At the same time, 3,000 farms have been seized by the Netherlands government and shut down at the behest of the World Economic Forum to “help meet zero-carbon goals. The Netherlands WAS the second-largest exporter of food in the world, behind the United States. This move was calculated in part to further drive up food prices in the US, as the WEF assumes control. Now what have they done.


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I wonder how many Elijahs are out there praying for the Lord to shake things up so this adulterous and wicked generation wakes up and start repenting from their wicked ways!

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I would say not praying but cheering and praising God that He is doing what he said He would do. God promised His seal and trumpet judgements will come and that will defiantly shake things up it will truly be Biblical (LOL). Even angels get involved in calling the world to repent in the face of coming wrath of God in the Bowl judgements.

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This nation is so wicked. There have been PRIDE celebrations this month all over the nation. I saw photos of the one in NYC, and they were appalling. There were homosexuals parading naked in the streets! This is modern-day Sodom.

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it's called geo engineering the weather. consult geoengineeringwatch.org run by Dane WIgginton. Weather control has been going on for YEARS AND YEARS. after the cvd agenda, they are now into the CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA. and by creating such HEAT DOMES they'll try to convince a global population that everything they say you should do for the greater good of the planet because of climate change will be necessary for the planet's survival. Agenda 21/30/50 is now underway!

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This is modern Sodom indeed! And the thing is that God's mercy DOES HAVE A LIMIT! We can see it again and again in the Bible and outside of it. When you see the ruins of Pompeii in Italy, you quickly realize that city was not better than Sodom, so of course its destruction by the Vesuvius was no coincidence. What about Port Royal, the Pirate City in Jamaica? It is said there were more brothels in that city than inhabitants. The pirates and privateers often visited that place to spend their ill-gotten treasures in an abandoned and dissolute way! At the height of its glittering wealth, on June 7, 1692, Port Royal was consumed by an earthquake and two thirds of the town sank into the sea. More than two thousand people died. I don't think it was coincidence either! And I could go on and on for a long time citing more examples! This Nation is truly playing with fire!

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One thing I like Billy Graham said is that if God does not judge America he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

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God is using nature itself to extol His Glory power, will and purposes in executing His righteous and Holy judgements on Earth, displaying His awesome power and might.

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Gleissberg Cycle.

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