Add #4. How do you champion the middle class you just destroyed building back better with your illegals invasion and your BIG Tech puppet masters destroying middle class jobs with A I?

It is physically impossible to crowd fund $81 million votes… I mean dollars, 🧐, in less than 24 hours. Unless the CrowdStrike DNC single point of failure connected to every voting machine, vote counting depot in the world, and all the major banking, were to throw up a smoke screen Y2K. To cover up the A I controlled massive counterfeit bank accounts micro donations. To make it appear like a few $Billionaire Oligarch donations is millions of smaller “grass roots” donations. Like they first tested out on Bernie. But due to the compressed time frame, they needed the smoke screen. Like they needed to “halt the vote count”. To recalibrate voter fraud Algore~Rythms to get the needed 81 million votes.

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Well said AD the entire Dem party now is just big corrupt sham, where everything is a lie all smoke and mirrors and it's going to get worse. The lie the people are funding us LOL LOL LOL.

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How many of the 600k that were told they had covid19 who were put in hosptals & nursing homes that were murdered by them were possibly Biden voters 🤔

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I like the way you think! I can't believe I didn't see it before. Act Blue has been laundering money into the Democratic Party for awhile now. They use the identities of actual small donors and funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into their coffers. It's called "smiurfing".


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Biden's medical emergency is just more evidence of how the nation has been lied to. Biden did not want to leave, he did not want Harris as president. Now the party pushed Biden out and early talk was an open convention, but they want to mimic the Republican unity, they think that is the golden ticket to win. So they all closed their eyes and leaped. I still think Harris is on the bubble. If she does poorly in the next 30 days things could change again, who knows? Trump's last rally was in a huge sports arena, Harris's last rally, was in a High school gym. This never-ending story is long from over and more chaos is coming.

My big conspiracy thought was the shooter might be like a Manchurian candidate, with a govt guide or coach, we know this because of the phone records. A phone that was in DC and at the shooter's home. Then, Trump's protection was almost non-existent. If they tracked the phone they should know who it is, I pray this all comes out. If this were a Dem operative, it would be huge.

I still believe disclosure is close. Multiple encounters with aliens have one common theme of several, is that we are watching you and we will not allow you to blow yourselves up, they will intervene. Could this be the coming of the Anti-Christ with all his super technology to imitate what God can do? Again we will have to watch and see and pray. The sooner this comes the soon the Lord returns.

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Howdy Y'all,


I think it was Stalin who said,

"There are years whene nothing happens, and then there are weeks where DECADES happen."

I'm long Rope, Guillotine, Popcorn and Hot Dog stocks for the foreseeable future, FWIW.

Really, stop and consider just 'where' the Left actually IS currently...

Even thier own Die-Hard base is wavering with a slew of Mega-Donors either withdrawing or withholding the Big $$$ whilst thier solid base of 'Useful Idiot' voters has been jack-slapped so hard by REALITY that a fair amount of thoae are now questioning EVERYTHING they have been shovel-fed, forever...

Gee, does that sound like a recipe for Success?

Furthermore, consider the 'Down Ticket' implications if the Democrats DON'T manage a to pull off a 'Hat Trick' here shortly: GRIM doesn't even begin to serve as a descriptor for the Left's ambitions, eh?

Now, consider where the REST of America is...

It has been a truly long stretch since anyone could galvanize the Voting public behind a Republican candidate; DJT's first term notwithstanding. Likely the most recent such being the groundswell which developed behind Reagan during his two terms.


A preponderance of the WHOLE of the American public now viscerally grasps that what is occuring RIGHT NOW is - in reality - THE BATTLE for the Soul of the Nation. Whether that arises consciously or otherwise, even Blacks and Latino's - historically rabid Democrats - in looking at the ever degenerating circumstances of thier lives, ARE becoming aware that they have been LIED to on a scale hithero never imagined...and once Trust has been shattered it is impossibly difficult to ever regain, certainly..

Far from that - in summa - being cause for 'over the top' celebration, recall that at this MOMENT the Left STILL has within it's grasp the Levers of Power. What might they elect to DO with that ere they are innelluctably shorn OF that Power?

Somewhere amongst the real 'Powers That Be' I am relatively certain that those already have in place a "Sampson Option" such as the Israeli's once contemplated utilizing in the Six Day War.

THAT should be a truly sobering prospect for those amongst us blessed with the ability to THINK...

To all my Christian Brothers and Sisters, a Battle is being Win currently surely, but the WAR remains incomplete: Caution IS warranted.

Be Well, PLEASE be as Safe as you CAN in coming Days - we AREN'T out the Woods, YET - and be Blessed ABUNDANTLY,


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Just like the covid shots all over again Jog where I heard the description of using a sledgehammer to swat a fly.

God has once again allowed the mask to be pulled back from the beast revealing the truth to anyone who has any common sense who's really in control.

Because the war has arrived & its not a war against flesh & blood. The time for fence sitting is over & what people have to decide which master they will serve. Because that one decision will determine where they spend eternity because the day's of fence sitting & having a foot in both camps is over.

And we are about to move into a whole new reality because just like covid when the puppeteers doubled down to push there NWO. So they also know that they now only have until January next year to completely crash everything before Trump takes office & delays their evil NWO plan even more. So there's no doubt just like covid they will double down again to implement their evil agenda & thus reveal once again to anyone who's not completely deluded. What their true intentions are which is to completely enslave all of humanity with the Mark to the beast system.

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Thank you! You might be interested in this:

Aliens, the next psy-op?


I'll soon post about voice to skull tech.

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Even after the last 5 years of "bombshells" the bombs have proven to be not much more than empty husks. Not much has changed as the deranged and retarded continue to advance their putrid agendas. The Dummy is history and nothing will be gained by trying to sort out his decrepit and unsavory past. Let the dead rest.

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Forensic acoustical analysts are almost certain there were 4 shooters on the scene


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In order for that analysis to be accurate they would need to know the type of Gun that was used. "The acoustical characteristics of a firearm depend upon the type of gun and ammunition, and the azimuth with respect to the gun barrel. therefore, forensic gunshot acoustical analysis must include the overall sound level and the angular dependence for comparison to the recorded evidence. And you need the proper sound recording equipment to do this accurately."

This is a new field of forensic science. I would need to know who did this and their track record.

Just as in court the defense and the prosecution can put up experts to have two totally different views of forensic evidence. This report by itself is no where near enough to prove there were 4 shooters. I could never take a case to the prosecutor with just this, it's not enough. This does not prove there were four shooters. Why are so quick to get one little unverified piece of evidence and say yup this is 100% true. It may be but not yet.

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Sorta like the Las Vegas shooting

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Yes, one shooter was seen moving weapons to his room, but the video suggests another. This could of been reflections or echoes from one shooter. It would seem it all could be put together just not enough evidence.

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