Excellent article and accurate too. A family member lives near one of the areas you mentioned and they told us last weekend they had only half the yield in crop as last year and their town is rationing water.

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And STILL they don't hear the Lord screaming at them to repent and return to Him. Instead they pursue their own failed, and continuing to fail abysmally, methods to "restore" the balance of nature.

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HAARP? And then came Gleissberg 2025.

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I live in southeastern Wisconsin. We had a very dry summer but we've gotten quite a bit this fall. The up side to dry weather is no mosquitoes. They are the bane of my existence.

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So either God is pissed as hell against the red states for many obvious reasons, or climate change is real and we need to start acting like stewards of the earth like we were asked when God first handed man the reins.

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Hopefully, the blue States will also be good stewards of the earth.

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