Welcome to the end of the United States. About every 80 years the world goes through a downfall of the current world order, usually by war. After the war a new world order arises and takes over. It has been almost 80 years since the end of WW2 when the US became the head of the new world order. Everything and all signs now point to our soon downfall, another major world war, and a new world order to come. The down side of world war right now is the number of countries with nuclear weapons. There may not be much of a world left after this next war. America. It was fun while it lasted.

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The Fourth Turning. We are in the Crisis Period now.

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I agree! We are headed for a downfall!

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There's plenty of blame to go around but I believe it's mostly the Democrats. Once they establish power in an area, they will move Heaven and earth to keep it. Since they are backed by the elites, they have plenty of money to do so. Unlike most of the Republicans, they don't let rules, laws and a sense of right and wrong get in their way.

There is simply no way to vote them out. It is my firm belief that until we fix our election system this downward spiral of our country will continue unabated. I had high hopes that Trump would do that after 2020, but I really wish that he would hurry up. Soon it may be too late.

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Psalm 146:3 sums it all up!

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This is exactly what the foreign intel assessment stated back n 2018. the govt would cease to function prior to the 2024 election, just pure chaos to come, we can't govern anymore and no one cares.

All this is God's hand moving in the hearts of men. God is infinity sovereign and powerful. America is just like any other nation to God. All of God's plan involves his church not a nation.

Our founding father loved what the Bible and Jesus taught as far as morality, love, forgiveness, justice and helping and protecting the innocent, but when it came to who Jesus really was, they fell short. Adams and Jefferson did not believe in the trinity or miracles (Jesus is not God). Franklin was a self admitted deist, Washington refused to take communion (this shows Jesus is God/savior). His pastor and bishop did not believe Washington was a Christian.

So why are we surprised Jesus (in His perfect timing) has handed us over to our own spiritual pride for judgement. We have become Like Israel that rejected God. We/they had outward righteousness, but our hearts (faith in Christ as God/savior) was far from God. Thus he told Jeremiah 3 times In Ch 7, 11 & 14 do not pray for these people for I will not listen.

God gave us over 200 years to realize He is the one who establishes and ordains Govt not people. And because we have failed to believe the truth God to the source of Govt not people, He is blinding our eyes to see and ears that can't hear as to be saved. The number of people fleeing the church is God's doing.

Read Job's description of God's power and think about what is happening today Job 12:13-25.

Can you now see God's power and hand in current events? We serve an awesome, powerful, righteous and perfectly holy God who is incredibly just.

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2000 years to prove manking cannot govern ourselves! We need our Creator!

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When we lived in Maryland, about 4 blocks outside the Baltimore city line, my cats were indoor/outdoor and killed at least 1 rat. Two weeks after we escaped the People's Republic of Maryland and moved to South Carolina, a friend called and said the entire neighborhood, even those who didn't really like my cats, wanted us back because rats were coming up from the sewer system and boldly going wherever they wanted, including at least 2 outdoor parties. They ran across the feet of two people at one party! Maybe NYC needs a bunch of cats, as long as they aren't poisoning the rats.

I was assigned to a contract in St. Louis from mid-January to mid-April in 1989. Several of us were there and it was great. Nosebleed hockey tickets for $10, lots of tourist things (going to the top of the arch was awesome!) and great restaurants. You couldn't pay me to go there now.

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When we fall, a new and uplifting, charismatic leader will rise to save us all. Then, we will know misery. Hopefully the rapture comes first.

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<"It’s become so severe that the city’s police force are also warning residents to secure their homes while they’re inside.">

So, I wonder.....Do they also warn these vulnerable residents about leaving the relative security of their homes to try and find water and food, or other necessities, and advising them to stock-up now?

How 'bout self-defense items?

Are they being advised to find alternative living conditions, i.e. "leave the sordid city?"

Any parents with younger children absolutely must leave for safer quarter. Their children are at incredible risk.

I'm guessing not.

Bottom line will be incalculable misery for many of society's most at-risk members.

This will be one of modern humanity's saddest and most gruesome events.

Please, God, show them a way.....

"God Loves Liberty!"

Onward Christian Soldiers........

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These things will happen next as internet patriots are marked for execution:https://allnewspipeline.com/Worst_Case_Scenario_Of_America_Under_Tyranny.php Those on the right lack backbone to resist this agenda even tho' most of us will be killed, they lack motivation to sacrifice to regain freedom for future generations. Most will comply to covid boosters and lockdowns because they think the gov. and corp. news is infallible. Churches (501c3) refuse to stand up and speak out and sold out to globalist woke agendas to keep their jobs as pastors and assoc. pastors. Some are FEMA response teams members during martial law.

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I agree with you! It is a matter of time when tyranny ramps up! Most people do not learn from past atrocities. The Sheeple are in for a big surprise! I was watching Trafficked with Mariana Van Zellar about phone scamming. A lady in Jamaica who is a phone scammer said that most people in the U.S.A. are stupid and fall for her scams!

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When I started at Columbia University, the Ivy league school in Harlem, the student newspaper had a headline, "Rats as Big as Cats in East Campus Dorm". That was a few decades ago. I understand your title for this post, but it is not the civilisation we would choose to create. Indeed, it isn't currently very civil at all.


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When I started at Columbia University, the Ivy league school in Harlem, the student newspaper had a headline, "Rats as Big as Cats in East Campus Dorm". That was a few decades ago. I understand your title for this post, but it is not the civilisation we would choose to create. Indeed, it isn't currently very civil at all.


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