“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Matthew 24: 29

For a very long time I hypothesized Jesus was foretelling a nuclear winter caused by a global thermo-nuclear war. Now I am not sure.

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The trumpet judgements in Revelation clearly depict cosmic disturbances.

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The wise man build his house upon rock. Not ancient lava flows, old flood plains, by the side of rivers, near cliff edges etc etc and yet they do. Constantly🤷🏻‍♂️. Take a large ancient map of a wide area and over lay it over an up todate map of an area that in the last 5 - 10 years or so has been prone to localised flooding and you'll understand why. It's not "climate change" per se. It's man-made interference in drainage, tree removal, altering the natural course of a river etc. Oh aye, and as for your evacuation exercises. Don't tell anyone, hit the button and see what chaos ensues. Any pre planned evacuation will go off in a half orderly fashion. Hit the button at 2am and watch the chaos unfold, then make new plans accordingly

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This will be more severe than any of the global warming scenarios being talked about by any scientists. But the temperature movements will all be in the negative direction.

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Exciting times! He’s coming soon, He’s coming soon, with joy we’ll welcome His returning! It may be morn, it may be night or noon. We know He’s coming soon!

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This year, 2025; we will see things we've never seen before. 🙏📖🙌

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Sounds like a bunch of fear mongering to me…Scientists don’t know shit about how big or when anything will happen…the 50/50 chance is NOT scientific…it’s a GUESS, that wins whether it’s a good or bad outcome…what kind of scientific prediction is 50/50?! Hell, a palm reader is just as accurate 🙄

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All activity is cyclical in nature. Throw in volcanic eruptions with the murder pilots blocking the sun and humanity will be starving soon enough. Won't much matter for half the country if the Yellowstone caldera decides to blow.

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People, especially young people have been so dumbed down that they won't have time to look up lahar. Using foreign words doesn't make a scientist smarter. Simply saying mud flow is easier, and more direct. There is an underwater volcano off the coast of Oregon that is acting up also.

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Climate/Global warming folk have warned for many years many decades that if we keep doing what we’ve been doing to God’s earth, volcanoes and earthquakes and fires will be the only result we should expect. God put us here to be stewards of our planet, not destroyers. Funny how those who ache to see Heaven the soonest are also the ones who have been poisoning our planet the hardest :(

Oh, for those who think that volcanoes only happen as a consequence of pissing off our Heavenly Father, the other planets (AND their moons) also have volcanoes. They are very common. So common that you’ll see them all throughout the galaxy 🌌 🌋

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I am not sure of much, either.But all tfe way back to my youth in tfe sixties,I have heard CA will fall into the ocean.

And I have always assumed that to be because inevitably,all tfe perverts and their evil will be more than God will beat,and His Fury will wipe them out in one shot

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Silly earthquakes and manmade fires aside, God has been phenomenally kind to California, and He’s been much more judgmental to the other (southern) states.

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Where is Jimmy Buffett when we need him?

Oh yeah, he announced his concert in Antarctica. And “they” sent him off to Flip Flop haven.


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A tsunami generated by the Cascadia earthquake probably would not get through the straight of Juan de Fuca and down Puget Sound to Seattle without losing most of its height. However, the 9.0 earthquake would likely trigger landslides in Puget Sound that would cause their own tsunami's that would inundate large portions of Seattle and Tacoma.

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