The blood clot is interesting. It is easy to impose a blood clot medically speaking.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

"Both sides should be looking for a way out while that is still possible, but instead both sides just continue to escalate matters."

Fundamentally disagree with your here, Michael. Russia has repeatedly said that it is open to negotiations (although why it would want to do so with a West that essentially used the Minsk Agreements (International Law under UNSC Resolution) to arm Ukraine, I can't understand).

But go back to 2022: there were efforts at peace talks by both Ukraine and Russia; first in Minsk, then in Istanbul, and a draft memorandum was agreed and signed by both sides. Then BoJo from the UK flew to Kiev and told Zelenskiy to keep fighting.

Subsequently, Zelenskiy has changed the Ukrainian law to make it impossible to negotiate a peace with Russia. I guess Washington, London, and Brussels are happy, as are the nazis in Ukraine that would kill Zelenskiy if he tried (they have already threatened him with murder).

People in the west are so totally ignorant of the causes of this conflict. It's amazing. Sorry to say, but Americans in particular. There was a coup d'etat in 2014 totally sponsored by the west. It resulted in the Russian-speaking regions defying Kiev. This led to a mass burning of dissidents in Odessa, and the following 8-years' civil war in Ukraine between the government and the people of the Donbass in which 14,000 civilians were murdered. Those are war crimes we ignored as we supported the Kiev government. Concurrent with the Donbass conflict the people of Crimea organized a referendum on secession from Ukraine, which had a >95% majority. It was overseen by international observers, but in the west we still hear the lies of a 'Russian invasion'.

Russia did not want this conflict. Russia sees this as a family feud between relatives. That's why it takes great care to try and minimize civilian casualties, and why (as per Istanbul) it had no aspirations to control Ukrainian territory.

Maybe you need to get acquainted with the facts. The facts support Russia. The facts also support the thesis that NATO/US/EU have supported and continue to support a murderous neo-nazi regime in Kiev in an effort to destroy Russia. Epic failure on all counts, but the lunatics in charge have zero self-awareness, and seem to want to charge down the path to oblivion.

Well done, America!

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Oh yes when Russians have elections or referendums, their open democratic principles and elections put our democracy to shame. Just tell the supporters of Navalny how open and free are Russian elections. I have a contact that has been in Ukraine for over a year. That contact has worked in the north east and south right up to the front lines and has had extensive contact with all those people in those areas. Even the Russian speaking people, the majority do not want to be part of Russia. When they vote there is only one way to vote, Russian spies are everywhere. My contact is helping everyone in Ukraine people on both sides. Just as Russia lied to the world about Chernobyl incident they are lying today. How about 10 years ago soldiers with no insignias stated marching into eastern Ukraine. Putin said it was not Russia, and of course he lied. And so are and have we. There are no good guys in this fight, this war is about a bigger agenda for both sides and the poor Russian people are caught in the middle.

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I'm of the opinion that the CIA wanted Tucker dead, or threatened, because they were afraid of what Tucker would report after interviewing Putin.

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Given that Tucker is legacy CIA, e.g. his father CIA founder for his OSS work during WW2, and later VOA for CIA in 1950's

They would not kill Tucker, on the other hand the Ukro-Nazi's are bat shit crazy and even Zelensky says he fears them.

Most likely is the CIA passed INTEL to the Russians about the plan; The CIA always takes care of legacy, just like the mafia, Tucker is a BIllionaire ( Swanson heir ) and an Legacy CIA, he is a "Made Man"

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We always assume that our government takes the high road, but that couldn't be further from the truth in many cases. The CIA is a rogue organization and should be disbanded. We have violated a treaty with Russia regarding Ukraine and they have every right to be angry. In addition to spy bases, Ukraine is home to human trafficking, money laundering, Nazis and biolabs. Zelensky is a corrupt, cross dressing actor who is spending our tax dollars on yachts. I am totally opposed to sending them another plug nickel, let alone sending soldiers over there. The elites just want to protect their assets. I knew something was wrong as soon as every media outlet started saying the exact same thing about the war.

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THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - since EVE has been beguiled by THE SERPENT in THE GARDEN OF EDEN - never had any other agenda - out of its own PRIDE - than continuing the war against GOD ALMIGHTY, despite having been offered SALVATION THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - refusing THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA is going to cost it dearly.

Do not fear but have FAITH!


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This goes back to the end of WW II where Russia built the USSR out of Eastern Europe and Germany was divided. Both sides saw each other as a threat and those threats were real and still are. Russia and China want a world built on the socialist model and we wanted a world safe for democracy. One key event that destroyed the USSR was the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster where the Russians lied to the people of Ukraine causing 10s of thousands deaths or had their lives shortened by radiation poisoning and cancer. The official toll is about 36 death. The Ukrainians have never forgiven Russia and want nothing to do with them. Russia wants it back at all costs. That is what this war is all about.

Russia and China are trying to destroy us via our schools the Universities, all level of far left politics are pure Leninist Stalinist who want to destroy America.

If Ukraine falls it will not end there Even the president of Belarus in a joking way talked about invading Poland. https://www.barrons.com/news/kyiv-warsaw-will-always-stand-united-ukraine-s-fm-9e2b5b49

No surprise then Ukraine's very strategic location was perfect to spy on Russia and they are doing the same things to us as well.

Who knows how Navalny died if it was a stroke why not say so from day one and release the body? I would not be surprised the blood clot story is also an intel story (more fake news) not to escalate the war too soon. They need USA support and blaming Russia might push Russia to far too fast. we shall see. We just don't know everybody is lying on both sides all the time.

Also not surprised on the assignation attempt on Tucker. Look what happened to JFK, Reagan and the Pope? Selective killings are done for political purposes all the time, the CIA is Murder Inc.

What surprises me is how so many Christians don't understand how the real world works. This kind of stuff has been going on since the cold war started.

It has been by God's grace and sovereign power that this has not already gone totally nuclear. Jesus said war will happen even to the end Jesus said it's regrettable, but is must take place. Jesus also said I have not come to bring peace but war (the sword). So why do we call for peace when there will be no peace, it's like the false prophets in Israel whom God hated as Jeremiah and Ezekiel document.

The only peace that will come will be with the imitation substitute messiah, the false prince of peace who brings all the nations under his rule, with a deception so good even the elect might be deceived. Calling for peace now, may lead some even Christians to run after the Man of Sin simply that he brings peace with signs and wonders even raising from the dead, and he's the wring Jesus.

There are even false prophets now who are saying the seal judgements have already started to be opened. This will lead many to believe this war will lead to Armageddon, it will not. The man of Sin must come first and bring a false peace first. The great falling away (apostasy) may be many Christians running after the man of sin because he brings world peace and rules with a rod of iron sitting in the temple declaring himself God.

We are being set up for a massive deception and we really need discernment. Even after John saw all that death and destruction in the vision of the Book of Revelation what was John's response? Jesus said when he comes (the end times) it/He will come quickly (very fast). John says Amen (so be it) come Lord Jesus (lets get on with this).

We should not be calling for peace but come Lord Jesus, give us the faith hope and love to endure what is to come on the face of the whole earth the rule of the man of sin and wait until our blood of all the saints has been shed, then will our blood be avenged. This calls for the patient endurance of the Saints.

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What a shocker, Tucker's life only worth 4K. Talk about cheap. All kidding aside, it's no surprise that the US and NATO are pushing Putin towards WWW III. The US has been plotting since WW II to destroy Russia (and, they were an ally then). I hope this doesn't happen, because there are no winners. Additionally, according to some "experts", Russia has more advanced nukes. But, the thought of WWW III has Klaus Scab of the WEF and his evil globalist masters having orgasms. It will be much quicker in eliminating several million "useless eaters" than using their bioweapon "vaccines".

Until we rid ourselves of the deep state, the banker "elites", et al, there will be increasing threats to the world and especially the USA.

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I want peace too 🩵😢💕

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Everyone who's sane does. Unfortunately, there's a lot of money in war. What we want no longer matters.

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Modern Wars also depopulate big time.

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Totally agree

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You are so noble for being the Watchman, and informing us of so many urgent developments. However, if you step back a few feet and look at the news behind the news, you'll realize this war is preplanned for later in 2024. Sometime between June and Sept it will go "Hot", and once the tactical nukes fly it will go even hotter.

In a manner of speaking, the mission of the Watchman is complete. There is no stopping what they've set in motion, and you just spin up the fear and tension levels to constantly update every development. In fact, it has become a distraction. Perhaps it would be wise to partner with a "Solution Provider" in your writings and books, and move into a strategy of Preparing for what is to come. Once you do that, there is a peace of mind that comes with it, along with the confidence that we are going to prevail.

I've read ALL of your books, and think the world of your writing. But it is Time to acknowledge that we are in the Tribulation Period (and there was no Rapture!), and we need to put on the Whole Armor of God. There are wise solutions to sidestep the carnage, and yet continue with your highest Spiritual Calling. But it involves leading people to solutions and places of sanctuary, and gathering together the Remnant that will Occupy until He comes.

I read Daniel and Revelation about a dozen times since Christmas, and finally realized the true message in the books, and the reason for their existence: They are a message of Hope! Revelation is the only book in the Scriptures that specifically offers a blessing to those who Read it Out Loud. I highly recommend that! Plus, Michael, we could really use your help and research & cross referencing skills to interpret some of the symbology. It makes a lot more sense in 2024, but there are a few areas that are still ambiguous. I would welcome your thoughts and perhaps a weekly article on interpreting our "Guide to the Tribulation." That way those of us that wish to can join in a fellowship of wisdom, preparation, and hope.

Peace - and Gratitude!

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2 thess 2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, (Rapture) we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day (rapture) will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

None of that has happened yet. Paul clearly says the first seal Is the coming on the man of Sin on a white horse bringing a false peace for 42 months claiming to be God then war breaks out again. Rev 13

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Daniel, thank you for sharing your theological interpretation. With respect, let me share my research based findings.

- Corona was the White Horse, the First Seal. 194 Nations acted under one global government authority, and the plan was to go forth and conquer/kill. They did exactly that. White Lab Coat connects to the White Horse, and of course Corona (Virus) connects to the Crown. A Bow without any arrows is the Syringe - killing without any recognized weapon.

- The Red Horse is what is in motion now (War), along with the Black Horse (Famine).

- The Pale/Green Horse comes next, which is death on a massive scale (2024-2025).

- The Tribulation Period started on the Feast of Trumpets (Sept 15th, 2023) and will rise to full manifestation on Oct 2nd this year, as Trumpets transitions into Atonement. Meaning most people will recognize the Tribulation by the end of September this year.

- The Antichrist candidates will be on full display by September, and the "Chosen One" will be anointed in the Spring of 2025. The Abomination of Desolation will be in/around Easter 2028, when he kills the Two Witnesses and storms into the Temple and places his graven Image on Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. He claims he killed God's Witnesses (who tormented him with Drought for 3 1/2 years), therefore he's more powerful than God and will demand we worship him instead of God.

- The Mark of the Beast has already been set in motion, and will become more obvious when the Central Bank Digital Currency is brought forward, and the Dollar is devalued and destroyed. That will take place over the remainder of 2024, and again will be obvious to all by the end of September. The Electronic Currency that replaces the dollar will require a Vax and have a social credit score with it, all rolled into a "Passport" that is your Identification and Credentials. You'll have a monthly UBI of about 2 grand in the new currency, and will have various categories, permissions, and privileges with the Passport. If you are in full compliance (vaxxed) you'll get the full amount. If you are not in compliance with every requirement, then your UBI will be cut in half or worse. You cannot buy or sell unless you are in full compliance. Actually, you won't be able to leave your home if you are not Vaxxed. You won't be able to buy food, drive, or own property. You'll have to be vaxxed to pay your property taxes or register a car or get a drivers license, so within a year or so of the Passport-ID system coming online, most people will no longer own any property, and can only work (for extra privileges such as eating meat) if they are vaxxed. The Vax (and Food!) contains NanoDust (mRNA and Self Assembling Bots) that will degrade your connection with your Creator, and be a big part of the "Falling Away."

- The "Great Deception" mentioned in 2nd Thess is (IMHO) the belief in the Rapture. Once Christians realize we are indeed in the Tribulation Period and they are still here, most will abandon their Faith - with the help of the NanoDust in the food & water & Vax. Otherwise, the falling away of family values and marriage and even the male-female paradigm given to us by God is fully underway now.

- The Mid-East War in progress now is the Psalm 83 war, where Israel is fighting with the nations and groups that share a border. It will grow into the Ezekiel 38 War in another year or two, when nations such as Turkey and Iran get involved.

- Subsequent to the Oct 7th Gaza attack, the remaining Secular events that synchronize with the Creator's Timeline get underway in April this year, and will include a barrage of cyber attacks and grid down events, accompanied by kinetic attacks, war escalations, EMP events, terror events, bank closures, dollar devaluations, and so on. The cell phone crash this past week was a dry run, and had nothing to do with Solar Flares.

- So April will be a pivotal month, where you will be able to CONFIRM that the Tribulation Events are Manifesting! September will complete the preliminary events, and we can expect to be fully at (nuclear) war by then. (Lift up your head, your redemption draws near!)

- Expect to go back into a full Lockdown (Martial Law) type of scenario by the end of April (or early May), and remain there through the elections and in to the Spring of 2025. Why? The Government Agencies & Insiders FIRMLY BELIEVE that there will be an enormous Geophysical Event in the opening days of 2025, or perhaps the last week of 2024. Most likely a Magnetic Pole Shift that will result in the deaths of about one billion people in the first couple of weeks.

- ALL of the events being orchestrated now through the remainder of 2024 are in preparation for that Magnetic Pole Shift (or Geophysical Event). The government plans to have the country locked down tight, especially on the east and west coast. That will result in the greatest number of fatalities. The lockdown will be from a multitude of events, since most people won't comply with another Pandemic. For example, if they shut the banking system down for 2-3 weeks, it will bring the country to a complete stop. That will also enable the rollout of the Electronic (non-Crypto) Currency when the banks open back up. Easy to do if you own the banking system and issue the money.

- All of this information is available in open source reading of credible, expert or insider information. No rabbit holes or conspiracy theories required! Likewise, ALL of the government agencies have been leaking this information out since the summer of 2023. I wish Michael would report this information, primarily because it perfectly synchronizes with Scripture Prophecy. Both the Themes and the Timeline. May other authors and credentialed professionals have been reporting these things, ranging from Mike Adams (Health Ranger) to Dr Ana Mihalcea and about a dozen other medical doctors (including Dr Mercola).

Finally, realize the Rapture THEORY was created by the Jesuits in the early to mid 1800's. John Darby got it going, and Cyrus Scofield set it in motion with his unauthorized additions & notes included with the Scriptures. Who was Scofield? A Politician, a Lawyer, and a Convicted Felon - who abandoned & abused his wife & daughters. He was in prison for FORGERY when the Jesuits approached him and struck a deal to publish the Scofield Bible -- and the Rapture Theory. Only a diabolical entity such as Lucifer could launch such a major theological movement (Rapture) in Christianity, and help it quickly get entrenched in the Theological Seminaries. Hello? Anybody heard of Lucifer, the GREAT DECEIVER?

If you want to bet your eternal life on the theories of a convicted felon who was in prison for FORGERY, be my guest. I simply suggest you have a good backup plan.

The Return of Christ happens only once, and is going to be exactly on the Creator's Calendar. It will be around Oct 12th, 2030, although we won't know the day or hour. No worries, we'll know all the other Calendar Days and Festival Cycles and everything else! The Feast of Trumpets is based on the sighting of the New Moon, which requires Two Witnesses. Which in itself is a major Scripture Theme. As the often quoted Scripture cited by most Rapture Believers indicates, the Return of Christ is AT THE LAST TRUMP! That is both the last Trumpet Judgement and the last Trumpet blast of the Shofar -- at the END of the Tribulation Period. Period! Simple, explicit, and wonderfully true. Indeed, we are living in the most glorious period of history, and it is an honor to be alive for this event. Oct 12th, or perhaps Oct 11th, 2030. I plan on being fully prepared and engaged in battle - and Occupying Until He Comes!

Peace - and Gratitude

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That is quite a indepth summary of what's coming down the pipe RBI. Like you RBI I have also been looking into many different thing's regarding where we are at & where we are heading.

And like anyone who has eyes to see & ears to hear & is lead by the Holy Spirit it is apparent that we are indeed drawing near to the tribulation.

How it all plays out I'm not entirely sure & to be quite honest RBI I don't get overly concerned about every detail of what's going to happen. The most important thing to me is to make sure I am built upon the rock of my salvation Jesus Christ & to abide in Him & follow Him where ever He leads me. Because I am the clay & He is the Potter & He will shape me in whatever way He chooses if I choose to submit to Him in " all things".

But thank you once again RBI for your detailed thoughts on what you see playing out in times ahead.

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So where did you get all this information? What was/is your source?

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When discussing all the players in this game

Recall that every single player wears the 'red wrist band' of the Kaballah, Tucker, Putin, everbody is playing to the world stage, but they're all on the same team.

Tucker & Putin Both wear the Kaballah Satanic "Red Ribbon" to signify their love of Moloch - Who Knew that both these Kissinger Kids were groomed by same elite familys?

Today we enjoy the PUTIN & Tucker show so they can sell you Trump 2.0, shove COVID-2025 up your ARSE;

Now that Ukraine&Israel have been destroyed they can be paid to rebuild


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To the last Ukrainian in Ukraine

To the last "MENA Jew" in Israel ( MiddleEast-NorthAfrican real genetic Jews - judeo god fearing )

The ashkeNAZI have many plans, they always have Plan A, B, C & D in motion. Nobody knows the future, so they always own all the assholes and initiate all the Wars;

1.) USA will be destroyed, the clean up may be a 'new Israel' maybe not, high probability of success but Ukraine has better farm-lands and water table

2.) Greater-Israel the "YINON PLAN" is in motion, all the land from Poland to Iran to be "Greater Israel", its a good plan the ultimate, but low probability of success

3.) Hawaii as a last resort but certainly "ALL" the island once locals are purged, could be a nice little Israel, with no Palestinian problem

4.) Like USA the ashkeNAZI want all of Europe destroyed, so that it never in the future can be a pest to "Greater Israel" ( all the land from Poland to Iran, giving them access to three oceans )


They're not really worried about 'nukes' if you go to Nagasaki, or Hiroshima today and even walk a block from ground-zero, you would never know it happened; Same here most of Europe can get nuked and most of USA, and the ashkeNAZI are not worried one bit;

They want most of the worlds GOYIM dead, and especially the whites, so a nuclear winter over the GOYIM lands would be a god-send in their eyes;

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so how does this all end?

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Some thing about Snyder finding a date and getting laid for the first time at +50 years of age, that's what I heard how the story ends;

A happy ending as we say;

Not all is doom-porn;

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Your article about CIA and border

sites in Ukraine were not found on

NY Times, if you can find it there publish its location.

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