When they say Peace and Safety, then the end will come.

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IF we check Daniel and Revelation, we will hopefully see that all of the things John saw and that JESUS (YESHUA) warned us about are gradually coming through in our lifetime... The rule of "man" on earth is about to come to an end, (like it or not). GOD's ways are NOT our ways, and His thoughts are NOT our thoughts. Therefore, we should know that the warnings in the last book are REAL and TRUE and are NOT to be laughed off or taken lightly... There are many scoffers today saying, "where is the promise of His coming?" We are to be watching, and be aware of the news, the signs of the times. We should be alert, awake, aware and use our common sense at all times...Be prepared, and especially spiritually!!!

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As i read the post i kept hearing in my head "Minsk 1, & Minsk 2"...

And German leader Merkel's admission that there was no intention to implement either,

it was to give the Ukraine time to build up it's armed forces,

and, anyway, there was no enforcement mechanism...

No 'enforcement mechanism' is mentioned in this post, and the Israeli have reneged

on (nearly) all previous agreements with the Palestinians...

If the Israeli ceded, gave back any territory they control - well,

they are not being very Jewish, are they !

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There already is a "Palestinian state"; we all it Jordan! Giving them ANY Israeli land will bring wrath down on the US and Saudis, as it has done in the past. It's not ours to give, or the Arabs' to demand. It belongs only to the Children of Israel by blood descent, no one else. Since Abraham's long dead, only Yhwh God has any right to alter that covenant, as the only other party to it, The Children of Israel are recipients, and many claiming Israeli citizenship are not they, so have NO rights in the discussion at all. Not even redeemed Christians have any say in that issue.

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God told Daniel that He gives this man of sin of arrogant boasts the power to do this. This is part of Jesus' curse on Israel for not embracing Him, they will embrace another, the man of sin. This will be part of God's judgement on his global kingdom that lasts only 42 months.

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True, but unless"Biden" is the "man of perdition" (the 1 authorized for that), which I seriously doubt, then he needs to keep his anti-Semitic mitts OFF Israeli land. It's not his to give anyone.

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Even if the leaders agree to this plan, getting govts of these countries to approve the treaty will be very hard. To get this passed in the USA Congres will be as hard as passing the Constitution without the Bill of Rights (It will dead on arrival).

If the Bible is true, it will require the king who will do what he pleases, Daniel 11:36-12:2, Rev13.

To be the one who divides the land at a price.

So does this mean this false universal messiah bringing the three groups together in a united Abrahamic covanent religion that will allow the Temple be built is about to come on the scene?

We shall see. We have wars famines diseases and death coming. These false signs (real events) will not lead to Jesus return but the fake second coming Matt 24.

It seems all in place it seems all we need is to have the perseverence of the Saints as we wait on God's perfect timing for these events.

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Is anyone else aware of all the treaties made with Israel back in 2020? It started with Sudan. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-brokers-historic-peace-agreement-israel-sudan/

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