All according to Plan, 2025 Deagel Report 90% (1990's prediction 2021 is 80% ) reduction in USA by 2025 ( I still think 90% reduction is more accurate )

[ Years ago Deagel tried to explain how&why the USA would get a 90% reduction by 2025, the following is their explanation ]

1.) Young talents go abroad for work ( as seen now no jobs in USA, might as well expat to asia and get a real fucking job )

2.) Old can no longer afford medial, and just die when they have a problem

3.) The city's go feral cannibal once the EBT's dry up and ATM's all GET sledge-hammered


This post includes the most recent deagel report stats ( rockefeller foundation ) annual since 1950's


In summary the city's will die; Mormon or Amish type self-sufficient compounds may survive but the siege will take them out, as even the US-MIL will need to steal ( secure ) food and they will go to where the food can be stolen;

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Arm UP and carry on.

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Lets just hope the takers will die before the doers do. They are going to starve a whole lot quicker than I will :)

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They will die at the hands of those they want to victimize. I for one will not stand by and let someone steal the substance I have stored up for my family. If they were too stinking stupid to not have planned ahead, it's their problem and if they want to make it mine, it will be a DEADLY mistake on their part.

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withdrawing my like as now I know just what kind of animal you are.

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Booooo hoooo....

Thank you! Yes, I'm a lion, you're a sheep.

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Should be lying

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Show me a lie I've posted that you deem to be intentional. You are wearing your emotions on your sleeve for all to see.

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1 John 3:17-18 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

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You people that take these verses so far out of context that it makes them useless. Who is my "brother"? An M13 gang member? A rapist? Robber? Common thief? They are called ILLEGAL aliens for a reason. We have "rules". The rules say come in the front door like MILLIONS have and we will welcome you. It doesn't say leave the back door open so that millions of people who have NOTHING in common with the inhabitants of the USA as a whole can come in and rob, rape and steal from us. Get a life. OH LORD...PLEASE save me from MOST of your followers!

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Christian brothers is what it pertains to.

God opened the back door as judgement against our country.

God said "I will fill you up (country) with men (foreigners) as with locusts and they will shout in triumph over you. (They are/will be ungodly men).

What caliber would you use while defending your home? The only caliber that works is Faith in the living God.

Ammo won't last forever. Food won't last forever. You will be outnumbered.

Faith in God is the only protection.

But...if it is God's will and part of His plan...He can allow one man stand up to a million.

Remember this...for the true believers, as we live, we live safely in the hands of God. When we die, we die safely in the hands of God.

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I'm glad I'm not as deluded as you are. You people are fit for an insane asylum.

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Michael - - Good summarization of the sad state of our onward rush into the abyss.

Your calculation of 106 million unemployed does not include the 35 million illegal alien adults estimated to be inside our borders.

The powderkeg smoulders....

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Well those 35 million are being taken care of by the big tit of Auntie Samantha. Food, housing, medical you name it. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE COMING HERE! And of course if they will sign up for the job of going after US, they will even get more benefits. They just don't realize that some of us will use them for living targets if they start coming after us with those in governments backing. Militias will be forming rather rapidly on the local scale.

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I wonder what would have happened if Jesus had that same attitude toward the Romans and the Scribes when they went to crucify Him? But did he not set us a better example?

1 Peter 2

or you have been called for this purpose, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you would follow in His steps, 22 He who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; 23 [a]and while being abusively insulted, He did not insult in return; while suffering, He did not threaten, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24 and He Himself [b]brought our sins in His body up on the [c]cross, so that we might die to [d]sin and live for righteousness; by His [e]wounds you were healed. 25 For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and [f]Guardian of your souls.

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So exactly what attitude did Jesus have? Do you suppose he would have stolen from one group to give to another? Do you suppose he would have said to go and demand your substance from the people to whom you are invading? Since I'm not Jesus and since I can't ask him PERSONALLY, I'll have to say that I really don't know what he would have said. But I will say this...if your post is a rebuttal to mine, it is so far off base as to be ludicrous.

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Well actually Jesus said when He comes back to Judge the nations that will include all the nations including Israel and yours. As Christians we know the Bible is true and gives in great detail who God is and His nature expressed Christ. He does answer prayers and He does rule the nations. So what is happening is all part of God's judgement on this planet. What we have done as America rebelled against our sovereign rulers and invaded a land held by all sort of indigenous tribes and we pillaged and stole our way across a content, we have no room to judge Israel. What we have done is much more than Israel has done. Whom that same God gave this land to Israel and we He Returns to rule in His kingdom he comes back to the same place in the same nation His people Israel on the MT of Olives.

I know exactly what he has said and what He said about today and what's coming. It's alreay been said.

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"What we have done is much more than Israel has done." Really? My grandfather came to the US in the early 1900's from England. My mothers father came from Hungary in that time era also. So I'm trying to put together in my mind where I fit in with your statement I put in quotes. I suppose I should be held liable because some white folks (and black folks) had slaves in the south during the 1800's too?

"A(s) Christians we know the Bible is true..." So why is it that there are how many "Christian" denominations who take the word and twist it and distort it, as you are doing yourself right now, to fit their own belief system? If you're a Pentecostal you take the bible to have all kinds of "spiritual" meanings and if you're a Baptist it's all literal to you. I was a "Grasshopper" who hopped from denomination to denomination trying to figure out WTF was going on and finally did when I read the unabridged version of "The Age of Reason" by Thomas Paine. You see, our creator gave us REASON not RELIGION. so you can hang your hat on your "beliefs" which are questionable to someone who is seeking and I'll hang my hat on my beliefs which no longer lie within the "revealed" religion realm.

I have a well read and worn bible in my possession and that is one of the reasons I no longer adhere to it, is because it is VERY contradictory to what the creator really is like. But that's just my not so humble opinion. My point is that a JUST GOD will not judge someone by what others have done before him or even right now. If I have harmed no one, then my judgement should be easy. Innocent. If I have taken up arms and killed people for their land, that is THEFT as well as MURDER and I should be held liable by a just God, HOWEVER, just how just is "your" God of the Bible where he allowed children to be murdered because there was no blood of the lamb painted on the lentil of a home in Egypt? Just how just is your God who would harden Pharaoh's heart and then judge him for doing the very thing you would expect if you had a hardened heart? What kind of "just" God would tell you to sacrifice your first born son to him and just at the last moment supposedly sent a substitute which was a lamb in a thicket? What kind of JUST GOD would sacrifice his "SON" for something YOU committed??

It is SO LUDICROUS that you have to do mind gymnastics to even come close to believing this nonsense! But you just keep right on going ahead with it!

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So your condemning all Jews as the great evil, but you don't use the same measure for yourself, and they, the Jews and should be forcibly removed from the land.

You don't get it. None of us deserve anything from God. Anything and everything good in our lives comes from God. The measure you judge the Jews if applied to yourself would bring the same condemnation, so you are judging and condemn yourself as well.

We all have lied, we have stolen, we all have been selfish, we all have lusted after things and persons who are not ours to do so, we have all hated people even to the point of wishing they were dead or gone, like the Jews. God created us for Himself, we have all walked away from that, making us the God of our lives. We are all law breakers we are all sinners, deserving nothing but Judgement from God. Jesus dying on the cross is all about undeserved forgiveness and undeserved grace from God. The most despicable people on the planet (the Jews) whom God knew ahead of time, were chosen to be the vessels of the knowledge of God and His plan to redeem His creation to Himself. It began with Abraham, Moses, King David and then Christ Himself. We have the law, the kingdom, the fall, the revelation of grace and mercy for all and the return to establish and build His kingdom and then to redeem all of creation. All from this one little country one small hill with one small city and people.

God is perfect righteous and holy, a god of sacrificial love. If love is not sacrificing it's not love. You, me everyone can never stand before a holy God and justify ourselves before Him. We can't we all fall short of the Glory of God. God's perfect power and plan sent His Son to get what we all deserve, death sin and judgement leading to hell. But God, infinite in power overcame sin Hell death (something none of us can do, Christ did for us) and the grave and rose from the dead. a documented event, the tomb is empty and 100's of witnesses to prove this as well. Plus those of us whom God know before the foundation of the world would head the call, the call, like the Jews we all deserve death and Judgement for we all are despicable people, but God out of His love for us wants to cover our sin with His perfect righteousness so we can stand before God and be fully redeemed one day. This free gift of eternal life is received by God's grace to us through our faith in this Gospel for my salvation for now and eternity. It is truly a gift from God to us. We need to recognize this truth and repent from our sin, self-righteousness, and control and surrender our life to the leading of Christ and His spirit. This surrender is transforming for the believer. My prayer that this truth be revealed in your heart by the Spirit of God for the very salvation of your soul.

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Why is so many here who claim to Christian talking about surviving and avoid death sooner than later and complaining about the inconveniences of our life here that 90% of the world does not have. An almost us against the world attitude. Paul wrote the Philippians well, when he was waiting to be executed (beheaded for the Gospel) freely submitted to his fate as God's will and openly stated that no matter what his external circumstances, he was at total peace and contentment, for no matter what was his external circumstances, it was all at the Hand and will of Christ.

Philippians 4:12-13

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So what Paul was actually saying is that God's will was that he should be beheaded. Not that it was the will of the people who were going to behead him. Why is it that reason, logic and common sense come up with a critically thought out response that says...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?

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Labor rate at 62.7 %, unemployment rate at 3.9%, + all of the illegals + roughly 200+ TRILLION in debt, lucifers plan is working, and he has lots of willing helpers. I think if we all try to lift up each other up we will all be happier. I include myself in this, as I am not the man that Christ wants me to be, I will keep trying though, as I don't see any hope on this earth as the future has been foretold.

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Start fixing this mess by boycotting those self check out lanes...at all stores. I recently let my cart sit when that was the only alternative. Put a human back to work and tell the AI crew to GTH! Patronize "mom/pop stores when you can. Tell the big corp big box stores to GTH and take their woke ideology with them. Send a message with your dollars you are sick to death of this total take over. They are all about profits so don't feed them. As far as food, shop local farmers and farmers markets or better yet learn to grow some of your own. I never, all winter have to purchase any vegetables at all. It's not that hard. If people choose to be lazy and complaint, it is hard for me to feel sorry for them.

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Good points. Especially " If people choose to be lazy and complaint, it is hard for me to feel sorry for them."

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Just go back and read the lies you posted about me. Not a truth anywhere. Just your lunatic opinion

"You are wearing your emotions on your sleeve for all to see." Well thats another lunatic opinion. The only emotion I have for people like you is pure and simple pity. Only weapon you have is putting people YOU DON"T KNOW down. Does that make you feel powerful? It must suck to be you.

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There is so much suffering in the world today and we as Americans have no idea how bad it is yet and we are already bitching and complaining about the loss of the good ole days and what what's coming. I have a relative that has been working in Ukraine for over a year helping those suffering from the war on both sides and in Africa when the last big Ebola outbreak happened, we have no idea how bad it's going to get. Jesus said this would happen and it would happen to His church first for judgement begins with the the house of the Lord and Jesus said He would sift His Church in the end of the age Matt 13:24-43.

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tks for post

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You are a complete a-hole. And no, I worked 80+ hours a week and never made 100.000 a year in my life. I just had a working brain and common sense and totally smart enough to live within my means. Sorry about your thought process.

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LOL! Learn how the thread works. You just called Michael an a-hole. I'm pretty sure you were not referring to him, but that is how it ''stacks" up. Here is my theme song that I dedicate to you to so you can get a laugh...you need to be a little more, how should I say it...less up tight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs

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ANOTHER emotional response. You must be a lot of fun to live with or around!

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This is all by design. "They" want to have you to own nothing and be happy. They of course will own everything and be happier. The beginning of the end began in December of 1913 on Jekyll Island where under the cover of darkness the unholy Federal Reserve was unleashed on the American public. And the world for that matter because how many other nations, including CHINA became dependent on the American "dollar". (It isn't a dollar. A dollar is a weight of measure.) See my "Blood Running in The Streets" post on my Stack. What they are going to do is give all of these 106 million welfare based on the new CBDC's that they want to roll out. Make it MANDATORY to use "digital" currency for everything. There will be those that will have a job, like EVERYONE in government positions while the actual PRODUCERS, and service providers struggle on, and those in government will be turned loose on us BIG TIME with their surveillance and other nasty tactics like are revealed in "Police State" by Dinesh D'Souza, so that we will be good little complacent slaves. As if most aren't already. It is WHY they want us disarmed because when people loose all hope they loose it. Just think about it...are all of these CALAMATIES that are being unleashed COincidental? Or is it all part of the "Great Reset"? If they keep it up, the people in the US will start putting the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment back into force and effect and they will light their torches and storm the Bastille. (Read why we need the Militias back here: https://courageouslionjusmeumtuebor.substack.com/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words-957) I for one would NOT want to be a government enforcer when that happens because as it stands right now the only reason they have a job in many locations is that the people haven't turned on them. But they keep pushing, and pushing and pushing and then the twisting thread shall stretch and snap the straw shall break the camels back.. And tables when they turn shall bring a swift end, friend... Yes things divine can wrench and bend the well laid plans of mice and men. And when they do what will you traitors do then????????

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According to google, the US population is 325 million.

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OK...and do you suppose that number includes the criminals that have been coming over the border like locusts?

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I assumed when the title says "US Adults" he's referring to citizens. So I don't assume that it's referring to illegals coming over the border.

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So in another words the number is inaccurate. If someone is living in the US ,illegally or not, they need to be added to the total.

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Nov 21, 2023
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Did saving and setting some aside ever enter your thought process? Emergency fund? Or did living for today work for you. Glad I am where I am at and not where you are at. Every gallon of gas I have bought for 10 years I got for a $1 off a gallon so plenty left over for a gallon of milk. Learn how to play their game!

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As a disinterested reader of your comments, I will say this, you have a very condescending attitude exuding from your statement. Which is why Mr. Raven has the response below that he does.

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Nov 21, 2023
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Which was a reply he should possibly have expected because of your statement.

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Wow! Lose the anger and your life would improve greatly.You make it perfectly clear you don't know anything about me.

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You posts are doing a good job of revealing a lot about you. A know it all that looks down his nose at others who don't do things the way you do.

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Pleases stop referring to me as he and guy. I am female, not born with a silver spoon in my mouth and worked 2 jobs for 25 years and at one point worked 5. People are lazy today and can't face some simple truths. Go judge someone else., Start with yourself.

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Oh, now I see...one of those pushy know it all females that probably run the roost with an iron hand. The kind of woman I would have ran from on the first meeting. Your statements to "Mr. Raven" were OBVIOUSLY condescending and if you can't see that, you're in need of a bit of self judgement yourself. And if you want to be addressed as Ms. or Mrs. whatever designates what sex you are try changing your "handle" to Mrs. Tag. LOL! Oh, and you poor thing! I worked one job for the last 25 years for about 5 hours a week and made 100K a year doing it. Maybe you should learn how to make better use of your time.

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The Almighty God is the only one who knows who His chosen ones are. :)

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Yes we can in our own life and others, that is the fruits of the Spirit, (ther greater gifts of the Spirit in ones life.

1 Corr 13:1-13

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If you're alive you must be chosen. As it is through the creator that we receive the breath of life.

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So...are animals chosen? They have the breath of life too. :)

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Ask god, he/she/it whatever should be able to answer your question.

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