Just to get the labels correct, Immigrants immigrate and assimilate legally. Migrants obtain legal work permits, migrate in on seasonal work and then migrate back home.

The rest are all illegal aliens. Period.

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They aren't "migrants", just criminal invaders! The instant they set foot on our soil, and every moment thereafter, they are BREAKING our laws!

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“Migrant” is an oxymoron ! When migrating you have no fixed abode and are subject to the “toss of a coin” if you should even have one .

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Those who use "migrants" are globalist and their propaganda, lying media. Even FOX 🦊 uses this term migrant instead of illegal criminal aliens to feed the brainwashed masses .

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Talk about hitting the NAIL on the Head!

Way to go Alamo! NAILED it in ONE!


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The "takeover" began before my grandparents were born, when my great grandparents were kids, in 1871 (14 Feb, of that yr in fact)! Wilson, FDR, and LBJ introduced increasingly more socialist policies and programs over the decades following! The destruction of Christianity here began about the same time FDR was inaugurated, when the National Council of Churches signed on with the NWO, and intentionally ceased teaching core beliefs and values! That, in turn,led to and hastened the moral rot in the US.

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Here, Hear, me thinkest thou speaketh with a straight tongue!!

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Thank-you, sir.

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Great piece of History Sandra

All this globalism is Satan's plan to subdue all the nations

Stalin liked FRD policies so much that he instructed the Communist Party of the USA, the American Socialist party to vote for FDR. Humm, maybe ole Joe McCarthy was right?

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The evil empire has gone stark raving mad.

Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.'


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He was.

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Every nation that collapses, collapses from within. Moral decay, just like a cavity.

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Don't forget God.

He gives nations that turn away from Him a push.

Job 12:23

'Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.'

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Yes, however to the unbelievers we have man caused climate change that is responsible for all of the unexplained events, of course that is other than the aliens. How long will it be before they blame all of these climate change events on on those that won't go along with them? They will find a scape goat sooner or later. I will be proud to be among the other goats in the pen. Please check out the Worthy Brief, it's free and full of news from around the world, and shows the growing trend to persecute Christians. Satan's supporters are moving with more and more boldness and support from their governments. I count our gov. in the batch. I remember in the 70's they were crying that we only had 12 years to save the earth, hmm now their children are crying about the same thing, oops missed that one didn't you greta?

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But with some help from the outside like the bacteria that caused the cavity.

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Howdy Daniel,

ASTUTE observation Sir; we do certainly seem to have an inordinate amount of 'Bacteria' running around lately, don't we?


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Well, maybe like a cancer then as it seems to have originated inside of our own country. This is just what I think, I'm not the smartest guy in the room though.

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Howdy Y'all,

Referencing Michael's point #4, I JUST cancelled my Disney+ subscription permanently...as in forever.

I've always enjoyed both Marvel's MCU and the Star Wars sagas as well...but Disney's most recent foray into continuing thier Star Wars epic just REEKS of 'Wokeness' and Lib-Tard ideology.

Suprisingly, Disney had the nerve to send me a Survey as to WHY I had left...

And so I told them,

"WHEN and at such time as you have successfully replaced the entirety of Disney's Board of Directors with reasonably Morale, Intelligent persons, then feel free to contact with me with a HIGHLY discounted offer to return - as recompence for assaulting my sensibilities in the first place - and I'll get back to you at MY convenience..."

As usual, all of Michael's other points listed are simply 'Spot-ON', no further commentary required!

Be well, be Safe as you may in coming days and always be Blessed abundantly,


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Satan is alive and well on planet Earth, "woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.”

His minions, the far-left godless socialist communists are transforming this nation. All at the behest of China and Russia. they are destroying America from within. Russia does not have to nuke this nation, just have the world buy tickets just to watch everything deplode (massive dumpster fire) on its own, why waste perfectly good and expensive nukes when you don't have to, but sit back and watch :-).

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And yet, these loon toons call us right wing extremists! It's obvious to all but the most indoctrinated among us that the left implementing one insane idea after another is not working out well. But one failed policy simply leads to more extreme strategies.

I certainly won't be going to see the new Star Wars movie. I am basically a live and let live kind of gal, but I am beyond tired of the constant media onslaught of gay porn in every single TV show and movie I try to watch. Hollyweird is literally committing financial suicide with their endless LGBTQ agenda. I hope Trump wins in November so these losers can all leave the country. They will all be replaced by AI soon anyway.

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'Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.'


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#2 Aren't DACA kids pretty much the same as American-grown kids, inasmuch as they were raised here like any other citizen kid? I get that they don't have American birth certificates, but they were raised here after their parents brought them, or so I always thought?

#3 Five of the foster families I was trafficked to were Idahoan families. There are not people who make intelligent choices there. If I could have any years of my life removed from my memory, they'd all be from Idaho.

#4 Lesbian witch covens in Star Wars. Hmm. Is that ruining Star Wars or is it trying to get butts in theater seats? People my age are done watching Star Wars. Been there, done that, maybe 100 times. Tired of it all. But young people aren't like us. They like stuff we don't. I can't be the one breaking this to anyone, but our parents didn't love the crap we did, and their parents didn't love the crap our parents loved when they were little. Older people HATED Elvis, The Beatles, and other stuff that the teens loved. As upsetting as the coven shit is, it must be what the consumers want.

#5 GREAT IDEA! Please come to every other state and streamline our driving without the need to listen to cops jabberjaw us to death!

#8 I hope that the CIA, FBI, etc., can walk and chew gum at the same time, wow. It looks like any of the supposed pride stuff participation is voluntary, and none of it will interfere with their desk jobs (95% of their day is spent behind a desk). It's purely performative and just about the least offensive thing on this list. When I was a kid my school was basically all-white but every Cinco de Mayo our school would have serapes and paper sombreros we could put on for the day. We'd call our white teachers senor and senora for the day and we'd see tacos added to the cafeteria menu for the day. I fail to see how this is any different.

I wish we could see more larger, more realistic dangers to America written about here. There's much to worry about, and this stuff is low on the Who GAF list.

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