Since the Creation, or Big Bang if you prefer, strange events have occurring throughout the universe. If any of these events are anything but coincidence or subject of superstition or conspiracy theory is not proven. Events occurring everyday here on Earth are of much more concern than light shows, etc. in the sky. Wake up, Chicken Little, the Republic is collapsing.

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You may find yourself in profound error on that point...an error that has eternal consequences for you.

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First of all, coincidences does not exist. The very people that managed the mainstream narrative are the ones, that like to use this type events for their corruption. Not only do they take advantage of the energy and portals that open but they like to create fear and false flag events. Like the collapsed bridges, derailed trains, and obliterated cities. Eyes for those who can see!

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Divine timing is real. April is a good time to pray. Buckle up and expect God to intervene at the very last second. It's always darkest before the dawn. 🙏

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"America has been fundamentally transformed"

Evil Obama promised to fundamentally change America and he did and is still advancing Satan's, anti-christianity, anti-christ plan. To those who look to and trust politics to save the evil empire, remember that in the eight years of evil Obama the worthless Republicans did nothing as they continue today with O'Biden and the party of evil running circles around them. The uniparty circus faux opposition enable evil by their worthless ways.

I wonder what Obama went to #10 Downing Street to talk to the British P.M. about ?

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Your friend in point #3, Rachel, is mistaken. There will only be three planets in Pisces on/near April 8th. Here's the very reliable Astrolabe chart: https://alabe.com/cgi-bin/chart/astrobot.cgi?INPUT1=April+Ayt&INPUT2=&GENDER=Male&MONTH=04&DAY=08&YEAR=2024&HOUR=12&MINUTE=00&AMPM=PM&TOWN=Jerusalem&COUNTRY=ISRL&STATE=&INPUT9=&Submit=Submit

There will be four more planets (plus the northern node) in the NEXT sign, Aries, followed by the last two, Jupiter + Uranus in the next sign of Taurus.

For all of these to line up in ONE straight line in Pisces, yes it would be every 32 million years; but spread over three separate signs like they will be on April 8th, it happens at least once in every generation. Sorry. The outer planets are very slow-moving, while the sun, moon, and innermost planets are all quicker-moving, and they move round the entire zodiacal sky yearly or just a few years.

Come April 9th we'll all have forgotten about this latest boogeyman stuff and by May 1st we'll all pretend we didn't even talk about April 8th.

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It's amazing these people just make stuff up then repeat it to others who won't even begin to question the truthfulness of any of it.

Thanks for the chart. I wouldn't have even known where to look that stuff up.

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And how do you know that's not disimformation?

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People who have chickens are going to love this. I had chickens growing up and they loved to chow down on grasshoppers.

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XIX is 19. and there is a 19 year happening as well

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This is nothing more than the beautiful and refreshing chaos of the universe. Embrace and enjoy it. You can make a mountain out of any molehill simply because it doesn't fit everyday existence which can get quit boring if you don't see the other side.

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Venus' orbit is second from the sun, so we are told. Earth's orbit is third. Everything from the far side of Earth is night sky. How is it we can supposedly see Venus in our night sky?

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"Joe Biden officially declared March 31st to be “Transgender Day of Visibility”. Of course many people pointed out that this was the same day that many Christians were celebrating Easter."

No, Joe Biden didn't do that. Trans Visibility Day has been around for a long time and it had nothing to do with Biden or any other politicians. They're here, they're queer, get used to it. And Trans Visibility Day is ALWAYS on March 31, while Easter moves around every year, so knock off the scare porn. It's dishonest and hateful to make up such divisive lies.

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They're here, they're queer, get used to it.

They're here, they're queer, and Putin has rolled the nukes out of the barn and aimed them at Queerland, as well as North Korea, China and Iran. Get used to the destruction, misery and hell on its way. Psalm 9:17 kjv.

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