Sure is a good thing some politicians are speaking out. What a freaking joke. Any gang member caught breaking the law and are here illegally should face death...NQA. (No questions Asked) If the fascist democrats want to turn the country into a socialist paradise, then we the people demand equal justice to destroy the law breakers. This is no longer the good old USA. So why do we have to treat these retarded gang members like royalty?
I hope Gregory Mannarino is looking at this. He said that those Haitians eating people dogs and cats is false, and he is wrong, I saw them being arrested, there are some very scarry evil people who has invaded our country and do not care if you have property with animals they just take and do as they please, this is a special kind of beastly mentality we better wake up to NOW!! I saw the migration to Springville Ohio , population 5800... 28,000 are migrants who have changed this town COMPLETELY !!!
Dont think for one second that this cant happen in your neighborhood...arm up and stay vigal and PRAY!! Because we have no representation in the white house, because they caused this!! WAKE UP AND KNOW ITS REAL... THESE BEASTLY CRIMINALS are our enemies and will take what they want and do animal sacrifices. God help us all!
We have very few real alpha men in this country that aren't over 70 and/or disabled. It is scary. Younger generations for the most part don't care much about anything of value because they weren't raise dwith values and morals. Kids rule the house, started in the '80's. Parents refuse to pull their kids out of public schools of satanic indoctrination. This makes parents losers.
Every turn around must start some time. We must band with like-minded people to become a difference. We must stay strong and speak out against the Marxists such as Kamala. Hold them accountable and force them to explain their Communist ideas.
Church leaders and community leaders are muzzled in fear of man (losing their positions, jobs and their 501c3.) Parents won't stand up for their kids being abused mentally by sex education LGBTQ style in schools. Nihilism is the new religion of over 90 percent of adults today, many use the churches as a social center which hey are, lacking true gospel preaching. Home church/ family church or zoom meetups.
This has been happening for years along the border... ranchers livestock killed, houses ransacked... always carried guns with them and on alert... now it's worse. We are back in the wild west and I guess we need a posse here and there to go after these guys with no mercy. If word gets out maybe they will crawl back home.
Some I know incl myself and husband have given up on this country knowing those in authority want this country to fall. We will not be voting anyway, because we see no improvement since over 80 percent of adults just don't care what happens to their cities for ex: Chicago, west coast cities in three states, NYC, Springfield,Ill, Aurora, Denver and others. Church leaders and civic leaders are muzzled cowards refusing to stand up. Younger alpha men are scarce and beta males won't stand up for anything, not caring about family, community.
Sad..but God made us more than conquerers !! We have to be like Daniel, and have his faith to take down this Goliath, we must have the faith of NOAH and do what God would have us to do, put on the entire armor of God , we have the power from Yaweh to save souls and the Holy Spririt will guide our path , God is our way maker , we rise ubove where those muzzled cowards wont go!! Where is the church , where are the leaders?? I see pastor Allen Jackson on t.v and he s not afraid to say it like it is. We cant ever give up my sister , we must love one another and get our Bibles and DO WHAT GOD MADE US TO DO! AMEN
America cursed like other countries in the world. U.S. largest for child trafficking, also drugs allowed to cross over borders, paganism: Mrs Vance prayed to Hindu pagan gods at the RNC, LGBTQ pushed in schools and communities with parades, etc. this explains: (see his next video) America has fallen to UN dictators. Congress is compliant to UN agendas. Can'tbe trusted.
People do care.... when it starts to affect them. I really want the policy makers to experience this evil first hand.... remember how anti-gun Geraldo was until he got mugged? That is what needs to happen to these elites.... they need to feel the consequences of their policies for once instead of us deplorables being the crash test dummies.
Geraldo..I remember that little twirp from California how he wanted to be all Hollywood and stuff, then somehow he lands on the news with Fox, who is a paid opperative anyways, this towel head owns Fox , so get a What Im trying to say is His name is really Jerry Rivers then he change it to Gerlado Rivera , pandering to the Mexicans, typical Dem they all have AKA s , all phoney to the core.. he s a joke!! That mustache makes me sick.. brags about his Rolls ,,lol Im not empressed with Mr,.Jerry Rivers..LOL. Not too hispanic to me!!
"What the politicians in Washington are doing to us is literally insane, and it is an enormous threat to our national security." NO, it is not insane. It is a brilliant, effective use of Marxist Dialectics. And it will continue across MANY vectors until Americans wake up to WHAT is being done and WHY.
You wrote: "As social order breaks down in this country, migrant gangs are going to have an absolute field day." THAT IS THE POINT of the exercise. That is a feature, not a bug, not insanity on the part of the Democrat marxist machine. By creating unbearable chaos, destruction, and criminality they will induce Americans to get to the point where we BEG for militarization of our police, utilizing US military itself in our own cities (already achieved in NYC subways), the potential creation of a national police force (as Obama wanted), etc. The marxists know the ONLY way to implement the level of totalitarian controls they want to exert over us is to maneuvre us into actually WANTING the government to have such powers & controls which, as history shows, will ultimately be used against US rather than the criminals they are promoting, releasing, importing & fomenting.
Property values dropping in cities where migrants bussed in more crime and degrading of community and property values. City leaders compliant taking bribes from federal agencies and ngo's. Best to get house and personal business in order and move out of cities if possible for safety. Families can buy land in country and live in same area for support.
BUT BUT BUT.........KamelDuh (Kabbalah) said last night that just a bunch of hooey, there are no gangs doing that!.......and she doesn't want to grab our guns, gut our country, take away your gas cars, kill babies.......that is just made up stuff.........(LOTS OF SARCASM HERE)
How many illegal aliens are in this country now? Before you think of a number, consider this-- the number often given is 6 to 8 Million. This is the number thrown about by politicians and the so-called news media (and the government itself). This means the number is well under estimated. Don't forget this number does not include the "known got aways". Add another 2 million, bringing the number to 10 million. How many unknown got aways have sneaked in. I bet you could easily add another 2 to 4 million. That brings us to about 14 million illegals. Now, we also have to consider how many slide across the border between the USA and Canada. The very porous northern border is almost never mentioned (probably because those numbers are fairly high). Wait, we are not done yet. We need to add in those the Biden regime, Soros and the nice religious agencies have flown directly in. There could be another 1 million flying illegals. Finally, how many come in by water, East Coast and West Coast, and maybe the Gulf of Mexico. I would bet, with no exaggeration, that the number of illegal aliens that have gotten into our country since the demonrats and Biden stole the election at about 30 million. Wait, there's more. How many illegal aliens were in the country before the borders were opened 45 months ago? Let's put that figure at about 30 million. That brings the total number of illegal aliens in our country to an amazing 60 Million! That means that illegals amount to 15-20 per cent of the population here! Consider what 60 million uneducated, uncivilized, often violent, disease carrying, criminal third world people will end up doing to our country!!!
Let's assume Trump is allowed to win the election and that he keeps his promise if mass deportation, criminals first. Will he be allowed to just grab these illegals and send them back to where they crawled out of? No, of course not. There are legal procedures, court hearings, etc. And, let's suppose Trump wins his first court case. Do you think that they will be deported without several appeals? Best case scenario is likely January 2026. In the mean time, the illegals will be pouring into the country (or at least until Trump can get the borders secured). How much time will this take, and at what cost to us, the taxpayers? How many do you think Trump will manage to deport before his 4 year term is up?
Michael said, "We must shut the border, and we must shut it now." Who is going to shut the border? Not Biden/Harris. Guess what-- the only way the border will be shut is if we, American patriots, do it. (That means getting federal and state law enforcement out of the way first.) Are we up to the job?
....However - it is utterly useless in attempts to 'wake up' all the brainwashed Democrats who may very well succeed in putting Kamala Harris into the White House!!!
It disturbs me to have to have to elaborate that, in my experience, even an excellent, well-referenced/linked article as this, will have no effect whatsoever on 'Left' oriented friends/family -
- due to the brainwashing which has them convinced that anything from an 'expressly Christian' source, 'must be' Rightwing propaganda.
I am desperately looking for articles as thoroughly 'Truth-telling' as this one...I'm begging you, please find some way to make linkable 'copies' of all such articles that your readers can use to hopefully, wake up enough Democratic & Independent voters to insure that our current Gov't administration does not get another four years to continue destroying this country.
Praying! Thank you brother for bringing this to our attention. Remember, according to Matt. 18:19-29 if 2 or more believers ask and agree on anything in Jesus Christ's name, it will be granted, and He is in our midst! I pray the Lord will provide a miracle of special helps, in the mighty name of Jesus, it Yeshua in His Hebrew tongue, amein! Agree with me in prayer, amein
I can't bring myself to click like for this, but sure do agree. And, I sure do like and appreciate your understanding and your willingness to share what you know.
BY THE WAY... LA born and raised women here, from a town call Monterey Park... many moons ago being the sister city to some town in China, we got a huge influx of Chinese folks with suit casses of money to live in this town. THEY TOO ATE OUR CATS AND DOGS... cut em up and cooked them in a WOK... Absolutley!!! Where is little poochie??? They also poured their cooking oil down the kitchen sinks and REALLY SCREWED UP MONTEREY PARK!!!.. I SAW ALL THAT.. LOL
Sure is a good thing some politicians are speaking out. What a freaking joke. Any gang member caught breaking the law and are here illegally should face death...NQA. (No questions Asked) If the fascist democrats want to turn the country into a socialist paradise, then we the people demand equal justice to destroy the law breakers. This is no longer the good old USA. So why do we have to treat these retarded gang members like royalty?
The death penalty must be restored and these vicious illegals need SWIFT justice.
everyone see this cities being trashed,then property values plunge, murder rates up:
I hope Gregory Mannarino is looking at this. He said that those Haitians eating people dogs and cats is false, and he is wrong, I saw them being arrested, there are some very scarry evil people who has invaded our country and do not care if you have property with animals they just take and do as they please, this is a special kind of beastly mentality we better wake up to NOW!! I saw the migration to Springville Ohio , population 5800... 28,000 are migrants who have changed this town COMPLETELY !!!
Dont think for one second that this cant happen in your neighborhood...arm up and stay vigal and PRAY!! Because we have no representation in the white house, because they caused this!! WAKE UP AND KNOW ITS REAL... THESE BEASTLY CRIMINALS are our enemies and will take what they want and do animal sacrifices. God help us all!
We have very few real alpha men in this country that aren't over 70 and/or disabled. It is scary. Younger generations for the most part don't care much about anything of value because they weren't raise dwith values and morals. Kids rule the house, started in the '80's. Parents refuse to pull their kids out of public schools of satanic indoctrination. This makes parents losers.
Every turn around must start some time. We must band with like-minded people to become a difference. We must stay strong and speak out against the Marxists such as Kamala. Hold them accountable and force them to explain their Communist ideas.
Church leaders and community leaders are muzzled in fear of man (losing their positions, jobs and their 501c3.) Parents won't stand up for their kids being abused mentally by sex education LGBTQ style in schools. Nihilism is the new religion of over 90 percent of adults today, many use the churches as a social center which hey are, lacking true gospel preaching. Home church/ family church or zoom meetups.
This has been happening for years along the border... ranchers livestock killed, houses ransacked... always carried guns with them and on alert... now it's worse. We are back in the wild west and I guess we need a posse here and there to go after these guys with no mercy. If word gets out maybe they will crawl back home.
YES... its called a malistia , it s in the constitution, our solution , read it.
Some I know incl myself and husband have given up on this country knowing those in authority want this country to fall. We will not be voting anyway, because we see no improvement since over 80 percent of adults just don't care what happens to their cities for ex: Chicago, west coast cities in three states, NYC, Springfield,Ill, Aurora, Denver and others. Church leaders and civic leaders are muzzled cowards refusing to stand up. Younger alpha men are scarce and beta males won't stand up for anything, not caring about family, community.
It saddens my heart to hear anyone not voting , or giving up. Break s my heart.
Watch this interview, this will make informed people know that it is way too late and voting is rigged by computers, etc. anyway. more info:
Paper ballots and one day mail in s and must have IDs…. the cheaters wont give up the power.
Sad..but God made us more than conquerers !! We have to be like Daniel, and have his faith to take down this Goliath, we must have the faith of NOAH and do what God would have us to do, put on the entire armor of God , we have the power from Yaweh to save souls and the Holy Spririt will guide our path , God is our way maker , we rise ubove where those muzzled cowards wont go!! Where is the church , where are the leaders?? I see pastor Allen Jackson on t.v and he s not afraid to say it like it is. We cant ever give up my sister , we must love one another and get our Bibles and DO WHAT GOD MADE US TO DO! AMEN
America cursed like other countries in the world. U.S. largest for child trafficking, also drugs allowed to cross over borders, paganism: Mrs Vance prayed to Hindu pagan gods at the RNC, LGBTQ pushed in schools and communities with parades, etc. this explains: (see his next video) America has fallen to UN dictators. Congress is compliant to UN agendas. Can'tbe trusted.
Laura, I surely know and understand. But it’s our duty to vote. And to keep praying. The satanists are hoping we don’t vote.
People do care.... when it starts to affect them. I really want the policy makers to experience this evil first hand.... remember how anti-gun Geraldo was until he got mugged? That is what needs to happen to these elites.... they need to feel the consequences of their policies for once instead of us deplorables being the crash test dummies.
Geraldo..I remember that little twirp from California how he wanted to be all Hollywood and stuff, then somehow he lands on the news with Fox, who is a paid opperative anyways, this towel head owns Fox , so get a What Im trying to say is His name is really Jerry Rivers then he change it to Gerlado Rivera , pandering to the Mexicans, typical Dem they all have AKA s , all phoney to the core.. he s a joke!! That mustache makes me sick.. brags about his Rolls ,,lol Im not empressed with Mr,.Jerry Rivers..LOL. Not too hispanic to me!!
lets hope the kill shot sorts them out for us.
Let us remember who allowed this atrocity to happen… DEMONIC DEMOCRATS..!
"What the politicians in Washington are doing to us is literally insane, and it is an enormous threat to our national security." NO, it is not insane. It is a brilliant, effective use of Marxist Dialectics. And it will continue across MANY vectors until Americans wake up to WHAT is being done and WHY.
You wrote: "As social order breaks down in this country, migrant gangs are going to have an absolute field day." THAT IS THE POINT of the exercise. That is a feature, not a bug, not insanity on the part of the Democrat marxist machine. By creating unbearable chaos, destruction, and criminality they will induce Americans to get to the point where we BEG for militarization of our police, utilizing US military itself in our own cities (already achieved in NYC subways), the potential creation of a national police force (as Obama wanted), etc. The marxists know the ONLY way to implement the level of totalitarian controls they want to exert over us is to maneuvre us into actually WANTING the government to have such powers & controls which, as history shows, will ultimately be used against US rather than the criminals they are promoting, releasing, importing & fomenting.
There is no USA anymore. The border is essentially gone and that is the new normal as we move into the New World Order.
All politicians are compliant, making voting a farce and utterly in vain.
The New World Order of vicious totalitarian Marxism promoted by Democrats.
and rino's have sold us out also.
Property values dropping in cities where migrants bussed in more crime and degrading of community and property values. City leaders compliant taking bribes from federal agencies and ngo's. Best to get house and personal business in order and move out of cities if possible for safety. Families can buy land in country and live in same area for support.
BUT BUT BUT.........KamelDuh (Kabbalah) said last night that just a bunch of hooey, there are no gangs doing that!.......and she doesn't want to grab our guns, gut our country, take away your gas cars, kill babies.......that is just made up stuff.........(LOTS OF SARCASM HERE)
How many illegal aliens are in this country now? Before you think of a number, consider this-- the number often given is 6 to 8 Million. This is the number thrown about by politicians and the so-called news media (and the government itself). This means the number is well under estimated. Don't forget this number does not include the "known got aways". Add another 2 million, bringing the number to 10 million. How many unknown got aways have sneaked in. I bet you could easily add another 2 to 4 million. That brings us to about 14 million illegals. Now, we also have to consider how many slide across the border between the USA and Canada. The very porous northern border is almost never mentioned (probably because those numbers are fairly high). Wait, we are not done yet. We need to add in those the Biden regime, Soros and the nice religious agencies have flown directly in. There could be another 1 million flying illegals. Finally, how many come in by water, East Coast and West Coast, and maybe the Gulf of Mexico. I would bet, with no exaggeration, that the number of illegal aliens that have gotten into our country since the demonrats and Biden stole the election at about 30 million. Wait, there's more. How many illegal aliens were in the country before the borders were opened 45 months ago? Let's put that figure at about 30 million. That brings the total number of illegal aliens in our country to an amazing 60 Million! That means that illegals amount to 15-20 per cent of the population here! Consider what 60 million uneducated, uncivilized, often violent, disease carrying, criminal third world people will end up doing to our country!!!
Let's assume Trump is allowed to win the election and that he keeps his promise if mass deportation, criminals first. Will he be allowed to just grab these illegals and send them back to where they crawled out of? No, of course not. There are legal procedures, court hearings, etc. And, let's suppose Trump wins his first court case. Do you think that they will be deported without several appeals? Best case scenario is likely January 2026. In the mean time, the illegals will be pouring into the country (or at least until Trump can get the borders secured). How much time will this take, and at what cost to us, the taxpayers? How many do you think Trump will manage to deport before his 4 year term is up?
Michael said, "We must shut the border, and we must shut it now." Who is going to shut the border? Not Biden/Harris. Guess what-- the only way the border will be shut is if we, American patriots, do it. (That means getting federal and state law enforcement out of the way first.) Are we up to the job?
50 million illegals since Obama admin. more to come they are our replacements they work for cheap labor, no unions.
Venezuela Empties Prisons and Sends Criminals to US Border
This is an amazing article...
....However - it is utterly useless in attempts to 'wake up' all the brainwashed Democrats who may very well succeed in putting Kamala Harris into the White House!!!
It disturbs me to have to have to elaborate that, in my experience, even an excellent, well-referenced/linked article as this, will have no effect whatsoever on 'Left' oriented friends/family -
- due to the brainwashing which has them convinced that anything from an 'expressly Christian' source, 'must be' Rightwing propaganda.
I am desperately looking for articles as thoroughly 'Truth-telling' as this one...I'm begging you, please find some way to make linkable 'copies' of all such articles that your readers can use to hopefully, wake up enough Democratic & Independent voters to insure that our current Gov't administration does not get another four years to continue destroying this country.
They will invade our land like locust...
Border state governors and other leaders don't seem to care. Crime increasing.
Ezekiel is about judgements.
They want us gone
The Globalists need to Destroy so they can Build Back Better.
So who should we give all the credit to? Biden/Harris/Obama three upstanding patriots!!! Not
Praying! Thank you brother for bringing this to our attention. Remember, according to Matt. 18:19-29 if 2 or more believers ask and agree on anything in Jesus Christ's name, it will be granted, and He is in our midst! I pray the Lord will provide a miracle of special helps, in the mighty name of Jesus, it Yeshua in His Hebrew tongue, amein! Agree with me in prayer, amein
GOD HELP US ALL....please Lord rescue these children and innocent adults, stop this evil I pray...from the administration down.
I can't bring myself to click like for this, but sure do agree. And, I sure do like and appreciate your understanding and your willingness to share what you know.
BY THE WAY... LA born and raised women here, from a town call Monterey Park... many moons ago being the sister city to some town in China, we got a huge influx of Chinese folks with suit casses of money to live in this town. THEY TOO ATE OUR CATS AND DOGS... cut em up and cooked them in a WOK... Absolutley!!! Where is little poochie??? They also poured their cooking oil down the kitchen sinks and REALLY SCREWED UP MONTEREY PARK!!!.. I SAW ALL THAT.. LOL