I live in Florida where every weather front is preceded by a fleet of aircraft spraying enormous contrails behind them - The contrails are not normal water vapor and ice crystals created by incomplete engine combustion... They also contain particulates that act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) that attract water and work to influence where it rains and where it doesn't rain. Droughts and floods, etc. Weaponized weather effecting food production, farms etc. Radiometric analysis of the trails proves they contain more than water vapor. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/chemtrails-are-not-contrails-a-radiometric

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Also, The Israeli/US extermination of GAZA civilians and children has essentially normalized mass murder or "democide". It began with the deliberate murder of civilians on 9/11/2001. GAZA was preceded by 9/11, Lahaina and Ukraine. Look for more "depopulation violence" to spread globally includoing North America and the USA.

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But what about the depopulation violence of Hamas Hezbullah, Iran and Syria? What is their motto? "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free", means Palestine will be free of all Jews. The #1 non-Arab book in Palestine is Hitler's Mein Kampf. The Abraham Accords were making progress toward a two-state solution. At the self-admitted direction of Iran, Hamas attacked to stop that process. Why? They don't want peace or a two-state solution, they want Israel gone. Did not the Gazan's attack civilians also (democide)? Even captured Gazan fighters have now admitted they used their own civilians as shields in the war to maximize civilian deaths.

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Cue the anti-semitism in 3, 2, 1..........

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Zionists began their movement as agents of the British Empire. Zionists are not religious Jews who exercise a humble and spiritual reverence to God. Racism is inherent in Zionism as they are full of PRIDE, a sin of self-indulgence with a prime agenda to advance economic wealth and power over anyone who is not a Zionist. - Here is the Truth about Palestine - https://youtu.be/cZ55JmOlSdg

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

The whole ring of fire has been increasingly active over the past decade. If it's not a quake, it's a volcano. The rest of the world's volcanoes are joining in, and fault lines as well. But those are just the birth pangs of what's really coming. Then there are the locusts cropping up... All as prophesied, before anyone even heard of a "matrix" by which to distract the gullible... BOLO the rest of the plagues that befell Egypt, before Pharaoh got the message, they too are coming.

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I agree. Earth is entering a so-called "disaster cycle" influenced by something called the "Galactic Current Sheet" which will destabilize the solar system AND the SUN with a troublesome "dust" that some say will cause the sun to do a huge blast or a "micro-nova" The North magnetic is currently racing towards Siberia and the southern magnetic pole is scheduled to stop in the Indian ocean where North and South will eventually converge. These events are putting stress on human and animal neuro pathways. It's not quite the end-of-the-world but it could be a cyclical "depopulation event" where nature performs a GREAT RESET then things begin to stabilize for the next cycle. Changes in our neighbor planets have already been documented. - See the Ben Davis Disaster Cycle videos here and spread the word - https://youtu.be/j635Cv2aOlA

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I don't agree that this is just a natural process. What seems on one hand to be an ordered cycle and then on the other hand pure chaos, cannot be explained away by science logic or reason. Like the absurd, stupid and totally unscientific idea that we naturally evolved from apes. According to all known principle of science even the law of thermal dynamics, where everything diminishes or Dollo's law of irreversibility, it's just not possible. There is a God in Heaven the rules all things revealed In Christ with power over nature and its laws it's called miracles. They are real God does Reigh. We need to find Him and the truth about creation before the law of Thermo-dynamics takes over your body and exposes your soul for waht it is in nature, evil.

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I don't totally disagree however waiting for an unpredicatable X-class flare in order to arrange an earthquake seems like a tall order for incompetent technocrats. Also the reports by "Dutch Since" are significantly predictable about the geographic probabilities of the next quake. - https://youtu.be/ou0mZmSB9Wk

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You are, of course, free to disagree, or disbelieve, for now. There is a day coming, in the foreseeable (now) future, when your knees too will bow and your tongue confess, the truth that He is Lord, along with those of every human who has lived. I heartily suggest you consider a change of heart and mind, while it's your choice to do so. If you wait, 'til that point, your default choice for eternity will have been made, and I suspect you will not be too happy with it. Jesus is just waiting for you to turn to Him in repentance, to seek and accept His freely offered gift of forgiveness and eternal life with Him.

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I'm not disagreeing with the concept, As a "believer', I keep an open mind that there are 2 realities to the earth's disaster cycle. One is man-made weather and geophysical weapons and the other is a natural cycle involving the galactic current sheet, migration of the magnetic poles, solar micro-nova etc. You may not know that I've been very informed on both sides of this issue for decades.

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There is a 3rd your books will not mention: Divine intervention. As I said, Yhwh God has used weather and other natural seeming events, as His tools. Don't you think it's just a bit curious that all these disasters were foretold by His prophets 2+ millennia ago, and are coming to pass just as the globalist' 500+ yr plan and Yhwh God's 3.5 K + plan are converging, as our tech advancements allow for predicted things to be accomplished?

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The last 1 happened in the days of Joshua, this 1 was prophesied for this time, long since. I know the science of what, and I know the Source of WHY as well. He has used natural events many times in the past to accomplish His purposes, as He is doing now. No, this world will continue on at least another1007 yrs, perhaps a bit longer, before it is destroyed, then new replacements are made, including new "heavens", so an universal make over. The Author of these events knows far better than any of His creatures, what He is doing and why, but He chose to tell us in advance. He's probably a more complete and reliable source for information...

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As an independent world trends researcher 47 experiential not simply book knowledge years, I appreciate your findings offer great depth. I, like Delta Force’s comment below, agree we are very likely living in a simulation.

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The only way out of the Matrix is taking the red pill, we do have a choice. Red is great, because of the blood of Christ shed on the cross and the death he endured on our behalf we can escape the matrix of this demonic age and be overcomers in Christ for eternity, without that we cannot see God.

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Solar X flares are mentioned as a Quake warning - DutchSince - https://youtu.be/ou0mZmSB9Wk

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Would you go so far as to theorize the solar X-flares associated with the quakes are used as "cover" for man made quakes?

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These are merely the beginning of the birth pangs Jesus talked about preceding the events to the coming of the end of this age. Signs in the sky, the oceans and earth/nature (famines) and the events of men (war) leading to death and lots of it. All signs showing things are moving very quickly. The miracle of all this is that is all happening at once as Jesus and the prophets predicted.

After that (the beginning of the birth pangs) Jesus says things really kicks into high gear,

Jesus, "Then they will deliver you to tribulation, (thlipsin-affliction) and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.

They (the powers under the Anti-Christ) will afflict the true church even unto death.

How much death? Rev 7:9-17 multitudes that no man could number (millions) killed from all nations (that includes America). Daniel 7 & Rev 13 (God's plan for the last days church is to be under the Great affliction, God sends Satan to earth (anti-Christ) for this very purpose to have authority over all nations Including the USA and to purify His Church via the great affliction.

Why? Because we are hated by all nations (that includes America) This is now just beginning and it will get much worse.

And what will this cause? A great revival where Christians just rise up in power?

The great affliction will cause many Christians not only to fall away (abandon the faith) but betray real Christians, even members of their own families. The Great affliction causes a great falling away.

Yes, many will come to Christ, but not to rise up, but to follow in Christ's footsteps and lay their lives down as martyrs. Thus, in death we make a spectacle of the enemy (Satan and his anti-christ) as Jesus did on the cross and set the example for us. Colossians 2:15, John 13:15 & 1Peter 2:21-25.

Just look at the great story of the two witnesses who are also martyred. Rev 11.

Then Jesus says,

Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.

(they will preach the opposite of what Jesus is saying will happen to the church in the last days).

When the reality of what Jesus just says sets in, the love of many will grow cold and outward sin explodes.

Jesus then says, But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole [g]world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

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MrMBB333 has a short but good report on the Japan Quake - https://youtu.be/QR3pYGEToqg

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DutchSince has analysis on the Japan Quake - https://youtu.be/ou0mZmSB9Wk

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Harold, we got it. Thanks for the multitude of comments

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"Tired Citizen"..Ha!...Great handle

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