A good place to start is to quit shopping online. Go to the brick & mortar stores & support small business. Yes..May cost a bit more out of pocket, but what's the long term cost if we don't do that. That's just one small step. There are many more, but would take a book! We are being played, and have been for literally a century, likely 2 centuries!

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Brick and mortar stores don't have what is available online. Online is cheaper which is what people need when every penny counts.

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If it is of any consolation, the swamp creatures working for the District of Corruption are starting to experience what regular working Americans endure-- loss of jobs. It is only fitting that those whose allegiance is to the Deep State, instead of to the Constitution and the taxpaying citizens, feel the pain caused by mismanagement, corruption and outright theft. The joy ride is over. Now if there was a way to also inflict this pain on the FED, which is a major cause of inflation and the country's financial instability, we would enjoy the additional consolation. The problem, debt, has overburdened the financial system which is on the verge of collapse. Sorry, folks, there is no reverse and the brakes are no longer functional. In other words, prepare for the worst when the whole system collapses under the weight of debt that we cannot repay. Unfortunately, the replacement system will be worse than the present ponzi scheme.

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It will be if it is CBDCs.

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CBDC was what I was referring to. That will not be currency. Money in the cloud you don't even own. A reward/punishment system with controls held by the masters. Trump has promised no CBDC. Do you believe him? Protect yourselves-- buy gold, silver, commodities (good for trade or barter).

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All of this was happening while biden or who ever was actually in charge was in office, lot's of it was covered up. I'm pretty sure most people understand this wasn't going to be turned around on a dime. Every dime Musk is able to cut from spending in DC will help to bring down our debt , don't minimize the importance of what he is doing. We got into this mess because politicians sat around saying well a million here, a billion there , it won't make any difference. Millions and billions quickly add up to trillions.

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It's been decades long in the making and both parties are to blame. Bad and reckless decisions always come home to roost, eventually.

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A few points:

“𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙜𝙤?” Umm, are we better off than the WORST TIME in recent US history right after the inept mishandling of COVID-19? Yes, without question.

Retail sales, housing markets, mass layoffs, stores closing, debt, cost of living, health monitoring organizations no longer studying our quademic, etc… But none of this matters because little mister I Alone Can Fix It Because I Am The King 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙙 to fix everything! Oh ye (plural) of little faith and even less brains — King Trump isn’t really playing golf and being interviewed at Mar-a-Lago while doing so! He’s actually FIXING all of these problems! Rejoice in your great choice, the bankrupt tax cheat! He knows how to fix all of it! He doesn’t lie! He doesn’t make promise after promise and then fail to deliver every freaking time! He doesn’t tell voters what they want to hear just for votes!

Anyone with integrity will hold Mr Trump to the same demanding standards that they insisted upon Biden. We’ll see who has this integrity.

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We love you Michael!

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The only consumer sentiment I have control over is my own, not the one-size-fits-all nonsense. Most of these layoffs can be attributed to over-building, blotation and companies thinking they are going to grow forever.

There are way too many retail stores in many areas where growth has been like weeds in the wild over the last 30 years. I do prefer to shop at a store and not online when it is practical.

There are ways to get around inflation. Buying used or refurbished is one way or buying a slightly smaller or cheaper version of something. Screw trying to keep up with the Jones's.

True though is that some things you have little control over and may require a major change in plans to find better bargains.

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Am retired it’s ok

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Me too thank goodness!

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Elon Musk is the public face of a breakaway civilization that's replacing our current outmoded (obsolete) civilization, achieving a global "reset" of government, currency, medicine, technology, education and more.

On the good side, this will be amazing for the humans still around. On the down side, there are billions of humans that won't be needed.

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Elon Musk represents a breakaway civilization that’s actively replacing our obsolete society

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Sure, I don't mind being murdered so that one of Musk's A/i retards can take my place.

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Gosh you are being ugly .

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In Europa das gleiche....

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