I've noticed for sev. Yrs now, "digital" online bibles conveniently change words, to give a different meaning that God's True Word ! If you have old paper versions of the Holy Bible - keep it/them, or else you'll get led down this new digital bible perversion !
Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and flash prophets will appear and preform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I believe when Jesus spoke these words to his disciples concerning the end of the age. He was talking about exactly what you have detailed in this article Michael concerning the great deception that is now upon us.
And like any lie or deception that comes from the father of lies we have to expose it to the light of Christ. So that we can reveal the lie & stand firm in His truth on the rock of our salvation.
I've been told from someone in the Ind. Milt. Complex that what is in the black is at least 100 years ahead of what is in the white. So very powerful AI is probably already here. Could this be what creates the image of the beast that speaks? Is all of this really from the ETs or an ET universal messiah? We shall see but this is not far off.
Indeed, AI can be exhilarating or create extreme anxiety, depending on what it's used for. In addition to creating "art", AI may also create 3-D real looking humans by combining several aspects of different persons into one 3-D humanistic form. Chances are this is what the coming Anti-Christ will be. Also, I'm unsure if it was AI or some other exhaustive database, a close Law Professor friend of mine (now semi-retired from a major Christian Law School) got very suspicious of a requried course paper from a law student that he pressed the student on how he created the paper. The student balked several times, but ended up telling the Law Professor the source. So, my friend dug down deep into the souce and realized that ALL of his course outlines and instructional material were in the database. It shocked him as to how all his materials had gotten into that database of information. He did report the concern upstream at the law school, but they didn't seem to take much interest or show concern.
So, what is to come of AI and certain professions? I'd hazard to guess, that many teaching base situations may be replaced by AI as brick and mortar colleges may become obsolete. Many doctors may be replaced by AI health practitioners inputting objective readings of a patient into a AI server and the result along with medicine prescription handed to the patient. Other professions, such as Financial Advisors, Accountants, Bank Tellers and officers, public school instructors, text books, and a whole range of other professions will just go away. So, what's to become of humanity? What will they do? Other that blue collar technical professions, such as, Plumbers, Electricians, Welders, Carpenters, Mechanics, etc. will survive AI take-over.
II Tim 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
This is example of deviousness of online, digital "Bible". Sound mind has much different meaning than other words substituted for "sound mind" in other translations, and even sometimes in the KJV version, as I've seen in other places. Devious, misleading and most people don't even realize it. Words have power - Socialists/AI love to play around with words !😡
ALL religion is conman fraud. All Bibles were written by Jews and Romans to control the dumb ignorant masses and extract pew rent from the people who actually work for a living. Those who circumcise and mutilate and torture infants are criminals and should be arrested and sent to hard labor for life without parole. "The concept that gawd wants blood is at the bottom of the Atonement and rests upon the most baric savagery."
2 Corinthians 6:17 in the King James Version of the Bible, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." This verse is a biblical warning for God's people and the Church to avoid those who reject God. The verse emphasizes the importance of not touching anything that is unclean and being separate from those who reject God.
LOL. I see you have your brains poured in by your shirt tailed preacher. You touch your unclean "thing" when you take a leak. Are you bris or are you created in the image of god with a natural skin in place like jesus when he popped out of Mary. They sold many of those foreskins in Israel during the Crusades to gullible knights as well as enough original cross pieces to make a lumber yard and enough swaddling clothes to fill a department store. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Pay your pew rent and don't ask questions.
In 2 Corinthians 2:16, believers in Jesus Christ are compared to an aroma that brings life, while unbelievers in Jesus Christ, (such as Joe Smith) when in the presence of Christians, smell a deadly stench that leads to death.
As the world speeds towards the Return of the King of kings, only one thing will be of value: Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life?
You are the typical religious hypocrite who likes to virtue signal and get Brownie Points with his imaginary gawd who enjoys killing people and scaring little children with tales of hell. This is the United States and we have no and want no kings here. Man will not be free until the last king is strangled with the guts of the last priest. Moses was a rapist and murder of little girls. Have your bug eyed preacher have the little primary Sunday school kiddies put that on for a real passion play for the whole congregation and you can be the inspector or do you prefer to be the executioner as well? What a jerk you are. REFERENCE: Numbers Chapter 31, Vs 15 on. YOUR JESUS GLORIFIED THIS RAPIST AND MURDERER.. Your GAWD is a rapist of a Jewess virgin so he could produce a bastard half breed Jew to masochistically kill himself and become a vampire who rose from the dead so you could eat his body and blood yourself.
This is another reason you had better study and know the true Word of God through His Holy Scriptures, the Bible in book form. NASB is an accurate version. It even tells you what is going to happen next!!!
I've noticed for sev. Yrs now, "digital" online bibles conveniently change words, to give a different meaning that God's True Word ! If you have old paper versions of the Holy Bible - keep it/them, or else you'll get led down this new digital bible perversion !
An Image that was given power to speak and command. Does that sound familiar?
Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and flash prophets will appear and preform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I believe when Jesus spoke these words to his disciples concerning the end of the age. He was talking about exactly what you have detailed in this article Michael concerning the great deception that is now upon us.
And like any lie or deception that comes from the father of lies we have to expose it to the light of Christ. So that we can reveal the lie & stand firm in His truth on the rock of our salvation.
I've been told from someone in the Ind. Milt. Complex that what is in the black is at least 100 years ahead of what is in the white. So very powerful AI is probably already here. Could this be what creates the image of the beast that speaks? Is all of this really from the ETs or an ET universal messiah? We shall see but this is not far off.
Indeed, AI can be exhilarating or create extreme anxiety, depending on what it's used for. In addition to creating "art", AI may also create 3-D real looking humans by combining several aspects of different persons into one 3-D humanistic form. Chances are this is what the coming Anti-Christ will be. Also, I'm unsure if it was AI or some other exhaustive database, a close Law Professor friend of mine (now semi-retired from a major Christian Law School) got very suspicious of a requried course paper from a law student that he pressed the student on how he created the paper. The student balked several times, but ended up telling the Law Professor the source. So, my friend dug down deep into the souce and realized that ALL of his course outlines and instructional material were in the database. It shocked him as to how all his materials had gotten into that database of information. He did report the concern upstream at the law school, but they didn't seem to take much interest or show concern.
So, what is to come of AI and certain professions? I'd hazard to guess, that many teaching base situations may be replaced by AI as brick and mortar colleges may become obsolete. Many doctors may be replaced by AI health practitioners inputting objective readings of a patient into a AI server and the result along with medicine prescription handed to the patient. Other professions, such as Financial Advisors, Accountants, Bank Tellers and officers, public school instructors, text books, and a whole range of other professions will just go away. So, what's to become of humanity? What will they do? Other that blue collar technical professions, such as, Plumbers, Electricians, Welders, Carpenters, Mechanics, etc. will survive AI take-over.
II Tim 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
This is example of deviousness of online, digital "Bible". Sound mind has much different meaning than other words substituted for "sound mind" in other translations, and even sometimes in the KJV version, as I've seen in other places. Devious, misleading and most people don't even realize it. Words have power - Socialists/AI love to play around with words !😡
I am extremely worried as well. People want to be gullible and dependant
I remember the movie 2001 when AL, the computer, took over the world at the end. Predictive program from decades ago.
ALL religion is conman fraud. All Bibles were written by Jews and Romans to control the dumb ignorant masses and extract pew rent from the people who actually work for a living. Those who circumcise and mutilate and torture infants are criminals and should be arrested and sent to hard labor for life without parole. "The concept that gawd wants blood is at the bottom of the Atonement and rests upon the most baric savagery."
2 Corinthians 6:17 in the King James Version of the Bible, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." This verse is a biblical warning for God's people and the Church to avoid those who reject God. The verse emphasizes the importance of not touching anything that is unclean and being separate from those who reject God.
LOL. I see you have your brains poured in by your shirt tailed preacher. You touch your unclean "thing" when you take a leak. Are you bris or are you created in the image of god with a natural skin in place like jesus when he popped out of Mary. They sold many of those foreskins in Israel during the Crusades to gullible knights as well as enough original cross pieces to make a lumber yard and enough swaddling clothes to fill a department store. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Pay your pew rent and don't ask questions.
In 2 Corinthians 2:16, believers in Jesus Christ are compared to an aroma that brings life, while unbelievers in Jesus Christ, (such as Joe Smith) when in the presence of Christians, smell a deadly stench that leads to death.
As the world speeds towards the Return of the King of kings, only one thing will be of value: Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life?
You are the typical religious hypocrite who likes to virtue signal and get Brownie Points with his imaginary gawd who enjoys killing people and scaring little children with tales of hell. This is the United States and we have no and want no kings here. Man will not be free until the last king is strangled with the guts of the last priest. Moses was a rapist and murder of little girls. Have your bug eyed preacher have the little primary Sunday school kiddies put that on for a real passion play for the whole congregation and you can be the inspector or do you prefer to be the executioner as well? What a jerk you are. REFERENCE: Numbers Chapter 31, Vs 15 on. YOUR JESUS GLORIFIED THIS RAPIST AND MURDERER.. Your GAWD is a rapist of a Jewess virgin so he could produce a bastard half breed Jew to masochistically kill himself and become a vampire who rose from the dead so you could eat his body and blood yourself.
This is another reason you had better study and know the true Word of God through His Holy Scriptures, the Bible in book form. NASB is an accurate version. It even tells you what is going to happen next!!!