I work in tech at a Fortune 100 company. Plus, I talk to people and keep tabs on things. I like to know which way the wind is blowing. Jobs now are paying around a third less than what they were a couple of years ago. If you look through the major job sites, you’re mostly going to see the same listings month in and month out. Staffing companies are not able to find clients easily right now.

Even at my own company, I’ve been seeing “night and fog” lately, where you will be walking by and see an empty desk where someone used to sit. No announcement, no rumors, they are just gone. Junior or senior, doesn’t matter. And that is in essential departments. It is creepy and weird.

The people in tech who should be the most worried right now are contractors, offshore and on, and the “PowerPoint jockeys,” whose skills are largely in doing presentations. Onshore contractors are too expensive, offshore ones are too incompetent for the most part. If you are a person who can keep the lights on, you are going to be safer than some others. It depends on the company, but senior people are often safer than junior ones now, because they can do the work of three or four junior ones and have a ton of knowledge. Not that way everywhere, of course. There are also a ton of inept people in the field who wanted to make big bucks quick, went through “boot camps,” and wound up in positions where their lack of experience has caused breaches and losses. I regularly work with official Microsoft open-source code, and the defects and issues with their stuff is surprisingly common. This is from the largest computing company in the world.

Cost-cutting has been a huge thing. Cloud computing costs are rising and predicted to rise even more. Everyone forgets that the “cloud” is just a bunch of computers sitting in large buildings all over the world. They need power, water, maintenance, and people. There was a major outage not too long ago attributed to Microsoft not having enough people to do literal damage control. All those costs are going up, so computing costs are rising as well, which means another contribution to overall prices. More so than normal, cost cutting has been huge where I am, and people are starting to reconsider the cloud, because of costs.

If I were giving advice to a young person about how to break into the field, I would tell them how to use a hammer, tractor, or welder. Between automation, AI-powered programming, and maturing technology, the field is drying up. This was one thing America had going for it for a long time, the lead in tech. It’s not that someone else has taken it over, it’s just that there is no longer really anyone leading anything now. Horrible economic policies, devaluation of the dollar, choosing appearance over substance, and the maturation of computing as a whole, means that innovation isn’t there any longer.

Last, if I worked at a bank right now, I think I’d quit and take up something else. The politicians have been busy playing red vs blue, and convincing everyone that social issues matter, but more and more people I talk to are starting to figure out that most politics is just theater and the real control over their lives happens somewhere besides D.C. When banks begin to fail, it will be a tsunami, and people everywhere are going to be wiped out. I wouldn’t be surprised to see people affiliated with banks decorating lamp poles like wreaths at Christmas. Anger, brought on by desperation, is an ugly thing and can get out of hand very quickly, and if people are willing to go nuts protesting a middle eastern war that doesn’t involve them at all, what are they going to do when they find all their money is gone or simply worthless?

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thank you for this insight, sir!

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I would bet a stack of IBM punch cards that DEI has a lot to do with the inefficiency of corporate America.

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My husband also works in tech. His company has openings that haven’t been filled in a couple of years because they just can’t find the right people to fill them. It’s not from a lack of trying either. He’s on the interview committee for his team and they really aren’t impressed with the quality of candidates coming through. For one reason or another, they just don’t fit the team or culture or what they are looking for. I think he’s getting to the point where he thinks doing these interviews are a waste of time. A lot of entry level people believe they are worth middle management wages and you simply aren’t going to make Silicon Valley wages in Detroit. Their expectations are way out of touch with reality.

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Thank you for your insight. I only see and hear about a specific sliver, so it’s nice to have a broader perspective.

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As Cassidy spoke...Thank You Sir.

The insughts that 'insuders' have and publicize are quite nearly "Worth thier weight in Gold" inasmych aa those portray the REAL state of things within thier industry.

The Politicians have been blowing aSmoke up our derierres for so long that few - if any - can actually, FULLY grasp what is occurring now.

Again, my thabks Sir...profound Thanks even.

Best Regards...JOG

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Holy Moly...that is a TERRIBLE example of 'mis-typing'. Forgive me.


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I have no words for what lies just ahead. Over 10 years ago (12 to be exact) as a police officer we did MAC TAC training, Multi-Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capability.


We were flat out told by Federal agents that helped with the training that about a decade or so down the road all hell would break lose. There will be political and economic chaos where the most effected, those in the inner cites, out of the desire to live, will come to the suburbs just to survive. We will have multiple shootings daily and in the really bad areas they will bring police from stable parts of the country and if martial law is invoked, a UN treaty will be activated to bring in the blue helmet police. These plan is on the table. They will be more likely to use force against American's than Americans will.

In 2018 at a Meeting in the St Louis FED (I was in attendance) that everything the FED did between 2008-2018 failed to kick start the economy. They know this will fail, but they would not say when and how just that it's coming. Plus the FED will be in control and guide this nation in the post dollar world.

Then latter in 2018 at a high level military briefing, there was an assessment that between the 2020 to the 2024 elections economic and political instability will skyrocket in America and three wars will start, Europe, the Middle East and in the pacific. The estimate was the first encounter with China will not be Taiwan but a test of the waters with the first action on one of China's military islands, there was no mention of a 2024 election outcome. My understanding is that we don't get there.

Every thing is pointing to the here and now.

What is truly grievous, is the shear numbers of people that are going to be swallowed up in this mess. God does not rejoice in the judgement. My heart is burdened for all that will be lost and rebel in what is coming for it will be many. What really bothers me is there are those who claim Christ but who take a huge delight in the judgment coming on the earth for so many or are anxious for people to get what "they" deserve. In reality we even in our best Christian Sanctified state still fall way short and in reality deserve the same judgement, except for the covering we receive by faith via God's grace, we are covered with His perfect righteousness. That perfect righteousness is not ours it's a free gift from God. Just as the 24 elders worship God by casting their crowns of righteousness at the feet of Christ, this shows they humbly worship Christ and their rewards are all by God's grace and we are to be eternally grateful He chose us and those crown come from Him by grace and grace alone, something we do not deserve . Thus we need to walk humbly before our God and not in self-righteousness.

Micah 2: 3 Behold, I am planning against this family a calamity From which you cannot remove your necks; And you will not walk (haughtily- proudly; arrogantly; with contempt or disdain) And you will not walk haughtily,

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?

Ezekiel 33

Now as for you, son of man, say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus you have spoken, saying, “Surely our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we are rotting away in them; how then can we survive?”’ Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways!

Agape love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth 1 Cor. 13.

In Romans 11 Paul warns the gentile church not to become spiritually arrogant, we were grafted in against nature by grace alone and if we are not careful we can just as easily be grafted out.

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The Fed's only true purpose is to keep the top 2% above water.

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Hello Daniel,

A simple but WISE Christian friend of mine coined a phrase that REMAINS echoing in my mind for these last 12 years,

"God's Grace is RECEIVING what you DON'T deserve...while His Mercy lies in NOT receiving what you DO deserve."

I too grieve for those who will be ground UP by the oncoming Juggernaut, especially those who REFUSE Christ as thier Saviour.

However, as the Old Saw goes,

"You can lead a Horse to WATER, but you cannot MAKE him drink."

In the End, it is ALL about the freedom of CHOICE, which our Father strangely insist on preserving amongst us, His Children.

The MYSTERY involved in His decision to do so continues to be something I dwell on quite frequently.

Have a Blessed week Sir,


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How come you never told us about your meetings before? Would have been very eye opening, glad you told us now. I read a story back then that our officers would get a new uniform and be told when to put it on. Seems plausible now.

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Actually I've told parts oft his story before here, but it was a while back. I posted a full about a 30 page full summary of all of this about 15 years ago (minus the most resent stuff (2016 to today) It was anonymously via another 3rd party blog and I got a strange visit by the FEDs. An unmarked Blackhawk come to my home and hovered over my front yard for about 5 mins at about 100 feet. It had no external markings as required by aviation rules, it was coated in a fuzzy paint job that obscured all seams and rivets. The cockpit was totally blacked out and then it left. I'm no where near any normal flight path between St Louis and and Ft Leonard Wood, so they went out of their way to just send a message. I was in Belize several years ago and knew a Belizian Army enlisted man. He said the FBI/ CIA are using "black unmarked copters for covert operations in and around Belize.

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We live at Lake Chelan and get Apache copters coming very low. We also get jets blasting up the lake, at very low altitudes. I wonder why they are flying so low, one false move and the lake is polluted.

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I believe it is two things, gathering intelligence and practicing to us the military against any possible insurrection.

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Thank you, appreciate your insight.

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America has become Obamaland with the Kenyan's vision of "fundamental change" being realized.

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Kenyan ? More like a demon.

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The vulture's are circling the last gasps of the dying carcass.

With economic collapse leading to turmoil and the unrest birthed in our Universities soon to spread East to West and an election to thwart I have no doubt that the darkness that is Washington are already working on a martial law shut down of America where they can round up the dissenters on their lists. There's a reason that so many govt agencies acquired so much ammunition and weapons a decade ago.

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"Any Government BIG enough to give you everything you WANT is also Big enough to take it all AWAY."

The Founders NEVER envisioned that mere individuals would ever amass fortunes so vast that they would - in effect - become greater than the Government. This was a simple failure of imagination on thier part(s) certainly...one perhaps understandable, but a failure nonetheless.

The lead quote is an attempt to convey exactly where we currently ARE. However, it is not *exactly* the Government here that is to blame...it is instead the "Giga-Wealthy".

Those learned long ago that it was incredibly EASY to simply 'coopt' the Governance of the Nation, and they have honed thier skills in that arena to a FINE edge indeed.

Thereafter, they extended thier reach into the Media, the Intelligence Agencies, Commercial Farming and a host of other aspects of the broader picture.

A particularly disturbing case in point.

In the last few years, John Deer developed a Farm Tractor which does not require ANY human intervention in order to operate. It is fully capable via Machine Vision and high precision GPS of moving itself out to the area where it's implements are, backing up to those implements, HOOKING itself up to same and proceeding out into the field.

There it receives Satellite telemetry relative to the square yard condition of the soil it is traversing and then adjusting the application of fertilizers, pesticides and etc.

It does not require 'Time Off', it does not demand a Paycheck OR demand Raises, it does not need a Medical Plan...

In a previous comment I posted I mentioned that at the End 'our Betters' would engage in a buying spree; semi-trucks (likely self-driving, no less), FARM equiptment and pretty much everything else that they 'think' they might NEED...just before they 'Pull the Big Plug'

Once you grasp that they have advanced to that point in thier planning, in thier rabid pursuit of technology then you can instantly grasp what THIER 'End Game' actually IS.

When the robiticization of quite nearly EVERYTHING has reached a specific threshold then WE are no longer REQUIRED in thier "Great Calculus"...and are - therefore - best utilized as FERTILIZER.

That 'End Game' I mention is almost ready to be put into motion IMHO, so either 'Make your Peace" or get ready for the Fight to come.

The Hopi have an 'intriguing' Prophecy.

"There will come a time when those in High Places become HUNTED. Those will turn upon the ones hunting them...and things WILL get 'out of hand'.

Food for thought...

The SOLE hope of surviving even the initial stages of what is to come, is to relocate yourself so far away from 'Civilization' that even getting to you would involve egregious expenditures of resources, manpower and the like.

Once THERE, naturally you need to be in a place where a super-abundance of foodstuffs is distributed through the local area...and have the means to collect it, process it and STORE it, long term.

Equally naturally - unless living by candlelight appeals to you - having a well-implemented 'Microgrid' servicing your residence is an absolute neccessity.

Moreover, thereafter you need to be able to SECURE the precious articles upon which your LIFE depends. Yes, that means Firearms...Big Ones, little ones, those that can be used in a Sniping role at 2500 yards, ones that can take out 50 aggressors in 3 seconds (Think here of the Combat Semi-Automatic 12 Ga Shotguns sporting twenty to thirty round drums, firing 3" Magnum 00 Buck loads.) and that is ONLY the starting point in your quest to FULLY disentangle yourself from the clutches of the Psychopaths who truly DO wish to eradicate everyone on Earth EXCEPT themselves.

I'll be uncharateristically blunt here: Many - far too many - have 'tarried' overlong and consequently I recommend that you do "Make your Peace", since the likelihood of you being able to implement sufficient contingency plans, to FIND that 'perfect place' which has EVERYTHING you require to LIVE, to acquire all the many and varied 'things' that will allow you to protect and defend what is yours...and YOUR's themselves AND to master the vast number of skills neccessary to perpetuate you and your's is simply far beyond merely 'formidable', assuredly.

To those of you who HAVE heeded the Spirit's call and devoted yourselves to DOING the things you have been compelled to do by that incessant URGING, I wish you the best, I will keep you in my prayers in the good Hope that once the dust clears we WILL meet and SHOUT for Joy, "Thank GOD...you SURVIVED."

The Truth is seldom comforting, soon many of you will face your own, individual truths and my thoughts will be with you.

Best Regards all,


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We can't stop what is coming, we can only prepare be giving our hearts to the lord and praying for those that won't see what is coming. I often wonder why so many "good Christians", vote for obviously evil people.

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Howdy Michael,

In part it revolves around people's inate gullibility....but also - make no mistake - the MACHINE that has come pervade every aspect of Life today is a finely honed artifice, one explicutly designed to obfuscate Truth, to set up a perception of nihilism, to provoke animosity between virtuall EVERYONE and was in it's initial stages of construction well before the OSS morphed into the CIA.

In time since the Federal Reserve was formed, a 'Pyramid' of sorts has been under diligent construction.

The purpose of that is actually very simple; to FUNNEL ALL information UP the Pyramid to it's Apex, where the 'Elites' exist. The vast amount of information passed upwards - usually 'compartmentalized' as it travels, thence preventing anyone BELOW the Apex from even ascertaining the mere outline of the 'Big Picture' is thoroughly sifted, processed into digestible form and FED SOLELY to the denizens at the Apex.

Imagine having access to virtually every salient datum in existence. Ever wonder how the Fed manages - time and again - to set up repeated cycles of Boom and Bust during which the 'lower strata' (US) are repeatedly sheared of what little we do have?

Dwell on the premise posited above and you might just see a glimpse of the 'Big Picture'.

FWIW, I was previously employed - after my Military career - by a "Three Letter Agency" and as such I can assure you with no small certitude that the picture painted above is quite nearly a perfect exposition of the TRUTH.

Be well...and BLESSED,


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When they come for me, I hope that fear and hatred are not my weapons, as that will not fend off anything. Thank you, Michael.

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And don’t pray about the situation.

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Yup..."Something Wicked this way COMES..."

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Why is it that more Americans are not aware of the poor economic conditions? Could it be that they are asleep? Do they believe the illegitimate senile President who claims that "Bidenomics" is working, that the economy is great, and well paying jobs are available? What you describe is mostly happening in the blue states, where the elected (demonrat) officials are in destruction mode. Unfortunately, it is just a matter of time before this disease spreads to the red states. When that happens, the country is gone. Wake up, American workers and taxpayers, before it is too late. You need to take back control of this free market economy.

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I live in a red county, we are getting demoncrat reps. now, as we have been joined to a dem. county on the other side of the mountains, in western Wash. This is how dems. take over other counties.

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The left wingers have been playing with the maps for decades. Move a line here, move a line there. As long as the numbers are somewhat equal, it is hard to challenge in court. Redistricting, or reapportionment is a valuable tool to destroy the opposition.

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Denile is the most predictable of all human traits & people are just like the frog in the boiling pot of water. They say I'll get out before the water boils but by the time that happens the lid has been firmly put in place & there is no escape.

And that is pretty much where we are now the lid is just about in place & the pot is starting to boil. So it's a case of get out of that pot if you haven't already or be prepared to get boiled alive!!!

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Take that college degree ( the one that has just been debt forgiven) and save it for a cold night to warm yourself by throwing it in the fireplace. That is, if you still remember how to start a fire.

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We see this in many industries. People in tech have supported the rush to get A/I into every corner of our lives and now they are being replaced by it. Like many before them, they dug their own graves knowing that the tech they built might someday replace them.

The same will happen in health care as A/I and robotics replace workers. The only area of the economy that will never replace workers is the government. They are still 20-30 years behind the technology binge and are moving at a snails pace to upgrade, if at all.

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I see, I see said the blind man to his deaf son, as he pulled the lever for the same man that brought him to his present level of poverty.

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