Does anyone with both feet grounded in reality actually believe the Constitutional Republic is operating legally and constitutionally? Wake up and smell the coffee, our Constitutional Republic is fallen.

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No. Some of us think that's far gone. The question is, now what?

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Carl, No I do not believe the Constitutional Republic is operating legally. Not for a long time. We are older than dirt and have great great grandchildren. We can only pray for their future.👏🏻💙

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Yes, I call it a "Reverse Fascist State." In Fascism, the state controls all the privately owned businesses, it is a form of socialism. Whereas in Communism the state owns and controls everything, true socialism.

In America, the markets, the big national banks, the IMF, WB, BIS, and the FED control the economy and all the corporations and they control the Govt. The vast majority have been bought out by the thousands of lobbyists, who give billions to members of Congress.

This is a hybrid system of capitalism for the few in charge (like China) and limited and controlled democracy/ politics pretty much like Russia today, 7 political parties but only one narrative controlled by the RU party. If you stray you just may be poisoned or fall off a high balcony. Here we will just cancel you.

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Only $10 Trillion dollars to reduce green house gasses. That don’t exist! Gee she sounds like a nice person to work for!! She is extremely strange and her task all are complete failures. Border, electric school busses, rural internet ??? I suspect she will be replaced.

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Kamala won't be replaced. She's hands down the hugest moneymaker and vote-registering candidate ever seen on either side of the aisle.

You might be thinking of JD Vance, who is defending his choice to marry a non-white and to make 3 brown babies with her. That same wife was childless for a long time and she worked in the government making more money than all of us put together. Trump's MAGA crowd hates all the things JD is and all the things he defends. That's not even counting all the shitty things he said against their god Trump.

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1. Trump ain’t God 2. Kamala betcha won’t make it 3. Believe the Main Street press all you want. 4. And tell me 1 thing kamala has done in the last 3.5 years I’ve got lots of time.

That money was Biden’s

Give the Babylon whore a debate

And more time to convince people she can’t put a word salads together

Why would making money or making brown babies a bad thing ? Ain’t kamala brown? She ain’t black

She ain’t qualified she was the border czar how’s that working out?

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In the unlikely event that the global totalitarian mob and the demonrats actually allow Trump to win this election, we have promises from many of Commie Harris' Hollywood buddies that they will leave the country. What a gift that would be for America. I suggest the first out of country plane ticket be reserved for Robert DeNiro.

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Howdy FF,

I wasn't intending to comment tonight - general weariness and all - BUT I saw your comment on De Niro and well I couldn't help myself...

De Niro is bona fide POS of the FIRST Order and Magnitude and I'll definitely second your motion where he is concerned; Oh YEAH...

Be Well Brother...be Safe as you may in coming days and moreover be BLESSED also.

"Si vis pacem, parabellum", eh?

We *might* just about be there...


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Many thanks, JOG. As always, stay informed, remain vigilant, maintain situational awareness, verify THEN trust, and finally, clean, grease and maintain all machinery for operational conditions. The world moves at speeds in excess of most people's brains.

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Oh and no matter what parabellum is coming

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Howdy Daniel,

(Heavy sigh) Yuppers...one way or another THAT is becoming the highest probability of liklihood seemingly methinks.

The astounding thing though is that the Left can be so TONE DEAF as to not viscerally grasp the logical conclusion to thier actions...or is it just me?

"Hell is coming to breakfast..." as the line goes. Wait for when the 12 Million illegals come up for deportation, rest assured that THAT is when the bottom will drop right OUT; CW II coming to a neighborhood near you...

Be Well Brother...and BLESSED abundantly as well,


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It seems to me the Dem party is split. Obama threatened Biden if he didn't step down (as president) so Harris can be queen for a day and have to prove herself in an open convention. Obama wanted the best possible candidate to face Trump and it was not Harris, even Biden did not trust her. Biden felt he was betrayed by all of this. He did not step down, just suspended running for president and to spite Obama backed Harris to replace him, knowing she was electable. You're right the Dem. are like narcissistic sociopaths, all they care about is being in power and will do anything to keep it. And they are eating each other in this public family fight. Will there be an Oct surprise? It almost does not matter anymore, we are so doomed.

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Howdy Daniel,

It is more than simply 'split' at this point. It is in fact something which - internally - is turning to pure bloody madness.

In the Amazon, the yearly rains swell the river and it's subsequent subsidence leaves 'Oxbows' teeming with river life, trapped therein. Naturally, one of the species frequently so trapped is Pirhana. For a time all will be reasonably stable, but only for a time...

As the Oxbow slowly evaporates the residents therein become increasingly packed more and more tightly together. Eventually a gruesome phenomena occurs.

Abruptly, the Pirhana will trip into a feeding frenzy and in mere minutes virtually everything therein is either dead or dying. People who have occaisionally witnessed that occurring uniformly describe that spectacle as 'Ghastly'.

So...'HOW does that obvious digression APPLY HERE?' likely you're asking.

The abrupt change of direction the Left is attempting to engineer is exactly analogous to the example stated above: An ever decreasing 'pool', PREDATORS everywhere and Joe Biden's unceremonious removal from running as a contender is the TRIGGER...

Keep watching hereafter. No 'Organization' in Human history has ever pulled off a PIVOT such as the Left is now attempting. IMHO, the sole means of doing so would be 'Divine Intercession' - which since they are all virtually Satanist anyway, they assuredly WON'T be receiving anytime soon - so JUST WATCH hereafter. I am NOT even going to attempt to prognosticate on WHERE it WILL go; I only know it will be 'interesting' watching it get 'there'...

Be Well Brother, SAFE as you may in coming Days and be BLESSED wholly,


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Just One Guy. This question to you is "off-point" to the discussion at hand:

Accordingly, we know from Revelation 7: 2 the four horseman of the apocalypse are angels in service to the Most High God. We also know the four horseman are subordinate to the angel having the seal of the Living God. But have you ever contemplated the fact the rider of the white horse @ Revelation 6: 2 is given a bow, but there are no arrows or a quiver for the rider's bow?

Therefore, I have a theory the bow is not a weapon at all but instead is a flag. In Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes, in Revelation 6 the rider's bow is "toxon" a simple fabric that could be a flag. Additionally according to Strong’s Lexicon and Thayer’s Lexicon, toxon can be translated as “simplest fabric,” derived from the root tikto, meaning “to produce, bear, or be born.” (i.e. a flag, instead of a bow for war?).

Now stay with me: In Bullinger's notes toxon only appears here in the New Testament and then Bullinger refers to Revelation 4:3: "........."and there was a rainbow.......". Then Bullinger writes: "Literally conquering and in order that (Greek. hina) he may conquer". The verb is the same as "overcame" in Revelation 2:7" - “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches........."

Therefore my three questions to you are: (1) Is the rider on the white horse carrying a rainbow flag instead of a bow of war? and; (2) Isn't the global symbol for homosexuality a rainbow? (3) Didn't Barack Hussein Obama light the White House in the colors of a rainbow and didn't the Paris Olympics opening ceremony boast of a rainbow?

[SEE: 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2]

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Daniel H. Benson: This question to you is "off-point" to the discussion at hand:

Accordingly, we know from Revelation 7: 2 the four horseman of the apocalypse are angels in service to the Most High God. We also know the four horseman are subordinate to the angel having the seal of the Living God. But have you ever contemplated the fact the rider of the white horse @ Revelation 6: 2 is given a bow, but there are no arrows or a quiver for the rider's bow?

Therefore, I have a theory the bow is not a weapon at all but instead is a flag. In Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes, in Revelation 6 the rider's bow is "toxon" a simple fabric that could be a flag. Additionally according to Strong’s Lexicon and Thayer’s Lexicon, toxon can be translated as “simplest fabric,” derived from the root tikto, meaning “to produce, bear, or be born.” (i.e. a flag, instead of a bow for war?).

Now stay with me: In Bullinger's notes toxon only appears here in the New Testament and then Bullinger refers to Revelation 4:3: "........."and there was a rainbow.......". Then Bullinger writes: "Literally conquering and in order that (Greek. hina) he may conquer". The verb is the same as "overcame" in Revelation 2:7" - “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches........."

Therefore my three questions to you are: (1) Is the rider on the white horse carrying a rainbow flag instead of a bow of war? and; (2) Isn't the global symbol for homosexuality a rainbow? (3) Didn't Barack Hussein Obama light the White House in the colors of a rainbow and didn't the Paris Olympics opening ceremony boast of a rainbow?

[SEE: 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2]

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all good points well said,

But lets go back to the Word of God itself and see what it openly and plainly says in the context of the word and history.

The word for "bow" in Rev 6 in the Greek is Toxon (English- a shooter's bow)

The word for "crown" in the Greek is Stephanos English wreath ( Greek Olympic victors were given the victors crown, "a wreath")

The word for concurring in the Greek here is Nikon & NikEsE ( the root word here is Nike-Greek Goddess of victory.

In history when warriors win a battle they raise their weapon as a symbol of victory and the loser raises his empty hands as a symbol of defeat. (like a javelin thrower gets his wreath of victory he would raise his javelin in celebration. It's not a flag, that is not what it literally says, a bow is a bow and it is only used here, in the entire NT. Thus that adds to the meaning as very literal unique, and special and real.

He has no arrows just a bow showing he has already won the victory and is celebrating his victory over the earth because no one can make war against him now he no longer needs his flaming arrows or weapons. He's already won, Rev. 13 no one can make war with him (world peace) because he has already been given the Greek crown of victory, a wreath. He wears the crown because he has already won. The narrative shows why he has come and the process, him wearing the crown shows he has or will win the victory. 2 Cor 4:4 Satan is the God of this world and this rider again is a personification sybolization of the man of sin, coming imitating everything Jesus has done and will do Matt 24:24 and deceive the world (victory).

(Since his coming is meant to fool even the elect- he cant come as a rainbow warrior because every true Christian would know instantly this guy is a fraud. Paul said Satan (his false Christ coming in the power of his master) comes masquerading as an angel of light, who is that (Jesus Christ).

The 4 horses and riders of the Apocalypse, aAre not actual real horses and riders.

They are symbols or personifications (visual aids) of what is going on. There is nothing in scripture that says they are angels. In each case an angel is doing something for God it clearly says that especially in Rev. And since this is not the case here, in context they are not angels.

Question 1. No, it's a bow a rainbow flag would be a dead giveaway to real Saints, and Satan's plan is to deceive even the elect, Read Rev 10:8-11. Remember honey is a symbol of God's truth Ps 19:10 &119:03 (it is sweeter than). In Rev. 10 the honey the last empire gives (is as sweet as honey/ really close to the real thing even the elect may be deceived. This is how God will sift his church and be at the heart of the great falling away Matt 13:24-30, 2 Thess 2:1-3.

Question 2. Yes, but if he comes as a gay guy real Christians know this is 180 from real Christianity, it wont' fool anyone in Christ. All of this is to fool the saints, not the world, Satan already has them. (homosexuality is a side issue, just one aspect of man's rebellion, it's not the central theme.

Question 3. Yes but what is your point? This is the fallen world being the fallen world. 2 Tim. 3. This goes so much deeper and wider in history than Obama. How about the entire history of this nation? Just look at the back side of the great seal of the USA on the one-dollar bill (tell me how Christian that is).

My conclusion.

Jesus said it Himself Satan's man of sin comes with lying signs and wonders for the purpose of even possibly deceiving the elect. Since we know the true elect can't be deceived what is Jesus saying here? Let us turn that into a question;

Since we know we can't be deceived, if it were possible for us to be deceived, what would that have to look like for that to happen?

Answer, It would have to look 99% like the real coming of Jesus as we imagine it. Read Rev 10 again! In the mouth, it's not sweeter than honey truth, but sweet as honey truth. (It's really close to the real truth). This is why we must keep our doctrine pure and be aware of different gospels. Jesus himself said in Matt 24 that the only clue He gives to us so that we will know the difference because it will be so close to the truth is that the Real Jesus will come in the clouds from the east to the west (heavenly) and this guy just shows up (terrestrial) Matt.24:23-26.

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Yes. They always threaten that. Ain't seen one of them do it yet, though.

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As a student of eschatology, I enjoy placing today's people in slots of the Biblical end times. Such as I'll give odds that Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the dashing young Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, an authoritarian government. is one of the Ten Kings - Revelation 17: 12.

Lately I been having fun placing Kamala Harris @ Revelation 17: 6. "Just saying"

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17:6 and I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Or aka the Babylon whore. Could very well be.

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Some think she will be replaced, possibly with Killery. That would still work

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No one smart thinks she'll be replaced. She is like some Beyonce and Taylor Swift combo in terms of fund raising and money making, let alone the frankly INcredible numbers of new voters she's getting to sign up - mostly brand new 18 year olds who are traditionally way too busy with their own strifes to bother voting in politics.

Again, no one with an operational brain will ever think anyone would let Kamala Harris be replaced. Miscegeny-loving JD Vance on the other hand... pretty likely!

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She is a Canadian Anchor Baby naturalized. Which does Not meet US Constitutional “Natural Born” requirements to be a US President. And her Jamaican side of the family were Sugar Cane slave owners.

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The Kenyan doesn't care.

And if you complain...end up drowning like the dead chef.

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He is a psychopath yes

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Call her General?

Total nutcase.

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I get Hillary Clinton vibes from her. Scary

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If she treats her staff that badly, just imagine what she has planned for us.

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You know it!

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See you in the FEMA camp.

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I'll look for you. :/

You're my long lost twin, remember? We gotta stick together

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Michael, This time, yes I knew have heard and have read most of what you wrote. Unfortunately we still live in California a state that once was beautiful, well it’s still beautiful but these horrible liberals have destroyed the economy and caused many people into the streets. So many more families losing their homes. So much ugliness in the cities.

All I know what to do is pray God does not allow her to become President of this Great Country because if they cheat and put her in America will never recover. The world will never be the same. What freedom we still have will be lost.

Blessings and prayers

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Hello Myradjc. I was born in LA on Cinco de Mayo 1948. In the 1960's I was a very good Southern California surfer, a University of California alumni (1975) and my heart breaks every time I think of what has happened to my homeland. Socialism always fails and that is why I moved to Colorado in 2007. Of course nowadays, Colorado is called "east California".

My only hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings.

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You know what’s weird?

CBS kills a star on their show SEAL Team and moves him to a Show to make slave labor Cali prisoner fire fighters Heroes. A Woke show called Fire Country. Just as Kamala appears on CBS with Drag Queens to start her presidential bid simultaneously with Dr Jill and Drag Queens in Paris. And just as Trump is talking about Atty Gen Kamala putting minority drug users in Cali jail to get slave labor firefighters. CalFire, the heroes of the show, is a huuuuge money laundering Gov NewScum boondoggle.

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Fraud ineligible next HRC MADAME PRESIDENT

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Not only that but her word salads and inappropriate timed laughter reminds me a great deal 9f Meghan markle..a lesser m8drange narcissist.

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Plus she is not an natural born citizen..her parents were both foreigners at the time of her birth,,she holds dual citizenship in jamaica.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Harris is the last straw for the swamp. They finally decided to get rid of good ole Joe, but were stuck between a rock and a hard place to choose a successor. Harris is another useful idiot in that regard. The main component of their decision was Biden's campaign fund. She's the only one eligible to receive the money. Then they used Act Blue to launder huge contributions to Harris. It's interesting though, that as an anchor baby, she's not eligible to be president. I guess none of those silly rules stopped Obama, though did it?

The DNC takes place in about three weeks. Meanwhile, they will use the full force of the lamestream media to make Kamala look good. Can they hide her numerous flaws and make her look presidential? It also seems that the media has labeled the entire Republican party as "weird".


They've also tried to erase the entire assassination attempt on Trump. Go ahead and try to find it on Google or Facebook.

Thank God for free speech social media platforms!

If they can't change the narrative, the DNC could become pure chaos.

Needless to say, the cabal Democratic party is swirling the bowl. Expect more desperate measures such as July 13th, or perhaps

WW-III. Know that the swamp is not going down without a fight!

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He turned to She

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Obama's boyfriend

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LOL, Trump lost an even higher proportion of HIS employees while in office, and most of the more notable ones left while calling him all sorts of horrible things (mostly that he's a very stupid man).

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What an idiot!

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Her name is now MAMALA HARRIS !!!

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