Florida was betrayed today. Florida! Senate Bill 252 passed 29/6. Yes, the“Medical Freedom Bill”, has a couple great things… but was it worth it? Was it worth giving emergency power to a Governor to turn us over to the WHO? Was is worth it to relinquish our independent state’s vaccine requirements and giving them over to the Federal Government for them to decide if we can have a religious or medical exemption? How about healthcare? Our hospitals and healthcare facilities are now beholden to follow a masking protocol on staff and patients. Was it worth taking away our sovereignty to get a couple years of protections against COVID-19 mandates, MRNA, and EUA until 2025 and to protect us from masks in the public? I for one am disappointed. We had a great bill! SB222 would have protected us from medical tyranny permanently! But our bill was squashed and this one elevated.

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