FJB. The same to the Uni-Party.

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Michael.. Did you Print out in one of your Articles about AOC.. being Born Again. ? Not sure if this was your Articles. But She is Far from being Born Again.. if you haven't seen her Screaming in the New's Lately. She was with that Black Dude.. Not sure of his Name.. Far From being Born again..

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One must learn to circumvent the skuldrugery of a useless government.

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Yes, the economy continues to deplode and falls like a brick out of the sky.

Michael also stated,

"So far, the U.S. has spent a total of approximately 175 billion dollars on the war in Ukraine, and the Russians are still winning."

The Russians may be winning for now but that is quickly changing, here are 8 reasons why,

1Putin just fired his top generals and replaced them with family and people close to him (real trouble at home).

2. In May, Russia lost 1000 troops a day. (Russia is desperate for a big win).

3 Putin refuses to have a general draft for combat to replace troops, (a sign of the unpopularity of war)

4. Putin just had N Korea send troops to help fight in Ukraine. (he needs more troops)

5. In the last 12 days Russia has lost 12 fighter jets and at least 1 Airborne Brigade.

6. Russia has lost up to half a dozen S-300 S-400 anti-Air systems in the last week.

7. Does this mean F-16s are already flying missions in Ukraine and Russia?

Russia and the West are being tight-lipped.

8. Russia's head banker stated the war sanctions are crippling Russia's economy very quickly. Even China is suspending all currency exchanges for trade with Russia in fear of more sanctions from the West. This is killing technology growth and development, buying and selling. There is not much time.

Remember Russia and China truly hate each other (they have had an ongoing off-and-on conflict for years, and China to save its own butt is willing to throw Russia under the bus.

Putin's time in power may not be much longer. The tide is turning, he no longer has the ability with manpower to expand the war. NATO's open declaration that 350,000 troops are ready for battle, and are ready to arm their nuclear weapons, is putting more pressure on Putin. Both are playing the Nuclear blackmail game now, Putin may have miscalculated again.

This has to come to an end soon, fish or cut bait. Will Putin capitulate and, come to make peace with hat in hand or will it go nuclear? In any case, this is not far off. Will it be before or after the election?

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In satans view, they have a perfect track record.

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He is like “Bounty” “The quicker picker upper”

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