Yes spot on Stephen. Rome got so big, to maintain the empire taxes had to increase. It got to the point where Rome started to debase their gold and silver money with cheap minerals. The money lost it's value in relation to other nations money that was not devalued. More taxes with inflation, Rome could no longer maintain this vast empire and it slowly collapsed inwardly and could no long hold of it enemies from without.
Since we pay a whole bunch o lotta money in taxes, it makes you wonder where all of that mulla goes, doesn't it? We have spent billions in Ukraine and I think the rest of it goes right into the pockets of our beloved governmental representatives. Don't you ever wonder how our elected officials become millionaires when they only make $100,000 a year. I have.
What frightens me most about our infrastructure is the electrical grid. I think compared to roads and airlines, this is the most pervasive part of our infrastructure that is going to screw each and every one of us right where the sun don't shine..
Whatever it is, we have no one to blame but ourselves (and our trusted officials). God help us all!
The money goes away to graft and waist (politically motivated projects that are not need or helpful), black projects and living on debt. We have to issue more debt just to pay off current debt. This year so far we have taken in 4.6 trillion in taxes but have spent 6.1 trillion. The interest on the debt is 3.7 trillion.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 deliberately started this mess to get to this point and they will (soon) deliberately collapse this system by default (the great reset) and go back to gold and silver money (digital) and no more money printing, you live on what you have, you can borrow some but if you can't pay it back you go without, but they will be in control on the politicians.
Lazy and incompetent pretty well says it all about the world we live in now. My ancestors, on both side either came with the Pilgrims or before that into New Amsterdam, AKA NY. They came, contributed and built. Had businesses and believed in that hard work and the American dream. One branch was big in the early Railroads and help spread them westward. Many grandfathers fought in the Revolutionary war and all wars after including the Civil war and had some ancestors that were involved in the Underground RR. My Father was a B-17 pilot in WWII and some say he was a murderer? The same that bought the propaganda and don't realize just what this generation did to give them the right to be A** holes? I myself have been a business owner since 1975. Worked hard, paid my taxes to support what i thought was a government for the people and employed many over the years. I have never felt more s**t on in my life than i have for the last 4 years. Everything i once believed in is now come to fact it was all a lie. And i know i am not alone here. Many of us have a history in this country and have ancestors that did the same. How come the ones that wade over a river and sneak under a fence have more rights that we as Americans do? Today? The woke young that should be our future have their noses glued to a device and would rather sit on their buts that contribute anything. Let the checks keep coming until they don't and you will hear howling at the moon and absolutely no one will care. A full time job is 40+ hrs. Not 10. And whiners? I worked 2 full time jobs for 25 years. I guess I was abused?
well said Tag. This all started globally with WW I to create a world govt and in the USA was the Federal Reserve act and the IRS. It's been over a hundred year slide to this day and it never mattered who ran the Govt. Dem or Rep.
More bitchin and moaning from Snide Snyder. Jew Israel did 911 and the Covid 19 pandemic and the Warp Speed jabs that are murder shots and who control the government with their purse and still Snide Snyder will not name the enemy by name, JEWS, The Christians shake in their boots to even mention the word Jew as they might get called out for "anti-semitism" so they stay mum and pay their pew rent. Funny though I have yet to see one Christian show me his contract signed in Jesus blood that he is going to heaven and do what for eternity. You will be as stupid and ugly there as you are here. Amen! Pass the plate.
It's interesting to me Joe that you are an advocate for the communist principle of Critical Theory. The aspect of group sin. One member of a few of a group are really evil, then all are really evil. This has been the world view of numerous genocidal leaders in history. Yes we have some really bad Jews but that does not make all Jews bad. By doing this you are committing self-condemnation, for who is not part of any race that has not done evil in history.
Hey Joe, is this your 1st day on the internet? There's tons o' money to be made by bitching & moaning. Donald Trump has made a multi-billion dollar industry out of it, so don't knock it!
Speaking of that guy, Snide Snyder hasn't fully 100% divested himself from Trump yet, and that's why he's not going to say bad things about the Jews. Donald Trump is a big one, as were his ancestors, as are his 3 eldest, as are or were their spouses. But he (Trump) can grift lots more dough from the fellow Christians than he can from his fellow Jews-by-heritage.
Trump studied the Kabballah and said so in his book "The Way Up" His son in law is his direct mentor and connection to Nut Tin Yahoo. Sports politics and religion circumcision of babies in screaming agony marriage and funerals are the pursuits of the dumb and ignorant. "The concept that god wants blood is at the bottom of the Atonement and rests upon the most barbaric savagery." Amen! Pass the Plate. Amen was taken from the Egyptians as were the cute wings that angels have without flapping muscles. Here is where they got Christmas which is the celebration of the Winter Solstice:
Easter has no set date because there is no historical evidence of Jesus ever existing..
Amen is a Hebrew word form people who spoke Hebrew not Egyptian. The word your talking about in Egyptian AMEN = AMUN RA a praise to an Egyptian God, In Hebrew as a verb, it signifies to confirm, establish, verify; to trust, or give confidence; as a noun, truth, firmness, trust, confidence; as an adjective, firm, stable. In English, after the oriental manner, it is used at the beginning, but more generally at the end of declarations and prayers, in the sense of, be it firm, be it established. It's a Abrahamic declaration used by Hebrews, Christians and Moslems.
Amun is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt, but is not related to the word “amen.”
“The word ‘amen’ used in Christian and Jewish prayer is of Hebrew origin, not Egyptian,” Andrew McGowan, dean of Yale University’s Berkeley Divinity School, told AFP by email. McGowan said the similarity of the sound of “Amun” and “amen” is a coincidence. “There is no connection with the personal name Amun or Amen, originally the name of a local Theban deity who later becomes identified with the sun god Ra.”
History tells us, Communist China (Mayo) and Russian (Stalin) from their beginnings recognized that they can only achieve a global communist state by eliminating The USA. NATO was established to check that agenda. The BRICS and the de-dollarization is just the next step. The only way than can do this with war. Yes WW III is coming, both sides don't wan to share power and it's war.
Yes Garry the author just made up the name Phoenix because out of the collapse of all fiat currencies a new super gold backed currency would arise, The Gold medal around the birds neck has the year 2018 and a O with a / through it. (this current mess started in late 2018 early 2019 when the GDP crashed and the FED pumped and extra 7 trillion into the money supply from 2020 to 2022 (the real reason for inflation) plus the COVID virus push us over the edge all planned. It does appear the IMF's Unicoin will be the digital gold currency replacement of the dollar as the world currency, it's backed by almost $300,000 metric tons of Gold.
Well, it sounds like you've done gone full Lib, Michael. These are the very things that the Left has been pushing for, campaigning for, voting for, to no avail because the Right has promised the wealthy that they won't let America raise their taxes. No additional taxes means no infrastructure fixes ever.
So while your particular audience will watch their satellite TV, eat their cheez whiz and buy their 50th gun while also crapping out "jokes" about Mayor Pete (below), the rest of America is going to keep on dying because we'd rather blow our money on Trump Bucks rather than paying more in MUCH NEEDED taxes.
Michael hasn't gone full liberal. This is a problem in all western nations that are embracing the woke culture & prefer to spend tax dollars on poisoning the minds, body's & spirits of everyone.
I live in New Zealand & we have a left leaning government in power which is implementing the same thing's as the democrats in America.
They have a name for it also, build back better. Which is part of the NWO & is in fact a play on words for their true intentions.
Which are to totally destroy Christian based western civilization to make way for the one world government the beast system & ultimately the mark of the beast.
Their ultimate design is out of the ashes the Phoenix will arise. If you doubt it view the article I will unlink shortly from the magazine the economist written in the late 1980s.
That's strange because in America the tax money has gone just about 100% toward ending abortion, removing any mention of gay and/or lgbtq, let alone assisting or defending them, defunding programs for the poor so as to inflate more funds for the plutocrats. But sure, the plutocrats tell the uneducated that it's all woke so everyone can hate woke stuff.
Sounds like you have a very biased approach to this topic. As I said I live in New Zealand & I've read countless articles about the democrats with the backing of some republicans. Using tax dollars to push through legislation to label anyone who speaks out against the woke movement as hatespeech.
In my country, people happy call their own speech against woke stuff at hate speech. Calling something hate speech ain't no thang, as they used to say in my youth. If any money at all has been spent on it I'd hate the Libs even more because of all the ways they claim to want to help society, making "anti-woke" speech illegal would be a pretty f'ing stupid waste of taxes. So stupid in fact that the internet has no record of it ever happening, unlike the things I mentioned which can be found in nanoseconds by anyone with wifi..
The problem is not paying enough taxes, it's debt and the interest on the debt and fiat money. This Ponzi Scheme has run it's course and will be replaced by a new global digital system.
I don't disagree with your take on it being the debt and the interest on the debt, however we (America, at least) could get OUT of this eternal debt if we'd just stop selling tax breaks to the stinking wealthiest individuals in the nation. Hell, when Elon Musk comes to America so he can MAKE money on his taxes rather than PAY money on his taxes, there's no rational mind who can say we're doing the right thing for the bottom 99% of citizens who keep paying for our billionaires.
Talk of Ponzi schemes & whatnot is just something to keep the riff raff barking at the wrong problems, thus never addressing the correct ones.
It comes down to ONE bottom line - human nature is to "play w/o paying'. That non-reality destroys societies (chickens do come home to roost eventually, there are no free lunches). Socialists/Dems. don't really pay either - they put the monies in their personal pockets !. So don't try to make the Reps look bad and the Dems look good. Self-serving human nature is destroying the US. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. The people of the US play while everything crumbles around them ! Called sowing and reaping.😢
I'm no history buff but i wonder if this is how a roman citizen might be experiencing it's decline.
Yes spot on Stephen. Rome got so big, to maintain the empire taxes had to increase. It got to the point where Rome started to debase their gold and silver money with cheap minerals. The money lost it's value in relation to other nations money that was not devalued. More taxes with inflation, Rome could no longer maintain this vast empire and it slowly collapsed inwardly and could no long hold of it enemies from without.
Get ready to meet Jesus with your Egyptian wings.
So Joe, what will happen when you die? What do you believe?
How will you deal with the fact about why you are so angry?
I have lived many lives before this. Baby souls like yourself have not much to fall back on.
Worst Bible Passages
Have fun with your god. No sex allowed in heaven. LOL
Oh my gosh Joe, you have lived many lives?
Does this mean you could have been a Jew in a past life and didn't know it?
If you have lived past lives you would know the world is as just messed up now as it was long before Abraham came along.
It's sad you didn't learn very much from your past lives. You don't even have a good grasp of history.
Since we pay a whole bunch o lotta money in taxes, it makes you wonder where all of that mulla goes, doesn't it? We have spent billions in Ukraine and I think the rest of it goes right into the pockets of our beloved governmental representatives. Don't you ever wonder how our elected officials become millionaires when they only make $100,000 a year. I have.
What frightens me most about our infrastructure is the electrical grid. I think compared to roads and airlines, this is the most pervasive part of our infrastructure that is going to screw each and every one of us right where the sun don't shine..
Whatever it is, we have no one to blame but ourselves (and our trusted officials). God help us all!
The money goes away to graft and waist (politically motivated projects that are not need or helpful), black projects and living on debt. We have to issue more debt just to pay off current debt. This year so far we have taken in 4.6 trillion in taxes but have spent 6.1 trillion. The interest on the debt is 3.7 trillion.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 deliberately started this mess to get to this point and they will (soon) deliberately collapse this system by default (the great reset) and go back to gold and silver money (digital) and no more money printing, you live on what you have, you can borrow some but if you can't pay it back you go without, but they will be in control on the politicians.
Lazy and incompetent pretty well says it all about the world we live in now. My ancestors, on both side either came with the Pilgrims or before that into New Amsterdam, AKA NY. They came, contributed and built. Had businesses and believed in that hard work and the American dream. One branch was big in the early Railroads and help spread them westward. Many grandfathers fought in the Revolutionary war and all wars after including the Civil war and had some ancestors that were involved in the Underground RR. My Father was a B-17 pilot in WWII and some say he was a murderer? The same that bought the propaganda and don't realize just what this generation did to give them the right to be A** holes? I myself have been a business owner since 1975. Worked hard, paid my taxes to support what i thought was a government for the people and employed many over the years. I have never felt more s**t on in my life than i have for the last 4 years. Everything i once believed in is now come to fact it was all a lie. And i know i am not alone here. Many of us have a history in this country and have ancestors that did the same. How come the ones that wade over a river and sneak under a fence have more rights that we as Americans do? Today? The woke young that should be our future have their noses glued to a device and would rather sit on their buts that contribute anything. Let the checks keep coming until they don't and you will hear howling at the moon and absolutely no one will care. A full time job is 40+ hrs. Not 10. And whiners? I worked 2 full time jobs for 25 years. I guess I was abused?
well said Tag. This all started globally with WW I to create a world govt and in the USA was the Federal Reserve act and the IRS. It's been over a hundred year slide to this day and it never mattered who ran the Govt. Dem or Rep.
More bitchin and moaning from Snide Snyder. Jew Israel did 911 and the Covid 19 pandemic and the Warp Speed jabs that are murder shots and who control the government with their purse and still Snide Snyder will not name the enemy by name, JEWS, The Christians shake in their boots to even mention the word Jew as they might get called out for "anti-semitism" so they stay mum and pay their pew rent. Funny though I have yet to see one Christian show me his contract signed in Jesus blood that he is going to heaven and do what for eternity. You will be as stupid and ugly there as you are here. Amen! Pass the plate.
It's interesting to me Joe that you are an advocate for the communist principle of Critical Theory. The aspect of group sin. One member of a few of a group are really evil, then all are really evil. This has been the world view of numerous genocidal leaders in history. Yes we have some really bad Jews but that does not make all Jews bad. By doing this you are committing self-condemnation, for who is not part of any race that has not done evil in history.
Hey Joe, is this your 1st day on the internet? There's tons o' money to be made by bitching & moaning. Donald Trump has made a multi-billion dollar industry out of it, so don't knock it!
Speaking of that guy, Snide Snyder hasn't fully 100% divested himself from Trump yet, and that's why he's not going to say bad things about the Jews. Donald Trump is a big one, as were his ancestors, as are his 3 eldest, as are or were their spouses. But he (Trump) can grift lots more dough from the fellow Christians than he can from his fellow Jews-by-heritage.
Trump studied the Kabballah and said so in his book "The Way Up" His son in law is his direct mentor and connection to Nut Tin Yahoo. Sports politics and religion circumcision of babies in screaming agony marriage and funerals are the pursuits of the dumb and ignorant. "The concept that god wants blood is at the bottom of the Atonement and rests upon the most barbaric savagery." Amen! Pass the Plate. Amen was taken from the Egyptians as were the cute wings that angels have without flapping muscles. Here is where they got Christmas which is the celebration of the Winter Solstice:
Easter has no set date because there is no historical evidence of Jesus ever existing..
Joe you are making this way too easy,
Amen is a Hebrew word form people who spoke Hebrew not Egyptian. The word your talking about in Egyptian AMEN = AMUN RA a praise to an Egyptian God, In Hebrew as a verb, it signifies to confirm, establish, verify; to trust, or give confidence; as a noun, truth, firmness, trust, confidence; as an adjective, firm, stable. In English, after the oriental manner, it is used at the beginning, but more generally at the end of declarations and prayers, in the sense of, be it firm, be it established. It's a Abrahamic declaration used by Hebrews, Christians and Moslems.
Amun is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt, but is not related to the word “amen.”
“The word ‘amen’ used in Christian and Jewish prayer is of Hebrew origin, not Egyptian,” Andrew McGowan, dean of Yale University’s Berkeley Divinity School, told AFP by email. McGowan said the similarity of the sound of “Amun” and “amen” is a coincidence. “There is no connection with the personal name Amun or Amen, originally the name of a local Theban deity who later becomes identified with the sun god Ra.”
Get Ready for A World Currency: The Economist Predicts Rise of the Phoenix by 2018 / DAHBOO77
Real News that Snide Smyder won't tell you about. Canadian Prepper Channel on YouTube
History tells us, Communist China (Mayo) and Russian (Stalin) from their beginnings recognized that they can only achieve a global communist state by eliminating The USA. NATO was established to check that agenda. The BRICS and the de-dollarization is just the next step. The only way than can do this with war. Yes WW III is coming, both sides don't wan to share power and it's war.
You'll be Shocked by the Prediction of this 1988 Magazine 😱😱😱 / Video Advice
Yes Garry the author just made up the name Phoenix because out of the collapse of all fiat currencies a new super gold backed currency would arise, The Gold medal around the birds neck has the year 2018 and a O with a / through it. (this current mess started in late 2018 early 2019 when the GDP crashed and the FED pumped and extra 7 trillion into the money supply from 2020 to 2022 (the real reason for inflation) plus the COVID virus push us over the edge all planned. It does appear the IMF's Unicoin will be the digital gold currency replacement of the dollar as the world currency, it's backed by almost $300,000 metric tons of Gold.
Well, it sounds like you've done gone full Lib, Michael. These are the very things that the Left has been pushing for, campaigning for, voting for, to no avail because the Right has promised the wealthy that they won't let America raise their taxes. No additional taxes means no infrastructure fixes ever.
So while your particular audience will watch their satellite TV, eat their cheez whiz and buy their 50th gun while also crapping out "jokes" about Mayor Pete (below), the rest of America is going to keep on dying because we'd rather blow our money on Trump Bucks rather than paying more in MUCH NEEDED taxes.
Michael hasn't gone full liberal. This is a problem in all western nations that are embracing the woke culture & prefer to spend tax dollars on poisoning the minds, body's & spirits of everyone.
I live in New Zealand & we have a left leaning government in power which is implementing the same thing's as the democrats in America.
They have a name for it also, build back better. Which is part of the NWO & is in fact a play on words for their true intentions.
Which are to totally destroy Christian based western civilization to make way for the one world government the beast system & ultimately the mark of the beast.
Their ultimate design is out of the ashes the Phoenix will arise. If you doubt it view the article I will unlink shortly from the magazine the economist written in the late 1980s.
That's strange because in America the tax money has gone just about 100% toward ending abortion, removing any mention of gay and/or lgbtq, let alone assisting or defending them, defunding programs for the poor so as to inflate more funds for the plutocrats. But sure, the plutocrats tell the uneducated that it's all woke so everyone can hate woke stuff.
Really? We have taken in about$5 trillion in taxes how much of that is (almost) on abortion and Gay agenda?
Sounds like you have a very biased approach to this topic. As I said I live in New Zealand & I've read countless articles about the democrats with the backing of some republicans. Using tax dollars to push through legislation to label anyone who speaks out against the woke movement as hatespeech.
In my country, people happy call their own speech against woke stuff at hate speech. Calling something hate speech ain't no thang, as they used to say in my youth. If any money at all has been spent on it I'd hate the Libs even more because of all the ways they claim to want to help society, making "anti-woke" speech illegal would be a pretty f'ing stupid waste of taxes. So stupid in fact that the internet has no record of it ever happening, unlike the things I mentioned which can be found in nanoseconds by anyone with wifi..
what country is that?
The problem is not paying enough taxes, it's debt and the interest on the debt and fiat money. This Ponzi Scheme has run it's course and will be replaced by a new global digital system.
I don't disagree with your take on it being the debt and the interest on the debt, however we (America, at least) could get OUT of this eternal debt if we'd just stop selling tax breaks to the stinking wealthiest individuals in the nation. Hell, when Elon Musk comes to America so he can MAKE money on his taxes rather than PAY money on his taxes, there's no rational mind who can say we're doing the right thing for the bottom 99% of citizens who keep paying for our billionaires.
Talk of Ponzi schemes & whatnot is just something to keep the riff raff barking at the wrong problems, thus never addressing the correct ones.
It comes down to ONE bottom line - human nature is to "play w/o paying'. That non-reality destroys societies (chickens do come home to roost eventually, there are no free lunches). Socialists/Dems. don't really pay either - they put the monies in their personal pockets !. So don't try to make the Reps look bad and the Dems look good. Self-serving human nature is destroying the US. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. The people of the US play while everything crumbles around them ! Called sowing and reaping.😢
Mayor Pete will fix things. /s
No, he's too busy breastfeeding.