The Dow dropped 317 points today after the Feds said they wouldn't be lowering interest rates. China's stock market is hemorrhaging and Evergrande has been ordered to liquidate its assets. I see UPS as the canary in the coal mine. Bidenomics is a unmitigated disaster.

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Maybe Intentionally ?

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Of course it's intentional. They drive up the market while Bidenomics ruins every other aspect of our economy. People have the illusion that they'll be alright because they think they have all that money in their IRA. Then one day, all of the elites sell their holdings all at once at an all time high. The financial advisors tell Joe & Jill Blow that it's just a little correction - just ride it out. It will go back up. But it doesn't. It just keeps falling. The market might even be frozen a couple of times to control the crash. But every time it reopens, it falls more. Whalahh! The rich get richer and the middle class, who saved all their lives, now have pennies on the dollar. It's coming very, very soon.

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"A day's wages for a loaf of bread". [Revelation 6: 5] - (paraphrased).

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Paying all that money for McDonald's, be like, begging to get a covid shot.

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As a kid growing up in LA Watts, I recall the first McDonalds being about 15 cents for the basic hamburger, which made it cheaper than putting a quarter into a machine to play a game;

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Now, we don't even know if the "beef" is really meat ? Or, mRNA infused meat ?

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Fairly sure then & now that the 'beef' in mickyD was bone, cartilage, and filler; I remember eating their 15 cent burger "ONCE", it sure in the fuck wasn't 'hamburger' on the grill that you ate at the sunday bbq;

Like all things today they're just admitting the 'truth', "Where's the Beef", it wasn't just marketing it was a statement of fact, and the Wendy's very well knew +30 years ago that mickyD contained little to NO beef; ( unless you consider bone, cartilage, and other animal feed as 'beef' )

Besides a mushroom-nut based 'vege-burger' has always been more healthy for you, I have to admit I quit eating beef +30 years ago, and I have never had a hemorrhoid problem since I quit beef or lamb; These days when I want a burger & frys and cut up some fresh potatoes and dump in the air-fry with olive oil, and mix up some ground-pork with eggs & garlic and bread-crumbs and make a proper 'burger' and I bake my own bun's, and ferment my own Tabasco sauce; I also make my own smoked bacon, prosciutto, & ham from fresh killed pig;


Hell +30 years ago in UK they were feeding the cattle dead cattle and that led to 'mad cow disease' cuz like humans when you eat brains you can get their illness, and it got passed on to humans; Because the cheap bastards were feeding any dead ground up animals they could to their feed-lot animals waiting to be butchered;

That right there should&would make any human not want to eat 'western beef'

Raising and butchering HOG is easy, raising an home butchering cattle is not; But like I already said western beef doesn't agree with me, I'm wondering how that Argentina beef would work? Those guys are said to only eat it and eat 10kg at a sitting; 100% grass fed natural roaming cattle, completely different than the feed-lost shit that is mostly sourced by mickyD in Austrialia;

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What do you think about all of these farms / ranches being destroyed by "explosions" and/or fires, .....

2023: https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-dairy-farm-explosion-nearly-20000-cows-killed-2023-4

Explosion, then fire .....


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Normally I would say 'shit happens'

Then again when business-insider or epoch-times are posting articles about shit burning to the ground I ask 'what agenda of bile is the CIA trying to sell me now??"

Business-Insider and all these rags are CIA limited-opposition hangouts

The fact is these old factorys and shit do burn down all the time, and they're not building them anymore, which means the BIG CORPORATE AG-BIZ gets more monopoly;

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Oh, it's meat alright-human meat.

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I can top that. McDonald’s had an ad campaign wherein they advertised change back from your dollar after the purchase of a hamburger, fries, and a coke. In 2012, they still had the dollar menu board.

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They “don’t know where they’ll go next”… GO HOME.

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More doom pr0n I see. The Venezuelan immigrants, even if they are great people, are not our problem. Why are you focusing on them? The solution is simple. Don’t let them in. And why in the world are you using the scammer Kevin O’Leary as a source? He’s part of the problem!

As far as fast food, yes I have noticed that the value menu has gone the way of the cassette tape. Not just at McDonald’s but at every fast food restaurant. I used to get five burgers at jack in the box and drop about five dollars plus tax. After a workout. Also, combo meals are not value meals. They are profit centers (hint: it’s the soda). Buy your own food, and learn to cook at home. It’s an essential life skill.

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WEF, your home garden is causing climate change, and we need to eliminate it! Nothing brings about change faster than famine.

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Shit be getting crazy man. So you vill eat ze bugs 🐜 and you can’t even have a garden? And they are shutting down farms because of not carbon emissions but nitrogen? Damn!

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Another egg farm in Texas just burned down, 6th largest producer.

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Fast Food can "reach" a lot of people. Possible mRNA injected meat ?


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When I was a teenager, you could go into a McDonald's and say "two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun" in so many seconds, you got a free Big Mac. After 50 years, I can still do it! I bought myself a Big Mac a couple of years ago and it was nearly inedible.

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I can remember as a teen in the early 1990s paying exactly $3.14 for a 2 cheeseburger value meal at McDonald's, which included fries and beverage. I have no idea how much it would be now as I haven't eaten there in years.

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They won't ever wake up, most are doomed.

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"most legislators are lawyers by trade".... well that explains a LOT!!!

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If they are supposedly making less than $200,000 a year, why are they millionaires after a few years in office?

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Martha Stewart goes to jail for less than what these insiders do. Corruption City.

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Because 'insider trading' in Congress is legal, anybody else does it they go to jail, all lobbying US elected officials amounts to buying off congressman by providing insider information

That is how&why Pelosi has nearly $500M USD from a few years in office, where when she started she just gave $5 blow-jobs in San-Fran china-town, and her husband was just a bookie

Same for Kamala, same for Feinstein, they all enter poor and all exit rich

The best of course is HRC who didn't even have to buy her $100K USD futures-contract it was given to her and later it was worth $10M USD, again totally legal, cuz they're exempt from the laws they make

Laws in the USA are for little-people

There is a reason we call it the USA JUST-US system, or others just say the USA Selective Law Enforcement System

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Though that may be part of it I believe most of their ill gotten gains are the result of people paying them to vote a certain way. You know - bribes.

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