace and give it to them? Or when it comes to yourself rather than others are you not as Christian as you pretend?

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You mean because he stole half the money, signed a deal with Uk days before Trump was inaugurated, for Ukraine’s minerals and energy exports, so he and UK could develop them with US tax dollars, sell them to the EU, and suck the US into defending them from Phootin’s Nukes? While the ObamaNations, Biden Crime Family and CIA all got their cuts?

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Nailed it! Its a billion dollar global money laundering RICO conspiracy, with Obama/Biden orchestrating the scam.

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It’s the beginning of the end of NATO. And it’s for the best. The Globalist agenda requires WW3 but, without America, they can’t afford it.

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Everyone is always so anxious and happy to see Americans die in foreign wars defending them or defending some ephemeral thing that falls in the "none of your business" category when Americans are asking "what exactly is the reason our sons and daughters are coming home in boxes?"

IMO NATO for example in their heart of heart expects the USA to pay for the majority of it and I suspect in their secret place they believe that if there were ever a NATO commitment that required boots on the ground, well then that would be the USA's job.

This angling to get American boots on the ground in the Ukraine is "the usual" far as I can see and the EU NATO signees for whom the NATO thing is designed to defend look at it that way also. In reality I'm suspecting they think if it comes to boots on the ground it will be USA boots. Always good to get some one to do your fighting for you. Particularly if you can reserve the right to ridicule and be disrespectful of them while they are doing that fighting. How convenient if you can get USA kids to come home in boxes while your own stay home safe and continue on your merry way being very European and intellectually superior to those red neck Americans.

Of course the EU and Zelensky appear to view the Ukrainians as unwashed goobers also. They seem to be more than happy to see as many of them die as it takes,.... to accomplish what? Redefine the word pointless? I heard something like 25% of Ukrainians have left the country. That is a crazy number.

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To hell with Europe

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Ishmael will conquer Europe before Russia/Putin.

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Already have …

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I’m grateful to God for what happened. Let Zelensky and the Europeans fight it out with Russia and China. I’m tired if our husbands and children for others causes. If someone attacks our nation, All of Us will go to war but otherwise let’s have peace and rebuild our nation. One for all and all for one!

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Zelinsky is a coke head. There's only so much time left, before it all unravels. It's natural law.

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I hope Pres Trump makes clear to EU and Uk that if they start something even bigger with Russia we aren't going to get involved.

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No, but it was his neocon handler’s plan all along!

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Well, it may have been Zelenskyy's "plan", however, this fascinating event which unfolded right in front of us seemed to impress a Devine intervention which will uniquely present over the next few mos...

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Very much so

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This is a great, now we’ll increase tariffs by 100% of present value.

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It wasn’t his idea, he’s not that bright. This plan was hatched by RINO’s and Dem-Communists before Zelensky reached the White House. Unfortunately, Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham were two republicans that attended along with senate democrats.

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I had read earlier then the Oval Office meeting with Zelensky that he had already made a deal with the UK

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