Crazy how fast it's all happening! The middle class is being decimated.

And soon my van will look similar to the pic you included. Jj. But that's ok. I don't like all the bells and whistles that come as basics nowadays, making vehicles more government "friendly". I just need some wheels to get places.😁

This cannot end well!

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Our car is twenty years old any thoughts of buying a new one isn’t in our plans nor our budget. Well, it wouldn’t be even if we had a budget. We are part or was part of middle class America but now we don’t even make it through the month before we are already short. I sure that there are more like us!! This coming year we are supposed to get a whole 2.4% raise. So our medical will go up along with everything else and we will once again be short before our next checks.

Thank you Obiden and their America last agenda!!!

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It's sad to hear what's going on, how they're taking us down. ;(

And yet they keep printing/sending $$$$ to anyone they can think of, continually making it worse for us here

as they devalue what's left of the dollars value

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Thank you, Michael. We are in big trouble. Trump will drill for oil, which hopefully will bring down the price of gasoline and diesel fuel, and everything else that moves by truck.

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Pssst, bad news: U.S. oil production is at record highs despite the president’s pledge to end the federal oil program. https://www.eenews.net/articles/what-bidens-oil-record-means-for-the-industrys-future/

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Trump will see that the oil pumped here, is used here. The senile guy had it shipped overseas, and still begged OPEC for oil. And, he let in millions of illegal aliens, and gave them more government benefits than you will ever see.

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Yes and Trump is backsliding on his commitments to deport them.

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That is only according to the alleged “news” sites which give 100% biased-only “news”.

If you have a problem with dementia and lies, you are going to H-A-T-E the next few years. (Or less, if Satan decides to pull his best agent home and let Elon be the de facto leader.)

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Love that pick up Truck! Bought my 1951 International in a field like that. $150. Knocked the mud dubber nest off the engine block, kept it 5 years. Only had to replace the fuel pump hose and spark plugs. Sold it for $500. Wishing I had kept it now.

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Thank you Michael... Sooo much by design. I dare say God has given us these upcoming 4 years for His specific purpose ! Abide and Pray to know His plan and follow in it🙏🙏

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"If you are old enough, you can still remember a time when many middle class families would purchase a new vehicle every few years." I'm not young , in my early 60's, do not recall such a thing.

Sadly, today most of us are being forced to get as much mileage out of our rapidly aging vehicles as we possibly can. Again, , in my early 60's, I have always driven my rigs till the wheels fell off , always. I have never purchased a new rig, always used with just a few miles on them. Reason, we pay for everything in cash, we refuse to go in debt, knowing full well we don't know what tomorrow will bring. Folks, stay out of debt. Other then a mortgage (even here you might be able to save enough over time to buy cash) , do not go into debt! No matter how hard things are do not use your credit card! Do not take out loans for furniture, rigs, Christmas! I made it thru the great recession for 2 reasons, God and not being in debt. It wasn't easy, it was tough , really tough! Again, stay out of debt folks!

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Don't worry, Trump will fix it. Barring that, A/I will fix it. No wait, congress is on the case, they will fix it. No wait...should have voted Marxist democrat where everything is free. Better yet, turn into an illegal and the whole shebang is cost free with no taxes either.

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Trump can't fix it. It is too far gone. Only God can help us.

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To those who voted for 🍊 🤥, may you get what you deserve.

Everyone but the billionaires has been seeing their finances get worse and worse, and WHOM did our soon-to-be POTUS hire for every position? MORE billionaires. Grab your ankles and don’t bother trying to buy any lube first. 🍊 🤥 and his fellow money hoarders are making sure you can’t afford the lube.

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You got that right. Billionaires are his choices. And his new vice president Elon Musk.

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Why are you so evil minded?

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What gives you the impression that I voted for the 🍊 🤥? I assure you that you are mistaken. Unlike the🍊 🤥, I am NOT on the side of the billionaires nor am I looking forward to them (his hand chosen people) getting richer while they make Americans poorer.

THEY are the evil-minded ones. Jesus would have screamed a new sermon from the mount about Donald Trump being the worst “politician” to elect. Or are you one of the people DJT loves — “I love the uneducated!” (DJT quote)

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Your attitude is vile.

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My attitude is like holy water — some really appreciate it 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘦.

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Bad people said bad things to/against Jesus, so I am in good company hating the lying orange demon, thanks.

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I always drive my cars into the ground. 320 thousand miles is my record. A 2001 Chevrolet 3500 plumbing van. It was still running too.

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Just another sign that the money is so worthless it is beyond recovery and that we are very close for the FED with the blessing and guidance of the IMF, the WB and the BIS, to pull the trigger on the collapse of the dollar, this is not far off.

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New York is giving $300 or $500 FREE money 💰 !! https://youtu.be/24E_pHG4Giw

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What happened to GOVt fixing poverty ??

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