I identify as a conspiracy theorist and my pronouns are I/told/you/so.

Just wait until all the lies we've been told are revealed. You my want to buy some Depends. Just sayin'.

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Beautiful! I love this comment!

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Next they'll say they've read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and you'll call them a bigot!

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

That work of fiction was written by RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS, not anyone at all tied to Zionism. It was DEBUNKED, just like the Steele Dossier has been. Both are communist lies.

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Communist lies?


Lady, what planet do you live on?


How many sources would you like to prove this?????

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

WRONG AGAIN! Marx was an apostate Jew, not a practitioner of Judaism, and the 2 bear NO ideological or practical resemblance whatever. Once more, it's the poison of your hate that is in your way.

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WRONG AGAIN, ASS CLOWN. Marx (born MOSES MORDECAI LEVY, ASS CLOWN) was a RACIAL JEW. He was raised IN RABBINICAL TALMUDIC JEWRY. KNOWN. PROVEN. Once more, it's the poison of your own purposeful ignorance that keeps you from seeing the simple truth.

So simple, it's spelled out in Bible verses that YOU DON'T EVEN ACCEPT!!! LMAO!!!

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Conspiracy theory to truth = about 4 months. # 4. Chemtrails. They don't even try to hide it anymore even though many have known this for decades. Now it is sold as a way to stop global warming. Dim the sun. PLEEZE! The idiots are CAUSING climate warming, cooling and change. Old Bessie the bovine on the farm has NOTHING to do with it! Wake the flock up! Start by looking up and getting your noses out of your phones.

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Yeah probably the reason why the brothel clients are not prosecuted is that it’s more useful for the intelligence community to have blackmail material than it is to have them jailed. What good are they then? Same thing with Epstein. He was definitely an intelligence agent- how else could he get away with blackmail for decades? Until the day that they decided he wasn’t worth the risk and he created too much publicity. Then he had to go. Or did he? Some people think not- that he was spirited away somehow.

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I'm sure the IC knows who they are. And they may be "bait" or persons of interest to see who comes to blackmail them.

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Excellent points; as long as they have that over them, specially elected or regulatory officials can so easily be manipulated to support the agenda.

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In the 1950s no intelligence agencies could hire you if you were gay, because that would be excellent blackmail material. Today a guy can wear rainbow dreadlocks down past his hips and wear a t-shirt to work saying, "I'm not gay but my boyfriend is!", and nobody will give a damn. So I think having sex with prostitutes, even 15 year-old ones, is a big nothingburger blackmail-wise. Brothels will always exist. Even if TEOTWAWKI happens, brothels will be the first business to get up and running.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Not sure about that, it’s still statutory rape and even if the age of consent is 15-16 in some states it doesn’t look good. In case you haven’t heard, politicians like staying in office and they want to act like good citizens even when they’re complete dirtbags. And btw Epstein procured 10 year old girls for clients, even if he himself preferred pubescent girls.

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Politicians do want to stay in office even when they're complete dirtbags, case in point Matt Gaetz, who Venmo'd minors for sex, receipts and all, and still he remains.

As for Epstein, I can only find references to "girls, some of whom were as young as fourteen". We like to lionize our heroes and malign our enemies of course, but the only places I ever see Epstein procuring very young girls (under 14, for instance), it's in chat rooms or comment sections, nowhere real.

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All I can say is read Nick Bryant or check out his podcast. He is very knowledgeable and credible and has alleged that some trafficked victims were as young as 10. I believe him and I am highly skeptical of official sources like Wikipedia (which maintains that the Franklin scandal was a carefully crafted hoax). Nick is nonpartisan and protecting children should be a nonpartisan issue.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Just because some guy you have a semi for *says something* doesn't make it fact.

Save us all some time: where did your guy say he found his specific information from? I'll go there rather than filtering through his opinion on his show.

Straight from the horse's mouth, please.


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NIck is the real deal as a journalist. You have a hard on for Trump obviously because you focus on him like he was Epsteins best customer. Biden didn’t need Epstein because he molested his own daughter.

I don’t like any of them. Acosta, Trumps labor secretary was asked about Epstein and said he was told to stand down. The only people who can tell a United States attorney to stand down are the attorney general and the president. Four presidents have let Epstein get away with his crimes, five if you include Clinton. But yeah, Trump is the problem. Let’s get him! Sure buddy.

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It's NOT to the 15 yr olds! 2 consenting adults harming each other is their business, 'til they expect your money ( via insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid) to cover the necessary care for their bad choices). What rape does to a child, however, is far worse, damaging the child for life, even with adequate therapy. The 2 cannot be equated; these are pedophiles. That has to be stopped!

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Pedophilia must indeed be stopped. But pedophilia doesn't involve 15 year olds, not unless you're talking about 15 year olds hurting children under the age of puberty. Because once a child hits puberty, they're no longer covered by the term of pedophilia. Being attracted to children between 12 - 17 is ephebophilia.

Rape doesn't just damage children for life. It damages adults for life too. I saw a lot of rank things growing up in various foster homes. Sick stuff. I personally would change laws so that the age of consent is 25, with violators facing severe punishment. I'd also make it so the age between partners must never be more than maybe 5 years, unless they're already deep into their adulthood, divorced a few times, then they can go 10 years in whatever direction.

Of course this is a very non-Biblical view since the Bible and many Christian households push for child marriage at even younger than 15. That Ducks Dynasty guy said girls should be cranking out babies by 14. Roy Moore and his supporters said "it's just a southern thing" to young teen date girls as an adult man. I've never been shuttled to a southern state but I've sure read enough blogs from religious men of the south claiming it's God's way to have adult men begin families with 13/14/15 year olds.

As for everyone else's taxes going for unwanted/unplanned kids (bad choices as you call them), that's why abortion is so popular among the Right. The Left would prefer all family planning options AS WELL AS funding to make sure babies who do get born will never go hungry, will always be safe and well taught, and live in good homes. (i.e., "your money".)

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Sorry, but yes,it does. No matter how mature they believe they are, 15 yr olds are still children.

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I agreed that 15 year olds are still children. I went even further by stating that no one should date until they are 25. Do you nor read before you shoot back? All I did was correct you when you said that sex w/ 15 - 16 year olds is pedophilia. It for a fact isn't. It's ephebophilia. Pedophilia is a desire for someone under the age of puberty.

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We didn't make such fine hair not picking distinctions, under age was still a child ; ergo pedophilia. That "distinction" is pointless in terms off the damage done.

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The whole "Epstein Island" had 1 purpose.

Giving the JEWS power over every celebrity and politician so their agenda goes forward without fail.

Not one pos has the guts to say it. NOT ONE.

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No, it did not; it was simply gratifying pedophiles, NOT all of wom are Jews by blood or belief,by a very long stretch! Take your bigoted hate and go elsewherewhere, child!

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Liar. Epstein Island was a JEWISH OPERATION.




We know who you are, hook beak.

Why don't you tell us why you think there weren't any people on earth before Genesis when the book of Genesis clearly says that there is, you scriptural ignoramus?

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You must be a socialist communist promoting Critical Race Theory. If you have one person of a race (Jews) does something really evil then all Jews are equally evil and need to be dealt with. This is the same old Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat idea promoted by the Godless Carl Mark (oops wait he was Jewish).

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A socialist communist that quotes Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn and attacks the Jews openly, when Judaism is the wellspring from which communism flows.

That...is pretty effing stupid right there.

You can call him "Karl Marx", you can call him "Moses Mordecai Levi", I know all about communism and have studied it in depth.

How many sources would you like to prove communism comes from Judaism?

Would you like Jewish sources that state that? Or non-Jewish sources that state that? I can do both.

In fact, I can fill about 10 pages with "communism comes from Judaism" references. I even have a few books here I can quote from, if you'd like. I not only ask you to debate communism's Jewish origins...

I BEG YOU to dispute this with me.

I promise, that is a dispute you will quickly lose.

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Epstein' s, or anyone else', bloodlines had NOTHING to do with the sins committed there. Te Bible tells us no such thing.

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Yeah, that's real smart. What kind of a moron seriously can't see the pattern of "evil shit happening - oh look, there's a JEW!" Like, EVERY SINGLE TIME?

At what point is one allowed to begin generalizing?

I like to work in facts. Unlike you. And here's a fact. A bunch of them, in fact, all rolled into 1 fact.

You've heard of "saints", right? Some folks are canonized into sainthood? By matter of historical fact...22 canonized saints BECAME SAINTS because they were WHITE CHRISTIAN CHILDREN that were MURDERED BY JEWS.

That's FACT. That's REAL.

There aren't 22 saints that were killed by negros.

There aren't 22 saints that were killed by Asians.

Or killed by wolves. Or bears. Or even snakes.

But Jews? There are 22 saints that were children ritually murdered by Jews.

That fact should SICKEN you. Knowing this, you should look upon Jews and WRETCH. That's not one isolated incident. THAT IS A PATTERN OF REPEATED BEHAVIOR COMMITTED BY 1 GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO HAPPEN TO BE JEWS.

And I'm PARTICULARLY TIRED of you trying to give people who are seriously SHIT a pass.

Have you seen any of the videos of Jews spraying water from their sinks out their windows on tik tok, boasting about having water in their houses but FUCK the Palestinian children that are suffering? I bet you haven't.

Jews are fucking VILE. But I'll make a deal with you, ok?

If you bring me a Jew that 1: admits they're not the "chosen people", 2: admits the holocaust is a lie, 3: admits they're not Hebrews nor Israelites, 4: admits the land called "Israel" is stolen, and 5: admits to being the seed of Lucifer, 6: takes responsibility and begs forgiveness for every Christian murdered, deceived, or cheated by a Jew, and 7: admits that Jews want to enslave all of humanity and exterminate all who stand against them...you bring me a Jew that will admit to all that, and I will anoint his feet with oil and give him the chance to bless the TRUE ISRAEL, and in doing so "be blessed".

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"Jew" is a contraction of "Judean" ( descendent of Judah ben Jacob)! What you want is a liar to satisfy your hate and anti-Semitic bigotry. Even if I knew 1 willing,I would not do that.

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Look at whom ALL THREE of his eldest kids married: Jew. Jewess. Jewess.

Ivana was a Czechoslovakian Jewess and Russian spy.

It ain't hard...

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Thanks Michael. God Bless.

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there..."

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Wow, so much anti-Semitism in these comments, bible prophecy is right again!!

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Wow! Another victim of propaganda!

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Not yours,thankfully! Hate is such an ugly disease!

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Sandy...you too funny!

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She's a bit of an idiot.

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You do not have permission to address me in that manner!

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Should I be scared?

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No, you should be apologetic for your uncalled for rudeness.

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Only of God

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Hate is a gift from GOD for protection from our ENEMIES, you serpent seed Moloch sucking Ba'al worshiper.

I forgot, you've never READ Genesis, but I promise, it's in there dummy.

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Not the sort of bigoted hate you have consistently been spewing! It's STRAIGHT out of Satan's playbook.

I not only have read Genesis, but more than 15 entire translations, cover to cover, and NT's from several others. That's how little you know.

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Well, gee, genius, Genesis 3:15 is QUITE CLEAR when it says "And I shall place ENMITY (enmity means hatred, genius) between THY SEED and the woman's seed." That HATRED is put there BY GOD, and "THY SEED" is the seed of Lucifer. That's, ahh, who God's actually SPEAKING to here.

You, ahh...are aware God isn't chatting up a snake, here, right? Like, if your honest contention is that God was sitting on a rock talking to snakes in the garden...I'm going to make some phone calls and have you committed to the loony bin. There were no talking snakes in "Genesis".

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Enmity is Not what you're spewing; all you've got is pure, unadulterated Satanic HATE for Yhwh's chosen people, a very dangerous, for you, practice! That "I will curse those who curse you" promise to Abraham still holds,you know.

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You don't know the first thing about the Bible.

Careful where you tread. You'll get shredded like Sandra here.

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Yes it is, as always!

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re #2, there was the Heidi Fleiss High Class Madam scandal a million years back. Men have always rented sex. Makes no difference if they're rich or poor, famous or nobodies, evangelical leaders or seething atheists. Charlie Sheen was one of the man famous men who got outed and he turned around and made it look cool.

re #3, we have to be careful about people construing history to their own set of preconceived beliefs. I don't think anyone doubts the physical stories of the Bible like Noah's Ark here. Atheists just say there was no religious motivation behind it. The glory of Jesus shouldn't be sullied by us pointing at geographical and archeological stuff as some sort of proof. I've been to hundreds of sermons in scores of towns and some pastors try to use the existence of the pyramids as proof of God but that's just so faulty and gives atheists a great place to begin arguing that we're dumb hicks. An educated atheist will try to tell you all about why the Seven Plagues happened and none of it will be religion-based. He'll try to tell you why the small region of Ararat got flooded, not the whole world. Let's not get wrapped up in the concrete history stuff from the Bible. The glory of God and the salvation of Jesus shouldn't hang on proving stuff that any atheist archeologist already concedes as true.

As for why none of Jeff Epstein's clients have been arrested, well I'll just say that one of them did get arrested and he's been indicted on 91 charges so far. None related to his best friend though.

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Regarding your #3: without the Ark, there could not have been Messiah. Genesis wasn't terribly clear about why the flood was necessary, but the Book of Enoch( Noah's great grandfather) is, graphically so! Even though it's not canon, it is history, which backs up what the Bible tells us about the history that relates to Jesus. THAT is the reason why archaeological finds today are so important . They reinforce the veracity of Scripture on all points. Noah was "suitable" along with his sons and their wives, because their DNA was still pure human, not mixed with fallen angels, or anything else! Satan had quite the husbandry program going in Enoch's time: plants, animals, even humans. Jesus' mother's DNA had to be pure human (His fFather's was pure Holy Spirit God).

The global flood was taught as GEOLOGICAL FACT over 60 yrs ago, backed up with evidence thereof. There is also anthropological evidence supporting that: every cultural group around the world, even at "1st contact" with 1st world cultures, has a flood trditionfor the same time frame. That was a surprise to anthropologists, but not geologists. But then, a flood of that proportion would warrant some notice, even among the most primitive and isolated cultures.

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"They reinforce the veracity of Scripture on all points"

I'm sorry, are you trying to CONVERT atheists, or CREATE them? If someone tried to pull that line with me in any sermon, I would seriously reconsider whether being a believer in Christ also means I have to be a believer of fantasy. You gave the atheists and Satan permission to call us uninformed, gullible rubes. There was no global flood. FULL STOP. Will there always be attempts to twist some facts hard enough to make it look like the global flood was accurate? Sure. And other bearers of false witness (like you) will always be there to bolster the lie. We need to help people understand the TRUTH of Jesus Salvation through God's abundant love, and not try to tie it into easily disproven archeological occurrences that atheists, geologists, and historians already accept as fact (like the size of Noah's flood, and the seven plagues, and so on).

Look at it as a sales job I suppose. If you were selling wrinkle cream, you'd praise the things it actually does and sell it because of facts. But if you start trying to tie in things which are unproven and/or patently false, like "this cream will save your marriage, it will improve your DNA, it will make your bowel movements not stink!", then you've lost sight of the truth and you're just showing a desperation that a wonderful product does not need. And the holiest salvation of Jesus Christ doesn't need untruthful claims about historical events.






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As I suspected from your start,you follow the modern "faux Christianity";the real reason the apostasy has occurred. The modern "church's" are no different than the world around them; hollow, empty, and spiritually dead.Something over 40 yrs ago I had been praying about the situation in a church of which I was a member, and the Lord answered my prayers with just 5 words, from the book of Isaiah, as I was crossing the parking lot on my way to Sunday morning services: " The Glory has gone out!". Would... Could... you even understand what that phrase means? At the time, I thought it referred to just 1 congregation. By the end of that decades, I knew it was a much broader pronouncement.

Do you not understand that without repentance there is no redemption from sin, and without redemption there is no salvation? No, I don't suppose you do, anymore than you know that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. I pray you learn those truths in time and freely choose to act on that, because time is very short now. And the only place you will encounter those truths now is in a truly BIBLE preaching church, or a pre 1960 translation of the Bible!. You call Biblical TRUTH "fantasies"; it's you living and believing in fantasies.. I learned about the global flood 1st in a public school science class, then it was reinforced in a university level course by the anthropology information. At that time I knew about God from 1 of those dead churches, but had yet to be one redeemed, and begin learning the WORD in all it's aspects. At present, you are too blinded and deafened by the things you WANT to hear, the"tickling of your ears". I pray Yhwh can penetrate that in time to save your soul. I haven't that ability. But know this: you MUST freely choose to become redeemed! He will not cross your free will, even to save your very soul. You might start by reding the whole of the OT, so you can properly understand the NT built upon it. It's there you learn about the concepts of repentance, redemption, remission of sin, sanctification, and how they apply in the NT.

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Please consult a psychiatrist for possible schizophrenia, or a cult deprogrammer for your false Biblical views.

You speak of things not written in the Bible. The Bible doesn't speak of DNA whether in regards to Jesus' lineage or any other thing. That blather is all made up by man. God warned us that man will attempt to change His Word. You are doing exactly what God forbade. Your lies are exciting, aren't they?

The ironic thing is that in this exchange between us, you proved that you are bastardizing God's Word and that it is YOU who needs all of the 'advice' your forked tongue just tried to give me: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=god+warned+us+that+man+would+try+to+change+the+scripture

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It wasn't a global flood.

If it was a global flood, when why do Chinese records continue uninterrupted during that time?

And why do the original manuscripts point to the flood being in a specific area?

Stupid ignoramus. You know NOTHING off what the Bible says.

Hook beak liar.

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Of course there was no global flood. Those who wrote the earlier, more superstitious claims of the Bible had to adhere to the writing style of the times. Huge, fantastical beasts, crazy, impossible weather, plagues, etc., all were common in pre-Biblical writings as well.

Add to that how it was passed down orally for many generations, AND remember that the ultimate writers of the Scripture don't have much of a story without fantastic, mind-blowing sagas. God is the greatest of course, but they decided to sell God's everlasting love to converts by snagging real-world events and piggybacking God onto them. This was all before Jesus anyway, at which point a convert would have to have *Jesus* in their heart to ascend to Heaven, an issue not important prior to his resurrection.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

And then you have simple contemporary history. Point blank, during the time of the "Noah flood", there were people in what we now call "China" that recorded the event, and their history is UNBROKEN during this time. Which is to say, if the flood was global, the Chinese sure are some good swimmers. I mean, all anyone needs to do to figure this stuff out is read the book and apply a little common sense and some accurate Hebrew translations.

The problem is, because what was once a RACIAL MOVEMENT and IDEOLOGY was corrupted into some "inclusive global religion", it has created ego-driven dogmatic zealots.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

The problem is the lies and mistranslations that have crept into the Bible over the years. It has led to a great many people disbelieving and turning away. How many people genuinely believe Jesus was Jewish? A huge majority, despite it being a total falsehood.

And the "Noah flood" WAS a localized event, you know. Correct Bible translation says this. It would be patently ridiculous to think that every race on earth is somehow descended from Noah's sons. It's one of the created falsehoods designed to turn people away because of the obviousness of it.

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We have first Century documents of the Bible in Greek Aramaic and Hebrew. The dead Sea scrolls had parts of most all new testament books all word for word today. They have the entire book of Isiah and it's word for word of what we have today. Is the message and truth lost? No what given as true from the beginning is still true and knowable today God promised that. To reject that is to be part of the great falling away and predicted false doctrine to come in the last days where men no longer tolerated sound doctrine and embrace doctrines of demons.

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None of that matters if you have mistaken "Jews" for "Israelites".

The Jews THEMSELVES admit they are NOT ISRAELITES.

The Jewish Almanac (as Jewish a source as you can GET) 1980 Pg. 2 says, and I quote, "Strictly speaking, it is INCORRECT to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew", or to call a contemporary Jew a "Hebrew" or "Israelite"."

So why would you, or anyone else, think the Jews are the Hebrews / Israelites of the Bible, when they themselves admit this is false?

I mean, I hate to sound flat-out insulting...but are ya kinda dumb there?

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Yes they have. But you don't need to add to them.

Noah's flood is documented geologically and anthropologically alike. Only Bible discreditors claim it was a "local event". As for JESUS being Jewish: Messiah HAD to be a son" of Adam, of Noah, and of David (Judean), as well as of Yhwh! Mary was Jewess, descended from Adam, Noah, and David, so passed that heritage to her Son. Jesus' own words that HE came to seek and save the "lost" (spiritually speaking) children of Israel, blow that straight out of the water.

Oh AND FYI, a very extensive and global research study on mitochondrial DNA, passed mother to child, demonstrates exactly 4 strains present in humanity today ( or at least in the 1st decade of this century): how many human females were there on the Ark, again? Oh yeah, exactly 4! Once again , your bigotry and science ignorance are showing clearly...

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Where can I look to read extensively on your mitochondrial DNA claims in your final paragraph? 4 strains present in humanity? Can't find anything about it but I'm dying to learn.

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I didn't keeps link, although that'd be no guarantee it's still available, but it should be in any journals on DNA, among science publications. BTW, the 4 strains were fairly equally represented in all ethnic groups, as well.

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(Prepare for a non-answer because you won't be getting a real one.)

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No, hookbeak, your Zionist lies don't work here.




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You are 1 very sick child!BTW I haven't a dro of "Jewish" blood in me, only covering me from my Redeemer, Judean Jesus.

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You mean she don’t you? Oh yeah she was a procurer not a client

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No, Trump may be very, very effeminate but he still qualifies as a he.

And just because Trump procured a lot of the minors from his wingman doesn't mean he wasn't also a huge client. Or hell who knows, maybe because they were such good friends, Jeff didn't charge Donald? I get what you're saying now.

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Jeffrey Epstein...JEW.

Giselle Maxwell...JEW.

Epstein & Maxwell's EMPLOYERS...JEWS.

How come everyone yammers about Epstein and never says the J word?

The false "Israel" is THE GLOBAL HUB of human and sex trafficking.

When you all going to stop letting false Bible teachings con you into letting Satan's children run unchecked upon the globe?

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So only the Jews are Satan's people, really ?

Paul clearly states God is not done with the nation of Israel as they play their part in the redemption and judgement of the world.

Except for the cloak of God's perfect righteousness that He gives us to cover our sins because in ourselves we are all son's of the devil, we can not stand before God. So before you take the speck out of your brothers eye (Israel) take the plank out of your own eye first.

All the nations of the world are under the control of the prince and power of the Air, he is the God of this (fallen) world. Israel is just as much a victim of this as America is. In fact America is much worse we are the center of it with occult masonic lodge of England and the USA. To single out Israel that needs the Gospel and just spew hate is not Christ like. Jesus wept over Israel rejecting Him. Jesus said, How I longed to gather you as a hen gathers her chick but you were unwilling. It is God's heart and desire that all men come to repentance and be saved. That needs to be where your heart is.

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Would you really be so ignorant as to believe the "Israel" of the Bible has ANYTHING to do with the "Israel" created by Rothschild Ashkenazi Jews in 1948?

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So your God is a little puny God who is not King of Kings and Lord of Lords who establishes all nations and rules, he raises them up and tears them down. God used Pagan Babylon and Assyria to accomplish His purposes and he raised up Pharaoh to persecutes God's people, he raised up Pilate to give the order to crucify Christ. God used Satan to make Job's life on earth a living hell, when Job complained God asked what are you complaining about what I'm doing in your life, God took full credit foe befell Job. Nothing is impossible for God. Remember Jesus cursed Isreal for rejecting Him to embrace the Anti-Christ in the last days as their messiah to save them as a nation and people. The tTemple Institute who are ready to build the 3rd temple believe their messiah is about to come and bring world peace and rule from Israel. That is happening now. Israel had to come back into the land for that to happen.

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Once again...you have mistaken "Jews" for "Israel".

Not sure why you keep doing this.

I assume it's intentional.

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yes with a deep study of History both Biblical and secular makes it very clear. It is your blind hatred, bigotry and arrogant bias that blinds you to the truth, I really do feel sorry for you.

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When? When they are starving and dodging bombs. AKA too late.,

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Of course, we have the admission from IDF that they were the ones who had attacked cars and other Israelis at the concert (all those burnt up cars for example were not Hamas, but IDF from apache helicopters) in fog of war as well indiscriminately killing hostages and hamas fighters alike at the Kibbutz with not only small arms in the crossfire, but tanks too (indicative of the rubble).

Why are we not hearing that a good part of the high death count was because of IDF collateral damage (Hannibal doctrine?) and not indiscriminate killing by hamas? This is all supported by Israeli citizens' testimony, as well that when one on one personal contact with hamas soldiers Israeli citizens said they were treated respectfully?

Why? Because that doesn't feed into the wanted narrative of course, which would make it a lot harder to condone genocide.

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So where was that admission? Really?? You just made that up, it's not true. There is a ton of evidence that is not true. Like survivors and people who were abducted then released by Hamas. Hamas bragged that they did this openly even the leaders said we will do this over and over again. Of course the Hostages Hamas released were treated well, they are all about the propaganda machine. Wow!

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Sex offender!

Child molester!


You can take your GROOMING ASS elsewhere!

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“After the pilots realized that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian, a decision was made that the first mission of the combat helicopters and the armed Zik drones was to stop the flow of terrorists and the murderous mob that poured into Israeli territory through the gaps in the fence. 28 combat helicopters fired over the course of a day The fighting all the ammunition in their stomachs, in rearming rounds. These are hundreds of 30 mm cannon shells (the effect of a spray grenade for each shell) as well as the Hellfire missiles. The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”- The Israeli Airforce

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Here is one. They are not hard to find.


Which is it though? You seem to be a bit psychotic in your reply, first you say it isn't true and I made it up then you say it is true. Or do you not realize how Schizophrenia looks?

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Thank you God bless

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"Conspiracy theory" is just another leftist tactic to shut down truth tellers, in most cases, because most of what they are quick to do label proves to be truth. They know it will, so they hope to head off any serious investigation, by most,of the information presented. It ranks with "disinformation" for honesty and value.

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So is "bigot" and "anti-Semite", hypocrite.

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Watch out for those other 3 fingers of yours...

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I'm...sure this means something...

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Indeed it does... Figure it out.

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Why don't you try and figure out why you believe such stupid shit like there not being any people on Earth before Genesis, when it's plainly stated in the book of Genesis that there are other people on Earth. That'd be a good thing for you to shut up and figure out.

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Because Yhwh said so; it's simple.

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Pertaining to #2 above. I believe that this is explained in Whitney Webbs book "One Nation Under Blackmail". In it she explains how blackmail can be used to gain and hold political power. These men caught in this situation are more valuable as blackmailees than as convicts. Thanks Michael. God bless.

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