For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

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Don't quit there! Ephesians 6:13-18 tells you what to do about the battle described in verse 12. (Put on the whole Armor of God).

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1. The helmet of salvation, 2. The breastplate of righteousness, 3. The great shield of faith, 4. The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. 5. Gird your waist with the belt of truth, 6. Shod your feet in the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.

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Michael, Michael, Michael... What's the point of blathering on about all this? It is accurate, but provides zero meaningful or actionable information. I've traveled and worked in 45 countries on 5 continents, and the ONLY places I've found Famine (and War) are in the countries where the Government orchestrates it! Been that way since Old Testament times, which is why Rich Mohlmann's quote is so appropriate. FOOD INDEPENDENCE is an easy concept to grasp - and implement. For everyone, on any part of the world. Including in the USA. A spoonful of sprouting seeds, a paper towel, and a squirt bottle of water. Lay out several of those, and after 4 days harvest the sprouts and eat them. Squirt the seeds with water every few hours (they don't need sunlight). Sprouts have 32 times the food density of food, so one spoonful of 4 day old sprouted seeds per day will keep a human alive and fairly healthy. Every day harvest one spoonful of sprouts at their 4-5 day point, and "plant" another spoonful. Keep that rotation going for every person in your household or village, and nobody will starve. I've tried it myself, and it works quite well! Heck, I've tried it with teenagers (in the USA), and if you sprinkle a few drops of Braggs Amino Acid on the 4 day old sprouts, the kids fight over it because it is so tasty. Food Independence is just that easy, no matter where in the world you live. You can purchase a 5 gallon bucket of seeds on Amazon or any seed store for a couple of hundred bucks. That will feed a village for at least a year - unless their Government WANTS them to starve. It is a particularly good idea for anyone, but especially for those that live in the city in the USA to store sprouting seeds. That keeps you from being dependent on FEMA or the Government controlled supply chains. Just store some water or make sure you have access to clean water, and you are food independent. My preferred sprouting seed is Red Clover, which is a good blood cleanser. But Chia, Broccoli, or any number of seeds will work. Sigh... simple but actionable information.

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Full scale war is coming to the mideast. "It is written..." And we know who the participants will be. It's only a question of when, not if. We can't stop, or even put off, now, what Yhwh has decreed will happen. That chance was "blown off", several yrs ago! We can only pray more will choose to repent in time...

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Where is the UN, WHO, UNESCO, Save the Children, etc. with starving masses in Africa, Asia? Where is all the money given by world governments and the private donations? Where are Billy Gates (of Hell), Bezos, Musk, Soros, Buffett and the rest of the philanthropic billionaires? Where are the UN "peace keepers" in Ukraine and the Middle East? Is this the UN/WHO that wants to be the one world global government? Oh, yeah, these organizations, and wonderful people are busy making us sick, starving us, killing us. They are busy seeking all the planet's wealth and total control. I guess they don't care about the starving children or anything afflicting us "useless eaters". Sorry, but we need to save ourselves before we can help the people on the other side of the world.

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We can do things to usurp gov’t. thefreedomproject2020.org Kaizen and the pursuit of truth

substack, and videos. Go to the website to find lots of info.(I’m Aussie btw)

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The truth is, that is not what Scripture says. There will be a final world empire that will manipulate the whole world (except those who are in Christ) to embrace him to save the world promising real freedom but he ends up in total slavery. Our hope is not to save ourselves but trusting the only one who can save us Christ

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Yes, I do know this, but I still clutch at things that may unite people, and in turn, unite with Christ.

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I get that, fully understand, it's in all of us. But Jesus said I have not to bring peace but a sword even to the point of dividing families. Jesus does not have to be a force that unites the world, for Jesus knew before the foundation of the world who He chose that would follow Him, in total free will. Jesus does not have to do anything to bring this to His purposed end for He has already done it, on the cross and resurrection giving all authority in Heaven and earth (Done).

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Yes, I know this also, but I like to spread things that people can do. I’m not saying Jesus has to do anything. I like to do things that may help our world. A lot of people I’ve come across think that Christians are just waiting around for Jesus to save them. And some Christians are just waiting to be raptured up with Jesus-I don’t think the Bible’s clear on the rapture.

Take it easy with me, I’m fairly new at trying to be Christian, about 2 years in, I think. It’s hard-harder than I ever thought! And I literally had to do a 180 degrees in the way I was living. Sorry for the late reply. 🙂

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Well said RR, It is hard sometimes to condense a good complex thought into a brief statement. No, I get it. Impressed young Christian and being bold here is terrific. As the proverb says, "Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another."

Proverb 27:17. And the sparks can fly and that can happen here, even Paul and Barnabas had some serious disagreements. So hang in there, good stuff.

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Always the threats of doom. Don’t worry Nuclear bombs do not exist. Underground tests in Korea for example are just large amounts of TNT as were the desert and island tests we all pretended to do. It’s all been a lie to put you in fear. The ultimate threat. Japan were both fire bomb blitz’s more lies. 100 percent you will never see a real atom bomb mushroom cloud. Will our own governments blow up a 1000 or more tons of TNT in a city and blame the Chinese/ Russians/ terrorists … maybe. They will do whatever it takes to sow destruction and the nearer we get to Trumps next win ( the 3rd in a row) the more likely they will do it.

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Is that true about nuclear or atomic bombs!? I’d seen it somewhere else lately, meant to check, but forgot. I grew up believing the bombs in Japan at end WWII were indeed nuclear bombs. Just another lie I grew up with!

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I have been studying not just the history and the evidence but also how the atom/ electron theory is wrong, based on many assumptions about radio active materials and where the loose electrons come from. It’s liberating to study these things and through knowledge release another layer of control of your mind. I’m certain there are no nukes. Also I am certain “they” can and will let off 1000 tons of TNT and claim its a tactical nuke … a suitcase Nuke etc. Will blame whom ever they want to be the villain. Trump supporters, Putin, Terroists, etc. No one in sheep consciousness will be able to think for themselves when the professional movie from 20 angles of a “mushroom “ cloud fills the airwaves. All the best.

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Well done indeed! Suitcase nukes-yikes! No, I understand what you mean. I haven’t really thought much about nukes lately, except that the psychopaths wouldn’t let them go off to wreck “their” planet would they.

Thanks ian-good information! All the best to you too!

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God has said judgment would come on this world via these things because the world deserves it. God warned us this would come not to figure out how to get around those judgments or lament how evil all those in power who are doing this are. We must remember in God's eye we are evil and not being in Christ we all deserve the same punishments/judgments. And even being in Christ in the last generation we would also suffer persecution by these "evil people" all by God's design and purpose. Jesus set the example on the cross submitting to the biggest injustice the world has ever known. Everything is a call that what Adam and Eve did doomed this world and the only one who can rescue this world is the second Adam, Christ.

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As long as there is government, you can have both at the same time.

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Michael, you’re Christian-instead of just rewriting the stuff about famine in Sudan, how about you try raising some funds to help them?

You’re sounding like a parrot for mainstream media! Are you?

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