They are currently attacking small and medium sized banks and these will all be sucked dry by the Feds favourite large banks, who will be bailed out again at the taxpayers expense of course. Then interest rates will be slashed again and the debt mountain will snowball again. The Fed will then use it's counterfeit money to buy stocks and shares until they own everything causing hyperinflation for the rest of us. Et voila, the totalitarian dictatorship they wanted is achieved. We will own nothing and be happy (or dead).

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Yes the -4-5 too big to fails will be rescued and all the other banks will be sucked into the FEDs 4-5 bank black hole. You will experience a bail-in of about 40-60% of your assets being taken.

As my B of A contact said, when this happens and you have money in any financial institution "you will be screwed."

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-The banks have so much debt they can't take on anymore. Red flag #1

-Closing branches red flag #2 and I was told when this plan to close all brick and mortar bldg. the end game has started toward default.

-Cutting off the bank life line this month, is perfectly timed to show the end is near as well. RF#3

-and what money the banks are allowed to borrow that credit rate has gone up. RF#4

-Since 2020 bank purchases of gold has gone up 400% Huge RF#5


-also interest rate must remain high to prop up the dollar not fight inflation, so to battle the demand for dollars with the war with the BRICS system. Yellen must lie about a soft landing to prevent a bank run, it's actually FED policy to do nothing to cause a bank run, so by policy they must lie.

The central banks are not panicking, they are just getting ready for the great reset;

(the collapse of the dollar and all it's bonds).

Once everything is in place and the timing is right (a massive event to blame the collapse on) they will pull the trigger.

I do not know and I am no prophet, but I don't think March will be critical, most patients don't die instantly when taken of life support. The banking system is huge and will take some time for the ripple effects to happen, we shall see. Who knows, no one does, there are so many trigger event options on the table, it's like the "wack-a-mole" game. But clearly this could be at any time, domestic or international or both but clearly they are getting ready and it's not far off.

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I was sort of surprised how quickly the shut down happened. I don't know of anyone who was expecting that. After Trump and Fauci announcement on stage, I think it all hit a week later? I'm praying that people are smarter this time around.

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Why keep money in the bank?

Buy and store useful stuff may be more useful and keep its value ?

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The Fed did a tremendous job screwing up the last banking crisis 2007-09 by bailing out banks instead of letting them go under. We would be rid of much of the crappy banks and that includes the big crappy banks. Now 16 years later, the chickens are coming home to roost and the problems will become even greater. Again, the Fed will be bailing out the banks and the REITS and who knows what else. The deficit will be escalating by $1 trillion every month to keep the US Titanic afloat.

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This is all part of the good guys plan. It started out as a cabal operation to steal money from the middle class and make us subservient slaves to the elites. But it has been taken over. The Federal Reserve, the corrupt banking system and the fiat dollar must be destroyed. All illegal interest, debt and taxes will be erased. It will be replaceend by an asset backed currency. Free energy and other suppressed technologies will be revealed. It's called NESARA, my friends.

But first the old system must be wiped out. It will be an uncomfortable transition, but it will be worth it.

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