Bravo! You've just achieved the impossible by combining ignorance, bigotry, and absurdity in one fell swoop. If there were awards for trolling, you'd definitely win 'Most Pathetic Attempt.' Next time, try saying something that doesn't make you look like a complete clown.
If America i #1 on God's shit list, it's because people like you force words into God's mouth which He never once uttered. Oh, and handing guns to kids so they can go to school and feed Moloch. That's also something you do, but let's keep it focused here on abortion which as a reminder -- God performed too many times to count in the Bible (and continues to perform with every single miscarriage every minute of every day across the planet).
Bigotry/prejudice and discrimination are not sins. What do you think God meant when He said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “you be holy for I am Holy.” The word “holy” in the Hebrew lexicon is defined as “to be set apart or separate yourself from something or many things.” Setting yourself apart from something or someone or many is a prejudicial or discriminating act. The ongoing problem with biblical arguments is that the Bible is incorrectly interpreted by those that claim to understand it’s secrets.
Some years ago I answered a Craigslist ad for a route truck driver job for a "medical waster recycler". It sounded like easy work - picking up dirty needles and the like. The first thing the interviewer said was, "We have an account with Planned Parenthood", then paused to let that sink in. You could have knocked me over with a feather. That was 15 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday.
1. Don't trust the polls so much. There are many tricks. For example: "A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on abortion." My view on abortion is that I am against it, and I would only vote for a candidate who is against it. So I'd be counted in that 32% !
Here's another trick: "according to new polling of 1,000 registered voters by progressive firm Navigator Research, 63 percent of Americans say they could not support an elected official who believes in a nationwide abortion ban."
Navigator Research is pro-abortion: thumb rule is, never trust a pro-abortion poll !!! They do all kinds of tricks to get the numbers they want (cherry picking the alleged random universe, tricky way of phrasing the questions, tricky way of phrasing and ordering the answers, etc.).
For example, one trick is to include the wrongly called therapeutic abortion in the abortions to be included in a nationwide abortion ban. An unwanted abortion which results from a surgery trying to save both the mother and the baby is morally acceptable even to the most staunch prolifer, yet it is included in the definition of a nationwide ban because they just call it abortion and not "procured abortion", a term which excludes therapeutic abortion.
Your stats are also flawed because they fail to take into account the procured abortions by using wrongly called contraceptives which, with the sole exception of barrier ones, they are all abortifacient.
Depending on the surgical and wrongly called "medical" abortion rate, the contraception abortion ranges between 2x to 10x of the other categories. So a conservative number would be 2 billion babies killed so fare worldwide since the 70s.
You might like my research on this and other topics:
We won’t be able to find real solutions unless we identify “the powers that be” and their goals:
1. Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.
The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.
Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3
SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.
Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).
2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !
Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:
- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control
- Money creation through bank loans without reserves
- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives
- Government debt
It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments
With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.
The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.
3. The full plan exposed and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.
Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.
This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.
How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?
Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):
1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).
2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.
3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.
4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.
5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.
6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.
Appeal to science:
7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.
8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.
9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:
10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:
Another victory for the liberal cabal. They've made it nearly universally acceptable to make abortion part of female '"healthcare".
The media constantly repeats the lie, "my body, my choice". Democrat woman brag about how many abortions they've had. Pro life peaceful protesters are arrested and jailed. Even many Republicans are flip flopping on the issue to get elected. Eric Hovde who is running for a Senate seat in Wisconsin has changed his stance three times. I believe that life starts at conception, but I'm a rare old bird. I always end a discussion about abortion with the question; "Did you ever notice that all of the pro abortionists were actually born?"
Interesting term, “treatment”, as a term for murder. There is a joy in that term! Get better! Kill your child to treat yourself from some monstrous disease of being human? No. I understand this as psychopaths pleasuring themselves. All the usual reasons we know give them the right to practice power. I can kill! It’s fun!
Thank you for this article.
There really are no words to describe our evil.
It’s collective as well as individual. We allow it.
The "children you refer to are not children (yet), as they are fetuses. If abortion occurs in the first trimester (+/-) that is OK imho. 3rd trimester is probably murder.
I have four sons. Something happened that I can only see as a spiritual occurrence with the 2nd youngest. I figure I missed it on the other three. When my wife and I had intercourse the time she conceived with my son Ben, I actually felt something that I find hard to explain take place. It was as if some sort of force left me and entered my wife. I told her the second that it happened that she just conceived and sure enough, nine months later he was born. And we didn't have sex that often that it could have been another time. I've also spoken to other men that have had the same experience. So when does life actually begin? When that spark is transmitted from the man to the woman? And that means that it isn't anything less by being a fetus. It means you are killing an unborn child. Many women suffer depression on that day every year and on the day that they figure the child would have been born. Never had a chance, never had a voice, never got to dance, never got to talk. Never had a chance...Steve Vaus
Why would WHO have final rites for a non-entity? The link above proves that rites weren't held unless the baby died AFTER 31 days. Before that age, holding rites was discouraged.
Of course it's common today to mourn the loss of a potential baby when someone's period arrives a week late (indicating a possible sub-clinical pregnancy.) But it's also common today to photograph every meal you eat and then upload a video as to how it was different from last night's meal.
If you have a problem with God, go out in the yard and bark in circles at HIM, not at me. I'm just respecting and upholding what He let us read in His Holy Word, Leviticus, et al.
Whether rabbis do or not, Yhwh God does recognize them as living humans! He tells us that through David and Jeremiah and the gospel written by Dr Luke.
And He had an entire Bible to tell anyone who would listen that ending an unwanted pregnancy was bad, yet He chose not to. He gave us over six hundred instructions, many of them VERY specifically regarding pregnancy, and not once did He ever say anything that certain supposed Christians insist that He says.
God is not anti-abortion, He is not anti-choice. When I have to choose between believing my God and His Word or believing mere mortals who make shit up, I will choose God's Word. I will never apologize for that.
Puddin Stain! Clever! That's going to be the high point of your IQ, and you're welcome for my gift to you.
As for hypocrisy, perverted or otherwise, I have none. Popular women in Hollywood and skeezy white trash 11 year-olds carrying Daddy's seed BOTH refer to their pregnant belly as a baby bump. Look up alliteration. "Fetus Bump" would only have been a thing if fetuses were called Betuses.
I take the Word of God as my guideline. God had nothing but time and opportunity to tell us that abortion was wrong. Instead, He chose to memorialize abortion in Leviticus. He also instructed His army to slice open the pregnant bellies of women... which is one of the things that Biblically-ignorant people love to pretend to speak for God again even though He does NOT need you to speak for Him since He was quite able to speak for HIMSELF. God is not anti-choice. But some of His followers are.
They are living , growing, developing human beings! "Fetus" is merely a phase, same as toddler, or teenager, or senior! They are humans from conception! By the 4th week of gestation, they have their own hearts beating, moving their own DIFFERENT blood type around in their bodies. It is NOT the mother's body, but a separate human being she is choosing to murder!
You can spit in the face of God all you want, but abortion is not murder and fetuses are not babies. God once commanded His army to slice open the bellies of pregnant women, and phony Christians love to contort God's Word for their own deceitful purposes to say those didn't count as abortion, which is truly just LOL worthy. To abort means simply to end.
If YOU don't want to have an abortion, please don't have an abortion. If someone ELSE wants to have an abortion, it is their God-blessed right to so choose. And it should not be such an issue, for if it WERE an issue, GOD HIMSELF would've mentioned it literally *ANYWHERE* in His Holy Word.
Your complete and utter lack of comprehension of Yhwh and His written Word are glaring. Any following your distortions endanger their mortal souls, as do you! May Yhwh have mercy on you; I have none for those who murder maliciously, or support those who do so!
Look, you keep willfully ignoring the truth that God -- if He believed what you're pretending He believes -- would have merrily (or even angrily) demanded that no one end their pregnancies. Yet in His infinite wisdom, He did not. Not one word; not one peep. I will say again: if it comes down to choosing to believe YOU or believing GOD, I will always, always, always choose God. You should do the same.
You know why people come to sites like this? Because they get spoon-fed the stories they LOVE to gobble up. Anti-choicers love to get their jimmies rustled! They love to get outraged and upset at articles like yesterday's one about abortion here! Mr Snyder is going along with the program and telling you what you want to hear. Heck, he makes a very handsome profit in doing exactly that! Would anyone come here and earn him so much online $$$ if he wrote things that DON'T make you fearful/angry/distrustful/worried? NOPE, they sure would not! (And in no way am I disparaging him for finding a lucrative way to profit from peoples' fears; on the contrary, he knows *PRECISELY* what his readers want, and he lays it on thick for you, earning every penny he makes from it. Everyone's happy.) It is a wonderful symbiotic relationship where his readers get the fear porn they crave, and he gets the moolah from it that he craves. (Again, capitalism is great, and he's selling a much-loved service to keep his family in the money.)
So anyway, there is no harm in your false beliefs against abortion, so I'm likely done wasting both of our time. Your false beliefs against abortion only become a problem if you do like so many other false believers and you start murdering people and bombing women's clinics. Please, don't let unstable people fall prey to your stochastic terrorism.
Your ignorance of the God of the Bible is appalling, truly! If "ending " pregnancy was approved , why then, do you suppose He was SO DOWN upon those worshiping .porch and Cherish by infant sacrifice? The only infants in utero whose deaths were sanctioned were the as yet unborn offspring of peoples He had judged, reading their hearts, and knowing what those would grow into, so they died with their parents. At no other time was infant murder condoned, born or unborn, period! I have chosen Yhwh God, in the knowledge,and as much understanding as He has to date given me of His nature. I get "spoon fed" nothing! Perhaps it would be move you to read the full Word, in its entirety, cover to cover a few times , and let Him tell you in His words Who He is. I don't believe you have yet had that encounter. I believe you are worshiping something; we humans ARE "hard-wired" to do so; the question is WHO or WHAT that truly is... You put me in mind of those worshiping g at the Redbank Catholic church in the movie "Dogma", particularly those embracing that plastic hippie " Jesus"!
FYI, I don't always agree with Mr Snyder, and he doesn't have the power to "make" me anything. Yhwh chose to show me these days in a wide, panoramic, global view, like watching a Cinerama or Imax movie, quite some time ago. My beliefs a gains infanticide and feticide are shaped by the express Word of Yhwh God, and Ob/Gun nursing alike! The real science backs up the bible 100%, in fact. False belief about is is that the lord will hold guilt less those who commit feticides, and conspire to do so or support those who do! "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord.. I will recompense!". There's no need for me to sin by committing murder; the price for those who are complicit is already determined, and will be paid.
You miscreant pseudo Jew, “Christian”, whatever marketing term you use.
You do realize that murder is a sin, I hope. Yes, from point of inception, not your beelzebub “not a human, not a person”, planned childhood murder syndicate. Sanger, himmler, Biden, pelousi, you in good company.
Gotta give you credit though, for a soulless, intellect less troll your approach is quite unique.
I am sure atheists fall hook line and stinker for your abomination of our Lord.
OK, cool. If you consider your fact-free hysterics to be spitting in my face just remember that you're spitting in the face of someone who supports the Holy Word of God, and not the lies against abortion that the more gullible among you have fetishized into something laughably outrageous.
I am a vociferous Christian Soldier, and your lack of knowledge is only matched by your ability to regurgitate the anti-choice lies that some misguided so-called "Christians" began spouting in the last century. God's Word is my armor, and your false witness will not penetrate it.
The old “rational “science” trick to delude the easily misled into guiltless murder of children. I wounder if you would be so shallow and callous- with your psychopathic definition of “ok murder” if it were a dog, cat, elephant.’
Good God, where do these soulless chuckies come from?
"What does a nation that has killed more than 60 million children deserve? Please take a moment and come up with your best answer to that question."
Answer: Leaders who don't restrict birth control.
Restricting birth control means more "accidental" pregnancies, more accidental/unwanted pregnancies = more abortions -- which is nowhere near the concept of child murder, even according to the Bible, but they're still bad and we can only prevent those abortions by preventing the unwanted pregnancies.
I wish we on this side of the divide could muster up a little concern for the millions of actual children who suffer and die, rather than the sick attention focused on abortion.
If I hit a woman who is pregnant and she miss carries I can be charged with murder. What does that tell you? it matters not how far along the pregnancy was. So what some religious fanatics that follow the Talmud believes is irrelevant.
Nope! The Bible is clear that if you strike a woman and she loses the pregnancy, you only pay her husband a very small fine. If GOD OF THE BIBLE thought that ending a pregnancy was bad, He in His great wisdom would've said so. But He didn't. Quite the contrary, in all 600+ of HIS Laws, He gave us rules on how, when and what to eat, on how to dress and what to make our clothes from, how to mourn, how to pay this or that, and many, many more... but not once did He say ending a pregnancy was bad or against His will. Leviticus even shows the temple priests (the closest thing to a medic at the time) performing abortions. Disliking abortion is something that we as a society JUST began doing in the last 150 years or so.
Another thing you should remember: God said that many would add and subtract from His Word (and commands). The liars and misrepresenters today are trying to claim that God dislikes something He actually condoned Biblically. Get right with God, and drop your false ideas.
Lastly, today's secular laws are not OUR Biblical laws. If you accidentally end someone's already-viable pregnancy, she can attempt to prosecute you and you may or may not be held liable. If she's not at a viable stage yet, you're dreaming if you think she's going to get anything from you. I agree with you that today's America is becoming WAY too theocratic, like the Islamic countries and their laws. But the Bible is the only Truth we need. God, Jesus, and the Bible were never against ending your pregnancies.
Don't speak for God. Or if you must insist upon being one of those sinners who likes to pretend that you're God for a moment, at least don't do it TO ME, because I will call it out as blasphemy.
God tells us what is and what isn't OK in His eyes. He had the opportunity to tell us not to end pregnancies, all the while He chose -- in His own wisdom -- to perform abortions, both violent ones and passive ones, every minute of every day. Read your Bible. I read mine and God doesn't say what you claim to think.
Now you are really grasping in desperation. This convo is not about birth control. That is readily available anywhere and PP gloats about supplying free endless supplies to all (of course, not free to those of us who pay taxes, thanks obummer/bitem,lickem,gropem)
Notice how pro abortion people are fans after they are born?
Fact: abortion is a sin in devils service.
Women have the right (sadly) to proudly bear the scarlet letter to all, I have had an/many abortion and I am proud. Societies that respect the life of murders, child molesters and rapists more than cherish the lives of innocent unborn are doomed to suffer more than the rationalized immense suffering of the unborn murdered CHILDREN they celebrate.
LOL, howsabout next time you point the one finger at someone else being childish and misdirecting, you try a lot harder not to point the other four fingers directly at yourself. (obummer/bitem, lickem, gropem -dear GOD you whack off to gross thoughts).
Abortion IS birth control. For you to be so ignorant as to not know that, well, the rest of your stuff supports you being pretty ignorant, so I can't really embarrass you more than you embarrass yourself.
There are zero "PRO-" abortion people. There are pro-CHOICE and there are anti-choice. The overwhelming majority of pro-choice people are mothers and fathers who CHOSE not to abort their pregnancies. See how choice works?
Fact: abortion is NOT a sin in devils service; it's something that temple priests performed in Leviticus, and ending pregnancies has been historically recorded since the dawn of medical record-keeping, across EVERY continent. We had access to abortion when America was just a few colonies; we had access to it in the early 1900s. The sin in the devil's service is YOU bearing false witness. Now repent, and sin no more.
I never said "banned", I said "restricting". And fake Christian LEADERS are trying their very best/evil to ban birth control anyway, right out in the open.
American Patriots fight for freedom; today's evil permutation of the GOP does not.
YES, birth control. If leaders take away women's ability to prevent pregnancies, there will for a FACT be MORE abortions. Mr Snyder even wrote about how, after America took away birth control in so many states, abortions went UP in number. Get it through your head!
As for feticide and infanticide, that would of course be God performing His usual miscarriages and stillborns, just as He in His wisdom, for whatever His reasons, has done since the days of Adam and Eve.
Try abstinence, it's free, 100 % effective, has no untoward side effects or adverse events, and completely approved by Yhwh. No other method can offer any of that! Oh, and it's not against the human laws anywhere, except under Islam!
-Cide, as a suffix, denotes intentional murder, not the spontaneous death due to disease, or injury, or genetic incompatibility with life, and the spontaneous expulsion of the deceased infant, which is what ABORTION is. It is NOT the butchery that goes on at places like Planned Parenthood, which is regicide or infanticide!
You're 100% WRONG about abstinence having no untoward side effects or adverse events, and frankly God kinda-sorta commands sex... yes, I'm talking about nearly 50% of unwanted pregnancies happening within the confines of married couples! If sex ends, then there will be some adverse events like infidelity, divorce, or as is an increasingly common alternative to divorce, killing the unwilling wife. You have very rudimentary, one-dimensional thinking.
Yes, I know what the -cide suffix means. And every miscarriage and every stillbirth is God's doing. He knows what is best, even if we mere mortals grieve over His choices. The definition of abortion btw simply means "to end a process", such as plans, pregnancy, or a mission. You get your widdle jimmies all rustled believing that Planned Parenthood butchers anyone/anything, when your attentions would be better spent focusing on things that God disapproves of.
Again, I know you're an addict of anti-choice, and only God has the time to disabuse you of your faulty beliefs; I don't. Keep feeling superior for no valid reason, see if that gets you anywhere once you abide in Heaven with all of the married Christian couples who had multiple abortions with nary a peep from God.
But the vast majority of them simply stop the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus thus killing a living human being, it is still wrong. Under the Old Testament, the law says you shall not commit adultery or take an innocent life without justification. Jesus said if you hate your brother you are murdered and if you even lust after one that is not your spouse you have committed adultery. The level for the standard of the moral code is miles higher than the law. The law's meaning is that taking an innocent life is just that. John the Baptist in the womb when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, JTB the babe leaped in her womb. Clearly, life in the womb is life. Jesus gave this new inner law of the spirit a higher standard than the Old Testament's outward law.
You keep saying nonsense that doesn't apply to me. Take it up with God if His CHOICE to murder so many zygotes, embryos, fetuses AND perinatal stillbirths via miscarriage offends you so much. *I* am not the one performing those miscarriages. God is.
I guess that's why you rely on nonsensical replies to me: because you have no valid or intelligent position upon which to make an actual accusation.
You are sick beyond repair. By your definition murder (which is abortion) is socially acceptable and highly encouraged. An action that conveys a sanctified state of higher existence. I imagine you are in support of aborting all the mass murders and child molesters in prison and DC?
It is NOT "abortion"; it's FETICIDE, cold blooded murder and conspiracy to commit murder, for " convenience"! Abortion is, in reality, what many call "miscarriage", a natural process to pop protect a mother from infection, and death, as the dead baby decays. It does not involve killing the baby 1st! Please stop helping the left cover for those savage criminals!
I have to take issue with the whole idea that everyone that lives in a nation is guilty of the murder of unborn children if they don't "do something". What exactly are we supposed to do? Out side of going to an abortion clinic and shooting the abortionist, which stops his/her ability to murder unborn babies instantly, and which of course is called murder also, what can we do? If we block the entrances we will be arrested and end up in a cage which is counter productive to say the least.
I see abortion as the murder of a child that was conceived because of the lack of effort to keep from becoming pregnant. I was a "love child". My mother and father didn't have me aborted and of course in 1954 it wasn't easy to have done. My younger years were replete with statements of me being an "accident" that I never realized until I was 50 and my wife told me after doing some math, that being an accident was the pregnancy that took place that I was born from.
The pill turned what used to be a act that wasn't preformed before marriage into a hobby for many women and men. At the age of 18 many women had sex that I knew back in 1972. If the pill wasn't available they wouldn't have been so quick at intercourse. By the time I was 21 I had slept with 12 women. Three were serious relationships and one of them I married. It was "OK" for the men to sow their wild oats but the women were considered "sluts" or "whores" if they engaged in premarital relationships. We need to grow up. Stop using sex for a hobby and get back to some morals. I look back on my multiple one night stances with disgust. I share so that someone else might understand why I might see it in a different light after finding the "right woman". She was no angel either. But we've been together for 50 years now.
Anyhow, to get back to my premise...The only one GUILTY is the one PERFORMING the abortion and the one having it. The rest of the neighborhood can't be held culpable by a JUST God for what those two committed. The whole idea of someone else being responsible for my actions is actually quite ludicrous. Which is one reason I take issue with the idea that "I was born in sin" and that I need to have the blood of Jesus to cover that. Jesus was murdered for being a rebel against the Jews of that day. It makes no sense what so ever that he had to die to cover MY violations of laws that in many cases make no sense. Show me who is damaged by the violation of the first four of the 10 commandments and can the damaged party claim to be damaged by coming into a court of law? Seriously people. CRIMES need VICTIMS. Jesus was a VICTIM of a CRIME. These babies are VICTIMS OF CRIMES. The abortionist is a murderer and God isn't going to judge me because of what he does. Using Reason, Logic and Common sense you have no other conclusion you can come up with. The psychopathic control freak PARASITES running the USA are a problem that We The People need to deal with. God isn't going to do it for us.
All the people who say we need to do somehting, never say what it is that we need to do. OK we need to go to war over this, fine. Then what is the battle plan? If we totally ban abortion, will that stop it? No. We have banned murder and rape in America and it still happens. While we are at it lets ban all sin and get it all over with, and lets fix this once and for all . That will fix it right? As long as the Prince and power of this Air, the God of this age rules this will always happen. It's a battle we must fight but not with force or law but with the Gospel. Only when the human heat is changed by the power of the Holy Spirit will the desire for sin change, nothing else matters, because that is the only solution.
The US and other complicit nations are digging a hole for themselves that a just God will not ignore. Glad to be 78 years old.
Hands that shed innocent blood are detestable to God. He hates it. Proverbs 16.
I would hate to be anyone that is involved with the abortion industry.
“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31
Personally, I can't wait to witness their destruction and God’s perfect justice!
I'm going to go easy on you because you're trans, but you get really sadistic when you're drunk, don't you?
Do you mistakenly believe God love you more when you speak using the devil's hatred?
Bravo! You've just achieved the impossible by combining ignorance, bigotry, and absurdity in one fell swoop. If there were awards for trolling, you'd definitely win 'Most Pathetic Attempt.' Next time, try saying something that doesn't make you look like a complete clown.
If America i #1 on God's shit list, it's because people like you force words into God's mouth which He never once uttered. Oh, and handing guns to kids so they can go to school and feed Moloch. That's also something you do, but let's keep it focused here on abortion which as a reminder -- God performed too many times to count in the Bible (and continues to perform with every single miscarriage every minute of every day across the planet).
Bigotry/prejudice and discrimination are not sins. What do you think God meant when He said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “you be holy for I am Holy.” The word “holy” in the Hebrew lexicon is defined as “to be set apart or separate yourself from something or many things.” Setting yourself apart from something or someone or many is a prejudicial or discriminating act. The ongoing problem with biblical arguments is that the Bible is incorrectly interpreted by those that claim to understand it’s secrets.
Some years ago I answered a Craigslist ad for a route truck driver job for a "medical waster recycler". It sounded like easy work - picking up dirty needles and the like. The first thing the interviewer said was, "We have an account with Planned Parenthood", then paused to let that sink in. You could have knocked me over with a feather. That was 15 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday.
Great article. Here some tips:
1. Don't trust the polls so much. There are many tricks. For example: "A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on abortion." My view on abortion is that I am against it, and I would only vote for a candidate who is against it. So I'd be counted in that 32% !
Here's another trick: "according to new polling of 1,000 registered voters by progressive firm Navigator Research, 63 percent of Americans say they could not support an elected official who believes in a nationwide abortion ban."
Navigator Research is pro-abortion: thumb rule is, never trust a pro-abortion poll !!! They do all kinds of tricks to get the numbers they want (cherry picking the alleged random universe, tricky way of phrasing the questions, tricky way of phrasing and ordering the answers, etc.).
For example, one trick is to include the wrongly called therapeutic abortion in the abortions to be included in a nationwide abortion ban. An unwanted abortion which results from a surgery trying to save both the mother and the baby is morally acceptable even to the most staunch prolifer, yet it is included in the definition of a nationwide ban because they just call it abortion and not "procured abortion", a term which excludes therapeutic abortion.
Your stats are also flawed because they fail to take into account the procured abortions by using wrongly called contraceptives which, with the sole exception of barrier ones, they are all abortifacient.
Depending on the surgical and wrongly called "medical" abortion rate, the contraception abortion ranges between 2x to 10x of the other categories. So a conservative number would be 2 billion babies killed so fare worldwide since the 70s.
You might like my research on this and other topics:
We won’t be able to find real solutions unless we identify “the powers that be” and their goals:
Is there any proof that they really want to murder all of us?
How to get out of this political genocidal mess?
1. Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.
The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.
Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3
SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.
Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).
2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !
Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:
- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control
- Money creation through bank loans without reserves
- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives
- Government debt
It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments
With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.
The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.
3. The full plan exposed and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?
Rethinking science
Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround
Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!
Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.
Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.
This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.
How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?
Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):
1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).
2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.
3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.
4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.
5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.
6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.
Appeal to science:
7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.
8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.
9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:
10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:
God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.
There is no way that a Christian can justify murdering innocent babies. Don't kid yourself.
Another victory for the liberal cabal. They've made it nearly universally acceptable to make abortion part of female '"healthcare".
The media constantly repeats the lie, "my body, my choice". Democrat woman brag about how many abortions they've had. Pro life peaceful protesters are arrested and jailed. Even many Republicans are flip flopping on the issue to get elected. Eric Hovde who is running for a Senate seat in Wisconsin has changed his stance three times. I believe that life starts at conception, but I'm a rare old bird. I always end a discussion about abortion with the question; "Did you ever notice that all of the pro abortionists were actually born?"
That shuts 'em up.
Between abortion & euthanasia, the 'global overlords' must be quite pleased with their depopulation efforts.
Interesting term, “treatment”, as a term for murder. There is a joy in that term! Get better! Kill your child to treat yourself from some monstrous disease of being human? No. I understand this as psychopaths pleasuring themselves. All the usual reasons we know give them the right to practice power. I can kill! It’s fun!
Thank you for this article.
There really are no words to describe our evil.
It’s collective as well as individual. We allow it.
The "children you refer to are not children (yet), as they are fetuses. If abortion occurs in the first trimester (+/-) that is OK imho. 3rd trimester is probably murder.
I have four sons. Something happened that I can only see as a spiritual occurrence with the 2nd youngest. I figure I missed it on the other three. When my wife and I had intercourse the time she conceived with my son Ben, I actually felt something that I find hard to explain take place. It was as if some sort of force left me and entered my wife. I told her the second that it happened that she just conceived and sure enough, nine months later he was born. And we didn't have sex that often that it could have been another time. I've also spoken to other men that have had the same experience. So when does life actually begin? When that spark is transmitted from the man to the woman? And that means that it isn't anything less by being a fetus. It means you are killing an unborn child. Many women suffer depression on that day every year and on the day that they figure the child would have been born. Never had a chance, never had a voice, never got to dance, never got to talk. Never had a chance...Steve Vaus
Even younger than fetuses most often. God didn't consider embryos and zygotes to be "children". Jewish rites for stillborns show that any baby who lives to 30 days only does not get recognition as a potential child.
"A life duration of more than thirty days establishes a human being as a viable person. If a child
dies before that time, he is considered not to have lived at all, and no mourning practices are
observed, even though the child may have been normal, but was killed accidentally"
Bullshit. Why would they have final rites for a “non-entity”.? They could just throw your “clump of cells” into the trash heap.
Biden size bullshit. You are one sick misfit
Why would WHO have final rites for a non-entity? The link above proves that rites weren't held unless the baby died AFTER 31 days. Before that age, holding rites was discouraged.
Of course it's common today to mourn the loss of a potential baby when someone's period arrives a week late (indicating a possible sub-clinical pregnancy.) But it's also common today to photograph every meal you eat and then upload a video as to how it was different from last night's meal.
If you have a problem with God, go out in the yard and bark in circles at HIM, not at me. I'm just respecting and upholding what He let us read in His Holy Word, Leviticus, et al.
Whether rabbis do or not, Yhwh God does recognize them as living humans! He tells us that through David and Jeremiah and the gospel written by Dr Luke.
And He had an entire Bible to tell anyone who would listen that ending an unwanted pregnancy was bad, yet He chose not to. He gave us over six hundred instructions, many of them VERY specifically regarding pregnancy, and not once did He ever say anything that certain supposed Christians insist that He says.
God is not anti-abortion, He is not anti-choice. When I have to choose between believing my God and His Word or believing mere mortals who make shit up, I will choose God's Word. I will never apologize for that.
Puddin Stain! Clever! That's going to be the high point of your IQ, and you're welcome for my gift to you.
As for hypocrisy, perverted or otherwise, I have none. Popular women in Hollywood and skeezy white trash 11 year-olds carrying Daddy's seed BOTH refer to their pregnant belly as a baby bump. Look up alliteration. "Fetus Bump" would only have been a thing if fetuses were called Betuses.
I take the Word of God as my guideline. God had nothing but time and opportunity to tell us that abortion was wrong. Instead, He chose to memorialize abortion in Leviticus. He also instructed His army to slice open the pregnant bellies of women... which is one of the things that Biblically-ignorant people love to pretend to speak for God again even though He does NOT need you to speak for Him since He was quite able to speak for HIMSELF. God is not anti-choice. But some of His followers are.
They are living , growing, developing human beings! "Fetus" is merely a phase, same as toddler, or teenager, or senior! They are humans from conception! By the 4th week of gestation, they have their own hearts beating, moving their own DIFFERENT blood type around in their bodies. It is NOT the mother's body, but a separate human being she is choosing to murder!
You can spit in the face of God all you want, but abortion is not murder and fetuses are not babies. God once commanded His army to slice open the bellies of pregnant women, and phony Christians love to contort God's Word for their own deceitful purposes to say those didn't count as abortion, which is truly just LOL worthy. To abort means simply to end.
If YOU don't want to have an abortion, please don't have an abortion. If someone ELSE wants to have an abortion, it is their God-blessed right to so choose. And it should not be such an issue, for if it WERE an issue, GOD HIMSELF would've mentioned it literally *ANYWHERE* in His Holy Word.
Your complete and utter lack of comprehension of Yhwh and His written Word are glaring. Any following your distortions endanger their mortal souls, as do you! May Yhwh have mercy on you; I have none for those who murder maliciously, or support those who do so!
Look, you keep willfully ignoring the truth that God -- if He believed what you're pretending He believes -- would have merrily (or even angrily) demanded that no one end their pregnancies. Yet in His infinite wisdom, He did not. Not one word; not one peep. I will say again: if it comes down to choosing to believe YOU or believing GOD, I will always, always, always choose God. You should do the same.
You know why people come to sites like this? Because they get spoon-fed the stories they LOVE to gobble up. Anti-choicers love to get their jimmies rustled! They love to get outraged and upset at articles like yesterday's one about abortion here! Mr Snyder is going along with the program and telling you what you want to hear. Heck, he makes a very handsome profit in doing exactly that! Would anyone come here and earn him so much online $$$ if he wrote things that DON'T make you fearful/angry/distrustful/worried? NOPE, they sure would not! (And in no way am I disparaging him for finding a lucrative way to profit from peoples' fears; on the contrary, he knows *PRECISELY* what his readers want, and he lays it on thick for you, earning every penny he makes from it. Everyone's happy.) It is a wonderful symbiotic relationship where his readers get the fear porn they crave, and he gets the moolah from it that he craves. (Again, capitalism is great, and he's selling a much-loved service to keep his family in the money.)
So anyway, there is no harm in your false beliefs against abortion, so I'm likely done wasting both of our time. Your false beliefs against abortion only become a problem if you do like so many other false believers and you start murdering people and bombing women's clinics. Please, don't let unstable people fall prey to your stochastic terrorism.
Your ignorance of the God of the Bible is appalling, truly! If "ending " pregnancy was approved , why then, do you suppose He was SO DOWN upon those worshiping .porch and Cherish by infant sacrifice? The only infants in utero whose deaths were sanctioned were the as yet unborn offspring of peoples He had judged, reading their hearts, and knowing what those would grow into, so they died with their parents. At no other time was infant murder condoned, born or unborn, period! I have chosen Yhwh God, in the knowledge,and as much understanding as He has to date given me of His nature. I get "spoon fed" nothing! Perhaps it would be move you to read the full Word, in its entirety, cover to cover a few times , and let Him tell you in His words Who He is. I don't believe you have yet had that encounter. I believe you are worshiping something; we humans ARE "hard-wired" to do so; the question is WHO or WHAT that truly is... You put me in mind of those worshiping g at the Redbank Catholic church in the movie "Dogma", particularly those embracing that plastic hippie " Jesus"!
FYI, I don't always agree with Mr Snyder, and he doesn't have the power to "make" me anything. Yhwh chose to show me these days in a wide, panoramic, global view, like watching a Cinerama or Imax movie, quite some time ago. My beliefs a gains infanticide and feticide are shaped by the express Word of Yhwh God, and Ob/Gun nursing alike! The real science backs up the bible 100%, in fact. False belief about is is that the lord will hold guilt less those who commit feticides, and conspire to do so or support those who do! "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord.. I will recompense!". There's no need for me to sin by committing murder; the price for those who are complicit is already determined, and will be paid.
Not spitting in face of God.
Spitting in your face directly,
You miscreant pseudo Jew, “Christian”, whatever marketing term you use.
You do realize that murder is a sin, I hope. Yes, from point of inception, not your beelzebub “not a human, not a person”, planned childhood murder syndicate. Sanger, himmler, Biden, pelousi, you in good company.
Gotta give you credit though, for a soulless, intellect less troll your approach is quite unique.
I am sure atheists fall hook line and stinker for your abomination of our Lord.
OK, cool. If you consider your fact-free hysterics to be spitting in my face just remember that you're spitting in the face of someone who supports the Holy Word of God, and not the lies against abortion that the more gullible among you have fetishized into something laughably outrageous.
I am a vociferous Christian Soldier, and your lack of knowledge is only matched by your ability to regurgitate the anti-choice lies that some misguided so-called "Christians" began spouting in the last century. God's Word is my armor, and your false witness will not penetrate it.
I will pray for you
I will pray for you also.
The old “rational “science” trick to delude the easily misled into guiltless murder of children. I wounder if you would be so shallow and callous- with your psychopathic definition of “ok murder” if it were a dog, cat, elephant.’
Good God, where do these soulless chuckies come from?
Life is life!!!
"What does a nation that has killed more than 60 million children deserve? Please take a moment and come up with your best answer to that question."
Answer: Leaders who don't restrict birth control.
Restricting birth control means more "accidental" pregnancies, more accidental/unwanted pregnancies = more abortions -- which is nowhere near the concept of child murder, even according to the Bible, but they're still bad and we can only prevent those abortions by preventing the unwanted pregnancies.
I wish we on this side of the divide could muster up a little concern for the millions of actual children who suffer and die, rather than the sick attention focused on abortion.
If I hit a woman who is pregnant and she miss carries I can be charged with murder. What does that tell you? it matters not how far along the pregnancy was. So what some religious fanatics that follow the Talmud believes is irrelevant.
Nope! The Bible is clear that if you strike a woman and she loses the pregnancy, you only pay her husband a very small fine. If GOD OF THE BIBLE thought that ending a pregnancy was bad, He in His great wisdom would've said so. But He didn't. Quite the contrary, in all 600+ of HIS Laws, He gave us rules on how, when and what to eat, on how to dress and what to make our clothes from, how to mourn, how to pay this or that, and many, many more... but not once did He say ending a pregnancy was bad or against His will. Leviticus even shows the temple priests (the closest thing to a medic at the time) performing abortions. Disliking abortion is something that we as a society JUST began doing in the last 150 years or so.
Another thing you should remember: God said that many would add and subtract from His Word (and commands). The liars and misrepresenters today are trying to claim that God dislikes something He actually condoned Biblically. Get right with God, and drop your false ideas.
Lastly, today's secular laws are not OUR Biblical laws. If you accidentally end someone's already-viable pregnancy, she can attempt to prosecute you and you may or may not be held liable. If she's not at a viable stage yet, you're dreaming if you think she's going to get anything from you. I agree with you that today's America is becoming WAY too theocratic, like the Islamic countries and their laws. But the Bible is the only Truth we need. God, Jesus, and the Bible were never against ending your pregnancies.
Yes but it is still wrong, that just does not make it OK in God's eyes
Don't speak for God. Or if you must insist upon being one of those sinners who likes to pretend that you're God for a moment, at least don't do it TO ME, because I will call it out as blasphemy.
God tells us what is and what isn't OK in His eyes. He had the opportunity to tell us not to end pregnancies, all the while He chose -- in His own wisdom -- to perform abortions, both violent ones and passive ones, every minute of every day. Read your Bible. I read mine and God doesn't say what you claim to think.
Wow, childish and sad misdirection.
Now you are really grasping in desperation. This convo is not about birth control. That is readily available anywhere and PP gloats about supplying free endless supplies to all (of course, not free to those of us who pay taxes, thanks obummer/bitem,lickem,gropem)
Notice how pro abortion people are fans after they are born?
Fact: abortion is a sin in devils service.
Women have the right (sadly) to proudly bear the scarlet letter to all, I have had an/many abortion and I am proud. Societies that respect the life of murders, child molesters and rapists more than cherish the lives of innocent unborn are doomed to suffer more than the rationalized immense suffering of the unborn murdered CHILDREN they celebrate.
LOL, howsabout next time you point the one finger at someone else being childish and misdirecting, you try a lot harder not to point the other four fingers directly at yourself. (obummer/bitem, lickem, gropem -dear GOD you whack off to gross thoughts).
Abortion IS birth control. For you to be so ignorant as to not know that, well, the rest of your stuff supports you being pretty ignorant, so I can't really embarrass you more than you embarrass yourself.
There are zero "PRO-" abortion people. There are pro-CHOICE and there are anti-choice. The overwhelming majority of pro-choice people are mothers and fathers who CHOSE not to abort their pregnancies. See how choice works?
Fact: abortion is NOT a sin in devils service; it's something that temple priests performed in Leviticus, and ending pregnancies has been historically recorded since the dawn of medical record-keeping, across EVERY continent. We had access to abortion when America was just a few colonies; we had access to it in the early 1900s. The sin in the devil's service is YOU bearing false witness. Now repent, and sin no more.
The only nation banning birth control is the Vatican! Hasn't stopped the slaughter of innocent unborn infants!
I never said "banned", I said "restricting". And fake Christian LEADERS are trying their very best/evil to ban birth control anyway, right out in the open.
American Patriots fight for freedom; today's evil permutation of the GOP does not.
Not birth control, just feticide and infanticide!
YES, birth control. If leaders take away women's ability to prevent pregnancies, there will for a FACT be MORE abortions. Mr Snyder even wrote about how, after America took away birth control in so many states, abortions went UP in number. Get it through your head!
As for feticide and infanticide, that would of course be God performing His usual miscarriages and stillborns, just as He in His wisdom, for whatever His reasons, has done since the days of Adam and Eve.
Try abstinence, it's free, 100 % effective, has no untoward side effects or adverse events, and completely approved by Yhwh. No other method can offer any of that! Oh, and it's not against the human laws anywhere, except under Islam!
-Cide, as a suffix, denotes intentional murder, not the spontaneous death due to disease, or injury, or genetic incompatibility with life, and the spontaneous expulsion of the deceased infant, which is what ABORTION is. It is NOT the butchery that goes on at places like Planned Parenthood, which is regicide or infanticide!
You're 100% WRONG about abstinence having no untoward side effects or adverse events, and frankly God kinda-sorta commands sex... yes, I'm talking about nearly 50% of unwanted pregnancies happening within the confines of married couples! If sex ends, then there will be some adverse events like infidelity, divorce, or as is an increasingly common alternative to divorce, killing the unwilling wife. You have very rudimentary, one-dimensional thinking.
Yes, I know what the -cide suffix means. And every miscarriage and every stillbirth is God's doing. He knows what is best, even if we mere mortals grieve over His choices. The definition of abortion btw simply means "to end a process", such as plans, pregnancy, or a mission. You get your widdle jimmies all rustled believing that Planned Parenthood butchers anyone/anything, when your attentions would be better spent focusing on things that God disapproves of.
Again, I know you're an addict of anti-choice, and only God has the time to disabuse you of your faulty beliefs; I don't. Keep feeling superior for no valid reason, see if that gets you anywhere once you abide in Heaven with all of the married Christian couples who had multiple abortions with nary a peep from God.
But the vast majority of them simply stop the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus thus killing a living human being, it is still wrong. Under the Old Testament, the law says you shall not commit adultery or take an innocent life without justification. Jesus said if you hate your brother you are murdered and if you even lust after one that is not your spouse you have committed adultery. The level for the standard of the moral code is miles higher than the law. The law's meaning is that taking an innocent life is just that. John the Baptist in the womb when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, JTB the babe leaped in her womb. Clearly, life in the womb is life. Jesus gave this new inner law of the spirit a higher standard than the Old Testament's outward law.
You keep saying nonsense that doesn't apply to me. Take it up with God if His CHOICE to murder so many zygotes, embryos, fetuses AND perinatal stillbirths via miscarriage offends you so much. *I* am not the one performing those miscarriages. God is.
I guess that's why you rely on nonsensical replies to me: because you have no valid or intelligent position upon which to make an actual accusation.
You are sick beyond repair. By your definition murder (which is abortion) is socially acceptable and highly encouraged. An action that conveys a sanctified state of higher existence. I imagine you are in support of aborting all the mass murders and child molesters in prison and DC?
George Orwell warned about charnel like you.
FYI: “blood toucheth blood” appears @ Hosea 4:2. An abortion is "blood toucheth blood".
It is NOT "abortion"; it's FETICIDE, cold blooded murder and conspiracy to commit murder, for " convenience"! Abortion is, in reality, what many call "miscarriage", a natural process to pop protect a mother from infection, and death, as the dead baby decays. It does not involve killing the baby 1st! Please stop helping the left cover for those savage criminals!
So many people (Christians) thought abortion would go down after Roe v Wade was overturned. Now it is even getting worse.
In 2022 the number of Abortions of 1,000 birth-age women was 14.2 women. And now that is still going up.
What is amazing is the abortion rate in other countries (the vast majority of the rest of the world) is much higher than in the USA
look at the whopping rates of other countries (top 10)
Vietnam 64.0
Madagascar 60.0
Guinea Bissau 59.0
Cuba 55.0
Cape Verde 49.0
India 48.0 (A Catholic nation)
Trinidad and Tobago 48.0
Greenland 48.0
Cambodia 45.0
Sierra Leone 45.0
God is not a respecter of persons or nations, all the nations are filling up their cups of God's wrath for the slaughter of children that have done.
Crime Against Humanity. I thought this was going to be a post about the genocide in Gaza by God's Chosen People.
Every murder of a baby in utero is fuel for demonic evil to grow stronger. No wonder our civilisation is falling into chaos.
I have to take issue with the whole idea that everyone that lives in a nation is guilty of the murder of unborn children if they don't "do something". What exactly are we supposed to do? Out side of going to an abortion clinic and shooting the abortionist, which stops his/her ability to murder unborn babies instantly, and which of course is called murder also, what can we do? If we block the entrances we will be arrested and end up in a cage which is counter productive to say the least.
I see abortion as the murder of a child that was conceived because of the lack of effort to keep from becoming pregnant. I was a "love child". My mother and father didn't have me aborted and of course in 1954 it wasn't easy to have done. My younger years were replete with statements of me being an "accident" that I never realized until I was 50 and my wife told me after doing some math, that being an accident was the pregnancy that took place that I was born from.
The pill turned what used to be a act that wasn't preformed before marriage into a hobby for many women and men. At the age of 18 many women had sex that I knew back in 1972. If the pill wasn't available they wouldn't have been so quick at intercourse. By the time I was 21 I had slept with 12 women. Three were serious relationships and one of them I married. It was "OK" for the men to sow their wild oats but the women were considered "sluts" or "whores" if they engaged in premarital relationships. We need to grow up. Stop using sex for a hobby and get back to some morals. I look back on my multiple one night stances with disgust. I share so that someone else might understand why I might see it in a different light after finding the "right woman". She was no angel either. But we've been together for 50 years now.
Anyhow, to get back to my premise...The only one GUILTY is the one PERFORMING the abortion and the one having it. The rest of the neighborhood can't be held culpable by a JUST God for what those two committed. The whole idea of someone else being responsible for my actions is actually quite ludicrous. Which is one reason I take issue with the idea that "I was born in sin" and that I need to have the blood of Jesus to cover that. Jesus was murdered for being a rebel against the Jews of that day. It makes no sense what so ever that he had to die to cover MY violations of laws that in many cases make no sense. Show me who is damaged by the violation of the first four of the 10 commandments and can the damaged party claim to be damaged by coming into a court of law? Seriously people. CRIMES need VICTIMS. Jesus was a VICTIM of a CRIME. These babies are VICTIMS OF CRIMES. The abortionist is a murderer and God isn't going to judge me because of what he does. Using Reason, Logic and Common sense you have no other conclusion you can come up with. The psychopathic control freak PARASITES running the USA are a problem that We The People need to deal with. God isn't going to do it for us.
All the people who say we need to do somehting, never say what it is that we need to do. OK we need to go to war over this, fine. Then what is the battle plan? If we totally ban abortion, will that stop it? No. We have banned murder and rape in America and it still happens. While we are at it lets ban all sin and get it all over with, and lets fix this once and for all . That will fix it right? As long as the Prince and power of this Air, the God of this age rules this will always happen. It's a battle we must fight but not with force or law but with the Gospel. Only when the human heat is changed by the power of the Holy Spirit will the desire for sin change, nothing else matters, because that is the only solution.