The Wars are planned to trigger/escalate around Oct 2nd (2024), plus or minus a week or two. The Cabal has been signaling and messaging that for over a year, so it isn't hard to connect the dots - even if you can't look out the window and see the massive logistical preparations and movements. Or decode their posturing and bloviating.

Likewise, the Cabal has been messaging that nuclear war is coming to the USA in about a year - centering on July 7th next year (2025). First comes the NATO/EU destruction, and then exhaustion of the US military, which are primarily expeditionary forces deployed around the world. Simple observation, mixed with a bit of critical thinking. And actionable information!

For Michael and other "Watchmen," your inability to wake people up is because you are broadcasting useless information (IMHO). What you say falls on deaf ears, because people don't have any way to connect your comments with their reality. In other words, the Watchman message is simply obsolete, as there is nothing to look for on the horizon. The Enemy is and has been INSIDE the Gates for several years, so it is time to shift into a "Solution Provider" mindset and explain how to configure your life and change your priorities do deal with what is happening in the world now.

By way of an example, what good does it do to broadcast warnings about taking the COVID mRNA Jab, when a third of your family & friends that took it are already dead or injured? At this point it would be much more productive to broadcast healing protocols & remedies to recover from the damage, while forming communities of like minded people to take action and make sure this doesn't happen again. Which is to say the correct information to broadcast is health & healing Solutions!

There's very little chance that we can stop what the Cabal has set in motion. Let's shift gears and talk about ways to mitigate or sidestep the measures that ARE coming. Such as how to purify and store food and water. How to form networks of like minded people that can come together as a trusted community and accomplish such essential services as producing power, sourcing water, defending the community, networking with other groups, and other measures that will let you disconnect from the government services and control. It is EASY to do - once you start down this path!

From there we can work on solutions to deal with coming weather events, such as building storm shelters and configuring them with sufficient food, supplies, communications, and equipment (etc).

If you sit around and do nothing, you'll soon be caught up and trapped by the coming shift into an electronic currency. Which according to the Cabal, WILL surface later in 2024, and become mandatory (with control measures) by mid-2025. If you haven't fully developed and set in motion your Solutions, and shifted into a trusted community (50-100 people) mindset, then the ride will soon be over for you.

Solutions please Michael. Let's write about and develop SOLUTIONS. The food based bioweapons we are dealing with NOW are designed to destroy or capture your Soul. Which has been the Cabal's end game goal all along. We need to discuss Solutions on how to get the Nanodust out of our blood & organs, and find ways to deactivate or block their electromagnetic signals, which trigger bioweapon payloads in the Spike Protein, and wreck havoc in your blood from self assembling nano.

Some of the best Solution Providers I've come across are credentialed scientists and doctors such as Dr Ana Mihalcea. She's written extensively on the nanotech, and has a wealth of information and original research to restore health and deactivate the mRNA, PEG, Graphene Oxide, Quantum Dots, and NanoTech (etc) in your blood. Everyone's blood, not just the Vaxxed, as the source of the nanotech is primarily in the food supply.

I'm not sure if I can post a link, but I'd like to put Dr Ana's June 30th 2024 article up as an example of a library of resources and knowledge of everything we know about Nano Tech, ranging from the Cabal's agenda and history, through current findings that EVERYONE's blood is contaminated - and measures & protocols you can take (now) to cleanse your blood. Well worth saving this information!


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I agree about October. Lots of signs pointing to that month. I'd be interested to hear from you some of the signs you are seeing that are pointing to October. Thanks!

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Fantastic comment.

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Obviously, war is coming Israel will not back down. Iran wants to not only defeat Israel but unite the Arab world in a unified Caliphate backed by Russia and China that eliminates a Jewish Israel. We want Saudi Arabia to lead the Caliphate where Israel exists as a Jewish state in some deal with Israel Arabs.

Despite the rhetoric, the USA will support Israel in this war, and Israel will not be allowed to fall. The existence of Israel is a key part of the coming NWO. What the deal with Israeli Arabs (Palestinians) will look like is not settled there are several plans including a one-state Israel incorporating Palestinians.

I talked to my contact on the ground in Ukraine (Kiev). The mood is not good a lot of people are scared, the war may expand with NATO coming in or they will lose the war. No one wants to be part of Russia. What my contact does in Ukraine, they need to employ local Ukrainians, they are having a hard time finding people to work and they have lost several workers to the draft. Now it's normal to have power outages in parts of Kiev weekly. Again people are concerned and yes this war is coming to a critical juncture.

I will have a chance to talk with my ex-Special Forces military contractor in about a week or two to get an on-the-ground report on the state of the war, who said two years ago they were on the ground since day one. (again all politicians and the media lie all the time.

Putin's comment about intermediary nukes and his vast number of nuclear tactical bombs and artillery shells (under one kilo-tun) may indicate if this goes nuclear it will escalate, tactical then intermediate. They need to be ready for that (thus even Putin realizes going all out nuclear no one wants to know what it will do to Russia).

Michael's reporting our public numbers of B61 variable yield nuclear bombs are out of date. The latest version of this (dial-a-nuke) was made in 2022. This bomb has been around since the 1980s with an initial order of over 400. The newer versions are satellite-guided and have bigger yields. Making more of these has been a priority for the MIC. My contact said we know Russia has 1,000 of these and this is an area we are playng catch-up. We have 1000's of unused B-61 (conventional bombs) in storage and it's cheaper to modify them with new guidance systems and newer warheads, but obviously, the actual number is top secret. Again things are changing rapidly and knowing the truth will get harder and harder.

As for survival, I know for sure we are headed for a war where if it is not stopped by the return of Christ all flesh on earth will perish (you won't or your kids won't survive). Job 34:14-17 Matt. 24:22.

I've done all I can to prepare, but in the end, I know that will not be enough. What good does it do that I do everything to survive on earth and lose my soul when I die, what have I gained? Nothing.

Only in Christ and the cross is the solution for my survival, nothing else is more important. In fact coming to Christ in faith and repenting of my sins is the #1 thing I need for survival.

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⚡⚡⚡That plan is the attempted extermination of billions of human beings. It is an attempt to prepare planet 🌍Earth 🌎for a “post-human future.”Globalists believe humans will soon be obsolete.⚡⚡⚡

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Observed through the understanding of the genocide agenda, all the major events taking place today no longer appear as random, spontaneous “bad luck” events but rather as milestones in a much larger, far more nefarious plan.

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What will globalists do with all the billions of unemployed, obsolete masses? It’s simple: They exterminate them.

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The ILLUMINATI look at homo sapiens, humans, as 🐮🐮STUPID🐄 CATTLE.🐮🐮 Why? Because the stupid 🐮cattle are incredibly easy to MANIPULATE, DECEIVE CONTROL..// the stupid cattle are being GENOCIDED/EXTERMINATED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES, AND THEY STILL CAN'T SEE IT// WHY? Because, they are, you know, just stupid caTTLE!! LMFAO//

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Seems like any day now doesn't it.

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the coming of the Anti-Christ (imitation/ substitute) Jewish messiah could appear at any time to save the world from this NWO mess.

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Anyone know how many times marines can be called back?

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My son in law former Marine I would very much like to know the exact same thing

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If it the nuclear war is limited will that really be so bad?

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Limited nuclear war will be survivable but it depends on where you are, the type of bomb, and how many are used.

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Remember all the parts of the constitution that were tossed in the bonfire during covid? And were accepted by good Christians acting like good Christians? Wait till you see what happens when a nuke goes off. Can you tell that I have little apathy for my fellow brothers and sisters? They accused me and my family of causing the "pandemic" by not getting "vaccinated". Yes, there is a hatred there that is dying to forgive, just waiting for a simple "sorry". Even God wants repentance

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The pandemic ripped my family apart.

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The entire purpose of humans was to give rise to AI, say luciferian globalists

The primary purpose of human beings up to this point, from the point of view of globalists, was to build up sufficient resources and technology to give rise to AI. Now that this tipping point has been reached, humans are obsolete and expendable.

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