God has removed the hedge of protection. We are being judged. We have booted God from every walk of life. What do we expect?

I am looking up. Believers, our redemption draws nigh! Get ready to go home!

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No need to vote, Trumps V.P. spouse prayed to Hindu demons twice at the Rep. convention. Trump could have stopped her but allowed it. I don't trust any politicians they are all puppets of the UN agenda 2030 puppet masters.

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I agree completely. No man or woman in the Presidency of the United States will ever be able to change what is coming on this earth. Nor will they be able to save any one from anything (economically, socially, environmentally, or spiritually). There is only one MAN that can do it--His name is Jesus Christ--fully man and fully God! Come Lord Jesus!

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Astute observation Teri,

Anyone who is a parent, who has passed through the "Oh Daddy, Mommy, I WANT a BICYCLE!!" EVENT will immediately grasp the following...

When that point comes, being a dutiful, loving parent one immediately procures the desired item. Almost unfalingly, prudence will dictate that such comes equipped with 'Training Wheels'; rarely does any loving parent wish to unneccessarily hazard thier small one...

So...one evening the parent beckons to thier child indicating that perhaps they REQUIRE a bit of assistance in the garage. Stepping out onto the porch the child's eyes are immediately greeted by the sight of what they so very much desired sitting on the pavement all shiny and new...

Thereafter, the parent get's them mounted UP and forward motion begins...with the parent running along beside thier offspring being a final Shield against harm, hands outstretched on either side.

Days pass and the MOMENT arrives whereat the training wheels can be removed with some assurance of relative safety...

The initial process is duly repeated and eventually the child 'GETS IT', the bike coming under good control, the child - delighted - sprints forward leaving thier parent behind...

Here you'll ask "Why belabor such a common, ordinary occurance?".

Simple, THAT is a near perfect analogy to what Humanity has been subject to these many millenia under God, as He has sought to bring us UP to the point of basic CONTROL. In all time prior we were given His Laws and Ordinances...and now the Final Test is at hand.

Now, we near the moment when the PROOF will be REQUIRED. In all time prior He has held His Mighty, Sheltering Hand over us all...but here, in order to step UP to the next level, He MUST - for a time - allow us to truly SEE what it is like when that Mighty Shelter is absent.

Therefore...now RISE ABOVE the heights of all who have preceded us, or FALL into the Terrible Abyss which beckons to either side.

Be Well - I love ALL my Christian Brothers and Sisters - please be as Safe as you can manage in the coming Days and above all be BLESSED Mightily,


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Wow! Did that “common, ordinary occurrence” description of that shiny new, eagerly awaited bicycle bring back sweet memories of my daughter and her first bicycle.

Such an excellent analogy, JOG! So true!

Our heavenly Father’s long-awaited justice won’t sleep forever. Time is short!

Can’t wait to visit with you one day soon in our eternal home in the New Jerusalem.

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, my dear brother in Christ Jesus!


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James 1 said this perfectly for all the saints,

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various [c]trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces [d]endurance. 4 And let [e]endurance have its perfect [f]result, so that you may be [g]perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

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And yourself beloved Sister!

Soon indeed - AT LAST! - the foolishness of Men will be made NULL.

I am delighted that the story as given, struck a 'chord' with you Ma'am. In all things we now must strive to present our thoughts in the most vivid forms which we can...so as to be understood, in FULLNESS.

Be Well, please be SAFE Terri in coming Days and be BLESSED MIGHTILY,


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God Bless you, JOG! 😀🙏❤️

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Those commissioners haven't seen any of it because they sit on their butts and don't want to know what's going on. Absolutely they are helping themselves to the produce in the stores. Had that same thing happen here when half of Iraq moved here yrs ago. The kids did whatever they wanted. Some of us reprimanded them and there would be shouting... the manager finally got on them so much and told them he didn't need their business. They have subsequently opened tens of bunches of their owns stores which is great! They can deal with their own cultural issues. Stealing is not allowed in those cultures under penalty of hands getting cut off..... it just showed their disrespect for the US........ the citizens in OH should put together a film montage and bombard the commissioners with it. We also see people defecating wherever they please. All the 500+ members of Congress need to be removed as they are all in on this or you'd be hearing a lot more noise.

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Howdy Y'all,

My apologies to Michael however, I CANNOT any longer countenance what is occuring throughout this Nation.

When DJT takes office he will be confronted with between 10 and 15 MILLION Illegals requiring deportation. As a practical matter, not even the entirety of ALL the Armed Forces AND LEO in the Nation - amounting to some 2-1/2 million armed personel - are going to be effective in doing so.

So, WHAT is to be done?

Please understand this; the moment that any large-scale operation to deport the Illegals begins then the reflexive response by those WILL inherently be one of unlimited violence against those attempting to do so...and EVERYONE ELSE also. The Illegals DO NOT want to DEPART...and they won't unless commensurate - or GREATER - force compels them to do so.

Anyone who entertains the notion that this is a problem which can be 'fixed' without the application of massive lethal force is simply deluded.

Recently, I counseled the readers here to immediately STOCK-UP on every form of ammunition they will require.


Simple, 'Supply and DEMAND'.

Once the issue of the Illegals goes kinetic, NO Ammunition will be left available for purchase owing exactly to the reason stated above.

Act accordingly Y'all...there will be no further warnings. Period.

Be Well, be SAFE - PLEASE - and be Blessed,


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Absolutely 100% spot on. The powers that be did this fully knowing what the response will be and that will lead to violence. JD Vance has clearly said they will go after the criminals and gangs first, I think that's not enough. This is going to be bigger than they expect.

As Jesus gave the apostles 2 swords for self protection, we need to take what each one believes he needs to protect innocent life and our families. Even our church have armed members and a security plan.

We are clearly under God's judgement, we are going to reap what we have sown and Judgement begins wit the house of the Lord (sifting) Matt 13:24-30.

1. We disinherit the Cultural Mandate to have children. Gen 1:28

2. We have and will get the leaders we deserve 1 Samuel 8-9 (this election)?

3. (And what we are about to do)- we will turn on one another Isaiah 3:5, 1 Samuel 14:20 and The big one is Jesus said. Mark 3:25 a house divided against itself, will not stand, (and boy we are divided and it will get much worse and it's God who is doing it.

4. We have become self seeking, pleasure and ease addicted. And we turn a blind eye to the truly needy. Ezekiel 16:49-50

5. False Prophets in the land Jeremiah 23:16-17, 2 Timothy 4:3, telling the Church what it wants to hear, don't be surprised many Neo-prophets turn out to be liars (Trump Prophets)?

6. Abortion will be not banned, Proverbs 1:18, 6:17, Numbers 35:30-34 (Trump will not ban it)

7. The vulnerable and innocent, the poor and needy become pray, (tools for the powerful)

Proverbs 31:8-9,

(in a big way except for the gangs and criminals, the majority of the illegal immigrants are just tools and victims for the globalists agenda to destroy this nation). They are poor in one nation to be sent here, to be poor here and drain this nations wealth and cause real hatred toward most of those who are victims as well. Like the Ukrainians are poor victims of a bigger proxy war between the west and Russia.

Many innocent will die in this blood bath, at the hands of Americans who will lump all of them as the enemy, (that's what we do) who are here to take my good life away and we will fight and kill for it.

Clearly all of this are signs from God that we are under God's righteous and Holy Judgement. We are going to reap what we have sown.

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“They” are permitting and normalizing unspeakable acts. If we accept the unspeakable, we will accept anything “they” order us to do. That may work on half of Americans. The other half not so much.

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It works on over 85 percent, about the same number of those who took untested Covid shots. The dimwits that comply to anything gov. says and do nothing to stand up, are nihilists and self absorbed in their social life and hobbies (video games,sports, etc). Nation in peril, stick w/ likeminded and do what is necessary when the time comes to defend family.

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Thanks for covering! I heard this first time last night, then again today on morning news.

And to think the weird is just getting started. :/

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Gotta be honest. If someone tried to grab my dog and eat him, they’d wish they hadn’t. Read between the lines.

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The invasion is now under way as Haitian illegals are hunting and eating pet cats, dogs and geese in Springfield, Ohio.

The illegal invaders have been placed across America to replace American citizens who are being deliberately killed off with vaccines and toxic ingredients.

America's treasonous government has decided to replace American citizens with third world invaders who are easier to brainwash and manipulate.

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The US been eroding for decades. We’re simply seeing an exponential increase of its collapse. I can list dozens if not 100s of examples to support such.

A Godless nation is a lost nation and we have not just abandoned but given the middle finger to God.

We genocide infants as they did in Biblical times and call it woman’s rights, doctors butcher the human body because individuals don’t like who God made them to be and we call this gender surgery. We genocide our elderly by abandonment by their own families, we abandon our national identities and flood our nation with fish that simply should not swim in the same fish tank, we elect leadership that isn’t just incompetent but deviant. We take the richness of our nations wealth and resource and squander it all. And the list goes on.

Rest assured as the nation smokes dope, eats their popcorn and watch Netflix , YouTube and porn your nation is spiraling into an eventual third world hell hole that one day people will wake up off the couch and wonder what just happened and it’ll be to late.

The Bible is prophetic and accurate in its example after example of nations that abandoned our creator. It never , never ends well.

The nation aught to wake up while there is still some level of time to save themselves. But the window is closing, fast.


demons LOSE WE WIN

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The reason they are doing this, is to destroy the culture and social structure of this nation. To tear down even the very fabric of our communities and bankrupt the nation at all levels, even what is left of a Christian culture left in our nation. This is part of the UN driven program to destroy America. For we are the last bastion that is in the way of Globalism. This is what the election is all about. Harris will be their puppet, Trump will not, or maybe we shall see. I suspect we will be disappointed by Trump when/if he gets into office. But we shall see praying that God be glorified in all of this and God's will be done.

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Europe has already fallen, there are some groups on the right, but in France they were suppressed by corrupt voting against Ms. LePen. Germany has some patriot groups forming but kinda late now as Muslims trying to form a Caliphate the UK has fallen under Muslim rule.. Assaults and rapes continue. Nihilism is the religion of most Americans, attending 501c3 gov. controlled churches for a social or business outlet, while pastors or priests remain silent on issues. The church hierarchies and seminaries are controlled and have been for 70 yrs since the 501c3 was pushed on churches (most complied.) Best home church or meet w/ likeminded for fellowship or do zoom meetings. Mainstream churches are controlled. We quit them forty yrs ago went to some indep. non 501c3 ones. now home church. Been informed since "78 on UN world gov. Younger generations will go along to get along incl mark of beast to buy and sell.

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I agree about the 501c3 churches. The pastors are too scared of losing those tax breaks. We attend a non 501c3 church. They are not too plentiful.

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Several small ones in the surrounding counties have closed in ast decade or so. One I attended fairly recent also, all older people who died off or too handicapped to leave the house.

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Are there any real men in the communities affected? Haitians were recently dumped off in Sylacauga, AL and people are missing pets. The town is small and the city has no resources to house them. Why aren't city leaders active in this issue? Those in office in cities mentioned are cowards and condone the illegals activities. Some residents have complained. This will increase as law and order breaks down. Cowardly police live in these communities and don't seem to care.

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They haven’t seen it…riiiiight. Maybe the governing group needs to take a field trip to the park to see exactly what’s going on. Get out of their gated communities and look around. Go into grocery stores to see what’s happening. Walk around the neighborhoods in their city. These clowns are unbelievable. All they seem to want to do is collect their paychecks.

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Obama in 2014, created the "Task Force of New Americans" -- the real intent is Countries within this Country. This is why the "O"Biden administration reengaged the process and is flying these people to small towns, to overwhelm the population and take over the town, not assimilate - find the Mark Levin interview 26 Feburary 2015. There is a transcript on line as well. There are some 200 towns targeted by the "O"Biden plan.

The Obama memorandum was posted and can be found on the Nov. 21 2014 date.

Third, there is a Document from the American Immigration Council that lists the Cities or towns, use this to alert others.

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Crimigrants even look sideways at my dog it's gonna get wet pronto.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Keep cats and dogs confined in privacy fence or inside w/litter box. Too much traffic in my area dangerous for pets to run loose.

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WE ARE VENEZUELA 2.0 !!!... and they say everything is hunky dory??!!! REALLY...

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They care not for our customs. They care not for our society. They care not for our laws. They care not for our pledge nor anthem. The care little for our language. They care not for our morals or our ethics. I must be referring to the uninvited illegal aliens swarming our nation. Right? No, I am referring to the swamp creatures we elect and appoint in Washington DC. They are responsible for the illegals (or should be held accountable), and they also are responsible for destroying and/or allowing the destruction of our country. Enough is far too much. Fight like this is your country. It is, but not for long. Get my meaning?

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Not desperate. Feral humans who hate us. Next eating us, I’m thinking.

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