Bird flu is killing very few chickens. A federal pogrom is killing millions of chickens. Remember COVID killed very few people where there was not government promotion, such as in Sweden or most of Africa.

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Exactly. Bird flu is a scam. They are devising schemes to kill chickens and cows both, just like the burning of cow and chicken farms that was occurring before they came up with the bird flu scam.

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Biden Era War on Food: List of destroyed food plants from January 21, 2020 to June 12, 2022.


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Iran has had nuclear weapons for years, they lie, its what they do.

As to the next pandemic, maybe you can explain to me why Trump had the CEO of Pfizer over for dinner at Marlago a couple weeks ago, and now recently he's also had Bill Gates over as well, so he could wine and dine him too...do you smell a rat or two ? I do.

And as for the most costly disaster this country has ever seen, well that’s only to date, because there are many more catastrophic events on the horizon, because God hasn't even gotten started dishing out judgment yet.

Trump is not what or who you think..and once the Feds are done with him, well then...

Just hold on to your hats..or whatever is close by, because its all surprises from now on for America.

Repent while it is called today. 🙏📖✝️

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yes and mysteriously absent from a meeting on the topic of “public health” was Trump’s own pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Amy check out this video on Donald Trump, puts him in a more revealing light...


(good channel by a Christian)

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Yes, they can cease and desist in the bird flu scamdemic and it would disappear. They CAN and do mess with the weather and they can stop doing that as well and let nature, as God designed it, do what it will. THEY are intentionally causing these issues.

Will it get worse, probably, because no one is stopping the people really running the world. God will put an end to all of it in HIS timing. IMO, that time can’t come soon enough.

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How about a 6th one that should be #1?

Dealing with the damage done to human lives by the jabs. (No long drawn out committees, etc ....) The information is out for all to see

And a 7th, removing those that got into our country and then slamming those doors shut?

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During this song, all the Traitors, and Deep State Actors who caused all the trouble between the US and Russia, were Executed.

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These are issues far beyond what one man or administration can fix or stop. The agenda of the world (God's) agenda of Judgement is coming. Our hope is not in this world or any of it's systems or any one man or administration. This will not end well.

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Also, increased crime... anyone read Peter Halligan's substack: peterhalligan@substack.com from today? Titled: "The last hours of the squatter in the White House “wrongs the rights “of victims and overturns due process by freeing thousands more connected felons – putting victims and communities at risk "

Biden pardoned some of the most hardened criminals, some that were on Death row for the most heinous crimes. What do you think those guys are going to do??

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Give them Biden’s addresses…

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As I said these events are driven by forces no one man or political party can stop. In fact the beast system that is already here is now positioning itself to use Trump for their purposes,

just read this,


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Was Trump sending a message to his enemies? Hes coming for them, all of them, and will terminate with extreme prefudice.

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Sie sollten sich dieses Youtube-Video ansehen. Ja, Trump ist nicht der, für den ihn alle halten.


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he same song used in the Hollywood blockbuster Movie "The Sum of All Fears" (2002) starring Ben Afleck.

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At the Fireworks Display last night at the Trump National Golf Course in Washington, DC, Trump had them play "Nessun Dorma." The last time he did that was in the closing ceremony of the Republican National Convention.

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Wir sind sicherlich nicht überrascht. Donald Trump hat einen äußerst

schlechten Start hingelegt, als er Hobbins mit Namen aus Kanada,

Grönland und Panama jagt. Doch diese völlig unsinnigen Abschweifungen

sind nur ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass er keinen kohärenten Plan hat,

um mit den fiskalischen und finanziellen Zeitbomben fertig zu werden,

die nach dem 20. Januar überall um ihn herum explodieren werden.

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Ich dachte, du wüsstest: WILLKOMMEN IN DER APOKALYPSE!!

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He’s not the Prez, it’s not a Republic, we have no money

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Fear porn

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The more things "change", the more they remain the same.

Expect no miracles from Trump. He is ego controlled and listens to the wrong people. He may do less harm than Biden (or his handlers), but he is far from perfect.

Only the people can save the Republic.

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None of these are real emergencies. They are just the continuation of one disaster after another most of them created by silly governments. All have been around in various forms for thousands of years.

Why? Because governments exist. The only thing they might not be directly responsible for are natural disasters. That's the earth being the earth. Otherwise, all other "emergencies" can be traced back to obsolete governments whose failures are gargantuan and whose successes are fleeting.

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