"Wayne Allyn Root is calling for a nationwide boycott of [New York] city…"

Cult Cult Cult. If there's literally ANYBODY left who doesn't think that Trump is a cult leader to his cult members, then you're part of the damned cult. SEEK HELP. GET DEPROGRAMMED.

There is only One True God and guess what people, it's not the guy you worship. Replace him now and get someone we can actually elect in November or else he makes the rest of Revelation come true.

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Just a few questions...Why did Trump turn his back on his supporters on Jan 6? Why didn't he help after...to keep them out of jail/prison when the capital police were waving at people to come on in? How can Trump allow a son-in-law and daughter to live in the white house or have anything to do with presidential duties when they are in bed with Soros? Why was Trump on the air passenger list to Epstein's island? Why are there numerous photos out there with Trump arm in arm with Epstein? Why did he say while standing on stage with Fauci, the VP, etc ..."The covid will hit our shores in a week...we must prepare and lock down"? How did he know...how does anyone know? Why did he support rushing and pushing the death vax? Why did Trump hold the Bible up in the air "upside down" while talking to a large group of people? Here's a good one...Why did he choose a "female" Christian mentor while in the white house? Why does he make the elitist symbol with his hands when he is sitting down? Why does he attend Bohemian Grove? Why vote for a man who brands his name and is so self absorbed? I have many more questions about Trump. I say with sincerity....they showed us last year during the election that they have full control of who wins. It's a sham. They put two people in place that they want and let the people pick one...doesn't matter who wins because the elitists have already won. When the president bulks at what the elitists want him to do...they kill him. Simple as that. When I saw a report about how all the presidents are related and of blood royalry...except for Van Buren....I knew then we are just peasants in this land and owned by England. Any way...enough of that...my president and king is the Lord Jesus Christ....everything else is a lie and an illusion. Puddin Tain...never thought I'd say this...but, I agree with you. Be easy on people because they have veils over their eyes and ears. They have no idea, will never understand, will never see what's actually going on and they're hearing is clouded. Love you guys

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And Ivanka's dear pre-selected hubby owned the famed 666 Fifth Avenue.

That was actually my biggest hurdle when I voted Trump in 2016. (Yeah, I admit that's how I voted because the internet is anonymous.) But 2020 and 2024 no way. And when he tries to run again in 2028, no way again.

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We "cult members" don't worship Trump. We worship God and God alone.

We do, however support this man who is fighting so hard for our country, when it would be so easy for him to just quit. If he's just another presidential candidate, why are Biden and his minions fighting so hard to stop him? What are they afraid he

might expose about our politicians and leaders? If you can't see how unfairly he's being treated, then I'd hazard to say that it is you who are in the liberal cult. It is actually your hero, Biden, who is acting like Hitler.

Meanwhile, have fun while the silent majority is silent no more. We patriots are very, very angry and you're about to find out exactly how many of us there are.

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Libtard much?

Don't worry, 'tards aren't a relevant group, ignorance and lack of thinking skills will continually marginalize you.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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No one is putting PresidentTrump on the same level as GOD. Nor are PresidentTrump's supporters a cult. But, nice try.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

His supporters place him above God. Ask them how many graven images they have of his MAGA paraphernalia vs how many Bibles and images of Biblical things. Cult.

Anyone who still supports that demonic idol is for a fact in a cult. Sadly, cult members will deny this mostly because it makes their idol look bad. Cult.

If you have any family members or former friends, ask them to get you deprogrammed. You'll fight the deprogramming as though you were getting spritzed with Holy Water, but it's necessary. CULT -- get out before you have to answer to the REAL God in person.

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I'm a PresidentTrump supporter, and like PresidentTrump, I also place OurLord JesusChrist and GOD above at the highest level.

This PresidentTrump "cult" member, along with fellow members, praises and adores our REAL GOD. Therefore, if you choose to label a "cult" which holds The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit above anything else, then I will accept your premise that I am in a cult.

Pray that JesusChrist OurLord helps you.

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The first half of your first sentence reiterates that you're in that cult. Even going so far as to acknowledging that you and your fellow cult members do indeed praise and adore your REAL GOD [sic], just as Trump demands.

I do thank you for your prayer to the one you call JesusChrist, whom I really suspect is yet another name for Trump in your book. But the actual Jesus Christ has helped me immensely, most recently by showing me how to escape the demonic MAGA cult. Maybe pray to the FIRST coming rather than the guy who openly referred to himself as the SECOND coming, because He could help you far more than I need.

TL;DR: You're still in a cult. Get out because God loves you.

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Don't get it twisted, sister! Take some time to unravel your thoughts and perhaps you will see the TRUTH. Good luck with that!!!

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Exactly how a cult member would respond.

Face it, you're in the cultiest cult that ever culted.

I'll keep this short so you can get back to tithing your hard earned money to you know who.

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“Order is breaking down all over the western world as governments lose control of their populations“ says the man who has been crying wolf for as long as he has been blogging. Not saying it’s incorrect but every day is like this. Dial it back please Michael.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

If you don't like Michael's articles, then simply don't read them.

As for myself, I like hearing his perspective.. He is a truth teller in a world of liars.

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I'm thinking a wise man would personally verify these claims and take appropriate action to prepare, if found necessary. Berating the messenger is not a solution.

The vast majority of those victimized by reality were likely ignorant of the "reality" surrounding them. Too much info. is seldom the problem.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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This is off point, but Glenn Beck has encouraged American truckers to boycott deliveries to New York City and Washington, DC. Obviously by cutting off food deliveries to Washington, DC, would be "starving the Leviathan/Beast" that Barack Hussein Obama embedded into the DEEP STATE.

Interesting strategy Glenn Beck advocates-cutting off food deliveries to Washington, DC.

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I don't share a deep seated trust in Mr. Beck but occasionally even a blind squirrel finds an acorn.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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To surrender your faith to any government or pretend leader is akin to committing suicide. None of these bozos can be trusted, ever. To expect government to always be there is ridiculous and a choice that reeks of impassivity.

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Thinking. Project this a year from now. What will our lives and world look like? We all know, of course. Death and killing of people, culture, and economy. My puzzlement always is why isn’t there civil war?

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I believe it's coming soon. Who owns the majority of the 393 million privately owned firearms in this country? It isn't the liberals. We are generally a peaceful, patient, law abiding group, but in the words of Popeye, "We've had all we can stands, and we can't stands no more". If this administration thinks J6 was an insurrection, they haven't seen nothin' yet.

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Onward, Christian soldiers!

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We have the tyranny of the elite running the world and we have the tyranny of the mob. We had a revolution we were told was all about freedom from tyranny, but that did not last long. Look what happened to France after their revolution that followed in our footsteps it created a continent dictator called Napoleon. What is God telling us through history? That without God we can not rule ourselves?

We call freedom a right? but is not that right really a gift to some of us on this planet, out of His grace toward us? And look what we have done with God's grace. Like a son, who his father gives him the keys to the father's car. A car, the child does not own or have any rights to because it belongs to the father. But as a good father, when the son drives irresponsibly and wrecks the car, what will that loving and just father do? He takes the keys of the car away from the son. Is that not what we are seeing now? And no one from the elites to the people on the street are not happy about the judgements God is bringing on irresponsible children. As in the parable of the bad steward who lost everything due to his corruption so shall we.

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What the western government's are pulling right now, I would expect exactly what's happening. I'm actually shocked at the composure that the rebellion is holding to. It has been so peaceful up to this point.

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