I wonder if it was like this in Rome in 476 AD. I see a lot of similarities.

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Did Rome had their version of Democrats ?

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Well said Michael. We have such easy access online and everywhere to EVerything, it doesn't help does it...

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It depends on how we respond to it. Most of the time, not always, I am able to maintain self control before commenting to someone that is a lib , only way I am able to manage that is I pray first for God to give me a response. Sometimes, I don't do that though and my response is as nasty and evil as their comment. It's not hate towards the person, it's hate of the evil they engage in. I kept wondering if I hated biden, I don't, that question was answered when it was finally confirmed he is suffering some form dementia , I take no joy in that and those who tried to hide the truth were using and abusing him these last 3+ years. He isn't loved by his own family. That is really sad and heartbreaking. Anyways, I feel compassion for him, anger towards those who have used and abused him. That was relief to me, despite all that he has said and done I still care about his well being.

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Anyone reading: I have nothing to do with leftists, and only associate with like-minded. Who has time to waste on people who are not on the same page? Since COVID issues, my circle has gotten smaller, and don't mind, as I am an introvert and enjoy "alone time". Choose friends wisely, as this country is now under UN agenda 2030 , soon to implement the mark of the beast. There will be snitches 1984 style. Family security is vital.

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Call me crazy but I think the covid vaccine has damaged people's ability to reason. People are so angry now, that I try my best to stay away from large gatherings.

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They had to have some damage before taking the shots (absence of critical thinking ability) A high percentage cannot think for themselves, pushed by politicians, relatives and friends to do "what they do." Or "do as I say".

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That damage is called the fall the flesh sin. We are all damaged goods and without being in Christ that damage will get worse as the world gets worse

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We stay out of groups, we now home church since several years ago. Think is way more practical for us, besides we don't want to hear other people's drama.

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No it's called sin and fear, that feeds the pride and desire to survive. The devil didn't make me do it nor does a vaccine.

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Of all the articles you have written over the years, this one is the best. Learning to truly love God and one another really is the answer to every problem.

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I have just finished reading his book Chaos. Lots to think about.

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We are in this state because of what's happening, what they keep doing (to us), what they keep spewing at us in their lapdog lamestream media. Sure we can try and tone it down, swallow "it", but things are crazy. Gets to ya after a while! :/

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Love really is the answer!

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And stick with those you know, trust and have same values. We are all going to need bartering networks eventually. When things go down hill, best to not let strangers in, family security is priority.

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Like so many other Americans, I do not hate Donald Trump . I FEAR him . His admirers do not understand the appalling facts about him . He is a deranged idiot and a megalomaniacal demagogue . A malignant narcissistic sociopath and a pathological liar . This man has absolutely no morals, ethics, integrity , no concern for anyone but himself , no conscience, no sense of right and wrong , is totally unscrupulous and will say and do anything to. win support and votes , all so he can achieve his goal of making himself as rich and powerful as possible .

Donald Trump is also so abysmally stupid. that this alone would be reason for him to be barred from running for president , but there are so many other reasons why he should never be allowed to get anywhere near the White House . He is the president with dementia, not Trump. Biden's speech impediment, which is a remnant of his boyhood stutter , has been deliberately misconstrued by the conservative media as dementia , even though his mind is still sharp and he is sane and rational, unlike Trump .

We have been warned about Trump's dementia by leading psychiatrists from the beginning. . And it has progressed to the point where what little mind he had to begin with has been destroyed . He is now totally dysfunctional and an empty. shell of a man . He was never fit and competent to be president, and he is even less so now . Trump now babbles idiotically and incoherently and almost never makes sense . He is incapable of thinking rationally or showing sound judgment .

If God forbid he is reelected this November, he will be a ticking time bomb waiting to go off .

J.D. Vance, who is shallow , callow and politically inexperienced ,will be forced to be the de facto president behind the scenes , and the though tof this terrifying . We cannot Trust Trump with the nuclear codes again .

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obviously the world is going to hell. Reason being the prince and the power of Air has come and he knows his time is short and he is very busy.

John says this world is passing away.

Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world.

God said I AM the one forming light and creating darkness, Causing well-being and creating calamity;

I am the Lord who does all these. (look at Job God took full responsibility for what He did to Job).

There is no hope for America it will and is being judged along with the rest of the world.

The only love God recognizes is agape love. That kind of love can not be learned. It comes as the power of the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts.

When we witness (in Agape love) it's not our words or love that wins people, it's the power of the Holy Spirit that convicts the world of sin. We can not put the burden of peoples conduct and word to be the key factor in witnessing. Then when that witness fails the one who witnesses will feel likes it's their fault. I did not love enough, I said somehting wrong, I've could of done better. All false guilt, we are all broken pots, its the Holy Spirit that makes our pot hold water.

The church in the west is eviscerating, we have not learned form Paul's warnings in Romans 11 and the letters to the churches in Revelation. We will stay on this path, there is no hope.

The most loving people on the earth was Jesus and the disciples (after Pentecost) and how did the world treat Jesus and the disciples? Jesus said look how they treated Me, what do you think they will do to you.

We have been called to preach the gospel and hope to rescue some from the coming judgement. When was the last time you shared the Gospel to someone? That is the great commission and the great hop for the world.

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Illegitimate con man obama pounded wedges and brought tribalism front and center. Society has decayed no mutual respect anywhere you see it driving in public places etc there are still good people but today especially with 40,000,000 criminals in country you have to keep your head on swivel

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Huh ? Obama was an "illegitimate con man president "? You're projecting and describing Trump ! 40 million criminals in. America ? What have you been smoking ? Obama was one of our best presidents, and while not perfect, he did an enormous amount of good for America . His awful successor Trump did nothing but. attempt to destroy all of that good and. succeeded. in many ways .

Trump was by far the worst, most corrupt, incompetent, destructive and divisive president US history . The horrendous damage he did to American and the harm he did to the American people will have a deleterious effect on this country and. who knows when and if his horrible legacy will. cease to harm. us and the world .

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Born in kenya used stolen ss number groomed and paid for by the house of saud muslim brotherhood devisive racist communist weaponized the federal government best ever boy do you have high standards and i guess if u want everyone to take of u big government is great. He built the cages at the border they let in 40mil law breakers. Wait and see what all your new illegals do you have no idea normalcy bias will kill you good luck your gonna get everything you have embraced

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"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. Unfailing love and truth walk before You as attendants. Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of Your presence, Lord." (Psalms 89:14-15)

Righteousness and justice, mercy and truth surround God on His throne; they are central characteristics of the way God rules. They summarize His character. As God’s ambassadors, we should exhibit the same traits when we deal with people. Make sure your actions flow out of justice, righteousness, mercy, and truth because any unfair, unloving, or dishonest action cannot come from God.

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