Today in Walmart, teen and women rainbow sleepwear in abundance in that department hanging close to open isles. In my inbox from Bath & Body Works today, it was full of gay pride and rainbows to which I unsubscribed immediately. Walmart should be the next Target. ESG, go woke go broke. The God of Heaven says this is an abomination.

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I have no animosity for the LGBTQ community as a whole. I used to work in a pharmacy that was owned by a gay man and many of the employees were also homosexual. Just listening to them talk, I became painfully aware of how sick and unhappy these people were. Most were abused by their families and had little or no self esteem. I know that this is just anecdotal, but it really stuck with me.

What I do find horrifying is how this has all started to focus on our children. All of a sudden, every movie and TV show has one or more LGBTQ characters. When a movie star says that their 7 year old child is non binary, what does that even mean? How can a child that young even understand what that represents? These people are really, really sick.

Besides trying to indoctrinate our children and coax them into self mutilation, they are pushing to normalize pedophilia. They call them "minor attracted people" now.. Satan must be basking in the glow of all of this sin.

Then, when we try to defend our children, they immediately begin to call us terrorists. If protecting a child makes me a terrorist, I will bear the name with honor. Don't even get me started on the perverts who traffic, abuse, torture and kill kids for kicks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, adrenachrome is real and the elites in our society use it to stay young. Do you really believe that Tom Cruise looks almost the same as he did in 1986? Did you think it was just diet and exercise? This gross perversion has gone on for many years, but it's time for it to stop. If we can't do it, then God will.

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Bud Light, Target and all the other woke companies will continue pushing their perverted agendas in spite of millions of loss sales because their stocks are owned and controlled by the globalists which include Black Rock and Vanguard.

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TPTB are trying to force their agenda on us through all of this gay/trans propaganda, partly for their own pedophile pleasure, but also to demoralize and desensitize us into acceptance, and promote depopulation under the guise of child mutilation.

We are now learning to stand up and say no, particularly with these boycotts. And they are working. We have the power to shine a light on this depravity and push back, and they don’t want us to know that.

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Most people did not know the civil rights movement rose up with the LGBTQ+ agenda as well. I believe this will be the issue this culture, society and govt will go after true Christians because of the lack of inclusiveness to the LGBTQ agenda. Seeing the narrow gate as evil. Again a world calling good evil and evil good.

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I have no animosity for the LGBTQ community as a whole. I used to work in a pharmacy that was owned by a gay man and many of the employees were also homosexual. Just listening to them talk, I became painfully aware of how sick and unhappy these people were. Most were abused by their families and had little or no self esteem. I know that this is just anecdotal, but it really stuck with me.

What I do find horrifying is how this has all started to focus on our children. All of a sudden, every movie and TV show has one or more LGBTQ characters. When a movie star says that their 7 year old child is non binary, what does that even mean? How can a child that young even understand what that represents? These people are really, really sick.

Besides trying to indoctrinate our children and coax them into self mutilation, they are pushing to normalize pedophilia. They call them "minor attracted people" now.. Satan must be basking in the glow of all of this sin.

Then, when we try to defend our children, they immediately begin to call us terrorists. If protecting a child makes me a terrorist, I will bear the name with honor. Don't even get me started on the perverts who traffic, abuse, torture and kill kids for kicks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, adrenachrome is real and the elites in our society use it to stay young. Do you really believe that Tom Cruise looks almost the same as he did in 1986? Did you think it was just diet and exercise? This gross perversion has gone on for many years, but it's time for it to stop. If we can't do it, then God will.

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This is why I believe Freedom of Religion is a diabolical belief not found in the Bible, and it has destroyed Christianity in the Western World. I strongly believe and defend Freedom of Conscience, which is biblical and totally different from Freedom of Religion! By Freedom of Conscience we CANNOT FORCE anyone to believe in God, but if that's the path they choose, then they must go and practice it somewhere else! In Deuteronomy, the Constitution give by God to ancient Israel, God commands the death penalty to anyone trying to introduce another religion into the Nation, but there is no law prohibiting anyone from leaving the Nation and moving out if that person decides to follow another god! Also in the New Testament we find the same principle when Paul says to the Corinthian Church in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 to "put away from them" a man who was sleeping with his father's wife and John says that he who even greets or eats with anyone having a different gospel, "participates in their error"!

So you see, God commands His people to be SEPARATE, which is something the Christian World has failed to do and we are paying dearly for it!! Why do you think Secularism is not finding a footing in Iran or Afghanistan? Because they understand this principle! A Stonewall Riot in one of those countries would be dealt with the same way Moses would have done it in his life on earth! And all this by Islam, a FALSE RELIGION! America and the West failed to defend Christianity and here we are!

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I am not perfect that's for sure! But I try to never post a comment that the Lord has not already spoken to me about. So here goes, I believe the tipping point of this nation's future as passed a while back. I do not know when, but it is passed. We are on a collison course with the Creator God of the Universe. We are already under judgment by Him, and we just keep proving that money is more important to us than anything and the large companies continue to buckle under to the huge companies that tell them what to do! Because love of money is more important than anything and God says that love of money IS THE ROOT OF ALL SORTS OF EVIL! I truly grieves my soul - and to only beable to just stand by and watch. As much as I support boycotting - it will do no good unfortunately as Blackrock and the other huge companies hold the purse strings of Target, and Walmart, and Budweiser and any other smaller company. All I can really do is just look to the Lord and say - WHATEVER YOU WANT LORD - DO IT AND DO IT QUICKLY! SELAH!

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When you write it like that, you obscure what's at the heart of Pride Month.

priDE MONth.


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Hi Michael.

I hope you're doing well.

Have followed you since reading something on ZH sometime in 2021.

Just found your substack and bought your new book End Times.

Can you please tell me what are your thoughts on Islam, as well as on the speculation that as the West keeps declining economically, culturally and morally, the reverse is happening in other countries of the world (mainly in Asia)?

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Here is a good example of what your Kharzarian JEW press is not telling you. snyder is too gutless to tell you as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXdHN1Tmzpo

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