May 22, 2023Liked by Michael Snyder

Praying now...and will continue to pray for you until I hear otherwise. Blessings!

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Thank you Brent. I very much appreciate the prayers.


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It's my privilege to lift you up in your time of need. I'm honored to serve God by serving you at this time.

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Dear Yahweh, please protect and bless Michael and his family.

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Lifting you and your family up in prayer that God will strengthen and deliver you, and may the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

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Lord, we ask for Your protection for Michael and his family. Give him wisdom and strategies for any and all decisions he will make, give his wife any nuances and details to fill in the gaps. Bless their children and protect them always! Amen!

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All for God's glory.

Michael, I have followed you as you follow God. You are a mighty weapon in the hand of the Lord. Be blessed in this time for God has gone before you and He shall bring up the rear guard... all your needs have been met.

I stand with you... holding up one's hands in praise to our King.


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Praying for you to see God's hands at work in your family, resolving this crisis and strengthening you for whatever comes your way

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I will be praying for you and your family in Jesus's name. God bless you.

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Praying for you and family, that God will intervene in His all mighty powerful loving way to bring healing and His peace to your situation. May you fulfill all of God's purposes He has for you, shining His Light, Glorifying Him. May God bess you with His overwhelming presence as He defeats the enemy who seeks to destroy. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

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Rosary prayers said now include praying for you and your family. ✝️

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I'm catholic too! Good to see another catholic on this protestant blog😁🥰

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Please explain how an object can reach God in prayer. Saying a Rosary and/or praying to Mary is idolatry, when Jesus clearly stated, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; the ONLY way to the Father is through the Son."

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To pray means simply to ask we catholics only worship Jesus we ask the saints and Mary to pray for us to the lord we don't pray to them the rosery is a meditative prayer on the life of Jesus it has nothing to do with worship of Mary my brother we all just want to worship God at your judgment he won't ask if you are catholic or protestant he will judge how you loved God and neibor this fight between catholics and protestant has gone on too long may the lord bless you my brother

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Hmm, perhaps Roman Catholics should stop listening to liberal priest's sermons and read the scriptures for themselves and they would learn what God speaks to them about "praying to the dead is a sin". Asking dead saints to "pray for you" is abandoning the greatest gift to communicate directly to our Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name.

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Yawn I guess I'll just follow one of the 43000 contradicting protestant religions then. Lol

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Sarcasm is unbecoming when making fun of true Biblical Christianity. God does know your heart. BTW, there are NOT 43000 "contradicting protestant religions"... they are sects, created by men... not Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit. Anything man touches usually is selfish.

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Also I apologize for the sarcasm. It's a constant battle being around protestants it gets the better of me sometimes its the same thing over and over I love all cristans mr. White may the lord bless and keep you sir

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I agree 100% all protestant sects, cults, religions were created by man not God for instance charles Parham the founder of pentecostal was a child molester and a criminal. I love all people made in the image and likeness of God Mr white. I don't want to war with you over this i seek only to do God's will and build his kingdom God be with you.we need to focus on God's judgement comeing to America it may come this year

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You err in understanding what "prayer" is. Prayer is not "asking", but praise, thanks, worship, honor, and the least would do to "ask". Secondly, learn to write with grammar as your run-on writing looses context of meaning. There is no "fight" between Catholics and Protestants... albeit, the Roman Catholic "Knights" did do great wrongs against Jews as conquering warriors representing the apostate Popes. If you want to learn what the Bible means as being "Christian", I suggest you read the Scriptures for discernment in understanding. Never in Scripture does it say to pray a Rosary, or pray to Mary or any other "saint". As a matter of truth, Scripture warns AGAINST doing such sin.

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What is the purpose of the criticism about another's grammar? R's comment is perfectly understandable, less-than-perfect grammar notwithstanding. And what about your own error, in using the word "looses" when apparently you meant "loses"? Also, I notice, Protestant brother, that you didn't mention Martin Luther's virulent antisemitism.

I am Catholic but I don't want to fight with you either. If you like your church, stay there. The rosary, as R mentioned, is a meditative prayer on the life of Christ. You don't have to pray it; even for Catholics it is not obligatory.

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I'm not "Protestant", but I am a Biblical Christian. I do not follow any "denomination" because each is wrong in its manmade laws, rules, and dogmatic teachings. Calvinism is likely the worst sect because it's more like a religious cult. Just wait, as a Catholic, that pseudo-Chrisitan cult will not be "snatched up" in the Harpazo/Rapture of the true church, but will endure the Great Tribulation period. It's quite likely that this current Pope has already made agreements with other religions to create the coming One World Religious system... apostate to Biblical Christianity. So, friend, you err in so many ways.

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I don't think so. The Catholic Church has remained faithful to the basic tenets of the Christian faith all these years and has so far resisted the pressures from the world to change its stance on abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism and same-sex marriage.

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May His peace rest upon you and your family. Praying for you all Michael

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Prayer is respected and lifted up to God by the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling sincere believers. Press on toward the high calling of God in your life, Michael.

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Praying for you Michael!

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Michael, I am praying for you. I have enjoyed your writings for a long time. Jesus Our Lord is with you!!

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I am glad you are alive and THANK YOU for that message for those going through tough times. I sure could use such encouragement now.

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Mike is a censor true to the J words orders

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The J word (Google the word Bris) is the enemy of the Gentiles. RE your Religion: The concept that god wants blood is at the bottom of the Atonement and rests upon the most barbaric savagery. The mythical Christ was raised to divinity by the wife and child murder the Emperor Constantine at the Council of Niecea in 325 AD. Constantine was a follower of the Roman god Mithra. He only converted to Christianity when he got up off his deathbed to get Baptized. Hands that help are nobler far than lips that pray.

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