Well, if anyone wondered what it was like to live in a dystopia, we are most of the way there.

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Well, to add a little context to Michael's list and just to get 2025 off to an even jollier start, my contribution (no - don't thank me - it's wot I do)

#2 Nearly 11 billion dollars was spent during the 2024 election cycle. That is the most money ever spent on an election by a very wide margin. OBVIOUSLY NOT ENUF FOR THE DEMS. NOTE: DO BETTER, SPEND MORE NEXT TIME.

#3 1.2 billion dollars was spent on political ads in the state of Pennsylvania alone. ANY CONNECTION BETWEEN THE MEDIA AND THE MONEY?

#4 Prior to the election, one survey found that 79 percent of Americans believed that the nation was on the wrong track. AND THEY HAD A CHOICE. HARRIS OR TRUMP. RIIIIIGHT

#5 The U.S. government is currently $36,144,183,375,647.43 in debt. MMT MICHAEL - GET WITH THE PROGRAM

#6 If our politicians keep spending money at the current rate, the U.S. government will be 51 trillion dollars in debt four years from now. FOUR YEARS? MOST PEOPLE DON'T THINK 4 DAYS AHEAD. IRRELEVANT

#7 Total U.S. household debt is nearing 18 trillion dollars. PUT IT ON THE CC. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?

#8 The number of shoplifting incidents per year in the United States is up 93 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels. BUT A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK STUFF IS FREE. OR IT SHOULD BE. SO SHOPTLIFT. ISN'T IT LEGAL NOW?

#9 On a single day in December, Joe Biden announced that he was commuting the prison sentences of nearly 1,500 criminals and he issued full pardons to 39 others.


#10 The U.S. Census Bureau says that 37 percent of Americans are having trouble even paying their most basic bills. MAYBE THEY SHOULD SHOPLIFT MORE?

#11 According to Bank of America, almost a third of all households “spend more than 95% of their disposable income on necessities such as housing costs, groceries and utility bills”.


#12 The price of orange juice is up 327 percent over the last 3 years.


#13 The average household in Miami spends 327 dollars during a single trip to the grocery store. WELL, THINGS ARE NICER IN NY AND YOU KNOW, TRAVEL EXPENSES.

#14 It now takes more than $100,000 a year for a typical U.S. household to live “the American Dream” in all 50 states, and in 29 U.S. states it takes more than $150,000 a year. SHOULDN'T THAT BE THE "MANUFACTURED MYTH" OF THE AMERICAN DREAM?

#15 For the average person, it now costs 4.4 million dollars to live “the American Dream” over the course of a lifetime. THE JABS WILL FIX THAT

#16 Thanks to rampant inflation, the average American now believes that it takes an income of $270,000 a year in order to be “financially successful”. EVERYONE DESERVES A MERC IN THE DRIVEWAY

#17 Overall, U.S. home prices are up more than 1,000 percent since 1974.


#18 Only 10 percent of Americans believe that becoming a homeowner is “easy or somewhat easy”. 40 YEARS AGO I HAD A ROPE FOR A WARDROBE FOR 5 YEARS. WASN'T EASY THEN

#19 37 percent of U.S. cardholders have already maxed out at least one credit card. CUT THEM UP

#20 The amount of money that Americans owe on their credit cards is twice as large as the GDP of the 100 poorest nations on the entire planet combined. AND WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? AMERICA IS RICH!! THOSE POOR, POOR NATIONS, DON'T THEY HAVE AMEX?

#21 30 percent of all student loan borrowers have “gone without food or medicine due to their monthly bills”. IS THAT WHY I CAN'T AFFORD A DOCTOR OR PLUMBER? THEY MAKE UP FOR IT?


Upgrade to paid

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JoeBama’s CBO pre BidenFlation estimated Amnesty for the never changing golden number 11 million illegals at $6.4 Trillion. $582k/ilkegal. $420k occurring after retiring at age 67. Amnesty for 45 million illegals times 11 for chain migration, times $582k/illegal times BidenFlation = $300 Trillion.

$300 Trillion + $52 Trillion debt + $200 Trillion unfunded liabilities + $110 Trillion Green New Steal + $60 Trillion “free” healthcare pre amnesty = Kamala’s no DOGE $ 722 Trillion debt. At 3% interest that is $22 Trillion a year just to pay interest on what KamaLot wanted to leave us with.

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"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." [1 John 2: 15] For those who are waiting for the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings it is not a stretch to label the USA as “Mystery Babylon”. Mystery Babylon is a phrase that appears only once in the Bible, in Revelation 17:5. It refers to a woman who is described as the "mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth." Many interpretations have been derived from this one vague passage, made by an angel of YHVH describing the prostitute in Revelation 17 verse 18. The narrative of the Whore of Babylon follows many of the same patterns of the women who commit "prostitution/whoredom" and/or "adultery" in the prophetic books of the Hebrew/Christian Bible. The whore of Babylon, whoever it is, is closely affiliated with the end-times Beast/Antichrist. The passage does give us some clues, but we cannot be completely certain as to her identity. Mystery Babylon is an in-depth look at the prophecy of Revelation 17 and 18.

With end of times prophecy in mind; recently I was given a link to a work that I consider worthy for professing Christians to review. It has been prepared by a young Christian woman named Dana Ashlie for those fellow believers who are grounded in the Word of God - and who are "premillennial", “post-tribulation rapture" soldiers for Jesus Christ. It is specifically prepared for those who are learning to not fear the first death. [see: Revelation 2: 8 & 20: 4]

This content was created in 2017 and it is actually Dana Ashlie's gift to her fellow soldiers within the Body of Jesus Christ. Those sheep who hear their Master's voice and know "time is short". It is very mature and graphic and adult supervision is necessary. It is also necessary to have a general understanding of "revelation eschatology".


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No one is the "average" anything. It's all statistical hocus-pocus. As long as you aspire to be a statistic, you will be lumped in with the masses. Wherever you fall on the statistical charts, it changes daily, monthly, yearly. The numbers mean nothing as who knows if they are true. What matters is your life and you can live in the world and not be a part of it. Life just is.

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“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.”—Benjamin Franklin

Bill of Rights First Amendment


Liberty & Prosperity Not War !!!


The Government just canceled the Posse Comitatus Act & can now Kill American Citizens in America without due process!


Such a government has no right to exist.

Stop Paying Income taxes.

Stop Supporting this Abusive, War Mongering, Corrupt Government

All War is Evil. No More War.


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the economy and the dollar is done, it's just a matter of time, or should I say timing.

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The world has gone completely crazy! Nonsense prevails. Keynesian economics has ruined America as have the godless leftists!

There’s hope in 2025. Pray that Trump and his team will Make America

Great again!

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Michael you really have a knack for bringing in the new year on a positive note! :)

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Wonderful - not the stats of course - but your work Michael.

Must buy your book Why if I can negotiate the system - sadly not easy.

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