Welcome to where time stands still...and everything is totaled all at once while we watch in paralysis:

Those woke clueless politicians and bureaucrats were installed so that when things the Lahaina and Palisades fires 'happen' they will get the blame rather than the globalists injecting them into government while setting the woke agenda. It’s backwards from what most think. The “competency crisis” is a deliberate controlled demolition masquerading around as an accident of well meaning useful virtue signaling idiots:


Just as the catastrophic damage Snyder can't help but doom porn from the blimps presiding over this march to utter ruin: The wildfires were not caused due to incompetence, but rather “on purpose malice” posing as incompetence.

Blessings to the victims.

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The Hybrid War To Destroy Los Angeles: Emerald Robinson

"You know it’s a military operation because the LA fires are so well-timed & the battlefield is so well prepared."


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It was real hard to save extra for retirement when in 2000 our 401k lost 50%😡 After OBummer took office in 2008 our 401k and IRA dropped and our homes lost value so loans were upside down. It seems the answer to every downturn is to take from retirement plans. Money didn’t disappear, it went in the Billionaires pockets😡. The interest gave us nothing, just our input covered all the losses. I finally just closed mine out and said I wasn’t paying billionaires and banks anymore.

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Btw put our social security money back😡. I will tell them what they can do with the bonds🤠. Quit bringing people across the border and giving them everything, then there will be more money! Quit letting families live on govt assistance for 3 generations😡. You choose to have 10 babies is not my problem. Quit playing ball all day in the inner city so 1 in 1000 can get into a league where they play a game for a living😡. Get an education then get a job like the rest of us. I refuse to support ANY of the WOKE professional sports anymore.

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Why would they need our funny paper money? Don't they just print this stuff ?

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Nixon changed it to be backed by oil, now it’s fiat currency… printing more just causes inflation ie@ making it worth less. Just keep on printing it and soon it will be worthless. However, does anyone have a real alternative yet?

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The problem isn't retirees, millions who have paid in thousands every month to this government scam, the problem is government has used it to fund families that have children with "disabilities" such as "adhd" , they have used it to fund young adults with "disabilities" such as a hurt knee, they have used it to fund socialism. Again , retirees have paid their trillions of dollars to this fraud scam, while government gave away that money to people who should have taken responsibility for themselves and for their families. Had ssi been used for it's single purpose, supplementing retirement , we wouldn't have a problem. As far as the stats claiming that people are living 20 years after they turn 65 I'm calling bs on that too. I know too many people who died before they even reached 65 and those few who survived to that mark, 1, only one of them made it to age 79. Take note people, those people who died before age 65 never received a dime of what the government stole from them. I'm retiring in a year and I fully expect that the money the government has extorted from me over the 50 years will start to be returned, I will never see all that money back, hundreds of thousands, but, I will receive some of it and I feel no guilt at all about getting back what is mine. Those taking from it who haven't paid into it until retirement, you should feel the weight of guilt on your shoulders.

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Precisely because we are the wealthiest nation on earth, solutions to this 'crisis' are easy to come by, except our financial system works to ensure more wealth for the wealthy, cutting short the rest of us. Medicare and Social Security are not the problems, again, look at how our political representatives have no problem wasting billions on war, destruction, and chaos, Yes, change needs to happen, but don't look at the current crop of politicians to change it. It must come by way of us, working to turn this 'perishing republic" around.

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Die Weltmacht USA ist sowas von Pleite, die Braucht den 3. Weltkrieg, vorgestern nicht morgen..!

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Canada is worse!

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The day is coming when the government will not be able to fund social security and Medicare at all. Most seniors are not ready for that social nightmare. When will that happen? When the citizens and the world realize the emperor has no clothes on.

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I hear ya, brother!

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America is already officially bankrupt. That is based on the percentage of financial obligations over what America takes in each year in taxes. They just don’t talk about it and they hope you don’t think about it. Also the elimination of 90% of the world’s population ( part of the WEF policy to make the world greener and safer) would largely be targeted toward anyone over 70. This should alarm everyone in our society but a majority of young people today think that as a nation we have to make cuts and elimination of the older population so that we can stay financially stable to keep being the richest nation in the world. ( in other words so the younger population can have everything they want and live the high life).

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Again another sign how hopeless the economic situation is under this fiat dollar system. This has no place to go but belly up. Then we all become slaves to the system to survive not just the elderly.

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Apart from all the Waffle from U.S. NotMyGov, & going by U.S Treasury's 'Stated' INABILITY just to Pay Monthly 'Interest Only' payments on said U.S Debt to the PRIVATELY OWNED U.S. Fed, I'm betting, that if Jan & Joe Citizen waltzed down to the Joe 'Biden his time' from Unaware - Sorry - Delaware & Camel Harris 'Guarded', Pension/401K U.S$ 28 Trillion Vault, You could probably use it as an Echo Chamber! May explain Rollout of Some MediKill protocol in 2020/21, with Older U.S (& other Countries IN 'League') Citizens, being FIRST in Line for their Jabs! - Er, Um, For 'Their' Health optimisations - OF COURSE! Apologies again! ER, that's the Older Citizens NOT 'Isolated', without ANY Support - Hospitals Inclusive!

Later, @ a U.S Vault near EWE; "Where's the God Damn Pension Coin GONE - GONE - GONE -Gon__? Actually - ALL OF IT - IT- IT - I.T.__"


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Those in government have known about the dire straits Social Security has been in for quite a while. They always put out their goofy forecasts.

Since it's counted on by so many (who would punish them if they messed with it) the cowards do what they love to do.

Kick the can down the road. 😡

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Diese Probleme trifft die Mehrheit der Menschen auf diesem Planeten, ich lebe in Europa und sehe wie die Verarmung der Rentner enorm zunimmt. Die Zukunft wird spannend....

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We might be the luckiest "retirees" in human history though.

Our Baby Boom generation never have to experience big Wars, real pandemics, starving in squalor dirty living condition, ....

We actually get to live so long, in such healthy, wealthy, entertaining ....... environment. I only have gratefulness for America.

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Whoops, Big Mike is going bald. Aka male…

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Problem stems from far more people receiving Venetian those who actually pay taxes for the benefits. Single moms, blind people, cripples, damaged people all receive benefits. But benefits for people who do not pay into the Social Security system need to come from another source. Retirement benefits come from Social Security taxes on earnings. Those are the people who should collect from this system. Throwing into the same pool a much larger number of people who don’t pay in will bankrupt the system.

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At some point, soon, the well paid, wealthy (via insider trading) Congress will have to do something to keep America's promise to its elderly, who have done their part by paying taxes for many years. They have disrespected the elderly by refusing to tackle the problem for far too long. A society that does not honor their elderly is one destined for failure. Whatever is done-- raising taxes, raising the retirement age, limiting payments to those that need it, even cutting benefits-- must be done within a couple of years. Now, for those elderly who are struggling to exist on small SS payments, you have made your mess, so deal with it. For at least 50 years you have been advised to save for retirement. You have, for whatever your reason, failed to be financially prudent. You did not need all those new vehicles, RVs, boats or that mansion sized house. You did not need all those cruises or those fancy electronics. You traded your future comfort for living high. Many seniors sacrificed for years so not to be a burden on others. Let this be fair warning to the working youngsters. If you aren't saving for your future, you will suffer in your retirement years.

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God is Faithful to Supply 🙌

Proverbs 30:8-9 KJV

8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:

9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

1 Samuel 2:7 KJV

The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

Proverbs 13:7 KJV

There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.

Proverbs 28:6 KJV

Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

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Great writing

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