Under the guidance of Kissinger, Reagan and Nixon got Russia and China to buy into our global system. The USSR collapsed and Russia became more capitalistic. China's communism got lost in making the most millionaires and billionaires in the last 30 years. Xi. has seen that they have been duped by the west. Now their economy is in worse shape than ours. Putin of Russia (the old KGB agent) wants Russia's empire back for the glory of what Russia once was. He see's the west as the agent of their destruction by the fool Gorbachev. Now that the NWO is about to appear, Russia and China want to supplant the western system that has run the world since 1945. Xi openly said America's time setting the world agenda is over, it's now China's time. That is what is driving this. As always power money and control. The one nation they blame for all of this and stand in their way is the good ole USA. The fight is on for all the marbles. Israel is key because Biblically all the empires of Daniels visions of the great empires of the world leading to the final world empire, all wanted Israel as part of their empire, so again this is another battlefield that is in play.

Yes China is building ships but especially aircraft carriers need sea trial to make them combat ready and all that takes at least a year. They will not be ready in time. Numbers don't mean victory either.

Just 2 example are, the Battle of the Bulge where Americans were vastly out numbered and had an extreme strategic disadvantages but won the battle. Russia with a convoy of armored vehicles 10 miles long and 30,000 troops, Russia failed to take Kiev in 2022 when everyone believed the war would be over in 3-4 days.

Experience, command and control, tactics and leadership are huge advantages in beating a bigger army. Plus we have no idea how much real intel we have on Russia and China. The perception is we are behind the 8 ball and we want that perception to have legs.

I have been fortunate to have been briefed on several resent briefings on military readiness. China and Russia know our capabilities in space. They know they are behind. They are desperately trying to blind or disrupt those assets before they go to war. Because they know without that ability, they will lose.

Both sides know if one side uses a nuke even a small tactical nuke, Pandora's Box will be opened. Both sides have intel that suggests both sides are bluffing. So this is turning into a global nuclear game of chicken. Obviously if the nukes fly millions maybe billions will die here and in Russia and China. Only the Lord knows exactly how this will play out and I'm sure as Michael has stated well, we will have a lot of answers before this year is out. As Jesus said as you see these things take place, then you will know. We need to watch and pray, be in the Word and in the Spirit. Be in the very center of the Lord's will and you have nothing to fear.

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USA began the War on China when they dumped the COVID in China Fall 2019, but China didn't care, but after spending $10 Trillion on silk-road from shanghai to haifa-port (Israel), and now the entire high-speed line project is kaput, China is seriously pissed

Then yesterday USA announced it will build a super port at Gaza, and start extracting the offshore LPG reserves off of the Gaza Coast;


Post Oct7 when CIA/MOSSAD activated Hamas-ISIS to kill 1500 Israel commie kibbutz commune people, the next day CHINA remove "ISRAEL" from all of its maps; Same as Taiwan, doesn't exist on their maps;

The USA has been running a COVERT war against China for years, but now it appears to be a PROXY-WAR to be done in MENA, not unlike UKRAINE was used to bleed Russia, now China will be bled where the needed oil comes from

Here Russia explains why USA is pivoting from proxy war in Ukraine to proxy in Israel, in order to destroy the Chinese economy.


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It's CHINA's fault that USA&UK are assholes?? Really??

All reasons are correct, like blind men and the elephant

Biden Gov thought she (nuland) impeded an end to Ukraine War


Russia thinks this is just ZOG's PIVOT to China, they know if they can kill China, then it will be easy to blockade Russia;

( Why USA-UK pivoted to destroy Israel, and is now using that as a proxy battle ground to destroy China's silk-road hegemony & investments )

1840's to 1930's the USA ruled China, they can do it again, ... just a bigger Hong-Kong "Democracy Coup' like Nuland did in Ukraine 2014


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How many soldiers does China already have in the US? including at Camp Pendleton in CA. (WTF)

Not to mention the large numbers that are already staged in Canada and Meico.

And Herr Biden wants to confiscate our Gun?

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am convinced that we will be witnessing the downfall of our once great country..🫤 we have allowed all kinds of corruption, lying, evil, immorality, Godlessness, pandering to our enemies along with embracing Marxism. There is not an institution that I can think of that hasn’t been infected with the above. So sad! Now, when people wake up to their ‘wokeness’ they will have to pay with their blood.

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Six years ago....

Chinese army puts on show of military might for Xi Jinping


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America created the Dragon that will destroy it. Back in 1971 President Nixon's Ping Pong Diplomacy opened the door to make China a global superpower. Before the US got involved Chins was a bicycle driven economy. Having forsaken God and on course for national suicide we sent our factories to China and gave them the rope to hang us. The noose is around our neck and it is tight. No coincidence that America has betrayed Israel with our bogus peace used to interfere and restrain the Jews, and our destruction is nigh. Zechariah 12:9

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So much for the optimism. We know the Chinese 100 year plan to overtake the US. Russia has been looking to kick our butts since they learned we were planning to take them out from WW II (when they were our "ally"). The threat of nuclear war is downright frightening. But, let's be realistic. It's likely not going to happen. None of the big three (with No. Korea and soon Iran) want to see much of their country destroyed. (None care about their people.) The problem is that with such an expansive nuclear war, much of the planet will be radioactive for years. That benefits nobody.

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Not buying any of this. Not saying that anything you’ve depicted is wrong, it just seems, well, too conventional. But, with a huge splash, worldwide, of a never before seen pSyOp.

How is it that combatant foes are conveniently meeting regularly with each other; attending their many scheduled meetups like they’re all in a buddy club getting together now and then to present one front to us, while devising the most horrendous scheme known to mankind?

And, we’re conveniently sold on all this nonsense, especially their pitiful acting when together or apart, showcasing their “big balls” through well crafted words their script writers churn out for them by the hour.

So, we can keep heightening our fears about their “moves” against each other, but we need to focus more on their true agenda - us.

All that we see going on is about a worldwide genocide of us. And, we’re getting a taste of it in Gaza. How else are they going to gauge our reaction to what’s going on there so they can determine how easy or hard it would be for them to deal with us.

We’re too caught up with what we think they’re planning without realizing that it’s only about us, our eradication. Well, most of us, anyway. You see, if we had dug enough, we’d realize that some of what they’re preparing, like tunnels, like under Walmart facilities or dare we say, DUMBs, are being done for their kind. What kind? Those whose bloodlines trace to Cain. The rest of us, well, we can react like cockroaches when the can of RAID comes out. But, by then, that’s going to be too late.

Of course, this is going to be quite an extensive write-up, since this “theory” will need some fruitful investigation and perhaps written in several parts.

For those who believe this is nothing to do with a biblical perspective, well, that’s just laughable because from the get-go, everything that has happened even before three-hundred plus years ago is only about, evil trampling good, forever.

This is going to be a deep, deep, dive, into all of the aspects of this agenda since the beginning of time. Whoever is up to this challenge. But, it doesn’t have to be complicated since everything prior to three-hundred years ago is mostly biblical. However, since 2020, we’ve been quickly brought-up to scratch of what’s going on, and we all know what they are, we’ve lived it for the past four years, perhaps a few more. But, who’s going to piece the pieces together? Moreover, do we have the time to do so or do we just continue with our one-off speculative writing or whatever news feed comes our way that we can write about?

To be honest, there’s no time, unfortunately. But, there may be just enough time for us to start writing from a different perspective. Like our survival. And, based on what is written in the controlled version of the KJV of the Bible, our focus should most likely be on saving as much of us as we can, for God’s sake. Yes, that includes those from Cain’s bloodline who are on the elimination fence. Every society has their undesirables it seems.

Inevitably, what is to come, will. It is written, whether anyone wants to believe it or not. When? Well, if more of us focus on saving each other, getting with our Bibles, being the true church that God expects, helping each other with priority, then perhaps our saviour will come sooner.

Until then, the only ones here making moves, is the enemy.

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The only families that survived the flood was Noah's 3 sons and their wives families. They came from the line of Seth. Everyone else that died came from the line of Cain and Seth. Check the genealogies out. If you believe in almost any version of the Bible. It's not about human survival, it's about eternity. For in Christ death has no victory and death has no sting, for the sing of death has been destroyed on the cross of Christ.

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Can you blame them? After the demon Nuland was fired, er resigned, the United States government switched from active subversion in the Ukraine to saber rattling about China. They are not having it.

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Interesting comments.

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Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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I am sorry Michael for stealing your thunder. Peace brother...

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

It's not what dr-doom says, its what he doesn't say, what he fails to say is why does his ZOG brothers WANT the USA GOYIM to all die, the so called 'great replacement theory'


Going to war with China, India, & Russia ( and all BRICS ) is just dumb, but USA/UK are terminally dumb, so what else would you expect, go report today from UK they are second most miserable people on earth, USA is 3rd, and sri-lanka is first, note they are UK-London colonys

Traditionally CHINA built a wall 2,000 years ago to keep the barbarians out, their entire history is "Leave us alone", but ZOG is the cockroaches and locust of the earth, and anywhere there are women to rape and shit to steal, ZOG will be there like flys on SHIT;

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We live in the shadow of Demonacracy. Slaves ALL.

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