AI will help facilitate fallen man's obsession to be as a god himself. But in the process "anyone" who embraces this will invariably sell their soul to the devil, eternal damation & end up in the lake of fire.

AI is from the pit of hell itself & should not be entertained by anyone who professes to by a follow of Christ.

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Interesting to consider - it's an exercise in FUTILITY ! Just like at Tower of Babel when God scattered the "tribes " so they couldn't "run amuck", He will STOP the AI from running amuck too. I'd say big "war" should take care of THAT. It really doesn't pay to refuse to accept Jesus Christ as one's Savior ! Everybody else can "kiss it good-bye"!

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I am a science fiction fanatic, so I have pretty much seen all of the movies where technology goes horribly wrong: "Termintor", "The Matrix" and an interesting series called "Altered Carbon". In the latter, our whole consciousness could be uploaded to a disk and moved from body to body, or simply stored in some kind of oblivion. Of course the rich could clone new bodies and stay young and live forever. At what point in this process do we lose our souls? One woman declined and was riciculed for living a normal life. I, for one,would like to think that I would refuse these "upgrades".

My point here, I suppose, is that some applications of AI are fabulous. But once it outsmarts us, we are certainly doomed. I am sure you heard about the drone operator who recenty gave it an order it didn't like. First the drone killed the operator and then blew up the control tower. What could go wrong?

Or consider when our enemies roll out armies od these cyborg soldiers. China is already working on it.

Every man woman and child should be screaming from the roof tops that we need some kind of worldwide oversight committee for AI. A few elites have tried, but no one seems to be paying attention.

Otherwise, I guess, we'll have to wait for time machines to be invented so we can come back and fix all this.

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Have you see "Transcendence" the Jonny Depp movie? talk about being anti-Christ type that looks great on the outside but in the end is death to the soul, Rev 10:10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter.

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My first 'forewarned" movie was "Space Oddesy 2001". AI will have some good aspects to it, it's the over-riding/uncontrollable EVIL it represents that will DOOM humanity! For reference the SOUL is the human mind. God breathed life into it and it became a LIVING soul. Humans (as God made them) are spirits, in a physical body, with a physical 'soul"/mind. That's also why -in the grave - people know nothing, their "soul"/mind sleeps. Hence the term "soul sleep".

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No. I missed that one. It sounds pretty creepy.

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Gotta watch has to do with the idea ghost In the machine

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Will do. I also find the idea that the antichrist or the false prophet will actually be AI.

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Religious idiocy has already taken over Snyder's Suckers. For any question they take out their word bottle of gods and jesus's and devil's and pour it all over and it pays well for the conmen preachers tax free and un=American. Obey and don't ask questions.

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Such personal arrogance and hatred towards Christians, "Snyder's Suckers', etc, et al, is the worst kind of narciscism, Joe. Get a real life, becuase you demonic possessed soul is headed hell bound.

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'Joe" is proof Satan is scared and panicking.

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LOL. At least it will relatively free from retarded Christians. Tell me what you expect to do in heaven. If a man does not get a harem of at least a million drop dead gorgeous females with nymphomania it would be a bummer. Do angels fly around in the nude with wings flapping furiously when they climax? Is Jesus going to take care of all those millions of virgin nuns who are married to him who have been waiting a long time for their wedding nigh?. Poor old Jesus is going to be worn out bedding all those ugly nuns. Woooo weeee.

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Joe again not true,

1. Your confusing Mormonism with Biblical Christianity, not the same not even close.

2. When we get to Heaven our rewards, will be in relation to how we have used what God has given us in this life. The crowns we get (rewards) are more responsibilities to do, more work, more God business that can be imagined.

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I have not said anything about funny undies religion. You are stupid.

Prepare for raw meat cannibalism.

Red alert as Pentagon mobilizing thousands of aircraft for war with China and Russia

Mike Adams

We have an urgent update for you today concerning the Pentagon preparing for World War III. New intel comes to us from John Moore (The Liberty Man) who I will be interviewing later this week.

It turns out that thousands of mothballed aircraft are being restored into service. They are reportedly being sent to the Philippines and Poland for staging for war.

It is estimated this means we are only six months away from world war. (much sooner)

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And this is exactly why Jesus said do not cast your pearls before swine least they be trampled under foot. What more needs to be said.

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I have a friend who works for a company that is part of the Military Ind Complex. We have been friends for over 20 years. What Mike Adams and John Moore have talked about ( and I do listen and watch their shows) is just the tip of the iceberg. We have been preparing for this war and fermenting it for decades. WW III is coming and it will be horrific, if it happens, but we shall see.

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Matthew 12:36 NASB95 — “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.

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I dare you to talk like that to the Muslim community.

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"Joe" is so irrational, he's BORING ! 🥱

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But what is Babel? It is the description of a kingdom in which people have concentrated so much power they think they no longer need depend on a God who is far away. They believe they are so powerful they can build their own way to heaven in order to open the gates and put themselves in God’s place. But it’s precisely at this moment that something strange and unusual happens. While they are working to build the tower, they suddenly realise they are working against one another.[1] While trying to be like God, they run the risk of not even being human – because they’ve lost an essential element of being human: the ability to agree, to understand one another and to work together… Progress and science have given us the power to dominate the forces of nature, to manipulate the elements, to reproduce living things, almost to the point of manufacturing humans themselves. In this situation, praying to God appears outmoded, pointless, because we can build and create whatever we want. We don’t realise we are reliving the same experience as Babel. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Pentecost Homily, May 27th, 2012; vatican.va

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God will 'step in" again and prevent AI from maturing, not to worry !🙏

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(Tower of) Babel is THE beginning of God's turn against pagan "mankind". Confusion on steroids, has only increased exponentially since then. And 'the Pope" wants to reunite all peoples again (a political aspiration under the guise of religious 'tolerance'), and 'sour grapes' against The Reformation. Catholic literature even admits wanting a reunification of ALL religions under the "Mother Church". What does THAT tell you? Pope Francis said once in an interview, had he not become a priest he would have been a politician. Let's see now - Antichrist (political) and False Prophet (religious) in bed together. Sound familiar to you, yet?

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This is what is coming, peace unity, technology melding with occult, healing living forever in this body, power control, trying to undo the effects of the fall w/o Christ.

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It is evil and it must be stopped. Elon Musk is as bad or worse than Adolph Hitler.

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What about the mark of the beast melded with AI. An implant like in the Matrix that gives you instant education, knowledge, a library in your head, plus knowing all about the immune system it will guide your own body to heal itself and never get sick. We get sick and get cancer because our immune system fails, or taps into or modifies the gene for aging thus undoing the effects of the forbidden fruit, but a new fruit of knowledge without the side effects. Even give people who want to do miracles just like the Anti-Christ does (take the mark and share in my powers). You live in this life but your soul dies forever the same lie Satan told Eve. We shall see. Talk about a great deception.

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And one big FANTASY that God will never let come to fruition. 🙏

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Abomination of Desolation Matt 24 and Daniel 11 &12

Matt 24:24 signs and wonders so close to the real thing even the elect might be deceived,

Rev 10:8-11 what he offers in the mouth is just like the truth of God Ps 19:8-10 &119:102-104

Rev. 13:7 He is given total authority (by God) over all the nations and attacks the saints, Daniel 7

The question is, since we know the saints can not be deceived, if it were possible to be deceived, what would that have to look like? Very close to the real thing Ps 19&119.

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As AI continues to advance in many areas of our lives, it could very well be why Bill Gates, WEF, and the WHO are pushing releasing killer viruses and vaccines to kill off millions of humans to make way of transhumanist beings.

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Covid was a de-population exercise. Another has already been planned by our WEF society from the Billionaire club of Gates, Schwab, Soros, fauci, Pfizer. God sees all, will judge. Without repentance and fear of the Lord, then I hope they like tormenting eternal fire. God will not allow His created human beings who are His followers to be taken over by machines. The saved & sanctified believers will be raptured before any of that Praise God! Now those left behind.....tribulation will be hell on earth for 7 years, wickedness will run amuck!

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'They" have a variety of ways (currently in action) to "cull the world-wide population herd"!

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The book of Rev states that the whole world (except those in the Book of Life) run after the beast (flee to him) after he raises from the dead (a Jesus imitation event claiming to be the real Jesus). So what are they running from (what does that look like) and what are they running to (what does that look like)?

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With advancement of AI, the image of the Anti-Christ just may be a compilation of human features and AI intelligence. Just Saying....

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Rev 13:15 The second beast was given power to give "breath" to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

So what does the word "breath" mean?

In the original Greek the word for breath here is "pneuma" meaning, spirit, life, ghost or soul.

So the idea that the image is haunted, possessed or powered with a spirit, soul or ghost that gives the image the "breath" of life, It actually comes alive as God made Adam out of dust and breathed into him life and Adam became a living soul. This is literally what the Greek says something very supernatural, (again Satan imitating what God already did). Like Pharaoh's magicians imitated God's miracles via Moses, (snakes blood & frogs) just saying.

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It could very well be a created AI being... a composit of multiple human figures.

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could be we shall see but clearly it will be miraculous one of the ACs signs and wonders

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For little old religious ladies in tennis shoes:


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