Don't worry too much about the Economist Michael. Thirty years ago it was an excellent news magazine. Now it's just a crock of woke shit. Try listening to their podcasts and you'll see what I mean. I haven't bought or read in in about seven years. Utter dire garbage by second rate thinkers.

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As are all of them.

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"The elites love to create order out of chaos..." ??? Typo, perhaps? I think you meant the elites love to create chaos out of order...it's how they manipulate the scene, (to bring about disorder) and how they cover their tracks (crimes).

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The elites are telling us what is about to happen. All those issues (pictures) on the cover are surrounded in RED. That red color is the color of (WAR), the red horse that brings disease, famine and death. Welcome to 2025.

This is exactly what Jesus talked about in Matt 13. As in birth pangs getting more intense and closer together.

tHis happening not a sign for us to rise up and stop it. This is God's plan for judgement of the world and all it's systems (even ours).

Look what we've done to God's song mom, look what we've done to His song, And it's turning out all wrong, they tied it up in a plastic bag And then turned it upside down, oh ma-ma

Look at what they've done Want to look at what they've done, oh ma-ma Look what they've done to my song.

The USMC version of the Gospel,

You need to get your soul right with Jesus (repent and believe and live the Gospel) because when He comes back, boy is he going to be pissed. (It's called the wrath of God).

It's time to have a love of the things of God and not of this world because it is fading away right before our eyes.

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They certainly have their plans... BUT GOD...!

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A reign of terror may be heading toward the collapsers and their silly agendas. The Economist is a filthy rag of Marxism and globalist retardism. If you are going to live in fear of all the things that can happen in 2025 and beyond, you might as well give up the ghost now. Sure, they want to murder billions but they themselves are not immune to being murdered by the pitchfork crowd. Keep pushing you numbnuts, keep pushing.

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The eye is a symbol of Freemasonry; the mother of Communism. Will we see more lockdowns and redistribution of wealth?

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I subscribed to this magazine for years [even had a London office] and yes, they have a strong track record but uncertain of Michael's sentiments regarding this issue. there's little doubt this world is on the brink of disaster however.

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