""Joe Biden and others in positions of power in Washington are running our economy into the ground."

Running the country down 👇, down, down to hell.

"The wicked shall be turned to hell and all the nations that forget God."

Psalm 9:17

He makes the nations great, then destroys them;

He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.

He deprives the leaders of the earth’s people of intelligence

And makes them wander in a pathless wasteland.

They grope in darkness with no light,

And He makes them stagger like a drunken person.

Job 12

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His next 4 years should be spent in prison.

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If the worthless Republicans don't get the election stolen from them again they will do what they do best, NOTHING. 3 1/2 Years of an open border and Biden high crimes and they talk and talk and have more dead end investigations and useless committee meetings.

Only God can take care of the Sewer, flushing twice.

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You don't even read the articles here before posting your spam, do you?

It's always the same set of spam posts you make, whether MS is writing about healthcare, economy, education, or environment, you crap on all of his efforts by posting unrelated drivel.

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Why are you reading my comment dear anti- Freedom of speech, Control Freak ?

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I would call Biden, "the father of lies," but that title goes to Lucifer.

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Obama's sock puppet is sinking fast. The useful idiot is becoming useless, a drag on the Globalist agenda. He won't make it to the first debate.

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He'll consider it a victory if he can make it up to the podium.

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There is no significant difference between Biden and Lucifer. Both compete for the title of "the father of lies".

Biden's are less believable.

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No difference!

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The day President Trump left office gas was $2.15 today 3.59 but hay he’s buying votes with student loan forgiveness.

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$3.99 in my area. And regarding student loans, they are doing it for a more sinister reason than you will allow yourself to believe. In their minds, what’s the point. Besides, if you’re un- or under-employed, the government’s repayment plans, based on the debtor’s income, would exonerate a debtor from paying until the debtor’s income reached a certain level. Do you think you will ever get your share of the country’s egregious debt paid? We’re responsible, so they say, for supporting the whores in DC.

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"..so they say..."

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We voted them in office. Except the appointed bureaurats, I mean bureaucrats. ;)

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Not only student votes but their parents who might be on the loan.

Over 7++ MILLION illegals being told to vote for Biden while still in Mexico and Texas.

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More strategic oil reserves being released in time for Memorial Day to lower prices.

These are called 'strategic' reserves for a reason. They are there to be used in case of a national emergency. This corrupt incompetent clown is releasing the oil to increase his chances of re-elction while he places the nation in peril.

His next 4 years need to be spent in jail.

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If there is an election. October surprise may be a national emergency that precludes that process.

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May 21·edited May 21

You don't need fast foods or new vehicles. You cannot let a cretin like The Dummy rule your life. Learn to become more self sufficient and forget about the silly demands of society and the marketeers who are marketing you to death and into the poor house.

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Unfortunately, it’s the Biden regime’s ghettoization of America.

This Target in the Tenderloin district is suffering, severely,” Johnson explains as he walks into one of the only remaining Target stores in the city.


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Gateway Pundit is a joke, albeit a consistently unfunny one. They can never pass fact checks and their stories are just that: STORIES, held together only by opinion and shocking-but-untrue claims.

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I'm glad you godless evil, far left

freaks freak out when the truth hits your dark, stinking hearts.😊😄🙂

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Our founding fathers did not give us democracy, it was a Federal Republic where only the House was elected by the people (i.e. a democracy). The Senate was elected by the state Legislators. The Senate was to be the lynch pin to watch over the President and the House to veto everything that was not Constitutional, but all of that is now gone now!

Wall Street has pushed the markets up to maximize profits causing the massive bank failures in 2008. Wen this bubble blows it will make 2008 look like a walk in the park. Once they go digital they will control everything. All these state voting to opt out the digital money system is nothing but window dressing, because the FED and it's little twin sister Treasury Dept. control everything financial. This is what all the big and powerful want (control). The president has no real say how this all goes down, even Trump could not stop any of this. No one has done anything because there is noting anyone can do. When this comes and you don't play by their rules they will just seize all your assets and just cancel you, you will lose everything. It will either live and submit or die. Some may say, I ll' barter with my stuff, but that will be a crime as well, not only will they seize your stuff yo go to jail as well. The reset is allowing all but a handful of banks to fail and the (4-5) ones that will be bailed out will have all the power in fewer hands.

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Part of Obama's "fundamental change" was to destroy the US economy to topple it as the world's leading nation. Obama was unable to accomplish that even with the help of the Great Recession so his puppet Biden is getting it done for him. Ideally for Obama America will be turned into a Third World shithole.

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Yes you are correct Daniel Beegan. Thank you.

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Ok Boys and Girls, let's 'Dig In',

Everything you have witnessed since "Uncle Joe" stole the Election is wholly, purely by design.

"But, but, but we're a DEMOCRACY!" you'll likely hear repeated over and over, like a Hindu Mantra...

No, we are NOT.

Beginning at the point of the Louisiana Purchase, VAST new Lands were opened to our burgeoning Republic. In order to access and estsblish DOMINION over those lands, the Nation REQUIRED 'Heavy Industry'.

Examples of such are Standard Oil - Rockefeller, US Steel - Carnegie, Hotels - Gugenheim, Waterway Transport - Vanderbilts, Peabody Coal - Peabody, naturally...and DOZENS of others also.

Thereafter, began the Rise of the "Robber Barons" so reviled in our History, WITH CAUSE.

Thier shameless pursuit of the Almighty DOLLAR was unprecendented in our prior Agrarian history. In but decades after those began 'assembling' the mechanisms by which the 'West would be tamed', those acquired personal FORTUNES so VAST that the Federal Government was simply 'Outclassed' in every wise.

The Robber Barons learned very quickly that they had the wherewithall to simply BUY Senators, Congressmen and virtually anyone they bent themseleves upon.

In a decade those had honed thier Corruption of the Governance to a 'High Art'.

Eventually, this led in the 1900's to reflexive 'Anti-Monopoly' Laws being enacted. Far from hindering the Hyper-Wealthy, those simply 'submerged' and concealed thier actual efforts behind a Smokescreen of 'Enablers'. Those Enablers eventually became 'cemented' to thier benefactors, utterly, completely, unreservedly.

That Tier of the actual Hierarchy has - through Generations - become indespensible to the Apex Predators; who never allow themselves to be subject to 'Oversight' of any sort whatsoever. They are ABOVE the Law, BEYOND IT completely; put simply LAW as we know it, does NOT APPLY to them. Period.

Certainly we KNOW the names of many at the Apex: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Larry Ellison and many, many others besides. Yet - for the most part - those seem to seldom (or never) to be seen to become 'entangled' in mundane matters, now do they? Absolutely NOT. Those 'hide' in plain sight, entirely assured that thier Primacy renders them IMMUNE to almost anything at all. Perhaps Epstein's ACTUAL papers - if they still existed, which they DON'T, rest assured - MIGHT have shone a sufficiently BRIGHT LIGHT onto thier 'personal eccentricities' (read as PERVERSIONS) that 'We, the People' might - just might - have actually took notice of them, alas such was not to be...

Instead, I submit that no effort should be wasted on pursuing ANY of those. INSTEAD, I challenge anyone, EVERYONE to begin DIGGING into WHO thier 'priviledged Enablers' ARE.

Without THOSE, thier Masters would actually HAVE TO ACT directly in the World, and inasmuch as THEY are not individually that smart, they WOULD trip themselves up - sooner or later - and then be SUBJECT to REAL Public Scrutiny...and then the LAW also.

Make no mistake here; thier Enablers are SUPREMELY well practised at the Art of going Unseen as they communicate thier Master's Wishes down the tiers of the Pyramid...and THOSE ARE 'Couriers' since none of thier Masters ORDERS are ever transmitted in Electronic form. EVER.

So, IF you are an ACTUAL, UNCORRUPTED Journalist - something today as RARE as Unicorns - then DIG...and DIG MORE, until you begin piecing the Puzzle together. Once REVEALED then - rest ASSURED - that those will either be ATTENDED DIRECTLY or cast aside by thier Master's as useless, having lost thier 'Cloaks of INVISIBILITY', like portrayed in the Harry Potter "Deathly Hallows" series. Many of those are - likely - Lawyers, who better to navigate thier Patrons through the Maze of Laws the rest of us are compelled to abide, regardless of HOW Onerus they are.

The APEX can ONLY be attacked via thier "Trusted Lieutenant" class, once that group becomes significantly 'impaired' ONLY then can the Apex be assaulted successfully.

Well, THAT sums up today's lessons Kiddos. Bear in mind, IF none ACT to effect what I have detailed above - and it MAY well be too LATE now to be effective - then the SOLE remedy available to you is to LEAVE Civilization at once, for the Apex has 'Plans within plans within plans...' and you will NOT subdue them on thier 'own GROUND'.

Be well, SAFE(!) and Blessed abundantly...


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The good news-- Prices cannot keep going up. The bad news-- When prices start to go down, everything will crash. This is exactly what the Fed and their masters have planned.

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I put my IRA into physical silver a couple of years ago. It didn't do much for awhile, but I've made $150,000 in the last month. I am very confident that this is just the beginning of a good run. It's a nice hedge against Bidenomics.

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Bidenomics is working out just like Obama and Soros want... "THE FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA"-- OBAMA, just days before his 1st inauguration.

(TRANSFORMATION ='s undermine, destroy, and replace with a new MARXIST/COMMUNIST regime/constitution).

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You nailed it Ted.

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Thank you Carl.

We all need to know that we're under attack by the Biden cabal. They are the greatest existential threat to America. They are exactly the ones our forebears (Washington, Lincoln) warned us against..... the internal threat.

Best wishes, Ted

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This is what the end of an empire looks like. And we have made a lot of enemies along the way with all our terrorist acts over the years, which was enabled by the same fiat currency of which you are so sad to see go. We sanctioned countries, we bombed them into oblivion and we overturned their elections and governments. When we sanctioned Russia, however, the joke was on us. Now look to see them steal the frozen assets. It will be the final straw.

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Babylon (Empire USA) has been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord,

Intoxicating all the earth.

The nations have drunk of her wine;

Therefore the nations are going mad, insane.

8 Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been broken;

Wail over her!

Bring balm for her pain;

Perhaps she may be healed.

9 We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed;

Abandon her and let’s each go to his own country,

For her judgment has reached to heaven

And it rises to the clouds....

Jeremiah 51

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If we repent for tolerating the removal of God and Judeo-Christian principles from our schools, homes, government......perhaps He will grant us His mercy.

God has allowed us to experience what earthly hell is like when we rebuke and mock Him. The Democratic party is evil...evil..evil..

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"If we repent"

Where do you see that ?

We're long past repentance.

Even His very own Israel crossed the line where God told Jeremiah a number of times ; DON'T EVEN PRAY FOR THEM, I WON'T HEAR YOU !!!!

And the US without a covenant like Israel had, has gone way past Israel in wickedness and evil.

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Thank you.

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Thank you, Jacob

Ted Matuga

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Trump added more to our deficit than Biden, let's not ignore that. He also gave an illusion of a decent economy by stealing from our future to plump up the economy during his 2017-2021 reign of error. He set the tax cuts to END during the next president, which is why so many financially illiterate people are blaming Biden now.

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By 2023, Biden’s add to the national debt outdoes Trump.

Biden is going to match Trump’s addition to the national debt in just 3 years, reaching a total of $7.1 trillion. That would be $1.5 trillion more than Trump contributed during his term.


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Biden's goal is to undermine, weaken, destroy, and replace our society with Marxist, Democratic, Socialist/Progressive, Communist ideology because THE DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA.

So evident and obvious. NO ONE could come up with a better plan to destroy us than the Democrats under Obama and Soros.

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Adding 3 more "Likes".

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Biden caused a terrible inflation which he is only too happy to blame on anyone else.

Biden has wasted multi-TRILLIONS of taxpayer and Federal Reserve dollars on wasteful or ridiculous projects. He and his former Kenyan president flew planeloads of money to Iran which were used to fund terror throughout the Middle East.

Biden significantly crippled our energy supplies on his 1st day in office by cancelling the Keystone Pipeline.

Instead of protecting our citizens Biden tore the southern border WIDE open to undocumented millions including vicious cartel members, felons, murderers, and all criminals that our enemy countries wanted to be rid of.

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Who’s the biggest presidential spender of them all? Joe Biden wins that award by a landslide.


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Team Biden is responsible for a TSUNAMI of inflation and societal destruction.

Biden is the 'useful idiot' being used by Soros and Obama.

Team Biden will attempt the greatest amount of damage they can before Biden gets the boot.

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One way Biden hopes to "Fundamentally Transform the United States of America" as mentioned by our previous Kenyan president.

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Your "facts" are false !!

Biden is deliberately bankrupting the United States of America!!

One trillion every 100 days!

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