Just a thought, is this why they sent soooooooooo much money to the bidens?

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The political elites are just trying to collect before the Chinese give the green light to their people here and Hezbollah sleeper cells are given the green light simultaneously. Somehow, I think these two are related because the globalists want the USA out of the way.

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I am so happy to see someone THINKING the same thing I have!! Exactly! I fully believe this is a collaboration between this admin. and the Chinese in particular. Traitors to our once great country founded on God! The Muslim sleeper cells will simply follow in their footsteps to further the agenda of complete upheaval of our nation. We know Hussein is a radical Islamic that’s always supported the Muslim Brotherhood! Way before he ever was pres. His name even being false! Biden is his puppet. He’s not smart enough to pull all of it off. Hussein is beholden to Schwab of the WEF who is all about the Fourth Reich! As are all of the members he’s been training since the 70’s. You’d be surprised at some of the members. He’s placed these people in places of power and influence all around the world. . The few TRUE, God loving Reps in the House know McCarthy is a minion and successfully ousted him. Deals were made to do so. Time will tell. Be very careful who you trust! As much as I’d like to trust Johnson… I just don’t. None of them honestly. It’s heartbreaking. Remember that evil can appear as good, love, trusting! Scripture does not show America in prophecy as being powerful or existing until the end. This nation turned its back on Him. He has hardened hearts and blinded the many. What we’ve been witnessing is all prophetic events coming to fruition. The works of Satan are increasing tenfold as he knows his time grows shorter. It’s not difficult to see. Let me add too, the “UFO” narrative is all included. I fully expect them to bring that hammer down soon as well! These are not “aliens”. Part our own military, technology is far and above what we can imagine., all creatures demons. Man, working for them. Make no mistake! Pray for clarity and wisdom against deception! We’ve not seen anything yet. God bless you all!

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Watch Obama’s new movie. They are telling us what is coming.

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Yep, a few million wet-backs and nobody notices, but a few 100 chinese guys with cash backing from 'back-home' and its a big sndyer story to run with , ...

The difference is that wetbacks get EBT, phones and weapons caches from CIA on arrival, and the Chinese guys are actually paying their own way;


Regarding the marijuana farms, here's the story, its a money-loser, but as a money-loser its a great way to 'launder cash'

The problem is that in CHINA the 'stock-market' in Hong-Kong&Shanghai is in a toilet so to quote Marc-Faber, the money will go to where it feels the 'safest'


Now back to our wetbacks, why is it that Snyder covers for them? Could it be that he's a CIA tool? Like Zerohedge ( SERCO/GHCQ) ABC media-ltd UK

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I don’t think he covers it much because it’s obvious a political permanent underclass is being created and the numbers will eventually overwhelm the nation, creating more crime and chaos. He covers it in his book, “Chaos”. And... the massive numbers of south american, caribbean, central american immigrants are camouflaging the Latin American gangs and chinese nationals somewhat. The LA gangs, highly professionalized, are now robbing multi million dollar homes in chicago suburbs and elsewhere in the nation. It won’t be long before it’s all over. The New World Order wants the middle class destroyed.

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Seriously you think in late 1800's with all the "Irish harelips" that people weren't talking shit about the world in USA coming to an end.

Here's the deal to keep the USA running, which runs on the "Real Estate" racket demand can only come from fresh-blood

Nobody gives a fuck about brown, black, yellow, or blue, or even white;

Most just care does he work? Does he sit on his ass? Historically in all of USA history the "immigrants' did the fucking work at the lowest fucking pay;

Then as now;


When black-kids organize you call them 'gangs' when white guys with badges drive around you call them 'professionals' and maybe even cops, or when the white guys wear a suit you call them businessmen.

But the black and/or brown will always be called the 'gang-banger', but they know;

Synder is full of jew-shit, he's a permanent fixture on ZH which is London ZOG alt-right bile for the lemmings

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This is what it looks like to have a compromised treasonous government in charge who have let the country run amuck into destruction and who are awaiting the enemy from within to finish it off. They, the democratcommunist party, want you dead.

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The America I once knew is so far gone.

Loved the Brady Bunch, The Jeffersons and Godzilla growing up. Simple, wholesome fun and laughs.

Now it's all something we adults do not recognize; nor agree is a direction we, as a nation, should be headed.

Putting it mildly, of course.

Puerto Rico is calling me. And I hope others, too. As a Refuge from the coming storm. Visit my site for more info.

God Bless You And Keep You. Amen.

Love Always,


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Then why does Trump have all these good things to say about Xi, that "we love each other" "he's brilliant." Why do all the ceo's and banker give Xi a standing ovation at the recient pacific economic conference in San Fransisco.

We should have nothing to do with this leader he's another Hitler. The British thought Hitler was a cheeky guy.

No one in enough numbers wants to stop this even Trump is he clueless or really part of this NWO?

Can we see there is no hope in this world or its systems. This will not end well no matter who wins in Nov 2024 if we even get there.

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Trump is just playing the game with Xi.

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Fifth column? Sure looks like it. Especially when you note the weapons caches wiitch have been found all across the country.

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Another aspect of the 'mary-jane' farms is that 99% prior to the recent alibaba/bitminer ( chinese owned companys built majority of the worlds bitcoin mining hardware ) collapse of bitcoin mining HW, all these OP's were bitcoin mining centers, so you got a warehouse with power, what else are you going to do when btc-mining is no longer profitable, e.g. power costs exceed revenue, with recent halving

Fuck Yes, I would convert them all to mary-j grow rooms

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Once upon a time every fucking "MOTEL" in USA was owned by the Singh family from India,

They would simply buy & pay cash for rural motels anywhere and put their own family members in for management

I wonder if that drove dr-doom ( synder shit ) to insanity?

A known-known is that Chinese money wants out of China, and investments in USA that actually are profitable are 'hard to find'

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Swearing is not becoming.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

ZH just had a post on this today, they're calling 2020 the "DECADE OF THE ASSHOLE"

Swearing is in, and milk-toast metro-sexual cuck-man is out;


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Some people get their rocks off by consuming their daily dose of synder doom porn per ZH GHCQ owned ( NSA of UK )

While us drunken-sailors use nasty 4-letter words to release our demons


If you ain't swearing then you ain't angry, if your not angry then your NOT HUMAN.

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My brother was a submariner, he has a socially acceptable mouth, my older brother was in Nam for two tours, his mouth is clean. I had a couple bites of Life Buoy, and found out it is easier to not say "those" words. If we whom are set apart can't control the demons that want to distract us from the task at hand, how will we be lights for god?

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Once again, Mr. Snyder hits the nail on the head.

Cheers to Real Men, for they have God and it shows.

Praise The Lord!

Love Always,


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Please take your immature comments somewhere else where maybe someone actually cares about your foul mouthed tirades…..they’re frivolous and boring.

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So joey ain't angry, and given his time/history on jew-stack I would suspect he's a bot triggered like a 12 year old girl bot;

But Joey is clearly a hasbara troll, because he posts out of context generic talking-points right off of the hasbara script

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To be clear I am a woman. Old enough to be your mother I’d suppose from your posts. You speak as if you might have a bit of an intelligence, yet your immaturity in ridiculous name calling and continuous foul mouth makes what you might have null and void. You cannot be taken seriously at the level you present, nor with anything you’re saying. Being angry is far from being synonymous with trash mouth. Not only is it a personal maturity, a level of self respect that allows you to be able to respect others, but also a spiritual maturity that can only come from your Creator! Prayers are desperately needed! It appears as if you’re simply an attention seeker that strives for even negative attention.

It’s possible that you need to find a place that panders to the disrespect you’re trying to achieve here, that go far and away from Mr. Snyder and his readers. There’s more than enough for you to choose from! If you can conjure up a minute amount of self respect that would cause you to move on, please try!

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