man wanting to play god.. their premise is not justified.. there is zero reason to do GOF... pandemics happen once every 100 yrs and don't kill as many as what wars, big ag and big pharma do. But.... all we can do is remain busy until His coming, count every encounter as a divine appointment and speak the gospel of peace.

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I have all your books. As I was reading your newest one yesterday, I became overwhelmed with hopelessness and depression. For those of us who read the Bible and pray, why spend our remaining time in fear and depression preparing for the evil ones to kill us? How does one plan for the end of the world and how much food and water can we reasonably store? Is there not some hopeful way people who love G d can fight this evil instead of just hoarding food and wait thing till we are murdered?

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Look what happened to Job, bad weather killed his kids, thieves stole everything he owned and he was sick almost to death and he had a nagging wife who just wanted Job to just die. Great evil came to Job for no reason and Job complained to God. God told Job why are you complaining about what I'm doing in your life.

So why are we so despondent on what God is doing in your lives in these last times? Is your life worse than jobs? Then rejoice you are being given more grace that Job got.

Remember God is totally in charge of all things, Isaiah 45:7 states that God is the one who brings calamity.

What you are seeing is God's judgement on this world and at the same time He is refining, His church (His bride). That process is not easy.

This evil breaking out is all part of God's plan, He is using it (the evil) for His purposes, Trust Him don't fight Him.

This is what God a prophesied for His church in the last days; all part of the sifting of the church promised before He returns Matt 13:24-33

Daniel 7:19-22 and Rev. 13:5-7, 6:9-11 14:13

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Covid-19 was simply a test run. It was never that dangerous, especially in young people. The cases were pumped up by using excess cycles of the PCR test. People were murdered by hospitals using ventilators and Remdesivir in order to get huge bonus payments. Patients who died WITH Covid were said to die OF Covid. They were denied early, safe and cheap treatments in lieu of untested, experimental "vaccines" that have devastating side effect profiles.

The good news for the "pure bloods" who still have immune systems is ivermectin. Yes, I mean the horse paste. Did you know that it cures any virus, and probably even cancer? I know that you are asking, "is this lady nuts?"

This pharmacist has done her research and by all things Holy, it's true. I have used it multiple times, because every time I'm around "vaccinated" people, I end up getting sick. I take my dose of ivermectin (based on weight multiplied by .75) and within an hour, I am cured. You see, most of the jabbed folk have lost their immune systems. The viruses are habitating in their bodies unchecked and they are spewing viruses everywhere. So if you want to survive what's coming, go to Fleet Farm and stock up on horse paste.

Sadly, your doctor won't prescribe it for you.

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I have a CIA and FBI contact. This virus was not a test run. We made this virus. Obama saw how dangerous the virus was and banned it from the country and the NIH moved it to Canada where Chines Scientists were working in their labs. They stole it. The decision was made that the theft secret and agreed with China because of the Biden contacts to monitor the research for the NIH. Then it gets fuzzy, it was either leaked or we turned a scientist in the lab to leak out int china for us. China lied about the viruses effects, many more Chines died from the virus that reported no one knows the real numbers but it was more than a million +.

My daughter who is a Christian was in NY as a Physicians Asst. working for Samaritan's Purse medical response during the Covid-19 outbreak. After she worked in the mobile SP hospitals she was the patient care manager for the Covid ICU step down unit at a hospital near Harlem.

No one was murdered. The ventilator use was prompted by the bazaar symptoms of Covid 19. Normal flu shows spots on both lungs. Covid 19 would attack only one lung and would completely fill that lung with fluid and the other lung was clear. They had never seen this before because this was a man made virus bio-weapon. They were shooting in the dark and opted to use ventilators right away. It was not until later they realized the ventilators were part of the problem. NO ONE was murdered. Because they were flying blind with a new virus and new symptoms they have never seen before they did testing and evaluate of several drugs. Everyone that came out of ICU or were never sick enough to go to ICU all survived in the step down unit, no one died and they were using Remdesivir as one of the medicines and it as well all the others drugs tested had a marginal benefit to recovery, no one died!

There was not one DR, PA or RN who was working to kill people just to get bonuses. Everyone worked very long and hard trying to save lives.

The stories from the MSM and the conservative news sites all got it partly wrong because they all were about promoting an agenda and using unverified witnesses statements it was all totally outrageous.

China arrested the first doctors who sounded the alarm about Covid and the govt. told everyone it was just the flu. When it got here we did exactly the same thing and it was all a lie.

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I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Firstly, I would never trust anyone in a government agency. The corruption there is voluminous to say the least. I do agree about the origins of the virus. There may have been some confusion initially as to how to treat Covid-19 patients, but as doctors tried to promulgate therapies (HCQ, methylprednisolone, blood thinners, budesonide and ivermectin) they were ridiculed and threatened.

Hospitals were, indeed given bonuses for Covid-19 deaths.


I'm sure as time passes, we will learn more and more about the crimes against humanity.

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It's almost like they want to kill us!

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